#i believe my lot are referred to as...🧐 millennials and/or the Y generation
ayosdesignz-blog · 1 year
So I just learned, due to entertaining a child with good ol sesame street, that Elmo (my favorite red kid monster) not only now had confirmed parents with like...ACTUAL names...
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It all started when some kid monster I'd never seen when growing up commented that Elmo's dad made something really well. AND ELMO IMMEDIATELY WAS JUST LIKE: YEP.
And excuse me if I had to replay that to make sure this "dad" person wasn't part of the imaginary game they were playing before I straight Googled that shit.
And was then informed these (fake) people have been existing since 2006!
Which I mean...I know sesame street has a history of expanding their world, adding and subtracting characters, and making changes repeatedly, I grew up watching several of them be made even. I still vaguely remember when Kermit was part of the show and that Elmo's world segment wasn't always a thing and when Oscar the grouch(and trash man) stopped getting as much screen time and no longer had his own segment thing for example. I'm aware of course that they've since added multiple characters I don't know and wouldn't recognize once I stopped watching the show.
But just the fact that they gave Elmo real physical parents that I'm only just now discovering has inner kid me freaking out a bit because I would have lost my shit back then if I got to finally see his parents appear (with explanation for their absence) after only having known him to live alone and be self dependent and mostly sufficient with no concrete anything regarding parentage as far as I remember.
This is great. Thanks, I adore it.
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Literally inner kid me:
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