#i bet varric does this 24/7
itsrogerbaelor-blog · 5 years
just an accurate depiction of bffs annoying each other
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pikapeppa · 5 years
OC Interview: Rynne Hawke
I did this already for Fenris the Inquisitor and I’ve been tagged again by the precious @littlesnowarrow, so here we go - Fenris’s partner in love and in crime kicking Coryfish’s ass or whatever: the infamous Rynne Hawke! (Art by the delightful @schoute!) 
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The rules: Answer the following questions as your OC of choice. 
(Like for Fenris’s interview, let’s pretend some journalist from Val Royeaux is interviewing Rynne for Inquisition “publicity reasons”.) 
1. What’s your name?
Rynne Hawke! But everyone just calls me Hawke. 
2. Do you know why you are named that?
My father liked the name, I think. [laughs] I mean, why do parents ever name their children anything? Either because they like the name, or because they want to jack themselves off by naming their brats the same thing as themselves. [Beside her, Fenris makes an odd noise and rubs his mouth.] What? What did I say?
3. Are you single or taken?
Taken. Frequently and very, very well, thank you for asking. [Fenris snorts, stands up while muttering something about Inquisition business, then leaves the room.] Hey, where are you going?
4. Have any abilities or powers?
Yes. I’m a mage. 
5. Stop being a Mary Sue.
Ooh, I’ve not heard of that one. Is that a sex position I don’t know about? I’ll have to ask Bull about that.
6. What’s your eye color?
Some say amber, some say copper, some say whiskey... A lovely shade of golden-brown, as you can see. [charming grin]
7. How about your hair color?
Boring brown, I’m afraid. 
8. Have any family members?
[small laugh] Living ones, I assume you mean? There’s Fenris, of course. Toby, my big hairy baby. Carver, my big hairy baby brother. Oh, and our uncle Gamlen is still kicking around in Lowtown, according to Aveline. 
9. Oh? How about any pets?
Oh. I suppose Toby? But... no, I take that back. He’s a family member, not a pet.
10. That’s cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don’t like.
I don’t like wearing shoes and socks. I wish I had nice hard elfy soles so I could go around barefoot like some handsome elves I know.
11. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do?
Of course! We like reading, playing cards, gossiping and going out for drinks, and... well. Never mind. Fenris wouldn’t be too pleased if I told you about the rest. [wiggles her eyebrows salaciously.]
[From the adjacent room, Fenris calls out: “I can hear you. I am right here.”]
Oh good! So does that mean I can tell them about our sex life? Fenris? [a long pause ensues] Is that a no?
12. Have you hurt anyone in any way before?
Absolutely. Especially if they’re trying to hurt us first.
13. Ever… killed anyone before?
Um, absolutely. It’s a kill-or-be-killed kind of world out there! Maker’s balls, Is this the first time you’ve poked your head out of Val Royeaux in months? What sort of questions are these?
14. What kind of animal are you?
Hmm. Now that’s a great question. Funnily enough, I wouldn’t say a hawk. [calls out to the adjacent room] Fenris! What kind of animal am I?
[Fenris replies: “A mabari. You are extremely loyal, exceedingly affectionate, and utterly vicious and lethal when necessary.” Rynne smiles.] 
Awww, I love you too. 
15. Name your worst habits?
I don’t have any. I’m perfect. 
[Fenris calls out once again: “She is a terrible blanket hog. And yet she complains about being cold at night.”] 
Hey, that’s not fair! [she leans in conspiratorially to the interviewer] I just tell him I’m cold so he has to hug me. It works every time. 
16. Do you look up to anyone at all?
Absolutely. He’s sitting in the next room. 
17. Are you gay, straight or bisexual?
Bisexual, thank you for asking. What about you? What kind of genitalia do you most enjoy fondling? [widens her eyes when the interviewer doesn’t reply] What’s wrong, are you shy?
18. Do you go to school?
If you mean sitting in Solas’s rotunda and asking him as many questions as I can to see if there is anything he doesn’t know, then yes. Absolutely. [whispers] I have yet to ask him anything he doesn’t have an answer to. It’s frankly insane.
19. Ever want to marry and have any kids one day?
[bursts out laughing] Did you know we’ve been engaged for over two years? Honestly, that’s good enough for me. Weddings are so expensive. Who needs a big party for no reason? Not me. [laughs some more. She sounds slightly nervous.]
