#i am so LUCKY she loves belly rubs and bean massages
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she so PRETTY
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smolbeanieee · 4 years
Sungjin as dad to be | fluff
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you didn't meant to hide about your pregnancy to him
you're actually thinking about how to surprise him about the news later
but eventually Sungjin found about it
when he found the pregnant test kit in the bathroom
so now you're sitting next to him at couch as you fidgeting with your fingers, trying to explain to him
“i-i'm sorry. I'm just thinking how to tell you. I should've tell you sooner” you said, keeping your eyes down at your lap
but Sungjin just keep himself quiet
making you anxious
“Are you mad at me?” you asked him again
but he gave only silence
unsatisfied with no response, you lifts your head, only found Sungjin has been staring at you for the whole moment
as big grin plastered on his face
“w-what? please say something” you looking at him with the watery eyes making Sungjin let out chuckles from his lips
“why should I get mad at you. I know you have you own reason for not telling me sooner.  we’re gonna be parents!” said Sungjin cheerfully
his answer has you squeals in joy!!!
because he's not mad at you!!
you jump on him for a hug!!
and he went like
“heY HEY be careful!!” as he captured you softly
making you giggles in his embrace
“thank you, love” Sungjin whispered into your ears as he planted kisses on your head, caressing your sides lovingly
as for the 1st trimester
Sungjin would realllly REALLLLYYYYYYY be careful with you
he would treat you as if you're fragile
“I read somewhere on the Internet saying that baby in the first trimester is still weak so you gotta be careful with them”
that what he would answer if you asked him
your early mood swings will makes Sungjin annoyed at first
as weeks passed by
he already adapted by that
as he learned that mood swings is normal at early stage
your morning sickness isn't that bad either
but not to Sungjin
he felt bad for you having morning sickness
he would rub your back when you're throwing up
it's just for couple of weeks then boom no more morning sickness
making Sungjin feels relieved
if you're craving for something,,
sungjin to the rescue!!!
he will cooks for you!!
you runs out of strawberries in the midnight?
Sungjin will runs to the nearest shop even he will nag at you on how hard to get the strawberries at that moment
you'll never get tired from doing chores because he totally bans you from doing any work
he'll silently cooks for you,,,wash the dishes
sometimes you pushed Sungjin away because you totally can't stand smelling his cologne
so Sungjin would wash up to get rid of the smell
which you approve it
now the 2nd trimester!!!
when time to scan the baby gender
he may looks calm on the outside
but internally
but he keeping his cool for now
so when he knew it is a girl
smiles never fades on his face for the whole day!!!
“sungjin,calm down. she's only 5 months old now and didn't even come out yet” you chuckles, softly rubbing your thumbs over his knuckles
“I just felt overwhelmed,,,excited,,,you know,,,” said Sungjin, grinning
as your stomach grows and your baby girl moving
Sungjin has one habit since you started pregnant
unlike him who doesn't like skin ship
now he likes caressing your stomach whether consciously or unconsciously
sometimes when you're snuggling next to him on the couch
he would brought his hands and soflty caressing your tummy
and sometimes
as if your baby knows it's his dad, she would moves more actively
“why aren't you asleep yet baby girl?? mom is tired you know? please sleep our little bean”
Sungjin whispered on your exposed tummy whilst laying beside you on the bed
because you complaint on how difficult to sleep when your baby is active
sometimes Sungjin would sing a lullaby to both of you
and magically
it's works
the baby's movement starts to slow down
and also you started to feels sleepy
sungjin!! would!! never!! forget!! night!! kisses!! to!! you!! and!! your!! baby!!
as the 3rd trimester came in
Sungjin is e x t r a be careful with you
he would buy tons of  pillow made for pregnant women!!
you know
the pillow that support the belly and back??
would implying to you all the things he learn on youtube about pregnancy
such breathing exercises!! how to push properly!! how to handle contractions!!
“let's do the exercise together”
something would Sungjin said
would feed you enough food eventhough you told you can't eat more
“hey it's for you to get more strength in the labour room”
“b-but babe :((( “
“okay fine one last bite”
how could he resist when you're looking at him with such big doe eyes
Sungjin would compliment you everytime you feels insecure with the sudden weight gain
“Sungjin, am I look fat right now? because I feels so big right” you said,,looking at yourself in the mirror
Sungjin sighs, making his way next to you.
he takes a look over you—hands caressing your tummy softly
“You do look a little bigger than usual” Sungjin trailed his words, making you pouts
“but hey,,,you carrying a human inside you. I thinks it's the most beautiful and mesmerizing how strong you're,,, regardless how many kilos you gains, I will always love you,,remember that okay??” he convince
Sungjin flashes his smiles, opening his arms widely, giving you the warm and soft bear hugs
sometimes when your back aches or your foot swollen, he won't hesitate to massage even when in the middle of night!!
when the time came!!
he holds your hands every moment!!
he stays by your side when you're having contractions!!
“babe remember how we practice the breathing exercise? let's do that okay?”
he would calmly helps you with the breathing exercises
when in the labour room,,,he keep on whispering all the encouraging words into your words
“you're the most beautiful girl I've ever meet”
“I'm so lucky to have you,,,remember that”
“hang it there,,you almost made it”
when you finally gives the final push—your little baby cries echoes throughout the room
Sungjin presses his lips upon your forehead,,,feeling how thankful he would be
“you did well,love. I'm so proud of you” caressing your cheeks lovingly
when the nurse pass him your baby girl, Sungjin felt insecure having a little and fragile baby in his arms
but soon gains more confident when your little girl smiles when Sungjin softly called her
“hey,,it's me,your dad”
your little girl smiles, making his heart fulls of love
and maybe his eyes starts to wet a little bit
“she's so pretty,,she got your lips” you claim as Sungjin show your daughter wrapped in a white blanket.
