Oh boo hoo the people who made a CHOICE to buy the fucking video game and put it on their platform and encourage more people to make their same CHOICE are feeling harrassed.
You know. I called for no herassment to general public because it's counterproductive. You're just creating enemies. The general public feels like it has no stakes in this game and someone is atacking them for liking a franchise that was a big part of their childhood. So you are actively turning public opinion AWAY from yoir cause!
Did I ever defend terfs or any publically anti trans asshole? No, I literally called for phisical violence against them!
But with the general public that would be the wrong aproach. Make it their problem and thwir intwrest to help you.... that's why I ussualy quote a poem at people who say that this outrage is pointless. Look up "first they came" by Martin Neimöler. And then look up the author and where he stood before and after events in the poem.
Wanna be an activist? Convince people they need to stop those events from hapening again, and helping you and your cause is how they do it.
And believe me Shouting at people and herassing them will lead to spite, alienation and disdain. So stop sabotaging our comunity and do some thinking
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I wonder when my therapist will get tired of me. In the end she will know everything about:
the current state of ya fantasy
fictional world I'm building for my book
ttrpg and why it's the best thing in this boring world
why we should talk more video games and fantasy in academics
Yea... I know I should talk to you about my problems and trauma but THE BOOK I'M READING RIGHT NOW I SOO AMAZING OH MY GOD
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qxeer · 2 years
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amsentimental · 2 years
Met some guy who seem nice then like literally the 2nd day of talking he giving me bad controlling red flag like asking me why I wont answer the second he message and why I'm speaking and being friends with other people and my brain screams get out of there!!! You know where this is heading but another part of my brain(the stupid part) is shivering and saying that im over reacting and that its nothing like lol hell no bixch I am not going through this with someone who cannot go without a minute of not speaking or being around me
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yourpsicodelicbitch · 6 months
juno signs and their specific love language🦋🪷 pt2
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Lovely Complex
juno shows us what’s the style that functions better with you -relationships, meaningful committed partnership-, the characteristics of our ideal partner and more.
birth chart + tropical + whole sign system
FIRST OF ALL, you don’t play around-yes you do but-, you want someone loyal to their values, someone that will listen to your stubbornness -stubborn thoughts/mind-. you want a GENTLEMAN on whoever you like -ik gentleman is originally referred to men but my intention it’s there-, you want someone that’s drooling for you and shows how attentive they’re without shame. HEAR ME OUT, someone with MONEY or in other words, that can prioritize you economically and takes their time on giving you gifts -flowers, makeup, chocolates, cheesy stuff-. someone that has the ability of transmitting peace in all your bullshit. someone who seems, at first sight, like a junkie? who appears intimidating but then you get to talk to them a few times and realize they’re genuinely a sweetheart. taurus juno will spend like nothing money on you, specially on food, they’ll share it 😭 -idk if it’s just my experience-. this is not beating the taurus allegations. most of the time individuals with juno in taurus have this calm and too much energy that needs to be recharged with their special one.
they have to be esthetically appealing or have this venusian sense of things, fashion, hygiene, even k how to choose the right t-shirt for an outfit -jk-. they need someone who brings them balance, the balance they seek in all the aspects of their life, including their ideal partner. they LOVE seeing their partner walking and say “hi” to everyone and being reciprocated: social butterfly. practically, being conscious of how to treat people, emotionally intelligent that’ll benefit them in the social aspect. They seek someone who has charisma, who has a sense of justice and consideration, like how almost every prince of disney is presented: the idealized version. idk why I imagine ryan evans from high school musical smirking when libra juno it’s mentioned 😭. you need someone who helps you to feel part of something, not to feel excluded, you want to be in peace. YOU FUCKING LOVE CLICHE STUFF, even if you won’t admit it. someone who let you be a drama queen and will keep it cool with it. your specific love language is to help them in their outfits, in their hygiene, even haircut. idk there’s something so idealized in how libra juno loves, they admire their partner so much.
personally, sometimes I get pretty confused when they describe what a libra wants and what a leo wants in their ideal partner, the thing here is that leo needs someone who would see them as who they’re; on the other hand, libra is not needy of that treatment, they want someone who would fit perfectly on that space they need to balance their life. leo juno needs and they’re attracted to someone who’s the center of attention without even trying, talented asf, someone who will treat you like you’re their world, who will value and recognize the things you do for others and how you care about people, who would do the same for you. they’ll make you feel as special as you fcking are. leo juno needs expression, affirmation to feel in harmony. THE ATTENTION their ideal partner will give is crucial. they don’t want someone that’s comfortable to be around, they want someone who could practically be their enemy, who match their energy, who’s as competitive and as talented as them. leo juno specific love language is showing you towards others as your partner/special person. this Juno knows their value.
