#i apologize for how inarticulate this is i rlly don’t wanna spoil things
xx-vergil-xx · 2 years
so not to fish for spoilers for the next 20 (?!) chapters of hounds, but uh. will the archive warning change? cause at the moment it's set to "no archive warnings apply" but your posts are making me Very Concerned and i want a small hint on how emotionally prepared i have to make myself
uuuh i mean okay so i will most definitely be updating the archive warnings when we get there bc i too don’t wanna spoil things — but there are Several chapters to go before anything gets Wild and Crazy like that. so for now i’d say dw abt it? i just spent two hours today writing an aggressive treatise on like the inherent adoration of knowing the names of bones like they’re in love your honor and that shit is gonna be the focus for a bit here.
i’m rlly tryna find a way to talk around it without giving it away but also i mean it’s not like the major point of the plot (it’s a major plot point but it’s not like The Point™️ man i’m sorry this is inarticulate) but okay alright i will say that i’m obeying a few of the major comics canon elements (i feel like u can guess which ones) but in a sense those events won’t be the whole deal?? uuuh fuckin this is decidedly useless my b <3
tl;dr yes i’ll be updating the archive warnings but like not until we get there. and i will say it’s arguable the ending is happy
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