#i am planning to do an Atlas May character analysis after the new short comes out if for some reason you enjoy my silly ramblings XD
lordofdestructionm · 29 days
Fun Vikdecai scenario for you
and by "fun" I mean pure angst
After the events of the Pilot its not hard to imagine Ivy giving Viktor more details about the trio''s "successful" rum run and their encounter with Marigold. Whether to brag or because Viktor wants to know exactly how much danger she was in.
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She might mention the moment when she looked over her shoulder and it looked like Mordecai had his gun aimed right at her, and maybe she was seeing things, but she could swear it looked like he had the shot but lowered the gun
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Viktor pauses for a moment but casually dismisses the idea. Mordecai is a traitor and backstabber etc. Shot his partner of over six years in the knee and went to work for their biggest rivals just after Atlas died and the grass started looking greener on the Marigold side.
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Plus Ivy still has that wide eyed optimism about her, so of course she is going to read kinder intentions into what could have been a simple matter of the car being too far away or the gun jamming etc.
He doesn't think too much about it after that. Eventually, after recovering just about enough from his injury from the pig farmer attack, Viktor insists to Mitzi that he go with the two crazy noodle armed cousins instead of Ivy.
Mitzi is reluctant but knows when Viktor isn't going to budge, and so she agrees on condition that he not try and throttle Rocky or Ivy's boyfriend while on the job.
The terms are accepted.
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But the inevitable happens, and of course, they have a run-in with Marigold.
This is a nightmare for Mordecai.
This is exactly what wounding Viktor's knee was supposed to prevent. He can't let the Savoys go after Viktor, but even if he manages to get them to focus on the two crazy amateurs, Mordecai won't be able to get away with just wounding him and then leaving him be like the kneecapping incident, because the Savoys will want to finish the job, and what reason could he give them for refusing?
Killing Viktor is clearly not an option. He couldn't do it to Ivy and there is no way he can do it now. Betraying his trust, the years of always having each others backs, and the unlikely bond they shared when he left Lackadaisy, had been hard enough. However much he told himself it was "for his own good".
Now either Viktor or his invesitgation into Atlas's death are doomed. Likely both.
He has to try and force Viktor to retreat. He fires warning shots close enough for Viktor to feel the bullets fly past him but just miss his large frame.
Viktor knows how deadly Mordecai is at range and considering what limited weapons Viktor is working with surely the stubborn and still visibly injured and slower moving Ox for once will do the sensible thing!?
But there's a problem with that strategy. Viktor knows Mordecai. More specifically, he knows how well he shoots. He has seen him hit much less tall and broad targets in much more difficult circumstances without breaking a sweat, but here he is missing multiple shots? That's when what Ivy said months before comes back to him.
He knows Mordecai is missing those shots on purpose.
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What the hell happens now?
Mordecai can't retreat but has no idea what to do either with Viktor clearly not backing off, while Viktor is not only too stubborn to do so but now knows Mordecai is trying not to shoot him. Does he take the opportunity to confront him? Get out from behind any cover and just start walking with as strong and determined a pace as his bad knees will allow? Does he want to pull Mordecai's head off his body, get payback for his knee, demand an explanation why someone he considered a friend betrayed him?
All the while, Mordecai is getting more and more panicked with every heavy step.
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calliecat93 · 5 years
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It’s been a long and chaotic hiatus period folks, but at least we’re here. RWBY Volume 7. There’s been a lot of hype in the leadup to this. New outfits. New setting. New characters. Old characters making long-awaited comebacks. There is so much to be excited about this season, and the absolutely insane opening only added more fuel to the fire. I’ve done a review/analysis on the opening already, which if you’d like to check that out, you can find it here. 
But for now, after nearly ten months of waiting, it’s finally time. Review season is in full swing. So why wait any more than we already have? Let’s kick the Volume 7 Reviews off with Chapter One, The Greatest Kingdom. Because of course, that would be the title of an Atlas-centric chapter. Of course.
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We begin exactly where we left off before. RWBYJNRQOM have reached Atlas… but Ironwood’s fleet is armed and ready as though expecting an attack. Everyone is taken aback by this, especially Weiss. This causes complications. With Atlas this high alert, if they dock in an unauthorized ship, they’re going to be in a lot of trouble. Weiss also worries that if that happens, they may very well return her to her family, and to her father. But she then remembers that since they’re now back in Atlas’ range, she can contact Winter. Thus, Maria steers the ship downward, towards the city of Mantle.