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♡ Based on personal experience and I’ve analyzed in my surroundings
♡ English is not my first language
♡ I’m not a profesional astrologer
Thank youu. baibaii🫣🫶🏼💋
Do not copy. Please give me credits.
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ego-meliorem-esse · 5 months
What's your opinion on red streak hair Arthur?
I believe Arthur the typa man, if he gon have unanturally colored hair, it will be fully colored. Im talkin 1985, bending over the bathtub, green dye on every surface, tshirt ruined. He put color on his hair and left it for too damn long bc he forgot about it now hes suffering with his head swung over the side of the tub, rinsing his sins away.
The worst part is that his little punk rebellious phase lasterd for 2.6 months, and afterwards he had to embarrassingly seek profesional help from a hairdresser who had never seen such a poor dye job in their life.
God bless Arthur, you can hide those polaroids of punk dad from your kids but theyll find em. If they have to tear off the floorbords, theyll find em.
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thequietkid-moonie · 2 months
I think i normally don't talk about this things but this is really important!
I know that right now is more accepted that people search for profesional help and care more for the mental heath, but I think that no one really talk about how it is actually right if you don't feel really comfortable with the psychologist you consult and is alright if you prefer to try to find someone with who you feel more comfortable
Within psychology there are different branches and every in branch has diferent ways for how the psychologist will treat the problem and how to help the patient, so is recomendable that you search a psychologist that works with a sistem that you feel comfortable with, not every treatment is for everyone (ones tent to be a little more rude and direct while others my gentle and even a bit slow)
As well it can be the case that you don't feel comfortable with the psychologist and that is completely valid too, it can happen that you don't like that person, when i was studying psychology most of my teacher were actually psychologists and I swear two of them wasn't the best and I heard that other two were trying to flirt with the students 💀
Here is an example, one of my teachers (one that i didn't like it at all) used to told us some of her experiences and one that will never forget and make me hate her was that she told us that she dealt with some girls that suffered from self-harm (because according to her boys don't suffer from self-harm) mainly only are confused or seek for attention and one thing that she used to say to those girls was something like "Don't do that you are making your wrist look ugly, what will the guy you like think about it?" BROOOOO 💀
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esuemmanuel · 9 months
Ella no le dio la oportunidad de cuidarla, siendo que era un hombre que sentía en su fuero interno la necesidad de protegerla, porque para eso había nacido. Ella replicaba, con la frialdad que la cerrazón de la ignorancia de sí misma provoca, que estaba bien, que era una mujer sana, que no necesitaba ayuda, que todo lo podía hacer ella sola y que para eso también había nacido, para proveerse de lo que necesitaba. ¿Qué le quedaba a ese hombre hacer? ¿Amarla simplemente? Pero ¿no es acaso el amor protección, cuidado y compañía? Y si el amor no puede darse con la libertad que necesita, con esa satisfacción que da ayudar al ser amado ¿qué caso tiene estar a su lado si no puede tomar la ayuda de quien lo está amando? Pero no sólo trataba de proveerle de cuidado, sino de consejo, pues la veía caer y rasparse, la veía sufrir y quejarse sin hacer nada por cambiarlo. Le parecía que ella amaba quedarse en ese agujero emocional que la drenaba, colocándola en un eterno remolino de insatisfacción y desesperanza. No sólo le era doloroso verla caer y no levantarse, sino ser participe silencioso en su malestar. Quiso ayudarla... ¡Vaya que quiso! Pero, ella nunca se dejó ayudar. Al final, y ante la negativa de buscar ayuda en un profesional, el hombre decidió llenarse de valor para abandonarla... y es que le era más doloroso verla tirada en ese pantano de sufrimiento irracional a no tenerla cerca, ya que, al tenerla cerca, lo arrastraba también a su mal... ¿Y quién va a morir por el mal de quien no se quiere cuidar?
