#i am not a fanartist i am just sad about destiel
lavenderleahy · 5 months
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Anyways some moody destiel art for you.
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lilfellasblog · 3 years
I tried to choose a question but, I'm pretty interested in answers to all those tbh
You. I like you.
Talk about the first ship you ever had. - Tiencha (Tien Shinhan/ Yamcha), which is why I'm very sympathetic to those also suffering in rarepair hell.
Talk about three of the most important ships throughout your life. Destiel, Tiencha, Analogical
What’s your current OTP? Oof, I think I gotta go Prinxiety! So much potential for angst with hurt/comfort.
What’s your current NOTP? You know, I honestly can't think of any tbh.
Do you have any poly ships? For my OTP question, I originally answered LAMP/CALM, so definitely that!
How do you feel about love triangles? I think they can be intriguing if done well. If there's cheating involved, it would be pretty difficult for me to feel sympathy for the cheater.
How do you feel about RPF? It's fine, do whatever you want. Fanfic has always been for fans, not for creators. Purity culture and entitlement needs to stop. It's like seeing a sign that says "Snapping Turtles", jumping in the pond anyways, then yelling at the people who put up the sign after you lose a couple pounds of flesh.
Have you ever shipped yourself with a character? Tbh, the closest I've gotten is wanting different characters to adopt me and take me from my home. But I don't think I've ever romantically shipped myself with someone.
Do you have many ships that never got together at all? *cries in All Of Them*
Do you ship any characters that have never met? Huh. I don't think so tbh.
Talk about your favorite first kiss. Well in college there was- Oh! You mean fictional characters! :3 I think Virgil's first kiss with Roman in Healing Broken Wings is my favorite.
Have you ever been disappointed when your ship finally got together? *cries in It's Never Happened*
Has a ship ever broken your heart? In fanfic? Yeah, I've read some sad endings before and that's usually not my jam.
How do you feel about will they/won’t they? I'm fine with it so long as it ends in "Yes they will!"
Have you ever “shipped at first sight”? Analogical, actually!
Talk about a ship you initially disliked. I think when Remus first appeared, I had a hard time imagining him with anyone because of what a gremlin he is. I've come around to the trash rat tho.
Talk about a pairing you’ve stopped shipping romantically. Destiel.
Talk about a moment which made you question an entire ship. Season 6 of Supernatural. Destiel. >:(
Have you ever shipped something despite yourself? Kind of? I've done spite fics with spite ships.
Talk about a ship you feel alone in shipping. Tiencha, or Tien Shinhan/ Yamcha. They'd be so cute together!
Is there a ship you just don’t get, but have nothing against? Any ships that are part of fandoms I'm not in. I guess maybe Tony Stark/ Steve Rogers? They have such different values and ethics. They literally need a threat to the entire universe to come together.
Which of your ships have the best chemistry? Oh Analogical, easily. Royality too I think.
Which of your ships deserve better writing? Tiencha :(
Do you mostly ship canon pairings? Lmao no.
Have you ever shipped a pairing before you even started watching the show/movie simply because of gifs and graphics or similar? Yes I have! Crowley/ Aziraphale.
Have you noticed a pattern in your shipping? Is there a romantic dynamic you’re more drawn to? Not really, it's kind of all over the map.
Is there a ship you’ve shipped for most of your life? Tiencha.
Does shipping come easily to you? Yes, I am trash.
Do you need to ship something to really enjoy a movie/book/tv show/comic? Definitely not. I was a Potterhead, and I still don't really ship anything there.
Name a couple of fandoms in which you have no ships. Harry Potter, Marvel, DC Comics. I'm not in those fandoms tho.
Talk about one of your favorite headcanons for a ship you love. Roman is playfully protective of Virgil, and Virgil teases him by dramatically swooning.
Share five must-read fics. "Unexpected Destinies" was my first fic that I got into. Destiel fic, very complex and interesting AU. I think it got deleted during a LiveJournal purge tho. I got really into the "Battle Scars" series for a hot minute. Disabled Goku/ disabled Yamcha. "Perfect Attendance" by Periwren is great hurt/comfort starring Roman and Logan. "Welcome to the Neighborhood" by LeFay_Strent is absolutely hysterical. Shenanigans with Remy and Virgil, background Prinxiety, baffled Logan, it's a good time. And "War is Hell (but crushing is way more awkward)" by Jasper01 is incredible in so many ways! Funny, tragic, accurate, romantic, sweet, heartbreaking, all the things!
Name your favorite fanartist(s). So many fanartists have moved away from Sanders Sides, so I'm having a hard time thinking of many. To make sure I cover everyone, if there are any recs please let me know and I'll signal boost!
Share your favorite fanmix for your OTP. *Googles fanmix* It would appear I have none.
Recommend 1-5 shipper blogs. Gosh, so many of the shipping blogs I follow have become inactive in the Sides fandom. So! If any of you shipping blogs would like a shout-out, lmk and I'll signal boost!
Do you create fanmixes/gif sets/fanart/fic/fanvids and so on for you ships? Fic. So much fic.
Do you have a favorite trope and/or AU for your OTP? I mean I'm partial to Healing Broken Wings AU. As for trope, I'm a sucker for angst with hurt/comfort.
Do you like and use ship names? Definitely! Much faster to type.
Is there a fictional relationship you’d really want for yourself? I'm taking the word "fictional" literally here, because there is someone I'm in unrequited love with that I'm working on dealing with and I would really love a relationship with this person even though I know any hope is fiction.
If you could change one thing about your OTP, what would that be? Prinxiety, and that Roman would get some goshdang therapy!
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