We get our first glimpse of the former capital, and it’s telling. The location has a New York kind of vibe. It’s big and industrial but also run down. One reason for that may be because of the number of troops and drones in the city. They’re making people afraid or rebellious, even children as we see two throw a rock at a drone. But even more telling is that the holo-screens have Ironwood talking, claiming that this is all for their own safety. Everyone is unnerved by this, and worst? Winter is also spewing out the propaganda, shocking Weiss. Due to this, the plan is to ditch the ship and join the masses in Mantle.
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Thus, the ship is parked… somewhere. We never see where. But the gang walks through the city, and get an even better look at how rundown that it is. Thre’s political posters around, namely featuring some kind of pale blonde-haired figure. We also see some headlines highlighting events like the Embargo, the discovery of a dead journalist, and damage to the border. Drones are going all around and take photos of Yang, which earns a kick from her and then it gets run over. Oops. We even see graffiti that says “Show Your Teeth”. Best guess is that that’s the White Fang’s doing. Life looks awful in Mantle, and Blake expresses this out loud. This earns her getting told off by two drunkards, who go off about Atlas being great and all that kind of stuff that we’ve heard before. But when one starts to make racist Faunus remarks at Blake, Weiss responds by gravity Glyphing into a dumpster. This attracts security attention, but it was worth it.
Maria knows where they can go, and she takes them to some kind of clinic. This is where she had intended to go in order to get her eyes adjusted. We, therefore, meet the man who runs the place. An elderly, wheel-chair bound man named Pietro. He is a well-known scientist who has made various advances for Atlas and Ironwood, but he volunteers in Mantle to get away from the stuffy atmosphere and to help the people below. The gang has questions about Atlas, so Pietro explains how Ironwood’s paranoia has gone into overload. Not just because of the Fall, but because of how badly his forces were hacked and made Atlas look like both terrorists and buffoons. But we do find out that they still don’t know who hacked their systems, but they /do/ suspect that it may very well be one of their own. With everyone blaming Atlas for the Fall of Beacon, the council is so scared that they’re just doing what Ironwood says. So needless to say, Atlas is in utter chaos and isn’t as safe as our heroes previously thought.
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Pietro begins to talk about Mantle’s representatives taking action… until he recognizes Weiss. Yang tries to get things back on topic, only for Pietro to recognize her arm. He sounds… kind of offended that she painted it, haha! But he soon recognizes Team RWBY, having heard of them from his daughter. Who is his daughter? Well before Ruby can find out, a warning siren goes off. A group of wolf-like Grimm that I believe are called Sabers are attacking, so our heroes fight back. It’s a pretty good action sequence, full of a lot of high-paced energy and an awesome guitar riff in the background. Poor Blake’s sword is still broken, so she’s forced to stick to the gun mode. Fortunately, our heroes are ripping the Grimm apart with ease… but they ultimately don’t defeat the Grimm themselves.
A series of lasers blast away the remaining Grimm. We see a figure flying up above. A very… familiar looking person. Green color-scheme… red hair… a pink bow… freckles… wait… the figure lands, and we get to see them in full. Ruby’s eyes widen in shock as, for the first time since the Fall of Beacon, she sees Penny Polendina. 
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You read right folks, Penny is back! Pietro tells her to say hi to her friends and… she recognizes them! She recognizes Ruby! She flies right into Ruby to hug her! That probably gave Ruby a concussion, but eh she’ll live. But only one thing matters right now: PENNY! PENNY IS BACK!!! SHE’S ALIVE!!! WHOO~!!!
As it turns out, Pietro is Penny’s father/creator. After Amity Arena was brought back to Atlas, they were able to recover Penny’s core and Pietro was able to rebuild her and even better. She is now the official protector of Mantle. Penny is excited to catch back up with Ruby… but another siren goes off, and she has to go off. Everyone has questions, but fortunately, Pietro is more than happy to answer them. So successful Grimm fight, they made it to Mantle, and they found a friendly face. Two friendly faces! Sure we had the rough patch with Ironwood’s forces and his propaganda, but hey! So far things are going pretty well!
Well, let’s ruin that!
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The gang is suddenly captured and bound down by a group of blue and white-clad soldiers. This is a security force known as Ace-Ops. Qrow argues that he’s a licensed Huntsman and was doing his job, but Ace-Ops take their weapons and, even worst, the lamp. Pietro questions the meaning of this, and their leader named Clover Ebi reveals the list of charges. The unauthorized ship, disobeying commands from Control, and fighting Grimm despite all but one of them being unlicensed. As such, they’re being arrested and taken to Atlas. The episode ends with everyone loaded up into the back of a police van with Qrow hating himself for jinxing everything up. Stupid Bad Luck Semblance.
