#i am also team awesome quality content and that is what tfatws is giving us
darter-blue · 4 years
Seems like your a fan of tfatws. How do feel about all those stucky fans boycotting? And if you're watching are you even still team stucky?
Okay, there's a bit to unpack here...
So my blog is basically a stucky blog, it's also a bucky blog, it's a marvel blog and a fan blog and a fic blog and it's stuff I like.
I've been a Marvel fan since I was a kid and had a subscription to Spider Girl. As problematic as they can be, I love them, I love the characters, I love the movies, the TV shows, the fanfiction. All of it.
I love Bucky and Sam as characters and I have been low-key vibrating out of my skin waiting for The Falcon and The Winter Soldier to grace our screens.
Yes. I ship Stucky. Steve and Bucky, in my mind, have one of the most canonically beautiful relationships I've ever come across and the imagination and creativity fic writers in this fandom display on a daily basis, to draw that relationship out, to fill it with love and respect, to give it a life beyond its means, fills me with pride and happiness every day.
Content that celebrates characters that are not Steve is not hurtful to me or my ship in any way.
Content celebrating diversity and questioning racism and prejudice and representing real life struggles should be cause for joy. I am so pleased to see it. I'm loving how much other fans and fandom friends are loving it too.
And I'm proud to be supporting it. I'm proud of everyone else out there who is supporting it with me.
It does make me sad, that there are Stucky shippers with large fanbases who are using the kind of rhetoric that supports people insisting a black character 'could not replace Steve' or 'does not deserve the shield'. Insisting the show hurts or damages us because it focuses on Sam instead of Steve opens the door to racism and normalises it.
It makes me very sad that people would take Steve’s legacy and twist it into something dangerous and ugly.
Sam is the epitome of what Captain America should be. He is a good man. He displays that time and time again in the source material. He deserves this. He deserves to be celebrated.
And Bucky is getting the time and introspection his character has been missing for so long.
I love this show. I love the new characters. I love the material the show is focussing on. So yeah - that's gonna be a good chunk of what you'll see on my blog for a bit. And I hope I can draw you in with my enthusiasm and get you loving it too.
Thanks for letting me blabber about this nonnie. Thanks for your questions.
Come scream at me about anything and everything. But especially tfaws.
This blog stans Sam as Captain America and it stans the falcon and the winter soldier.
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