20. Do you have any fangirls/fanboys?
Absolutely. Oh no wait, that’s the mob of faithful Andrastians who want my head on a spike. Next question please! [chuckles]
21. What are you most afraid of?
[she hesitates, then laughs.] What Dorian will be wearing every day, honestly. I don’t know where Vints get their fashion sense from, but I can understand why the Qunari are always so angry at them.
[In the adjacent room, Fenris snorts.]
22. What do you usually wear?
[leans back leisurely on the couch and slowly crosses her legs] Have a look for yourself. Don’t be shy.
23. What one food tempts you?
Oh fuck yes. You know those Rivaini roasted vegetable crisps that they toss with the sweet and spicy rub? I love those things. I would die for a bowl of those. I should ask Leliana about getting our hands on some of those. Seems like important Inquisition business, right?
24. Am I annoying you?
Not at all! I could do this all day. 
25. Well, it’s still not over!
Go ahead! 
26. What class are you (low/middle/high)?
Ooh. Funny question, that. I suppose I’ve been all over the place? I’m the Inquisitor’s lady now, so I guess that makes me rather fancy and high-class. 
27. How many friends do you have?
Everyone is my friend! Unless they try to kill me or Fenris. Or Toby, or Carver or Varric, or... shit, maybe I don’t have that many friends. [throws her head back and laughs] 
28. What are your thoughts on pie?
I love it. Why, do you have some? Now you’ve got me wanting some. Thanks for that.
29. Favourite drink?
Brandy! Antivan is best.
30. What’s your favourite place?
Oh. Aww... you know what, I really loved the study in my old house in Kirkwall. It was just... there were a lot of memories there. The study and the bedroom. [she winks.] That’s all I’ll say. 
31. Are you interested in anyone?
Yes. I’m very interested in the Inquisitor. He’s fascinating. So intelligent and handsome, with such a nice growly voice...
[From the next room, Fenris calls out again: “Kaffas, Hawke, you will make me blush.”] 
Good. That’s what I was hoping for. [laughs]
32. That was a stupid question…
Not at all! I’ll take any and every opportunity to rave about Fenris. He’s my favourite. [A soft chuckle and an indistinct Tevene curseword can just barely be heard from the other room.] 
33. Would you rather swim in the lake or the ocean?
Ocean! I know there are just as many living things in oceans and lakes, but somehow oceans feel... cleaner? Less muddy and more sandy. It’s hard to explain. 
34. What’s your type?
White-haired elves with lyrium tattoos and dirty thoughts. 
35. Any fetishes?
I’ll tell you a terrible secret: not really. Though with Bull being around and putting all these ideas in everyone’s head, who knows what could happen? [wiggles eyebrows and grins]
36. Camping indoors or outdoors?
Camping indoors? Isn’t that just... normal indoor living? Or are you talking about building a pillow fort? Because that’s just ludicrous. [calls out to the other room] Fenris, can you ask Josie to send us about twenty more pillows?
[Fenris replies: “No.”]
Damn. Worth a shot. Oh, is that all? All right. Swing by the tavern later if you have a chance! No guarantees Varric won’t bet you out of your own pants, though.
Read more about Fenris the Inquisitor and his right-hand Rynne Hawke here on AO3. 
Tagging forward to... errr, who haven’t I tagged for this already? @iarollane @charlatron @emmavakarian-theirin @faerieavalon @schoute (I NEED DIS IN PIRATEPIPER’S VOICE) @lyrium-lovesong @inquisadaartabras and honestly anyone else who wants to play! 
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seigephoenix · 5 years
OC Interview
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I was tagged by @alyssalenko for an OC Interview. I chose my Cadash. She's so feisty.
1. What's your name?
Niyra Cadash
2. Do you know why you are called that?
Cause my Mom lost a bet and had to name me after my father's aunt's nug.
Of course I don't know!
3. Are you single or taken?
Taken.  Though it took him long enough.
*Varric looks up at her in annoyance*
4. Have any abilities or powers?
Other than sheer intimidation, no.  Before Solas ripped my arm off I had a magical green magic thingy in my hand…  I hated it.
5. Stop being a Mary Sue.
Quit being a dickhead.
6. What’s your eye color?
You can freaking see it!
7. How about your hair color?
You got vision problems?  It's on my head.
8. Have any family members?
Yeah I got family.  Blood and found. Closer to my found family though.