So this was a bit shorter than the previous couple of premieres, but really? That’s not a problem whatsoever. This premiere was really good! Not the best, but certianly does its job and does it well. We get to see Mantle after so many years, get to finally meet Professor Polendina, and we get a big surprise in the return of Penny. We get a fun action scene as well, which is always nice. And it has a solid ending in everyone getting arrested… well okay, that sucks for them, but it was an appropriate place to end.
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Before we go into more detailed stuff though… let’s talk about the elephant in the room first. That being Qrow’s new voice. For those unaware, Vic Mignogna was fired and I don’t feel like going into it any more than I’ve already had to. But long story short; Vic did a lot of gross, horrible stuff and he deserved to be kicked out. As such, voice actor Jason Liebrecht was cast to take over, and so far… I think that he’s good! It was a tad bit spotty, but he’s still new so I’m not expecting perfection. But it still feels like Qrow and the voice honestly sounds like a cleaner, healthier version of Vic’s Qrow. Which if Qrow starts to sober himself up, it will fit very well. So yeah, I am perfectly happy with Jason’s rendition and I am looking forward to hearing more of him going forward~
Okay, got that out of the way. So let talk about good stuff now!
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Mantle looks amazing. IIRC, Miles and Kerry said that Mantle and Atlas are based on different periods of America’s evolution. Mantle represents the Industrial Era, in particular New York, and it certianly feels that way. It’s a big city, but it’s not happy. The place looks run-down and dirty, there’s tons of unrest, and they have to watch as Atlas stands above them in all of its glory. It was meant to be a symbol of hope, but now? It just represents the oppression of Mantle and how Atlas stands superior to them. One of the most telling scenes is when we see a wagon of miners pass by. All of them are covered in soot and just look sick and miserable. It paints a very harsh picture, and it’s only going to become all the harsher as we learn more in the future.
But there is a bright spot. We FINALLY get to meet Pietro. He’s as I expected, a kind old-man, if a bit scatter-brained and forgetful. He very much fits the image of a Gepetto-inspired character. Though him being wheelchair-bound and his frequent coughing certianly has me concerned for him… and I have a very bad idea about his final fate by the time that this arc is over. Still, we get a very clear image of his character and there’s a lot of Easter Eggs in his office. Like the whale statue on his shelf, another allusion to Pinocchio. It’s that attention to detail that makes me appreciate CRWBY so much. Also fun fact, his voice actor is David Fennoy. Which this isn’t his first time working on RWBY. The other time? As Dr. Merlot, the antagonist of RWBY: Grimm Eclipse. Who, if you don’t know, was a mad scientist… so great casting gag there CRWBY!
But speaking of Pinocchio… 
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Well everyone, we knew that it was coming, but we weren’t ready. Yes, indeed, Penny is back. So… there’s been some debate over her re-introduction. While everyone is happy to have her back, some have questioned the under-whelming execution and lack of reaction from Ruby. Now I will admit that it is more subdued than I was expecting, but Ruby? I don’t at all get her so-called ‘lack of reaction’. You can see how wide her eyes are and how stunned she is, but it quickly evolves into over-whelming joy. Not every reaction has to be tearfully breaking down, guys. Ruby processed it quickly and was just overjoyed. Then after the tackle-glomp, you can hear her struggling to find the words to say as she starts to ask what happened since she thought that Penny was dead for at least a year. So no, Ruby’s reaction was perfectly IC for her and he DID have a reaction.
But yeah, Penny is back! But unlike what we all assumed, she has her memory! I was confused on how since we saw the Nevermore stomp on her remains… but considering that the area was sent back to Atlas, I can buy that they dug around enough to find the core and repair any damage that it had. I admit her return is a lot less dramatic than I thought it would be… but I really have no issue with it. For one, there’s plenty of things with her that can be touched on later. How she felt about dying. Her status as Mantle’s protector. What’s happened with her since the Fall. Plus after everything that’s happened, I think that we deserved this one break regarding Penny and her having her memory still. So yeah, maybe the execution could have had a bit more substance, but I really have no problem with it. Penny is back, and that’s all that matters.
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Thre is a lot of good setup here. We have Ironwood’s paranoia on full display as well as the results towards Mantle due to it. We get a look at the mindsets of people like the kids throwing rocks at drones and the drunkards shitting on Blake for her comments about Mantle. But we also have Weiss Glyphing the one guy, which while it was oh so deserved, she did cause a fuss due to it when Blake was trying to deal with the matter peacefully and had even previously stopped Ruby when she was about to argue back. It’s good to see Weiss not dealing with any racist garbage thrown at Blake, but it was not the best way to deal with it when Blake had it under control, and that may very well be something that we see touched on more and more with the plot as a whole. Not just regarding Faunus racism, but regarding the conflict of Mantle vs Atlas.
