#i am become hater bringer of hate lol
nostalgia-tblr · 6 months
The thing is, see, some people are very into that ending because "omg god of stories!!11!" which I'll grant is a cool concept but
as with so many other things in S2 this is a case of fandom explaining something to each other that is not actually what we saw. I mean to me it looks like the lad's just stuck on a chair holding some string for all eternity, not actually doing anything other than gazing at his friends from a distance. Which is horrible! I hate it, that's so depressing!
But like. There's so many things we keep asking each other about and the answer is just a headcanon we came up with to cover the gaping holes in the actual story. They didn't even bother to explain why Loki started time-slipping in the first place, but you can bet on a confident answer if you ask the right viewer. There was a lot of stuff that just happens and then either doesn't get explained or simply vanishes from the story or both. WTF was going on with Brad & Dox? Why did Ravonna pop up at the end and do nothing?
And why - this is my main bitterness cos My Fave - was Sylvie sidelined all season, suddenly demoted to some sort is-she-isn't-she motivation to make Loki feel sad and become a tree? And even that's mostly relying on stuff from the previous season, since they barely had a proper conversation at all. And when we go back to the citadel HWR has suddenly lost interest in Sylvie other than whether she'll kill him, because oh apparently it's just the man one who was important all along, let's freeze the woman in the background so she doesn't get in the way of our man-to-man discussion of serious topics with her silly murderous rage. The romance angle is reduced but not actually removed, in a way that means Sylvie has to just sort of hang around while plot happens, appearing once an episode and then pissing off again ASAP because oh no we might have to mention the kissing thing one way or the other.
Also: no Alligator Loki. Which I say as a joke but also I mean it, because the variants stuff was one of the bits I was really into and that entire concept was just not mentioned this time. Also apparently you can't really escape your destiny, your worst fears will become real but it's okay because you can watch your former friends live without you while you're stuck on a chair forever??? Whut?? That's a cruel ending, yet apparently it's popular because... power-up? Apparently? But I'd only know that if I was into comics and was willing to just fill the gaps in a specific way.
So like. I am not what you'd call enthused. What a fucking miserable ending!
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