#i am begging for a Hint dpo
jelzorz · 2 years
They bring tents and supplies this time because they know they'll be gone for a while, but for the first leg of their journey, Callum, Ez, and Soren just sleep in the one. It's a little cramped, but most nights they take turns keeping watch anyway and one tent is easier to set up and pack down than two. The second remains tied together and unused for the most part (sometimes Soren uses it as a pillow) but for a while—a long while—it feels like a lot of extra weight that they brought for nothing—
Until, of course, they find Rayla.
They're camped on the outskirts of the Uncharted Forrest. Callum had left hours ago chasing a tip that, honestly, could've been anyone, leaving Soren and Ez to mind the tent and take stock of their supplies. It's almost sundown when he comes back, hand in hand with her once more.
Ez drops his canteen and spills water across his boots.
Soren forgets he's supposed to be cooking and sets the fish on fire.
Rayla ducks her head.
"It's okay," says Callum gently, tugging her forward a little. "They're not angry either. They—"
"Missed you so much," manages Ez, stumbling forward at last. He trips a little over his canteen, but he catches himself and runs the rest of the way across camp. He hugs her so hard around the middle that he tugs her hand out of Callum's but Callum only smiles and reaches for her fingers once more.
"Told you."
"We're so glad you're safe!" Ez is saying. "Where've you been? Are you okay? Have you eaten?"
"Ez," interrupts Soren, getting up at last. "Give her some space, buddy, come on." He waits til Ez pries himself away from her before he claps her shoulder fondly too. "Welcome back," he says. "Are you okay?"
"Been better," mutters Rayla. She takes a breath. "I'm—I'm sorry—" she starts to say, her voice cracking, but the boys shake their heads and tug her to them in the warmest, safest group hug they can offer.
"Don't start that again," Callum says with a chuckle. "It's okay, okay? I promise."
It takes them the rest of the evening to catch each other up. Ez prods Rayla into telling them what she's been doing. Rayla leaves out a bunch of things and the boys can tell, but they don't ask. Callum, too, doesn't quite tell her everything on their side, but there will be time for the rest of it later. For now, it's just comforting to be all together again.
When Ez's eyelids begin to droop at last, Soren helps him into the first tent and then pauses at the entrance on his way back out. Then he ducks back in and snatches at the second tent.
"Oh," says Ez, poking his head through the flap. "We should have set it up earlier. Sorry. But I mean, we don't really need it! There's probably enough room in here for all four of us."
"No, there isn't," says Soren. He looks meaningfully at Callum and Rayla and the way they're tucked against each other, reluctant to be apart even as they inch away from each other under Soren's stare. He tosses the second tent at them. "Think I might turn in too, actually. You guys good?"
"Uh. Yep. Yeah." Callum twitches his lips up gratefully. "That's cool. Rayla and I can take first watch tonight."
"What, but Rayla must be exhausted—"
"Ez." Soren gives him a look. "C'mon. I'm sure they've got a lot to talk about. Night kids." He ushers Ez back into the tent and buttons up the flap.
There is talking. And then there's not. But bringing the second tent was probably for the better after all.
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