9. Oh? How about any pets?
Does a dragon count?  Cause I totally got one.
Varric: Since when?
Since I let what's his face, Orlesian dragon scholar, get his hands on a dragon egg.
Varric: Say that again.  I swear I heard Curly scream in rage from Ferelden.
10. That’s cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don’t like.
This stupid interview.  And Orlesians. And balls.  And the Fade.
11. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do?
Sure.  I write novels.  Smut novels. Blood thirsty business mind you.
12. Have you hurt anyone in any way before?
Probably.  My family *is* Carta.
13. Ever… killed anyone before?
Oh hell yeah.  Some I regret, some I don't.  In the end I didn't have much of a choice in the matter.
14. What kind of animal are you?
Cat.  Varric says I'm like a cat.  
Varric: You are.  All sweet smiles and cuddles when you want them.  But then you can hiss and spit nails the next second.
Sounds about right.
15. Name your worst habits?
How much time we got?
Varric: You're not that bad.  Everyone's got their bad habits.  You just happen to lack diplomatic skills.
You mean I have no problem telling an Orlesian noble to go fuck himself.
Varric: Yes, I mean exactly that.
16. Do you look up to anyone at all?
My Grandmother.  Strong, independent, and she took no shit from nobody.
17. Are you gay, straight or bisexual?
Wouldn't you like to know?
Dorian: I would actually
Bull: Hell yeah boss!  Tell us.
In your dreams.
18. Do you go to school?
Nah.  I had a private tutor.
Varric: Blasted rich kids.
Don't even start Mr. Son of Merchant Guild dward
19. Ever want to marry and have any kids one day?
Marriage?  Maybe. Ship has sailed for kids though.  37 is a bit too old to start, in my opinion, to have them.
20. Do you have any fangirls/fanboys?
Do enemies count?
Varric: No.
Then Cassandra.
21. What are you most afraid of?
Getting personal ain't ya?
Varric: I noticed you didn't answer the question.
And I'm not.  That's personal.
22. What do you usually wear?
Those comfy as hell pajamas from the Inquisition.
23. What one food tempts you?
The chef at Skyhold made this delicious little pastry that had chocolate drizzled on the top.  Ugh, I'd probably be willing to kill for it.
Varric: *arches an eyebrow*
24. Am I annoying you?
A fucking lot.
25. Well, it’s still not over!
Oh fuck me.
Varric: *opens his mouth*
Not one word dwarf.
26. What class are you (low/middle/high)?
I come from Carta but I'm mostly upper middle thanks to my career.
27. How many friends do you have?
Made a lot through the Inquisition.  Only a handful I trust not to backstab me.
28. What are your thoughts on pie?
Nah.  Not for me.
29. Favourite drink?
Dwarven mead straight from Orzammar.
30. What’s your favorite place?
This one little secluded area in Skyhold.  No one ventured there so I was able to hide there when I wanted to avoid doing paperwork.
31. Are you interested in someone?
Varric: hopefully since she's with me.
32. That was a stupid question…
Not really gonna argue there.
33. Would you rather swim in the lake or the ocean?
Neither.  Give me solid boots on solid ground.
34. What’s your type?
I do tend to like sarcastic jerks who suffer from unrequited love. But who have hearts of pure gold.
35. Any fetishes?
Getting kinda steamy in here now.  How much time we got?
Varric: *covers her mouth with his hand*
36. Camping indoors or outdoors?
You mean like how kids do it?  Giant blanket fort with an imaginary fire?  And sing songs all night long. Hmmm… *turns*
Bull!  Get Dorian!  We're going camping indoors with silk sheets!
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caffeine-cowboy · 6 years
OC interview meme
I was not technically tagged by @bitchesofostwick but she said to do it if you hadn’t and I like talking about my OCs so B) 
This is Tahira Adaar! (Excuse bad phone picture)
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1. what is your name? Tahira Adaar.
2. what is your real name? ....Tahira Adaar.
3. do you know why you were called that? Uh. I think my parents just liked the sound; they didn’t want to give me a name that sounded too much like a Qunlat title. As for Adaar... well, ‘Weapon’. It’s good for business. 
4. are you single or taken? Taken.
5. have any abilities or powers? Well, there’s the Anchor, I suppose, if that’s what you mean. And I’m pretty damn good with a greatsword. 
6. stop being a mary sue. ... I just told you, my name’s... Tahira.