“just like you, honey. thank you and I really loves you ♡♡” he said,,giving you the biggest and proud smiles on his face
Sungjin could never asked for more when looking at you and his little girl as he felt his heart fulls of excitement and happiness having both of you in his life
the little family that Sungjin would protect if anything happens.
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p0werisp0wer · 4 years
To whoever loves her next, here are some things you should know
She absolutely adores thrifting. It is her happy place. Always pay attention to her face when she finds something she loves. It’s the cutest thing you will ever see. We say that we want a “goodwill scented candle” so we can feel at home. Maybe try and find one of those for her. It will make her happy.
She is madly obsessed with dogs. They are her stress reliever and her therapy. Especially her babies Kimber and Parker. They always help her when she is sad. Maybe take her to the humane society just so she can look at puppies. It’ll brighten her day. (Just make sure she doesn’t buy them all)
She is in love with coffee. If you ever want to suprise her with a drink when it’s fall, make sure to get her a venti pumpkin creme cold brew, with extra pumpkin creme and when I say extra, I mean like 3/4 of the cup (maybe more than that) should have pumpkin creme. One time we went and got a whole cup of just pumpkin creme with just one shot of espresso. She loves that too.
She has to have her caffeine. Like HAS to have it. So you can pick between coffee or an energy drink. Here are some energy drinks she loves: Coconut Berry Red Bull, white monster, sour heads bang, coffee monster, and honestly any other one, but those are her favorites. Without a doubt.
Make sure you travel with her. She wants to see the world. She is tired of being in the same place and feeling stuck. Make sure she does not feel that way. Let her be free. Take her where she wants to go. Even the smallest adventures make her happy. Nothing to big or to small.
Her favorite food is Alfredo with garlic bread. Preferably from Olive Garden. That’s her favorite. She also loves sushi (the kind that’s fried on the outside.) of you ever see one of those hole in the wall Mexican restaurants, see if they have the “suprise burrito” to “surprise” her with. She loves those. They come with Bacon, cheese, potato’s, eggs, any beans (make sure you say no eggs. She will not eat it with eggs. She also loves extra cheese. )
She gets really bad period cramps as well as headaches. Please please take care of her. She needs to feel loved, it’ll help her, I promise. Make sure you have a heating pad and Advil on hand. Also massage her lower abdomen and lower back. It will help. And if she gets a belly ache, fix her some water and give her pepto, that helps too.
She loves random loving gestures. Like rubbing her back or scratching it. It will make her happy. Also she adores when you play with her hair. It will help relax her.
She loves twilight. So make sure you love it too. I learned to love it. It is one of the shows that make her happy. So if she wants to watch it, then watch it! However don’t ask her to watch Star Wars, she probably won’t haha!
She is a family person. So make sure you do your best to get close to her family. Her dad is amazing and the cutest thing ever. Her mom is so cute too she loves thrifting as well. Her sisters and her brother are so funny and sweet. But her sister is very protective of her heart. So you will have to make sure she approves before you get anywhere!
She loves concerts. They make her feel alive. I wish I could take her to more. So any chance you get to take her to a concert. Do it, spend the money. It will be worth it to see her eyes light up amd her smile from ear to ear. I promise, you won’t regret it.
She loves Demi Lovato. So if you ever want to get her a random gift. A poster of her will do :)
She is empowering and strong and has been through so much. Never make her feel like less. Make sure she always feels loved. Do the small things for her. She doesn’t like big gifts (even though I love getting them for her) but she will always appreciate them anyways. Her beauty and strength inspires me, and I hope it inspires you too.
She loves stones and really wants to get into them and learning what they do. She wants moldivite. So if you have the chance to get that for her, do it. She’ll love it. She also wants a rock tumbler (but I probably beat u to that.) She 100% believes in karma and jinxing things. So if you see her randomly knocking on her head, just ignore it and let her do her thing.
She has to have her relaxing time. Let her relax from time to time. Someone I am bad about not letting her relax and I have to remind myself to slow down and let her lay down for a bit.
If she ever wakes you up saying your name, just know in advance it is the cutest thing to wake up to. She also get kind of scared in the middle of the night and may wake you up to go use the bathroom. Don’t get upset and grumpy. Just stay awake until she is done so she isn’t scared.
Fall is her favorite season. She loves everything about it. The vibes fall gives off is her favorite thing. She also loves Halloween. Dress up with her. Be cheesy and just do it. It is fun!
She never wants to be on bad terms with anyone. She will get upset if she feels like someone doesn’t like her. So if she feels that way, try and straighten things out. Because it will eat her alive until she knows everything is okay.
Please I beg you to love her with everything you have. Because you are so lucky to be with such a beautiful human. She is astonishing in every way and she never needs to question that. Always fo the little things for her. She will love you for it. I could honestly go on for days about this girl. But these are just some of the things you should know about her. I love this girl with everything in me and I know anyone who has her next will be the luckiest person on the earth.
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