We have the propaganda being spewed in Mantle not just by Ironwood but also from WInter. Something that Weiss is clearly unhappy about, and something that may cause friction down the line. We have the Ace-Ops, who going by the opening is going to play a major part in the volume. Which funny how they showed up to arrest the gang… but none of the vast amounts of security forces were around to stop the Grimm. Sure Penny was there and she is officially Mantles protector, but a good chunk of the Grimm were stopped by our heroes. So much for looking out for Mantle’s safety, huh Ironwood? Clover doesn’t even listen to Qrow or ask to see his license for proof of it… okay yeah, Qrow would still be arrested for the unauthorized ship, but still. There are so many small things that show us exactly how oppressed the people of Mantle are, and we’re probably going to see even more of that unrest and protest as we go on. Especially with this Robyn Hill character that we see is running for Council, and against an Atlesian tycoon. And I have a good guess at who that tycoon may be…
Chapter Two Predictions
Introducing a new section to the reviews! Which I will also add to the Red vs Blue reviews when that starts up again (2020, hurry the heck up!). But yeah, I’m gonna start doing predictions and see how well I do… or more likely, how badly I do. It’s all for fun though, so keep that in mind.
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So the gang has been arrested and is going up to Atlas. So we’ll probably get to see that and get to compare it to the worn-down Mantle. We see in the trailer that Ruby and Ironwood are talking, so chances are Ironwood will recognize them and hear them out. If we’re lucky, he may have gotten the letter that Qrow sent as well. Now whether hell license the kids or not I’m not sure, but he clearly is going to allow them to work with Ace-Ops (likely under his strict rules) so it could be that or he’ll mark it as Community Service to make up for the charges against them. I can also see him deciding to take Oscar under his wing both for his own safety due to Ozpin, and/or to properly train the kid since even with Oz’s muscle memory, he needs all that he can get. After that, the gang is able to get their new gear, get some haircuts, etc. Only one IDK what’s going to happen to is Qrow… but he’s likely gonna do whatever the Hell he wants or Ironwood’s gonna give him the harder jobs. But we’ll find out soon enough.
Episode Stats
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Favorite Character: Pietro and Penny Polendina Favorite Scene: RWBYJNORQ vs The Grimm Least Favorite Scene: The intro before they went into Mantle since it was just re-establishment exposition. Favorite Voice Actor: Taylor McNee (Penny Polendina) Favorite Animation: Either the Weis and Ren combo on the Grim or Ruby slaying the Grimm. Final Ranking: 8.5/10
Final Thoughts
We are off to a very good start! We get to see Mantle and understand exactly the state that it, as well as Atlas, are in. We get a nice action sequence. We get a lot of setup for things later, like the propaganda and introduction fo the Ace-Ops. But most of all, we have Pietro finally appearing and, of course, the return of Penny. Not my favorite premiere, but it did its job and was a very satisfying watch. So I say job well-done CRWBY! It sure as Hell makes me excited for what’s ahead!
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harmonic-psyche · 6 years
The Finalysis: Ask The Dreadnought Crew
Hellooo again, everyone!
I apologize that it took so long to finish this, compared to my previous Finalysis post of @askgoopi characters. But now that I did, let’s dive right in! Here are the Myers-Briggs personality types of 14 original characters from @askthedreadnoughtcrew:
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If the terminology is confusing, see my MBTI Basics tag. Maybe I should have included that in past personality analysis posts. Also, I have not managed to make the pictures show up in high-res on my blog... Anyway, as in the previous Finalysis posts, I explain my reasoning for giving each character the type that I did below the break:
Atlas: Probably INTP.
Since Atlas "is pretty lazy and likes doing nothing," he is probably not a Te- or Fe-dominant, and probably lacks high Si. Te and Fe are known for leadership and motivating action, while Si is generally known for consistency and hard work. His high patience level makes Se unlikely — especially since he does not react to his surroundings, even when they are on fire. Se characteristically is very quick in reacting to the outside environment, whereas iNtuitors are often too stuck in their heads. On that note, his "most appropriate TV Tropes" include "Beware the Silly Ones" and "Brilliant But Lazy," which are both linked to Ne's eccentric cleverness.
Atlas’s dominant function is less clear than his tertiary. On the one hand, he is "The Anti-Nihilist," which shows exactly the kind of positive, hopeful individualist existentialism that often flows from Fi. On the other, his totally apathetic and non-reactive demeanor suggests Ti, whereas INFPs are often far more emotional and reactive. 
Breeze: Probably ENTP.
