#i am not respo ding to any moronic asks like this any more
peoplecallmelucifer · 2 years
Oh boo hoo the people who made a CHOICE to buy the fucking video game and put it on their platform and encourage more people to make their same CHOICE are feeling harrassed.
You know. I called for no herassment to general public because it's counterproductive. You're just creating enemies. The general public feels like it has no stakes in this game and someone is atacking them for liking a franchise that was a big part of their childhood. So you are actively turning public opinion AWAY from yoir cause!
Did I ever defend terfs or any publically anti trans asshole? No, I literally called for phisical violence against them!
But with the general public that would be the wrong aproach. Make it their problem and thwir intwrest to help you.... that's why I ussualy quote a poem at people who say that this outrage is pointless. Look up "first they came" by Martin Neimöler. And then look up the author and where he stood before and after events in the poem.
Wanna be an activist? Convince people they need to stop those events from hapening again, and helping you and your cause is how they do it.
And believe me Shouting at people and herassing them will lead to spite, alienation and disdain. So stop sabotaging our comunity and do some thinking
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