She did not give him the opportunity to take care of her, being that he was a man who felt in his inner self the need to protect her, because that was what he was born for. She replied, with the coldness that the closed-mindedness of self-ignorance provokes, that she was fine, that she was a healthy woman, that she did not need help, that she could do everything on her own and that she had been born for that too, to provide herself with what she needed. What was left for that man to do? To simply love her? But isn't love protection, care and companionship? And if love cannot be given with the freedom it needs, with the satisfaction that comes from helping the loved one, what is the point of being by his side if he cannot take the help of the one who is loving him? But he was not only trying to provide her with care, but with advice, for he saw her falling and scraping, he saw her suffering and complaining without doing anything to change it. It seemed to him that she loved to stay in that emotional hole that drained her, placing her in an eternal whirlpool of dissatisfaction and hopelessness. It was not only painful for him to see her fall and not get up, but to be a silent participant in her discomfort. He wanted to help her... He wanted to help her! But she never let him help her. In the end, and faced with the refusal to seek help from a professional, the man decided to take the courage to abandon her... and it was more painful to see her lying in that swamp of irrational suffering than not having her around, since, by having her around, she was dragging him into her illness... And who is going to die for the evil of someone who does not want to take care of himself?
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thecosmicangel · 5 months
Fixed signs Reading - Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio, Taurus 🕊️🌙🩵✨
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You have previously manifested or created a new cycle, due to healing and reaching a new level of enlightenment you manifested a wish fulfillment to come true. The universe brought you this new beginning as you closed a certain cycle out. You are currently entering that new cycle but it could feel very intense because this cycle is meant to help you go through another spiritual awakening and healing stage. You are being asked to find inner balance, go with the flow and allow your inner child to heal. A lot of emphasis on inner child healing or a need to tap in to your inner child for healing. You may be guarding or trying to protect all the good that has been happening for you. I feel some may self sabotage what you are receiving because you are holding on too tight to things. You are kind of admiring the fruit of your labor but not actually enjoying it out of fear of loss. You are being asked to remove limitations or the past and be open to unlimited possibilities all around you. Free yourself from your own negative or limiting perspectives. It’s time to open up your heart to kindness and compassion of the love frequency. Let that frequency of love heal you. You may be discontent, unhappy or bored even though you have everything you could ask for. This is because you still have some healing to do that you may not be aware off. Family issues or past heartbreak could be possible explanations. You may want to walk away or let go of certain people or situations because it’s what you are used to, it’s like you have toxic patterns you keep repeating and it will keep happening until you face the root of your problems. Whatever has came into your life that felt like a wish come true is mirroring to you what you need to work on based on how you feel about it. It’s like once you have what you wanted you don’t need it or want it anymore but you still seek for something to fill that emptiness. Know that nothing other than yourself can fill that up, you are blocking yourself from prosperity & blessings because you still need to work on healing emotions or negative emotional patterns. Finding your creative spark will help you find the fulfillment you deserve. Allow your inner child’s spirit to work with you to find your passion and creative expression. You must acknowledge the great emptiness you are feeling that comes through transition when everything seems unknown and unclear, you are being guided and supported in your path to the unknown so let go of fear. There may be great mystery but also know there is endless possibilities to what is to come. Self reflection is needed. You are being sent healing energy. A big emphasis on children, mother, feminine energy, heart space, and healing. Make some time for introspect and meditate as you could be receiving information, pay attention to dreams as well.
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You are being asked to stop worrying help is on the way. Stop trying to figure it all out if you feel lost and trust that you will receive a sense of purpose soon. This transformation you are going through will help bring the real you out, no more hiding or playing it small. A boost of confidence and excitement for life is coming in. Everything is unfolding in divine timing and all you need to know will be revealed at the perfect moment. A pleasant surprise is coming in, you will not see it coming. You are going through an ascension. Big lessons are being taught to you at this time.
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You may be seeing or it could be signs for you: rainbows, babies, feminine energy, pearl , dragons, dove, birds butterflies, green, blue. dragonfly. 222, harmony,balance, 1234, 999,1010 , health, bodywork.
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Only take what resonates and leave what doesn’t!
Pictures are not mine they were found on Pinterest
⚠️Do not take this as profesional or medical advice.
If you would like to support my readings by tipping I would greatly appreciate it 💗
💰cash app// $ZmAria777
💰PayPal// @cosmicangel777
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evansblues · 9 months
Sorry but he is a married man now, how is that supposed FS come to help into his path, if he already chose one?? Shouldn’t it be albas. Work now? Help your partner instead of just promoting a wedding, maybe talk to him about seeking profesional help? //
FS may stand for Future Spouse but in a better term it was always a replacement for soulmate or The One. Alba is neither of those things. You need to understand that. Even if marries 10 times more, the readers and frankly even the general public will be able to tell if it's his FS or not.