Ever since childhood, this neon yellow "nerd" programmer "[a]lways tried to bend the rules and find loopholes," showing Ne's nonconformism and Ti's love of logically deconstructing socially accepted rules. Both of those traits have continued and only increased through her love of hacking. NTPs are probably disproportionately common to programmers like her and hackers in particular. As a "Playful Hacker," Breeze shows mischievous Ne instead of serious Ni. Her "weaknesses" include that she "[e]xpects everything to go perfectly and doesn't have a backup plan in case something fails," showing her tendency to think in theoretical (N) instead of practical (S) terms. It also shows that she prefers logic (Ti) to logistics (Te). The "pride," love of "learning new things," and "[s]omewhat high" patience level that Breeze displays further support a Ne-dominant typing: _NTPs in particular show high pride, N-types are generally more fond of learning, and Se-types tend to have lower patience.
I first considered that Breeze could be an INTP because her Charahub calls her "sometimes gloomy," "[s]uspicious of anyone who she's never met," and "sometimes The Cracker," i.e., a "computer criminal." However, she smiles in most of the posts she appears in (as of 2018-08-09; contrast Ti-dominants like Ayjo and Malik), so she is an extraverted edgelord. Also, @askthedreadnoughtcrew said that "I don't think that The Cracker really describes her well - she's more of a Playful Hacker (she only hacks for fun, and almost never with malicious intents)" (PMs 2018-07-27). Even when I thought her an INTP, I noticed that Breeze is surprisingly social and optimistic: the glass is "half full," she is "close friends" with "everyone except for Weldon and Davan," and she "want[s] to get married[,] ... have kids, [and] raise a family." While the half-full/half-empty distinction probably shows a weak connection to personality type at most, an INTP typing cannot easily explain it or Breeze's wide friendship circle.
I next considered that Breeze could be an ENFP, since she seemed to show Fi when explaining that her crew is not under Giegue's authority: "I’ve heard that Giegue is a huge jerk. And we don’t take orders from jerks, hell no." However, this could stem from Ne's nonconformity and the influence of tertiary Fe. But the most powerful evidence against ENFP is her distrust of strangers (PMs 07-27):
"Breeze can be suspicious of strangers or others that she doesn't know well or at all, but once she feels close enough to someone and knows that they aren't a threat, she becomes a lot more relaxed and trusting of that person. She just takes a while to warm up to others."
E_F_ types are generally cheerful, friendly, and trusting even to strangers (see Iso and Manjula), and ENFPs are particularly infamous for over-trusting. I could not even try to explain Breeze's suspicion of strangers using an ENFP typing, since I have said that other characters (e.g. Spooks and Static) are ENFP largely because they are not suspicious of strangers (based on Bayesian logic). I apologize for the length of this explanation, but of all the @askthedreadnoughtcrew characters, Breeze confused me the most. Still, an ENTP typing can reconcile the ostensibly contradictory traits which confused me before. 
CJ: Seems like an ISTP.
When an anon asked what he was planning to pick up at the post office, CJ said "that's none of your business." That reply shows the independence, suspicion of others, and blunt rudeness common to ISTPs. The same blunt rudeness characterized his reply when Ryn asked for help finding Clay and Jaxter. After CJ said that he did not know and criticized Ryn's search strategy, CJ abruptly left without offering to help, which was "pretty rude." Both of these show the inferior Fe apathy for social norms. So does CJ's lack of concern that his loud music bothers his neighbor Lyra. All of these seem to indicate inferior Fe.
CJ's lack of eccentric, mischievous, or overtly intellectual tendencies shows no evidence for Ne, whereas his bluntness seems to indicate auxiliary Se. However, I have not seen a general description of CJ. I am inferring his personality only from his demeanor in a few scenes, so I have low confidence in calling him an ISTP.
Clay: Probably ISTJ.
Since Clay is "constantly, but not always, emotionless," he is almost certainly not a Feeling type. Usually he comes across as calm, quiet, and indifferent, indicating I_T_. His cynical pessimism (the "glass" is "100% empty") indicates the same. As a "Bookworm" whose favorite activity is reading and whose "favorite book" is "[a]ll of them," Clay is a nerd prefers to spend his time on calm (I__J) instead of more exciting (E__P) activities — although he does consider life "boring." Yet fear may be one of his most often-felt emotions (a common problem of inferior Ne), as he is "[u]sually too scared to stand up for anything" and would "have a panic attack" if he suddenly transitioned to our world.
That leaves ISTJ or INTJ, with his fear making the former more likely. As Ni-dominants, INTJs are generally driven by some kind of grand plan for the future. However, "Clay really doesn't know what he's going to do with his life, and he doesn't particularly care that much, either. He just prefers to travel around with his crew and not have to think about the future" (PMs with @askthedreadnoughtcrew 2018-07-29). Clay is then an ISTJ which, although an unsurprising type for a gieeg who is commanding a crew, is ironic since he initially set off into space to escape from the gieeg leadership.