7. what’s your eye color? A kind of steely grey, I guess? Josephine says there’s violet in them, but I think she’s just being romantic.
8. what’s your hair color? Well. Naturally, it’s white. I dyed it on a dare before this all happened... I’ll let the white grow back soon, but right now Cullen thinks it’s natural and I have a bet going with Varric on how long I’ll be able to keep it that way. 
9. have you any family members? Yes, my parents - they have a farm in the Free Marches. And I know I have at least one uncle on my father’s side, maybe more, but... they’re still in Par Vollen, so we don’t really talk about them. Other than that... there’s the Valo-Kas, and all my friends in the Inquisition. They’re family now. 
10. oh? what about pets? I guess there’s the Inquisition mounts, and I like feeding Leliana’s ravens, but what I really want is a mabari. 
11. that’s cool, i guess. now tell me about something you don’t like. Uh... bad wine? 
12. do you have any hobbies/activities that you like doing? Well, there’s training, and occasionally smithing, and I, uh... I’m getting into reading. I wasn’t very good at it before, but when we have spare moments, my friends have been helping me, especially Varric and Dorian. I just like learning things, like when Josephine was teaching me etiquette before the Winter Palace... it’s all stuff I never had a chance to learn before.
13. ever hurt anyone before? You... do know I was a mercenary, right?
14. ever…killed anyone before? …Um. Yeah, like I said. Mercenary.
15. what kind of animal are you? Oh, hilarious. Never heard that one before. What do you want me to say? Ox? Ram? 
16. name your worst habits. I know I drink too much and stay up too late; there’s just a bit of a culture that comes with being a merc. And... well, not backing down from challenges. 
17. do you look up to anyone at all? Cassandra. She’s so... certain, and strong, and determined. She’s got so much conviction. And, after meeting her, Hawke, actually. She’s weathered a lot of storms.
18. gay, straight, or bisexual? Gay.
19. do you go to school? No. I didn’t back in the Free Marches, either, but my parents did what they could and it’s amazing what you pick up travelling with a mercenary company.
20. do you ever want to marry and have kids one day? I don’t think children are for me. As for marriage... well. I would marry Josephine, but I worry at the amount of fuss that would cause.
21. do you have any fanboys/fangirls? Isn’t that everyone who joins the Inquisition?
22. what are you most scared of? That... that I’m doing this all wrong somehow. That this is all just hanging on the edge of a blade and it’s only a matter of time until I do something so badly wrong it all comes crashing down...
23. what do you usually wear? Simple cloth breeches and leathers, with mail or armour if I’m going into battle. I do like my leather longcoat and tall boots.
24. do you love someone? I love Lady Josephine Montilyet. 
25. when was the last time you wet yourself? Uh.... as a child, I guess? 
26. wait, it’s not over yet! Great.
27. what class are you (high class, middle class, low class)? Low, really, at least for most of my life. There’s not exactly a lot of sovereigns to be made on a farm in the Free Marches owned by a couple of Vashoth. I made a bit more coin with the Valo-Kas, but staying in taverns where you have to check under the pillows for rats isn’t... exactly my idea of ‘classy’. Now? I have no idea. I went to Halamshiral. Does that make me high class? 
28. how many friends do you have? A lot, now, compared to when I was growing up. Josie, of course, and Varric, Dorian, Cassandra, Sera, Blackwall, Bull and the Chargers, Cole, Cullen, Scout Harding... Vivienne and... I guess Leliana. But she’s still a bit... scary. It just means a lot to me knowing that I can go to all these people for different... things? Friendship with each of them means something different.
29. what are your thoughts on pie? Pie is real food. A good meat pie... damn, now I’m hungry.
30. favorite drink? A really good whiskey. 
31. what’s your favorite place? I just like Skyhold, now we’ve made it our own. I like knowing my friends are nearby. 
32. are you interested in someone? I think me and Josephine are a bit past ‘interested’. 
33. what’s your bra cup size? Er... on the bigger side? 
34. would you rather swim in the lake or the ocean? Hm. Lake.
35. what’s your type? Someone who looks at me and sees more than just a sword arm. 
36. any fetishes? Not really. 
37. seme or uke? top or bottom? dominant or submissive? I... don’t even know what some of those mean. Top, I think?
38. camping or indoors? Indoors. I’ve tried both, and there is a reason we invented buildings.