Also we don't even know if they actually married. Why is he referring to her as gf in the article? The publication didn't bother to add a correction like "since this interview the couple have married" ?
No, they actually did say exactly that, that they’ve been married since the publication. That’s neither here nor there. The thing that stood out to me is that he wasn’t ever actually talking about her, he mentioned her twice in passing as he was talking about something else, and they completely left out any part where he said who she was, said her name, said anything about her, but you’re right that this is just a term that we use to denote his person. It’s still not Alba.
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just-a-littol-fella · 3 months
I so strongly think near the beginning of her time be transitioned into scrap Jessica would have experienced bouts of pain from the pieces literally grinding on each other and she never really seeks profesional help by the one time she did she was wrongly diagnosed with an autoimmune disease or even like endometriosis.
She knows it's neither bit the doctors dont
I wonder if she avoided cray, magnetic, or tomography imaging?
(Xray,MRIi, CT scan)
She obviously knows of her unfortunate fate but hoe long has she known
So many questions and ideas
(I actually liked this story lol)
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beesflowers · 10 months
𝐸𝒾𝓂𝒾 𝒮𝐸𝒦𝒜𝐼 𝒹𝑒𝓈𝒸𝓇𝒾𝓅𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃
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Characters: Eimi Ochida, Megurine Luka (own SEKAI)
Type: OC description
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when Eimi first appeared in SEKAI, she was pretty startled... she didn't knew how she ended up here or how to leave so she panicked at first but did her best to appear calm even if there was no one around when she got there
she doesn't want to cause troubles so at first she stays in the same place and waits for someone to appear or goes to place where she sees some people to ask about it
"Uh... Excuse me... is anyone here? I'm not here to cause trouble! In fact I'm a little lost... so I'd appreaciate someone's help..."
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her fragment can be called "A Cage", it's simple but suitable! It can also be called "A Human Cage", because of it's size. It's really just a bird cage but for a human, it's big enough to call it a room or even a smaller flat
this fragmentum has normal day and night cycle although there's always light here even if there are no light except small lamp on desk
inside a cage there's a lot of flowers and there's a desk in the middle with papers on it and previously mentioned lamp, and of course there's also a chair next to desk
image below is closest photo what I could find
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first time Eimi landed here, she was a bit startled, she was afraid she was trapped
the more time she spent there tho... the more comfortable she got, she found comfort in flowers that decorated this cage but she kept her distance from papers and desk in the middle
she never bothered to look too close on those papers, she focused on flowers instead
"What a beatiful smell~ I don't know how those flowers got here but it seems someone got my taste right!"
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Luka is this Kingdom's Queen right hand, she is the one who's in charge of thinking about various strategies and different ways of solving Kingdom's problems
she appeares as mature, calm, reasonable and maybe even a bit serious, especially if situation depends profesional behavior from her
but in reality she's really creative, cheerful and even likes to play with kids! That's why some say she can be often found playing hide and seek with kids during her free time
"Hide and seek? And she's Queen's right hand?! That's interesting... I'd love to hear more about her..."
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first meeting between Luka and Eimi was probably initiated by the VIRTUAL SINGER as the green haired girl was simply too stressed to initiate it
so when she got approached by someone she started to admire without even meeting, it's safe to say she was a bit nervous and acted really polite even if pink haired girl was just cheerful
of course Ochida manages to calm down eventually even if it takes some time and two become actually great friends! But the girl still doesn't hide her adoration~
"How are you even managin all of this? And... you have time for kids too?!"
"Kids can bring a lot of happiness into your life and can teach you how to relax a bit! If you havne't taken a brek in a long time, I recommend you join us in next game of Hide&Seek~"
"Would that really be alright...? Won't anyone... laugh?"
"Heh~ I don't think so! Parents usually appreciate that I watch over them!"
"Then... I'm willing to give it a try!"
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annhienakaannie · 1 year
Thank you @coolalicious for tagging me.🧡
🌼10 people I want to know better:
No one right now but it was lovely to learned more about @coolalicious!
🌼Favorite colors:
I am a warm tone girly! I especially love orange but purple and yellow has a special place in my heart for obvious reasons.🧡💜💛
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🌼Songs stuck in my head:
These days it has been “Akatsuki” by Akiko Shikata & Futari Shizuka by Akina Nakamori.
🌼Last songs I listened to:
Black Clover: Sword of the Wizard King’s (Yes, I am shamelessly promoting my fav anime) ost!