Davan: Almost certainly ESTP.
Davan "dislikes boring stuff, [and] people who boss him around," which shows stereotypical Se impatience and rebelliousness. He is a "very irresponsible mook with a mysterious past that likes to party a lot." It is very unlikely for Te-dominants to be irresponsible as a trait, and even less likely for them to be indifferent about it. The hardest part of Clay's daily rituals is "keeping Davan under control" since the mook is an impulsive pyromaniac. Davan "likes Partying, Clay, [and] annoying Clay." When asked whether he likes parties, Davan was not available to answer — because he was at a party. Parties provide the intense sensory and social stimulation that Se craves, which is why Se-dominants are often stereotyped as party animals. Crude language and crude humor are common to Se-dominants, and Davan is so crude that others try to keep him away from Ryn. The "coolest people he knows" are "me, myself, and I," displaying the flippant narcissism common to stereotypical E_TPs.
However, Davan's Se-dominance is not always a burden to the crew. It once saved all of their lives. When the Dreadnought was about to crash into a huge asteroid, all of the Starmen froze — but Davan jumped in and steered the ship to safety. Heroism may seem unlikely from someone so narcissistic and "very irresponsible." But when an unexpected emergency happens and needs someone to act fast, impulsive and down-to-earth Se-dominants can be counted on to save the day. Maybe "heroism" is too strong a word, since Davan may have only acted to save his own skin. But the fact remains that without his action, the ship and its crew would not have survived.
Deimos: Probably ISTJ.
This poor fellow is "usually gloomy all the time and doesn't like talking to people," showing introversion. His attitude towards life and love is "*shrug,*" showing an indifference to idealism and to relationships which suggests low iNtuition and Feeling functions. Similarly, the "most appropriate TV Tropes" to describe Deimos are "Sour Outside, Sad Inside [and] The Eeyore" (although only "sometimes"). All of those show the cynicism common to I_T_ types. "He can somehow always find the exact supplies that the crew of the Dreadnought need," which either shows the apparent instinct that ISTPs have for being a mechanic (compare Ayjo and Beams) or the ISTJ's excellent memory for practical details.
Indifference seems more likely among ISTPs than ISTJs, but besides that, his traits primarily show ISTJ. Since he "dislikes Nova's short temper" as well as "Atlas' laziness and bad jokes," he seems to prefer to keep others in line. The "kind of student" he would be if he "were to attend school" is a constantly sad kid who "doesn't try and somehow still gets straight A's." ISTPs, unlike ISTJs are not known for academic success because of the impatient, non-systematic high Se. Most importantly, Deimos is "a hard worker" because he "is usually the one who keeps the other starmen in check and makes sure they’re doing what they’re supposed to be doing" (PMs with @askthedreadnoughtcrew 2018-07-27). Enforcing (J) rather than resisting (P) the rules, and a strong work ethic, are probably the most significant noticeable difference between ISTJ and ISTP.
Gemini: Seems like an ISFP.
"Everyone on the Dreadnought is just a little scared of" this badass noodle "tough fighter" who "wouldn't hesitate to beat someone up" even as a child. Even then, she wanted to become a fighter later in life. Since she cultivates a persona of fear, she is probably neither E_F_ nor __FJ. Those types usually try to befriend — or at least act friendly towards — everyone (contrast Ryn).
Outwardly, she has a cold demeanor, smiling in only 1 out of the 9 posts she appeared in (as of 2018-08-04; contrast Ryn's 12 out of 21). A colder outward demeanor is more common among introverts and those without high Fe. From that and her toughness, "other people assume" that "she's rude."Yet she has a few things in common with Ryn: the thing that "brings [her] the most joy" is "[k]nowing that she's being helpful," she "usually" acts "kind to others," and she considers "[e]veryone except Davan" important to her. Kindness and the desire to help others, without Fe's warmth, show strong Fi. Her toughness shows strong Se — especially her kind of toughness. She likes fighting, but not from a desire to harm others. In fact, her favorite sparring partner is Jaxter, who is her partner if ya know what I mean the most important person in her life. Those strongly support ISFP.
It is a bit harder to explain why she is "a bit self-centered" and enjoys "boasting" with an ISFP typing, since narcissism is linked most closely to _NTP types. Maybe Fi sometimes makes her focus too much on herself, and boasting comes from Se's competitive instinct? Although her pride and occasional self-centeredness lowers my confidence in ISFP, that still seems like the most likely type.
