#ofmd tickle headcanons
bigdumbtickler03 · 1 year
OFMD Headcannon:
Izzy secretly loves being tickled and his tummy is his favorite spot ❤️
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thebest-medicine · 2 years
((Some Headcanons for Tickletober))
Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy - Harley loves pretty much every aspect of tickling, has lots of fun either as Lee or Ler. Ivy takes a little while to open up to being comfortable being on the receiving end, and has some fun with it when Harley dishes some out. She is also happy to indulge Harley in whatever silly fantasies and bondage she can think up.
Edward Teach & Stede Bonnet - It takes a few times of Ed tickling the crap out of Stede for him to try fighting back and finding out Ed is ticklish as well. Stede finds out that he rather enjoys making Ed blush and laugh and squirm. They usually save teasing each other in this way for when they have some more privacy. Wouldn’t want to drastically embarrass either captain of the ship, right?
Luz & Amity - Amity tended to get really embarrassed and blushy when tickled and usually was only the victim of her siblings. Luz is super gentle and not pushy when she finds out Amity is ticklish and lets amity find out she is ticklish as well and opens her up to the form of physical affection. They have cute little tickle fights and poke at each other’s sides to get their attention. Amity’s ears are really ticklish. Amity turns to jelly when tickled whereas Luz flails and squirms like the wind.
Korra & Asami - Korra and Asami figure out that the other is ticklish when they are on vacation in the spirit world and are figuring out how to get closer and share physical affection and feelings and such. Korra sometimes accidentally bends when tickled really bad. Nothing crazy but like a small rumble in the earth nearby or water flowing a bit wobbly. They both think each other’s smile and laugh is super cute, and a lot of the time if one of them is tickling the other they end up making out / cuddling after.
Callum & Rayla - Rayla finds out Callum is ticklish thanks to Ezran and Zym, who end up knocking him down one evening and nudging and teasing him. Callum is mortified when he realizes Rayla sees what is happening and she gets a mischievous grin about it. From then on she finds joy in poking prodding or tickling him on a whim. Eventually he figures out he could actually fight back and figures out that she is ticklish as well, but it takes a lot to get the jump on her. Something something feather arms something..
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lokust · 2 years
Hey guys! I’m pretty desperate to write for OFMD but I’m at a loss of ideas. I would love to write lee!Ed, but y’all send me whatever ideas you may have for any characters!
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ticklishfiend · 2 years
if you’re still accepting ofmd headcanons:
- frenchie fully believes in the tickle monster - it lives under beds and can “sense vulnerability” so when he gets jim and olu’s old room he makes sure to never lay down with his arms over his head for too long or let his feet hang off the bed so as not to “trigger an attack”. the tickle monster can also “possesses people by psychically entering their minds and forcing them into them doing its dirty work to feed its appetite for laughs”. in reality he’s just a very shy switch trying to justify his moods lol
- lucius will absolutely drag the feather end of his quill against peoples neck + ears when he’s feeling cheeky. the first time he did it to izzy, izzy nearly jumped out of his skin and the quill was immediately broken and thrown overboard.
- lee!jim. GOD lee!jim!! going off of what you said they absolutely love it when olu is playful with them and olu completely sees through their shit when they try to pretend that they don’t. love love love the idea of jim growling in between giggles to seem mad but really they’re just trying to mask their squeals because they’re embarrassed that someone will hear them + “fighting back” with punches that are not even half the strength they’d usually be + gripping olu’s sleeves so hard their knuckles turn white but never actually trying to push them away.