🌼Favorite foods:
Anything with eggs & tofu!!! Also Vietnamese’s gỏi. It’s so good!!!
🌼Last thing I googled:
The last FUN thing I googled was a Danmei with the top as the main pov!!! It’s so adorable🥹
The bottom is a singer that have bipolar & the top is a MMA fighter that became his part-time bodyguard! It’s healing, sweet & the bottom actually seek profesional help and didn’t get better with the “power of love”.🤌
It’s called 不称职的保镖先生 or Mr. Incompetent Bodyguard by 钟晓生/Zhong Xiaosheng (this is the Google translation btw)
🌼Dream trip:
A big trip around Asia with my brother & hopefully cousins!
🌼The thing I want right now:
The will to continue & finish one of my fanfic! Singular! Because I need to focus on one only!!
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wser · 1 year
Memaafkan, tidak sama dengan Pulih dari Trauma
Salah satu hal yang cukup berat dijalani selama menjalani kuliah mapro psikologi klinis ini bukan hanya tentang tuntutan akademiknya saja, melainkan berdamai dengan trauma sendiri Bekerja di bidang pemulihan kondisi psikologis, secara tidak langsung memicu “luka-luka” pribadi terangkat kembali... Ketika melihat masalah klien yang serupa, ingatan yang mirip dengan ceritanya muncul kembali... Belum lagi ketika belajar bentuk-bentuk psikoterapi yang baru, mau tidak mau klien pertama kita adalah diri kita sendiri... Aku kira ketika aku sudah bisa memaafkan apa yang terjadi pada diriku yang dilakukan oleh orang tua di masa lalu, menjadi tanda bahwa trauma akan luka pengasuhan itu sudah pulih... Ternyata, belum. Ia akan terangkat kembali ketika dihadapkan dengan pemicu yang serupa di masa lalu... Tampaknya aku perlu memproses ini, dibantu dengan profesional juga, pada saatnya nanti waktu yang tepat... Entahlah, Kapan waktu yang tepat itu... Aku tahu bahwa “healing” yang sebenarnya bukan hanya dalam kedipan mata, bukan soal kita berlibur dalam hitungan hari... Mungkin proses itu butuh waktu berbulan-bulan bahkan bertahun-tahun... Untuk saat ini, aku mengizinkan semua rasa itu hadir... Takut di masa kanak-kanak itu ketika tidak bisa memenuhi perintah orang tua, Kebingungan di masa kanak-kanak itu karena dihukum tanpa penjelasan, Marah karena diberi perlakuan tidak adil hanya karena aku lahir lebih dulu dibandingkan adik, Sedih karena luka fisik yang ada karena alasan untuk mendisiplinkan, Terganggu karena teriakan yang tidak berhenti sampai perilakuku sejalan dengan maunya, Berduka karena hilangnya peran sebagai “anak kecil” karena dipaksa keadaan memahami pola pikir manusia dewasa di sekitarnya... I’m really sorry about what you have been through... You can relax, right now or one day whenever you’re ready... Thank you for always trying to figure things out... Please, be kind, to your parents, your sisters, and especially yourself... May Allah help you, forgive you, guide you... Accept whatever you feel right now, it’s okay, I’ll wait, till you’re ready to take off the baggage, to seeking for (new) unfamiliarity and adjust at the right time and the right place... You are allow to give yourself space, time, and “heart”... It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s okay if it’s not okay... You’ll be fine whenever you’re ready... I’ll be here... Allah, accompany me.
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Two short notices.
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Timothy Pickering's tavern
Timothy Pickering has recently gotten wounded and therefore cannot operate his tavern as per usual. Holly Hamilton is taking care if it, however any more help is appreciated.
For any inquiries about the position, seek out Pickering himself.
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The referendum
I will be posting a referendum with the poll feature in days to come once I tidy it all up. For now, please send in who you would nominate for the following questions (you can send multiple people, and tis encouraged):
Most likely to get rabies?
Most likely to die first in a zombie apocalypse?
Most likely to become a profesional gambler?
Most likely to get canceled if they were famous?
Most likely to eat food off the floor?
Most likely to agree to burying a body?
Most likely to receive a restraining order?
Most likely to be broke?
Most likely to become an alcoholic?
Most likely to be a big simp?
Most likely to get rejected by a date?
Most likely to go to jail?
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P. S. Articles will not be coming out day by day such as recently. Unlike some, I have a life, and lately I have just had far more time then usual!