39. are you wanting the interview to end? This Inquisitor thing means I already have enough people asking me personal questions.
40. now it’s over! Great.
I will pass on the ‘to whoever wants to do it’, and I really mean it - & please tag me so I can see! I wanna see more OCs!
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kierarutherford · 6 years
Tumblr to AO3 =Prompts/shorts
So for those who like everything in one place, I put all my prompts (filled of course) on AO3. Made it simple to find : 2018 Tumblr prompts/shorts
Here are the ones already done and linked ;)
1. I'm Going to Kill You - prompt filled with Diana x Cullen
2.  You're a Monster! - Little angst, Diana x Cullen
3. Why did you spare me? - angst, *suicide theme -ish/ implied self-harming thoughts* Cullen x Diana
4. I wish I’d never met you - Angst - Hyacinth x Cullen
5. I can’t believe you! - Diana x Cullen - ouchy angst
6. Please don’t hurt me like this - Diana x Cullen
7. Dance with me - Diana x Cullen. Fluff fluff fluff
8. We can’t keep this up forever - Cullen x Diana NSFW SMUT
9. Oh, are you ticklish? - Cullen x Diana. Comedy/fluff
10. Are you flirting with me? - Cullen x Diana pre-relationship
11. I haven’t slept in ages - Cullen x Diana pre-relationship post Haven
12.  Hey, Hey, calm down. They can't hurt you anymore. - Diana x Cullen post-Trespasser angst/limb-loss reference/nightmares. Fluff ending
13. “She’s Hiding Behind the Sofa.” - Fenris x Lara Hawke feat. Lina Hawke. FLUFF
14. “Stay Awake.” Cullen x Diana some angst ending with a feel good.
15. “It was a joke baby, I swear.” Cullen x Diana modern au / Anti-Valentines
16. “I’d kill for a coffee.... literally.” Cullen x Diana some NSFW ish ness
17. In Sickness  a prompt for Cullen x Diana DA setting. Diana gets very sick and Cullen does the right thing and helps her get well.
18. Valentines Day 2018 SMUT!!! - Yep, smut Diana x Dom!Cullen :)
19.  “If you don’t want to talk about it then say so. Don’t lie and pretend to be fine when you clearly aren’t.” Cullen x Diana angst/fluff 
20. “A woman’s sexuality is a moving target.” Zevran and Leliana friendly banter
21. “There’s so much blood.” Dorian x Bull. A little angst/happy ending Adoribull.
22. “This is... exactly what is looks like.” Zevran and Leliana. Fluff friendship bordering on flirting.
23. “This is exactly what it looks like.” Cullen x Diana pre-relationship in Haven after In a Hushed Whisper. 
24. “You love me as if I deserve you.” Cullen x Diana after the main game, pre-trespasser. Fluffy fluff fluff 
25. “You come wake me up at 4am, to cuddle?” Cullen x Diana fluff 
26. “I’m far too sober for this.” Cullen, Varric, Bull and Krem drinking at the tavern. Shenanigans.  
27. “We’re not just friends, and you fucking know it!” Cullen x Diana. After slaying a dragon, someone gets a little too drunk.
28. “Please don’t cry, I can’t stand to see you cry.” Cullen x Diana with a little surprise twist
29. “If you insist.” - NSFW/ SMUT AHEAD vampire Cullen x Kiera
30. “What if I told you, I’ve love you since we were kids.” Cullen x Kiera again, vampire setting
31. “I can’t breathe.” Cullen and Leliana. Waiting for word on the Inquisitor.
32. “Cuddle me” Cullen x Diana. A perfect follow up to 31.
33. “Well this is awkward” Diana opens the wrong door. Adoribull mentioned
34. “You can’t keep pretending it didn’t happen, cause guess what? It did!” Cullen x Diana, some angst/relationship stuff
35. “I really wish you’d told me your mother was in town.” Not the bad term you’d think. Cullen x Diana post Trespasser. Comedy/ light teasing
36. “You love me as if I deserve you” vs 2 ; another one for Cullen because he has such little faith in how awesome he is. 
37.“A package arrived for you, but there’s no return address and the box looks really old.” Some vampy/Cullen from my Dark Moon Tempest world/fic. 