- jim gets flustered SO. EASILY. when it comes to tickles. not in the ‘get shy and hide your face’ kind of way but in a violent squirming + kicking + spewing threats kind of way (while also probably looking away to hide their face) lots of “shutupshutupshutup” and “i’ll fucking kill you” etc etc. it doesn’t help that olu is so teasy as a ler and it makes jim want to kiss punch him every time. (thinking of the “coming nana!” scene lmfao)
- the first time olu asks if they like it jim is so caught off guard that they can’t even make up an excuse - it’s just “WHA- SHUT UP. N-NO???? shut up! I DONT. ugh, just shut up! that’s such a stupid question...don’t look at me like that. pinche- HEY! WAHAIT-” as they’re stammering olu is just wordlessly raising his eyebrows at them like “oh, really? you sure?” until he just rolls his eyes and attacks them - afterwards he’s quick to reassure them that it’s okay to like it and swears that it’ll just stay between the two of them.
i’ll stop before this turns into an essay. jim took over this ask rlly quickly lmao but i just love the concept so much. have a good one!
first of all, not even a question of COURSE french he believes in the tickle monster. if he sees anyone tickling anyone on the ship, he delves into his own tickle monster lore to everyone around, and it usually flusters the fuck out of the lee since now their ler is definitely playing along and pretending to be the tickle monster. plus, if someone feels like tickling frenchie (cause like who wouldnt look at him), they pretend like they’re being actively possessed and taken over because if he thinks they’re the tickle monster, he won’t seek revenge bc “oh no, i know u couldn’t help it. and i’m not trying to anger that thing further, are u kidding me??”
THATS SO LUCIUS LMAOO and after that little event with izzy and he gets a new quill, izzy becomes his new favorite target since he reacted soo strongly. it pisses stede off since they have to keep getting lucius new quills but lucius gives no fucks as long as he can get even the smallest, measly little giggle out of that angry little man
lee jim is such a growler shut up, they are so embarrassed of their giggles and try so hard to keep cool and cover it up but olu just has that way about him that jim can never hold it in long. olu loves to tease them abt it too, all “oh you’re soooo scary right now, just like a lion. or more like a lion cub i guess, since ur not really fighting back all that much, hm?” and yes jim is so easily flustered by any and all teases olu throws their way, sometimes they have to hide their face in the pillows just to conserve a little dignity from their bright red face and high pitched giggles.
and jim doesn’t even realize they do like it until olu brings it up, they were always so focused on the feeling and their fluster that once olu brings attention to the fact that they’ve never fought him off once, they don’t even know how to respond. just stuttering and silently hoping olu will end their suffering but just fucking tickling them already jfc
again i am so fucking sorry for having this in my inbox for so damn long, idek if you’ll see that i posted it anon but i hope u know how much i appreciate these beautiful fucking headcanons. like these are so good idk if ur a writer on here but u definitely should be if not
again tysm, this was amazing!!! <3
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august-anon · 2 years
FIRM belief that Ed is most ticklish on his tummy (i blame the gay little crop tops) but where do we think Stede is most ticklish, my friends
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august-anon · 2 years
for alphabet! and because im predictable- A, C, and E for my two mains stede and ed
[ask game - send me more!!]
A: Aftercare | What is their aftercare like after a heavy round of tickling?:)
I am gonna do this one as a joint one instead of separating them, because i imagine at least most of this for them would be done with each other lol (and because we Know Stede is gonna want the finest aftercare for Ed, and Ed would probably pick it up in return for Stede because, wow, that feels really nice lol)
If there are any tears from the lee, wiping away of them, maybe even with a cool, damp cloth to help soothe the skin of heated blushing. Plenty of water, maybe even some of that nice brandy if they're in the mood, and some fancy snacks (esp for the lee, but for both of them really lol) one or both of them had Roach make. Then a decent amount of cuddling!
Stede would probably like to talk it through, what they both liked and disliked and why, what they want to do again, etc. Ed would humor it for a bit, and while he doesn't find it annoying/it doesn't upset him, he does wanna just relax (or make Stede relax) after and either take a nap or at least rest their eyes to get their energy back while very much entwined, and Stede certainly has no complaints about that either lol. As long as there's nothing especially pressing they need to discuss about it, he's happy to let it wait until later
C: Chase | What are their chances in a chase, both as a lee and ler?
