#i am determined to get armen taylor to sign smth miklan for me. one day.
dimiclaudeblaigan · 1 year
i remember when the hopes leaks were first coming out and i saw the miklan screenshot and basically lost my shit immediately
bc at that point most of my stuff for him was headcanon and i'd been co-writing a fic with a friend that included him in it and i was getting very attached to him over that time (previously i was interested in him and what he could've been based on dimitri talking to byleth about him and crests, thus sprouting a lot of those headcanons).
originally the plan was to kill him and glenn off after making them secondary major characters so that people reading would be attached to them when it happened and feel sylvain and felix's grief better, but then i got too attached to them and chickened out and decided not to go with that (the fic is still in progress bc we haven't touched it for a long time bc my friend got very busy with medical school and eventually her job). we're nowhere near where that was going to happen but by chapter two i was like wait no i can't do this djhskgfjga.
so this fic had started getting written and i had started writing out his relationships with glenn and sylvain primarily. it's a dmcl au primarily but with other major characters. during this time i was like what do you know i rly like the personality that i gave miklan that feels very "what he would be in a better situation".
eventually hopes got announced and not too long after that my thoughts drifted to "i wonder if miklan will even be in this game" but it was a pretty brief thought bc i wasn't sure he even would be. in fact, i was thinking more abt glenn bc i was like, they have a chance to finally show his face and/or more about him, so i was anticipating more glenn lore between the two of them (ironically, considering we got the opposite!).
AND THEN I SAW THE SCREENSHOT WHERE DIMITRI WAS TALKING TO HIS LIL GROUP ABOUT HOW HE'D MADE MIKLAN A COMMANDER AND STUFF AND I LOST MY MIND IN THAT MOMENT AND BOOKED IT TO TELL MY FRIEND (who i asked if i could share my excitement with bc it was technically a spoiler at the time but she was fine with it!) and i was losing my mind until the game came out bc i was like damn he's actually gonna be on our side this time??? i am finally going to get more miklan content??? will he be everything i imagined him being???
AND THEN THE GAME CONFIRMED MY (non AU) HEADCANONS FOR HIM and then i melted away and the rest is history and commissions.
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