Tidbits of information and rumors from all around are always appreciated
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speed-seo · 3 months
Enhancing Stakeholder Engagement Through Strategic SEO
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As a project manager, engaging stakeholders effectively is vital to the success and smooth operation of your projects. In the digital age, your online presence serves as a pivotal touchpoint for stakeholders. Leveraging Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a key strategy to enhance this interaction. Here's how thoughtful SEO practices can significantly increase the visibility and accessibility of your project's online content: - Keyword Identification: Integrate relevant keywords that people with vested interest are likely to search for, aligning with their needs and interests. - Compelling Content: Create informative content that provides value and addresses stakeholder inquiries, fostering engagement and trust. - Optimized User Experience: Ensure your website is user-friendly, with a responsive design that encourages positive stakeholder interaction. These SEO techniques, will help you create a robust online platform that not only informs and involves stakeholders but also supports the overarching goals of your project. Understanding the Power of SEO At its core, SEO is the strategic enhancement of online content to improve its visibility in search engine results, thereby making it more accessible to people with vested interests. It's a multifaceted discipline that encompasses: - Content Relevance: Tailoring content to meet the specific interests and queries of your audience, ensuring that stakeholders find the information they need quickly and easily. - User Experience: Developing a user-friendly website that provides an intuitive and seamless experience, encouraging people with invested interests to engage more deeply with your content. - Accessibility: Ensuring that all shareholders, regardless of their technical savvy or the devices they use, can access and interact with your project information without barriers. - Brand Visibility: Increasing the online presence of your project to build brand recognition and authority, which in turn fosters trust and credibility among collaborators. You must focus on these key aspects of SEO, if you want to create a digital environment where stakeholders feel informed, valued, and connected to your project's mission and progress. Identify Stakeholder-Centric Keywords To improve stakeholder engagement, begin by identifying keywords that resonate deeply with your partners. Consider terms closely related to your project's goals, industry-specific jargon, or frequent questions stakeholders may pose. Strategic incorporation of these keywords into your online content not only bolsters your search rankings but also ensures that your material aligns with your audience's interests. Goals and Objectives Comprehend your project's aims and the vernacular associated with these goals to attract relevant search queries. Utilize these insights to craft content that speaks directly to the aspirations of your collaborators. Industry Terminology Employ industry-specific terminology that stakeholders may use in their search for specialized information. This targeted jargon helps your content stand out to those seeking expertise in your field. Stakeholder Inquiries Proactively address common questions or concerns that your stakeholders might have. This approach not only enhances the relevance of your content but also demonstrates your commitment to collaborator involvement. Create Engaging, Value-Driven Content Content is king in the realm of SEO. Develop blog posts, articles, and project updates that provide real value to your stakeholders. For example, a blog post titled "5 Amazing Content Ideas! For A Killer CEO LinkedIn Profile" showcases how our services facilitates business owners and CEOs growth their profesional LinkedIn profile page. Another article, "Optimize Search Ad Copy with Extensions for Higher Clicks," demonstrates how to write strong search ad copy and use strategic extensions and boost performance. Engaging content not only keeps stakeholders informed but also builds trust and authority in your industry. Optimize for User Experience An often-overlooked aspect of SEO is user experience. Your website and project portal should be easy to navigate, with a clear structure and responsive design that works across all devices. A positive user experience encourages stakeholders to interact more with your content, thus deepening their engagement with your project. Utilize Analytics to Tailor Your Approach Data-driven decisions are at the heart of effective SEO. Utilize analytics tools to understand how stakeholders are interacting with your content. Look at metrics like page views, time on page, and bounce rates to gauge what's working and what's not. This information allows you to tailor your content strategy to better meet the needs of your collaborators. Build a Network of Backlinks Backlinks from reputable sites not only boost your SEO but also increase your project's credibility. Reach out to industry influencers, news outlets, and professional associations to share your content and link back to your site. This not only improves your search rankings but also exposes your project to a wider audience. Engage with Stakeholders Through Social Media Social media platforms are a powerful SEO tool that can help amplify your content and engage with stakeholders directly. Share updates, create discussion threads, and respond to comments to foster a community around your project. Social signals from these platforms can also contribute to your overall SEO performance. Conclusion Improving stakeholder engagement through SEO is a strategic and dynamic process. By focusing on stakeholder-centric keywords, creating valuable content, optimizing user experience, leveraging analytics, building a network of backlinks, and engaging on social media, you can elevate your project's online presence and foster meaningful interactions with your collaborators. Embrace the power of SEO and watch your project thrive in the digital landscape. Read the full article
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