#i am not accepting constructive criticism if you dont like these dont tell me! 😊
satancopilotsmytardis · 5 months
Thinking about TMA and the LOV as avatars based on how I interpret the characters
Twice: The Spiral, though his quirk also lends itself to the Stranger, Twice's greatest source of fear is not knowing his own mind or how to make sense of the reality around him. He is a living fractal through his quirk, and that has both destroyed him and lent him great power. That's an avatar of the Spiral baby!
Toga: The Corruption, rather than focusing on the crawling, decaying, infections, the aspect that calls to her, of course, is the consuming love that the Corruption offers. She has had the way she expresses her love called horrifying and disgusting all her life, to be part of an Other that loves her in the same vein-deep way that she has always craved would make her accepting of any other horror it bestowed in her, even if maggots under her skin isn't very cute.
Spinner: Spinner is interesting because I think that the Lonely would want him and would have tried to claim him. But (TMA spoilers) just like Martin, he would actually fight it off to be claimed by the Eye instead. His connections to the Lonely are obvious, he was isolated and discriminated against for his whole life and was in danger of slipping away into nothing for so long. However, the Lonely can be defeated by hanging onto the bonds we have with those we love, and Spinner loves the League. He follows Shigaraki, he believes in his companions' abilities, and he knows that despite not being as strong/useful/driven as them, he can stand at their side and be content watching them reach their goals (MLA arc), which is why he becomes an avatar of the Eye.
Compress: Although he is smart as hell, Mr. Compress is not an avatar of the Web. The Web is antithetical to his belief that everyone should choose their own values and not have them chosen for them. And while he might have fun performing at the Stranger's circus, he wouldn't fit in there either. Compress would also be an avatar of the Eye with Spinner. He catches and misdirects attention and has a vested interest in ensuring that his companions' stories play out even at the cost of his own (PLF War).
Dabi: Despite Dabi being all about fire and burning those who have wronged him, he is NOT an avatar of the Desolation. Which i am gonna explain a bit. So the Desolation is the fear of loss, pain, suffering, and destruction but especially senseless destruction and avatars of this entity love to destroy things to stop them from ever reaching their true potential. And that is the opposite of a lot of Dabi's motivations. He hates the fact that Shoto has a miracle quirk and won't ever push himself as hard as Dabi thinks he should to put that potiential to good use, it disgusts and enrages him. He is not about senseless violence. His acts of terror are planned out and focused to ensure maximum effectiveness, even when he is burning random villains, he did that to make himself a worse criminal so that during his reveal, he would damage Endeavor's legacy even more. That is deliberate, and he has had this plan in the works for nearly a decade, so I propose that Dabi is an avatar of the Web. Not only has he been planning his revenge for years, but he believes that his fate was sealed for him the moment he was born and that nothing can change that path. Additionally during the PLF War arc and his fight with Hawks, he points out how he was overlooked even as he set things up in the background to ultimately set up his confrontation with his father, and in the Summer Camp arc he was made the leader of the mission which shows that Shigaraki also considers him a suitable tactician and leader. The Web suits him.
Shigaraki: While I did consider the Slaughter and the End, I ultimately think that Shigaraki would be an avatar of the Desolation. The Slaughter was dismissed because that fear focuses on sudden, unprompted violence. While the Slaughter might have started to get its claws into him when he killed his family, it cannot contain the deliberate destruction that he has cultivated throughout the rest of his life. Additionally, the End is inevitable and patient, all things will die, and it takes no great joy in that fact, it simply is-- which is way, way too passive for Shigaraki. He is seeking to create a new world by destroying the previous one and he revels in that destruction as he brings it. He is passionate, ruthless, and dedicated-- which also draws other people in to follow and even worship him even after being partially destroyed by him (see Re-Destro). That is the Lightless Flame drawing in a new crop of moths if I've ever seen one.
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redditreceipts · 9 months
hi there! No need to answer this publicly if you don’t want to- but last anon here and to clarify some things (sorry if I came off ruder than intended I was having a bad day lol) I think it’s in fact always a good thing for women to mad or mean to their oppressors. However before looking into radblr my main experience with people calling themselves “gender critical” was honestly a lot of straight women who don’t really care about feminism beyond hating trans people, and a lot of those peoples focuses on appearances really bothered me. Namely a lot of the transvestigators types because they would pretty comfortably throw the baby out with the bathwater and accuse gnc women of being men just for not being super feminine, especially having facial hair or a lot of body hair which pissed me off. And the attitude of calling trans men/especially detrans people mutilated always upset me deeply because while if a detrans person wants to talk about their own experiences and trauma from what happened to them that way, it feels deeply cruel to tell women who have already been through a lot and still have to live their lives that their bodies are mutilated and they’ll never be accepted as women again. But you are very right, and though it is scary I do think it’s important to start standing up to the blatant misogyny within the trans community if I’m going to continue being a part of it. Have a nice day :)
Oh yeah, the Posie Parker types 🙃 There are a lot of them on twitter. (and no, you did not come off as rude at all :))
And these people are not gender critical, because they don't criticise the social construct of gender. Like saying that hairy women are not biologically female - THATS THE VERY THING FEMINISM HAS FOUGHT AGAINST!!! Women are hairy mammals and that's cool. They can be as wooly as a wooly mammoth and still be women. Women can look literally any way they want to. Some have certain body parts, some don't. The only thing that unites them is that they are biologically female.
(also, they are locking trans people in their positions - imagine you are a person who decides to transition because of your dysphoria, you want to educate yourself on feminist and gender critical ideas, and then people come at you and tell you that you're mutilated and a freak??? you are going to turn back to trans misogynists like Jessie Gender or Philosophy Tube, because they at least dont tell you that you are an abhorration)
And I think that you can stand up against the misogyny. I am trying to do it, and I'm really getting better. Telling men when they are interrupting me, telling men who called me on the street to "shut up" (it was a safe area), telling men to not say "bitch", etc. It's always such a great feeling 😊 you should be looking out for your safety though <3
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