As a lee, well, Stede is a pretty clumsy guy i think lol, he fumbles and stumbles a lot. Esp in a high energy/"dangerous" (but in the playful way) situation, he's full of adrenaline and giddiness and giggles, and it definitely puts him at a disadvantage lol. Unless he's trying really hard, or his ler is just playing with their food, he is probably not gonna last very long in a chase
As a ler, he'd probably try to pull out a few tricks to give himself an advantage, since he's not the most skilled at running and coordination while he's running. Pulling out the verbal teases, plan ahead, lure them into a part of the ship that's more complex (but he designed the thing, so of course he knows how to get around -- maybe there's even a secret passage or two for an advantage), maybe even stage a whole fuckery just to make sure he can win this one lol
As a ler, Ed is deadly in chases. He knows just how to play with your mind to get you overworked and full of anticipation, just how long to draw out the chase to really get you going, and even with his bad knee, he's not one to lose. It's a favorite game for him, a cat on the prowl, and he loves to play with his food. If he sets his sights on you, you can run all you like, but really, you're doomed in the end. You're not winning this one lol
As a lee, well, Ed is just too good at chases. He knows that. So he may or may not go on easy mode, just to make sure he gets caught within a reasonable time frame. Sometimes I imagine that backfires on him lol, going easy mode and then realizing "oh gosh i underestimated how things were gonna go this time" and then start scrambling a bit to try and save himself, and that's when the chases as a lee are real fun for him (so Stede starts taking notes lol). He just needs someone to get in his head a little first, create some actual threat so that he has all the wonderful, jittery, chase anticipation.
E: Expression | How do they express their wish to tickle/be tickled?
As a lee, he doesn't necessarily say it, but he drops hints. He's a gentleman, after all, he needs to be proper about things, even something that makes him drop all propriety as he shrieks and squeals lol. Sometimes, if he's really in a mood, the b*tchy side of his personality that we all know and love shines out and he'll be a little bratty, lightly provoking and challenging just to see where it gets him
As a ler, he will absolutely just say it lol. He'll lure his lee into private first, "can we speak in my(/our) quarters for a moment?" and then that's just part of his game, part of his style. Throw them off their rhythm lol. He likes to tease a lot through frankness and narration, so while I think when he's first figuring out his like of this and doing it with other people, he'll be much more hesitant and careful and dance around it, once he's figured himself out and knows who, where, and what he wants, he's just gonna say it straight to their face. Sometimes he'll do a bit of trickery, if he knows the person is already down for it, but also, he does want clear consent, he doesn't want to cross boundaries/make anyone upset
As a lee, he is definitely more the annoy/provoke/tease into it type. He will not outright say it, absolutely not, but he will stretch and put his feet in someone's lap and wear his crop tops around. He'll poke and jab and dole out little tickles in an invitation for revenge tenfold. He'll act all smug so someone feels the need to take him down a peg or two.
As a ler, he still won't outright say it. He'll tease, whisper in ears, corner people, taunt them with wiggling fingers through the air when they make eye contact. He makes it all a threat, builds the anticipation. Like I said, he likes to play with his food lol. He may even pull the poking and jabbing and doling out little tickles in this instance too, just to get his lee on edge and anticipating what's coming, and if you try to get revenge, he'll just destroy you right there, so you really gotta watch for the look in his eyes if he's jabbing at you lol
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august-anon · 2 years
y’all remember that absolutely adorable little snicker sound Fang makes when Lucius goes “has anyone ever told you, you have stunning cheekbones?”
that’s the noise Fang makes when you try to tickle him.
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august-anon · 2 years
OK stede would have the most ticklish legs and knees and ed would discover this when giving him an affectionate comforting knee squeeze when stede suddenly squawks and folds forward before slowly sitting back up with wide eyes when seeing ed's growing smirk and then ed just attacks with stede flailing and squeaking and then ed takes it a step further and moves to sit on his lap pinning him and repeatedly squeeze his knees while stede just scream laughs and pounds at his back loving every second
We got two people on the Stede ticklish leg agenda now i love that for him lol. Also reminds me of a post I saw on twitter where people were being like "Ed is absolutely a lap sitter"
Also, with just how touchy Ed is I can absolutely see this happening jdfhjdkhf
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august-anon · 2 years
True or False: Ed’s a tickle biter
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august-anon · 2 years
as a scoliosis king/queen/monarch myself i have decided that lucius is a scoliosis king as well. which also means backrubs that turn into light tickles that are comfortable and gentle enough that he doesn’t need/want to squirm once the pain has faded into something more manageable :)
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august-anon · 2 years
Q and T for stede? :0
[ask game - ask me more!!]