Jaxter: Probably INFP, maybe INTP.
Perhaps the most eccentric and quirky member of the crew, Jaxter "Likes [q]uiet places, video games, [and] fixing things." Those completely solitary places/activities strongly suggest that Jaxter is an introvert. An eccentric and quirky yet muted personality usually shows auxiliary Ne (compare Loris, Niiue, and Origen). Also, Jaxter "panics a lot and is very clumsy and awkward." Clumsiness suggests a low Sensing function (contrast Gemini's physical competence), and social awkwardness suggests low/no Fe, although those are both weak associations. "Sloth" is the "deadly sin that best represents" him, which shows that he does not have high Si because that usually produces a strong work ethic (contrast Deimos and Saral). These all suggest IN_P.
While it is not stated explicitly, Jaxter is emotionally sensitive. His tendencies to panic show a high reactivity to stressful stimuli, ones that may not affect less sensitive others. Contrast his screaming, horrified reaction to the engine almost exploding with Atlas (INTP) not reacting at all to the engine actually exploding. Hair-trigger stress and fear reactions usually imply low Ne, a high Feeling function, or both. This fear combines with his shyness and social awkwardness to produce social sensitivity: he withdraws from social situations more often than others out of fear. For example, Jaxter "used to be pretty intimidated by Gemini," probably even more than is normal for the crew. I_T_ types disproportionately withdraw from social situations too, but usually because of apathy and annoyance (contrast Calliope, Malik, and Marie). Therefore, while I thought him an _NTP at first partially from his resemblance to Doc Brown, he is more likely an INFP.
Jett: Seems like an ISTP.
This bug flying a badass, maximally edgy, spike-covered Lil UFO shows apathy to the concerns of others — especially his neighbor Lyra, who he said "is SO annoying" because she complained about him blasting loud music for the "eleventh" time. His dismissive apathy shows low Fe: even if a high-Fe-user did not care, they would probably at least act as if they cared. Also, when Jett's roommate CJ said that he was going to the post office, Jett's comment showed the blunt tone and independence-focused mindset common to ISTPs: "Well, go for it. It’s not like I’m gonna try to stop you or something." While I cannot type Jett with confidence since he has no Charahub entry and so few posts (as of 2018-08-09), current evidence suggests ISTP.
Lyra: Seems like an _STP.
Lyra is extremely straightforward about her motives for working as Morgandy's assistant: "I do it for the money." The concise and blunt (Se), honest description of focusing on rational self-interest (Ti) supports _STP, as she later shows by often complaining about insufficient pay. Lyra has no patience for Morgandy's language humor, whereas N-types are more likely to enjoy that kind of humor and high Fe-types would hesitate to be so rude. She is also very annoyed, and evidently pissed off, by her neighbors' loud music. If not for Morgandy insisting on asking "POLITELY," Lyra might tell her neighbors "to shove their speakers up their asses," showing the _STP's irritability, crudeness, and lack of concern for politeness or social norms. Even with Morgandy's insistence, Lyra angrily yelled at the neighbors who proceeded not to care.
I have not seen clear evidence of introversion or extraversion, unfortunately, so I cannot assign Lyra a specific type. All of Lyra's posts suggest _STP, but since I have not seen very many of them (or a Charahub entry), I cannot claim high confidence in that conclusion.
Morgandy: Probably ENFP.
As the only "[h]yperactive, cheerful, and childish" gieeg from her blog, Morgandy is a bit unusual. Ever since she was a child, Morgandy was "[u]ltra-hyper and very eager to do everything." Her "annoyingly childish and hyper" tendencies suggest E__P (compare Vivek), and so does her chosen profession as an entertainer. Extraverts are usually more energetic, and Perceivers more spontaneous. Both traits are important in entertainment. The fact that Morgandy "dislikes nothing really" rules out E_TP, matching the stereotype that ENFPs love everything and everyone (compare Spooks). However, Morgandy is not afraid to trash-talk her assistant or brag about her own superiority, unlike many Fe-types who hate to ever be rude.
Morgandy "doesn't like to fight," which is more common for F-types (with notable exceptions including Gemini and other badass SFPs). Morgandy prefers non-confrontational solutions to problems, whereas T-types are more direct and confrontational. Like many iNtuitors, she enjoys making incredibly dumb jokes by playing with language (compare Static). While I have not seen much of her on the blog, what I have seen makes ENFP very likely.
Nova: Seems like an ESTJ.