38.  "I love you, I just love her more" Ouchy angst. Diana x Cullen
39. “We bet and you lost, so you have to do it.” Dorian and Diana. Some bff banter. Implied Adoribull 
40. “If I die, I’m going to haunt you.” Party bantering for Diana with Dorian, Varric and Iron bull. Adoribull implied
41. “It’s amazing how fast the world can go from bad to total shit storm.” Team banter, tent sharing, all SFW. Varric, Dorian, Bull and Diana. 
42. “Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.” Hosting a party after killing a dragon at Skyhold isn’t so easy. Dorian, Cullen and Diana. SFW
43. “Somebody’s Cranky” Cullen gets a good ribbing by the other two advisors. 
44. “Sarcasm is the body’s natural reaction to stupidity.” A witty moment at an Orelsian gathering between Diana, Cullen and Josephine. 
45.  "Sorry, I don't speak skank." Some snarky wonderfullyness. Exploring Diana x Cullen at the Winter Palace.
46: Follow up to #43 ; NSFW smut/sex/woohoo
47. “Knock Knock” - pen pals meet for the first time. Dorian and Diana FLUFF
48. “I’m listening to you. I’m just not paying attention.”  Diana gets a bit too snippy with Cullen. sfw
49. “Do I regret it? Yes. Would I do it again? Probably.”  A follow up to #48 ans NSFW smut ahead
50. “She’s hot, but she’s evil.”  Rylen and Diana have a heart to heart about a certain raven haired woman. Modern au setting. Fluffy
51. “It’s six o’clock in the morning, you’re not having vodka.”  Some drinks after battle lead some serious questions, and a bit of silliness. SFW
52. “You can’t banish me! This is my bed too!”  Cullen has to share his cot and tent with Warden Alistair on the way to Adamant. He’s not too happy, and it doesn’t get any better for him. SFW    
53. “She’s hiding behind the sofa.”  Some NSFW ish ness with Cullen and Diana. Cole plays spoil sport with Leliana.
54. “Well, that’s tragic”  Some Orelsian fiascos with Cullen and Diana. A bit of teasing and sarcasm at play. SFW 
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Thedas Kink by GreenSphynx
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Not just smut. Kink. But keeping to the realistic. True fantasy kinks can be found here.
Objectification: Favourite Toy - The whole Kirkwall group makes Anders into their beloved toy (on AO3)
Rimming: Fenders surprise - Rimming of the aforementioned Pampering - Sebastian rims Anders until Fenris pitches in
Facesitting: Straddle - trans!Fenris rides the snoot (Fenders) Beware of little sisters - Bethany also pegs Anders in this Favourite Toy - #Objectify the mage, Isabela’s idea (on AO3)
Voice Kink: Sickening Voices - Anders takes offense to Fenris’ and Sebastian speaking It’s in the voice - Anders gets off on hot voices. Like Fenris, Sebastian and Krem
Edging Edging - Title says all (Sebanders) Teasing - Isabela will never stop teasing Aveline Favourite Toy - #Objectify the mage, they all do this to poor Anders (on AO3)
Pet Play: Kitty - Fenders petplay wherein Anders should know better than to bet A pile of kitties - Varric and all the mages (on AO3) Calm down - a non-sexual petplay (Sebanders)
Exhibitionism/Public/voyeurism: Kitty - Aforementioned Fenders petplay is not in a private setting Four Prompts - Fenders with Hawke barging in; also has a mirror and D/s dynamics Mine’s Bigger - Fenhanders circle wank Bored - One way to seduce Fenris is to have sex right next to him (Fenhanders) You speak an infinite deal of nothing - A red Hawke does not like what Sebastian says, but he knows other good uses for that mouth The trouble of Chastity - Sebastian needs someone to fuck his mage for him (Sebanders+FenHawke) Curiosity killed the dog lord - Carver spying on his sister pegging Anders Favourite Toy - #Objectify the mage, pretty much constantly in public (on AO3) The sounds of hiding - Anders ‘overhears’ Zevran No kisses - no the desk of the Warden Commander is not private (Nin Surana/Anders) I can’t stop thinking about you - Sebanders 24/7 bdsm
Spanking: Congratulations - Carver taking care of Anders’ Nameday spanking Mouthy Brat - Fenhanders spanking, belting; someone’s been a very bad mage Bad Boy - Nobody insults their mage, not even said mage himself (Fenhanders) Good Lover/Bad Lover - Hawke belts Anders rather thoroughly, followed by sweet aftercare with Fenris (on AO3) Favourite Toy - #Objectify the mage, Aveline’s turn (on AO3) The true danger (is falling too hard) - Cullen spanks Carver Remember that promise - Kanders For an upset stomach - Fenders figging Are you into this? - Leliana/Anders I can’t stop thinking about you - Sebanders 24/7 bdsm