Q: Question | Their response to the question ‘are you ticklish’?
Stede is the type to awkwardly laugh and go "ahaha, isn't everyone at least a little ticklish? I suppose I must be" (whether that's because he doesn't know since he hasn't had anyone very close to him in his life or because he just doesn't want to admit how bad he is depends on when in his journey he's being asked lol).
T: Teasing | Their most favorite methods of teasing their lee/ler?
Ooh hmm. As for teasing his lee, I think Stede is just very Practical about the way he speaks and it just makes his lee feel more vulnerable. He like, narrates what he's doing or how they're reacting, pointing out particularly interesting bits, and probably at first he doesnt realize what he's doing, but when he catches on that its flustering them he absolutely does everything he can to make it worse lol
Teasing his ler, I think Stede would try to be subtle about it and fumble it entirely lol. I don't think he's the type to stretch or put his feet on someone's lap or anything (that's more Ed's forte, and he absolutely does it sometimes, but its not his usual thing). He'd try to drop hints in conversation, and then get all flushed when it's a bit too obvious and it's immediately picked up on, or things along that vein lol
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august-anon · 2 years
couldja give me a little M, N, and T for tealoranges? 🥰
Anything for you Captain TealOranges <3 <3 :)
[ask game - ask me more!!]
M: Mornings | Their tickle behavior during mornings?
Olu tends to be more tickle-affectionate in the mornings! He's more of a morning person than Jim is, so he'll often be more awake to strike lol. Not to mention, Jim and having their defenses up so often, but they're more vulnerable and less guarded in the warm, sleepy moments when they're groggy and slowly waking up in Oluwande's arms. It's just too easy for Olu to skitter his fingers ever-so-lightly across their torso and nuzzle into their neck to press tickly kisses there thanks to his beard.
N: Nights | Their tickle behavior during nights?
Jim's got more energy at nights, being a bit more of a night owl, and being nighttime and not having to be up on deck anymore, this is when they have all the time in the world to goof off with each other! This is often when Jim will get revenge for their affectionate, giggly wake-up call. Or when Oluwande will decide that they've been too grumpy and draw them into letting their guard down before striking again. Or both. Multiple times. Lol
T: Teasing | Their most favorite methods of teasing their lee/ler?
Teasing his lee, Oluwande is a very good mix of sweet and devious. He's good at teasing with flustering with words and soothing hands, lowering Jim's defenses and guard and getting them primed to the point where Jim can't even try to block the tickling out (not that they actually want to, though that's harder to get their guard down enough to admit). He also have a thing for anticipation, which also loosens Jim up, dropping hints and teases throughout the day to get them all riled up so they can't stop thinking about it and it makes them more senstive so they can't block it out. (can you tell i am still thinking about apples and oranges........................ will be forever, thanks for that, i will never recover)
Teasing his ler.... kdjfdfj I'll be honest I think of Olu primarily in a ler position so this took me a bit and i still have next to nothing lol. He doesn't seem like the type to stretch or provoke or be annoying on purpose? I'll be honest bestie i'm stumped dkjfhdhf i would Love to hear your thoughts on this though, Captain :)
Teasing their lee, Jim is way less sweet than Oluwande, and way more smug and devious lol. They go a bit harder than Olu tends to, tickling-wise and teasing-wise, but they can have their sweeter moments too, if they feel like it.
Teasing their ler, Jim is bratty (though they will refuse to call it that) and oppositional in an attempt to goad something into happening. Also more subtle things like Body Language to try and alert Oluwande to a mood throughout the day
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august-anon · 2 years
ask for ofmd headcanons and you shall receive!
