#i appreciate you all consistently sending me prompts to write my daily 100K yunmeng bro essays
amedetoiles · 4 years
how do you think wei wuxian will feel when (yes, WHEN) he learns jiang cheng let himself get captured to protect him?
(in reference to this ask)
I appreciate you adamantly saying WHEN because I wholeheartedly agree. Genuinely, it is very good for me personally that after some twenty odd years of Jiang Cheng burying this secret so deeply into his broken soul, it probably comes bursting out without his consent in the middle of a shouting match over a completely unrelated topic with Wei Wuxian in front of their entire family. The trajectory and theme of Jiang Cheng’s life is truly and wholly Just Like This.
In any case, Wei Wuxian’s feelings about this are as follows in varying order and degrees of repetition:
Wait, you love me??
How could you be so stupid? You’re the Jiang sect heir!
No, wait, wait, you like actually love me?????????
What would shijie have done?!
What would I have done?!?!
In all seriousness, I think it would be very good for Wei Wuxian to know. Not only for him to understand that Jiang Cheng loved him and loves him still, but also for him to realize that he is not the only one here allowed to make sacrifices! That the people who love him would very much like it if he would stay alive instead of recklessly disregarding his own life! That to them, his life is absolutely not an acceptable sacrifice to make.
Don’t get me wrong, I think it will definitely hurt. I think it will rewrite the way Wei Wuxian has thought about everything that occurred after the Wens attacked Lotus Pier. I think Wei Wuxian will feel genuinely angry about it. A similar grief-laced helplessness and fury and guilt that Jiang Cheng felt learning about the golden core transfer. But it would be good for Wei Wuxian, too, to have undeniable evidence that Jiang Cheng loved him enough to give him everything too even if it feels awful. Because so much of Wei Wuxian’s hesitance at the end of canon is because he doesn’t know anymore if Jiang Cheng loves him and is actually pretty sure for understandable reasons (Jiang Cheng, you are very bad with your words!) that Jiang Cheng would rather Wei Wuxian not be in his life. Granted, Wei Wuxian is also exhausted by two lives worth of bullshit and definitely deserves to go on a nice self-healing journey around the world before deciding what exactly he wants to do with his relationship with Jiang Cheng.
Obviously, I’m of the opinion that neither one of them are done with each other and a shouting match in the middle of arguing over Jin Ling’s latest escapade is as good a time as any to air out some things such as fuck you, I was trying to protect YOU, you asshole. (Also, Lan Wangji being present to hear this reveal just comes with all sorts of goodness, because as much as I adore Jiang Cheng’s and Lan Wangji’s mutual pettiness, it would be good for Lan Wangji to finally know how deeply Jiang Cheng’s love and sacrifice runs, too.) With all their secrets finally laid out between them, maybe they can both now move forward from debt and obligations and pain, and instead learn to rebuild their relationship with better communication and honesty and all the love they still have for each other.
Also, it brings me great amusement for Jiang Cheng to now be faced with Wei Wuxian’s entirely hypocritical and incandescently indignant fury that Jiang Cheng is an idiot and how dare you, you gigantic asshole, and then be thoroughly and angrily hugged within an inch of his life. If they’re both crying and snotty, it’s fine because nobody can see their faces.
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