#i attempted some photobashing this time :D
mogwaei · 5 months
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[Codex: Crossroads]
Solas ⚔ Maelgwn
What part of the timeline could this be? Magic is strange in the paths between the looking glasses. Timelines blur and branch and blend. To the unwitting wanderer, this could spell their undoing and be forever lost.
But perhaps...it is not so terrible a fate to find another wayward soul to be lost with, within.
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ccchiori · 4 years
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Hellooo there 😊
I took the liberty and decided to kinda make this post a short introduction of myself and what's this all about etc :)
As stated in the description of this Acc, I am an hobby artist with a passion for quite a lot of things - mostly different kinds of art. So, this is basically what I'll be sharing here most of the time.
I love drawing, painting, digital art in general and have recently been trying to get the hang of matte painting and photobashing. At one point, I also figured I might be interested in doing this stuff professionally, as an employee or maybe one day as an freelance artist. Although I am not sure if this will ever be my main goal, since I currently have a reaaaally nice job which I totally enjoy doing - I am employed as an IT Systemadministrator on the brink to becoming a System Engineer for Backup and Storage Infrastructure... And it's suuuuuper awesome.😊 nevertheless do I want to improve and sort of wanna share this process with others. 😊
There are a lot of professional, reaaaally really good artists out there that I personally love to look up and follow etc. However. Quite some years ago,I got incredible frustrated because almost every piece of art I saw online, was just to perfect. Even compared to a pros scribbles etc: my creations always seemed to suck. :'D I eventually wanted to share my drawings anyway, but started to felt more and more "pressured" to only show "the good, perfect stuff" and ended up not sharing anything at all. :D
Well, no one's born as an artist, professional etc. So, who cares about the so called Socialmedia-perfection anyway?! :D
What I wanna share here are drawings, doodles, commissions, sketches, failed attempts to do whatsoever and the way those "failed one's" helped me get better - Instead of only showing the "finished projects"....which doesn't mean u won't get to see the stuff i am reaaaally really proud of, of course 😁🤣
But,more about that sometimes later :-)
For now, have a nice (hopefully not so rainy :'D ) weekend 😊😊
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shealynn88 · 4 years
Self Love Tag Game (No, not like that...)
Tagged by the amazing @slytherkins​ to spread the self love and share some favorite creations!  Below are a few pieces that I’m quite proud of.
Tagging 5 people to also share their favorite creations  <3: @all-or-nothing-baby​ @midnightsilver​ @emblue-sparks​ @threshasketch​ @blindswandive​
There are a few categories where I’m trying to improve and focus: 1. Likeness and emotion 2. Composition and storytelling 3. Painterly/Artistic execution
Hello, Dean - Forest Being Castiel and Crow Dean.  I really felt like I captured a story and an expression, here. This isn’t a photo bash - I used several references to create this, and that was quite new to me.  I’m just very pleased with the emotion and the looseness and ease of the sketch.  And it’s one of my most popular, so I guess people agree.  :D
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Five more pieces below!
Sub Dean - Same style, different feel, but I love it for the same reasons - I feel like the expression and emotion is really strong, the execution, likeness and composition are solid, and it is again a combination of multiple references which continues to be a challenge and a goal.  It is one of my least popular pieces.  lol.
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Formal Portrait of Juliet - This was one of the first time I attempted a theme.  I wanted to really express the underworld here in a mythic way, and, while I’ve had a lot of questions about what it all means (so success may be questionable), it’s the first time I tried putting those elements together, and I’m really proud of it.  It was a definite turning point for me. 
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SPN in Wonderland -This was my first EVER commission, and I am forever grateful.  I loved combining these worlds, capturing emotion, a realistic, artistic feel, playing with light and composition and adding little elements that recalled both spn and Alice in Wonderland.  This made me think in new creative ways, and I especially love Dean and Cas, here.
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Untamed Dark Side - Composition and characters took a long time for this one.  I wanted a likeness, an emotion, I wanted to tie them together and make a cohesive piece.  These are basically photobashed, but I’m especially pleased with the top figure, Wei Wuxian, because the mouth, the hands, the expression - they were all a real challenge and I’m really pleased with the result.  I went back and forth on the amount of rendering to do for the clothes, and I really like the choices I made, I think it adds an artistic element which I really enjoy.
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I had to get some traditional art in here because I really do enjoy traditional stuff!  This is absolutely a photo bash, but it was my first time with a dip pen and I’m STILL so pleased with my line quality and choices, the way the shadows and shapes are defined and fit together, and the way this looks straight out of a comic book.  There were a lot of complex choices I had to make, and I’m really pleased with them, and the piece.  I think it looks very polished and adept, despite being a very early ink piece.
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