- i know i said this in an earlier thing but stede has the MOST ticklish legs!! he can hardly stand them being touched at all without flinching and giggling and ed is highly aware and amused by it (as is stede himself lol)
- if someone jams their fingers in lucious armpits he cant help but immediately collapse to the ground with a surprised scream laugh and he also seems like a flailer lmao
- ed always purposely stretches back or with his arms up to make his shirt ride up cause he knows stede will always take advantage for a poke or scribble opportunity
- jim and olu have cuddle sessions that end up in soft gentle tickles or the game of "try to keep your arms up" which they both suck at lmaoooo
- ed is SO teasy and can get stede cackling before he even touches him (and then proceeds to give tickly kisses before the real attack starts)
- frenchie is super ticklish and always seems to be the main target in crew tickle fights but will try to run away because he loves the build up of the chase
- fang is that type where he is ticklish everywhere but when you poke or tickle him he doesnt squirm or try to get away, he just sits there and giggles 😂
I got this like 15 minutes before I finished with work and I was going insane throughout the entirety of having to run errands afterwards because I just wanted to come home and answer this sdkjfhdskjf
I am absolutely on the Stede ticklish legs agenda, this is absolutely true lol. I think his whole legs are a huge hotspot, but his knees are the absolute WORST. They'll be sitting next to each other on the sofa talking and Ed will reach over and squeeze his knee just cuz he's a Touchy Guy when in conversation (at least with Stede) and Stede will die
Lucius is ABSOLUTELY a flailer i agree so much lol. I've been thinking about hips for Lucius but armpits are SUCH a good thought too lol
Jim and Olu are so sweet *insert big eyes pleading face emoji here because when i tried to paste it in here tumblr broke* yes they would absolutely both suck at that lol
I think that Ed and Stede are both killer at teases because they understand each other so well I adore them lol, and tickly kisses are the light of my life. They both can get each other so good without even touching each other
FRENCHIE MY BELOVED!!!!! i would DIE for him i need to think about him with tickle headcanons more. He would love a chase, he's got all these long limbs I think he'd absolutely be a flailer as well. He loves all of it lol
bestie how did you get a sneak peek of my Fang and Lucius fic dsjkfjdgf literally. This is EXACTLY how I was writing him ddufhsdkjf i love that we know exactly who this man is with tickles skdjfhjkdsf
Thank you my friend!!!
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august-anon · 2 years
G, I, Q for Lucius? 👀
Another Lucius lover!!! Hello my friend!
[ask game - ask me more!!]
G: Gentle | How do they react to gentle tickles?
Lucius is one of the most sensitive people on the ship (the only one who beats him out is probably Frenchie), and ANY kind of tickling works very well on him lol. With gentler tickles, you're probably getting laughter that is way more high pitched and it's a lot easier to fluster him.
I: Interrogation | How well would they handle a tickle interrogation?
Look, he would try to last because it's fun and he loves being tickled, but he would not last long lol. His self-preservation instincts are too strong, he would screech the answers his ler is looking for in minutes. So the best bet to keep it fun and from ending to soon is to go "well, i'll just keep going, gotta verify you're not lying to me" until he or his ler are actually ready to stop lol
Q: Question | Their response to the question ‘are you ticklish’?
Oh, he'll be honest. He'll laugh and be like "Yeah, who isn't?" he does not care if anyone knows lol. It's when you ask if he likes it that he starts clamming up some lol. I've decided that while he is emotionally intelligent and very communicative and doesnt really have much trouble talking about the things he enjoys, the one thing he struggles to talk about is his liking of tickling
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august-anon · 2 years
i already have a blackbonnet version tucked away in my ideas list for whenever I get to it but.
we should absolutely talk about ofmd mermaid aus, who is the human and who is the mermaid finding out that human feet are ticklish djkfhjdskf
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august-anon · 2 years
my boy Ed and his cute lil tummy??? (i already know the answer lmao)
[ask game - send me more!!]
Ed - Tummy: 10
I am sure you guessed correctly lol, Ed's ticklish tummy is something I have talked about more than once, most ticklish tummy on the 7 seas! He will scream, he will thrash, he will fall into silent laughter, he will cry, but he will still refuse to beg for mercy unless he really can't take it anymore lol. Raspberries? Say goodbye, he's dead, you will never see him again. Just imagine if we get steard next season (stede beard), Ed will simply pass away from all the tummy kisses and raspberries he's about to get lol
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