#i am just bullshitting bestie
theemporium · 2 years
hi cceece i’m drunk and am on tumble (a BAD IDEA) butim having so much fun on this crazy site i couldnt not leave my trails of crumbs so HERE I AM
i just wanna say you are so coool and way too awesome and ithink that’s why i like being one of ur anons soso much because ur way too cool to know the real me (cue demi lovato this isreal this is me song from hit cultclassic disney original channel movie camp rock) and me being superduper myserious makes me ALMOST as cool as you
also the way we are like a year apart??? i think?? (because i’m 18 and you’re 19 unless you’re turning 20 then that’s two years but that’s still close enough) anyways i just remembered that and that is weird to me because you are so wise and write like you’ve got a billion years of experience i could read a literal novel if you wrote one
anyways oh my god ilove fratboy steve and i liove YOUR WRITING!! KEPE DOING WHAT YOURE DOING OKAY YOU ARE SO TALENTED HELLO
iam gonna regret this when imsober BUT THATS A PROBLEM FOR SOMEONE ELSE NOT ME LMAOOOOO
anon ali!!!!!!
i have to say i am very much enjoyed drunk ali, she sounds like she is absolutely smashed and i do not pity the hangover you are gonna wake up with😭but we are only a year apart!! i dont turn 20 until march!!
i hope you are recovering well and you had a fun wee night!! looking forward to more drunk ali in the future👀and bless thank you for being such a sweet wee drunk its adorable
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