This "Final Starman who ... always tries to be the best that he can, but usually ends up making a mess ... is determined and will not stop at achieving a goal." That kind of strong-willed focus and determination are most common to high Te and Si users. He has low patience, especially for Atlas's laziness and Deimos's moping. STJs have the least tolerance for laziness: Te values hard work on a practical level, Si does on a moral level, and Te is the least afraid of confrontation. His dislike of "glum Deimos" shows the difference between his extraversion and Deimos' introversion. Extraverts gain energy and motivation from the social environment, so E_T_ types are usually more affected by others' moods. His "bad habits" include "[y]elling" (especially at Atlas), a common one for EST_ types (compare Goopi). That makes ESFJ unlikely: ESFJs usually try to act friendly, and even when they are aggressive, they are almost always passive-aggressive instead of straightforward.
Even though he does not eat, he enjoys cooking. The sensory, detail-oriented, highly formulaic activity is probably enjoyed more by strong Si-users (compare Saral). Also, he has a strong respect for authority. More specifically, Clay is his "role model" and "most important person in [his] life." Strong Si-users are more likely than any other type to intuitively trust authority figures (compare Pia).
An ESTJ typing admittedly has a hard time explaining why Nova has a "fear of nobody liking him," since that is seems more closely linked to Feeling types. Maybe it has to do with his extraversion? Also, it seems odd that he would "never" "dare to kill someone," but perhaps that comes from his Si principles. While ESTJ still explains most of his personality as shown in his Charahub and his posts so far, I do not think that I have seen enough posts to type him with high confidence.
Rynault ("Ryn"): Almost certainly ENFJ.
This "cheerful and optimistic" gieeg "likes helping others" since it "brings him the most joy" out of any activity. Altruism is most common, or at least most explicit, among Fe-dominants. From childhood, he has been "[v]ery eager and optimistic." As mentioned above while discussing Gemini, he smiles a lot. All of that shows the cheery demeanor and upbeat attitude most common to E_F_ types (compare Iso, Spooks, and Static). He stands up for his beliefs, but would never dare to kill anyone, showing Fe's claim to the moral high ground but also its squeamishness. The "most important person in [his] life" is "[e]veryone on the Dreadnought," showing the indiscriminate caring for everyone common to high-Fe types (compare Gabe, Manjula, Penini, Saral, and of course Iso). In contrast, many others (especially T-types) only care about those close to them, but care strongly about those people (contrast Gemini, Giegue, and J).
A natural leader who thinks quickly to do what is best for everyone, Ryn has taken the initiative as the "leader of the group" far more than me than one would expect for an introvert — especially considering that he is only "a 12 [!] year old." One of the main differences between ENFJs and INFJs is that the former are more likely to take the initiative and publicly lead. Ryn shows this tendency in the extreme. He is "smart but not nerdy" which completely rules out the IN__ types, although others often assume that he is a nerd. He has a "very high" patience level, suggesting high Ni or maybe high Si, and conversely "is kind of a klutz when it comes to sharp objects." Physical clumsiness is more common in N-types. While the evidence for his auxiliary Ni may not seem as strong as the evidence for his dominant Fe, Ryn's exceptional charisma is far more common among ENFJs than ESFJs. There is a reason that some people call ENFJs "The Cult Leader" type. While I do not expect Ryn to start a cult anytime soon, he arguably has the right skill set for it.
Weldon: Almost certainly ESTP.
Straight outta the 90s comes this hip dude with, like, a totally rad backwards hat and shades, bro. (Yes, that is how he talks, man.) He is a "huge jerk" (according to Davan and to Weldon's own Charahub) and a "douche" who "likes bragging about himself" and claims to be "too cool to ask for asks, dude." All of those show the callous narcissism associated with immature E_TP types whose Fe is not developed. He also "dislikes when people are better than him" and is "too competitive," combining his narcissism with the impulsive, competitive tendencies of high Se. I considered him an introvert at first because of his "laid-back" and "relaxed" voice and demeanor, but he "doesn't like being alone," which may be the clearest possible evidence of extraversion other than wearing a sign that says “I AM AN EXTRAVERT.”
Concluding Thoughts
That took me longer than I expected. But on the bright side, I realized that I have now completed 89 character analyses — of which I still have many to post. My goal of analyzing 100 characters, which I previously thought unrealistic, suddenly appears within striking distance.
Speaking of "within striking distance," I will probably publish my next Finalysis post in much less time than this one. Part of the reason this one took so long is that I could not make up my mind on whose to post next. Since posting the last one, I have spent time typing characters from this blog, @asktheapplechasers, @only-our-regrets (i.e. ComDis), and @take-a-melody. One of those will probably be featured in my next Finalysis post. If you have a preference for one of them — or a different blog — please feel free to shoot me a message! (Especially because I sometimes have questions about characters' personalities!)
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