Pegging: Pegging - Josephine and Alistair; or Josephine and Grim, same thing in this case Lethallin - Merrill pegs Anders Beware of little sisters - Bethany/Anders… also the facesitting from above
Double penetration/spitroast: Warm Welcome - Anders dp by his lovers, after some good toy stretching (Fenhanders) Broody sammich - dp where Fenders meets Nanders Sharing is caring - Hawke brothers spitroast Merrill
Size Kink: No words - Hawke/Arishok always counts as size kink, I believe Anders and the Monster Dong: Adventures of a virgin mage: Kanders.... what it says on the tin (on AO3) Love it - size kink, drunk sex... Anders and Oghren says enough Craftsmanship - Anders and a very big Fenris toy Patience for the impatient - Karl teases Anders a whole damn lot, minor bondage, Karl has a monster dong Bump - seriously Karl has a monster dong (Kanders)
Miscelaneous: Four Prompts - don’t forget that mirror (Fenders + Hawke) Sore - Continuation of a Mouthy Brat, wherein Anders decides to turn the tables on Fenris (ultimately Fenhanders) Bites and kisses - Angry sex (Fenhanders) Shaving - Isabela gives Anders a good shave Now be nice - Simple Hawke domming his lovers into apologies (Fenhanders+Merrill) Favourite Toy - #Objectify the mage, and then some (on AO3) Didn’t see that coming did you? - Anders attempts self bondage for Fenris Have a taste - Rather heavy femdom here with Beth/Anders Not a heating spell - cockwarming, Krem/Anders I can’t stop thinking about you - Sebanders, comes with chastity Vanilla - Bull/Anders with medical kink, bondage and well... the Iron Bull
Noncon: Monday Morning - Anders thinks he owes Templars, but also pre-Fenders My Little Fenris - a day in Fenris’ life as Danarius’ pet slave (on AO3) A handful of bubbles - heavy dubcon in any case, with Senior Enchanter Torrin teaching the older apprentices (Anders) a lesson in control (on AO3) Pretty Mouth - Karras/Anders Saarebas - Arishok/Anders if the Arishok won Cheers - Danrius punishes Fenris with humiliation and watersports (AO3)
Art by @vonuberwald and please go see it because you’ll be missing out real bad if you don’t I tell you: Good Kitty
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All the "If you were the Inquisitor" questions ^^
1. Race: If you look at my body-type, I would say human. BUT I’m a rebel and will say ELF all the way!
2. Class/Specialization: Mage~
3. Your homeland? : Errrrh……. Ferelden? Or… Antiva? Not that that’s where I’d WANT to be from, but just considering ‘elf’ and ‘mage’
4. Your family?: Little brother
5. Who were you before?: Based on my current choice of work, I’d say a healer but for the mind
6. Would you be religious?: HAH - no.
7. Do you have a mabari? - I mean why not? I would rather have a cat, cause I know how cats work better, but if I had a mabari you can bet your ASS that I would love it and call it Muffin
8. Your opinion on other races?: Pretty neat? (Qunari women are hot not gonna lie)
9. What would Varric’s nickname for you be?: Well that’s hard to say really given that Varric’s nicknames can be rather obscure XD Buffy?
10. What would your tarot card look like?: Difficult to describe in words T^T
11. Where would you hang out in Skyhold?: Probably near the stables tbh, or in the library with Dorian because GODDAMN I love that man
12. What would you do for fun?: Hang out with Dorian and get as many rounds of fashion advice as I possibly could - and talk about books. Many books.
13. What armor would you wear?: I like capes…… And long flowy things…… So basically that
14. What would your room look like?: Cats and books. I would have flowers in there if only I could keep them alive for longer than like three days
15. Who would be your friends at Skyhold?: DORIAN, Bull, Krem, Cullen, Cole and Blackwall. I’m sure I’d get along well with Josephine as well tho, so I wouldn’t avoid her… Or Sera. I do enjoy Solas’ company as well and….. FUCK IT - all of them. But Dorian is Best Friend #1
16. Would you have any friends outside of the Inquisition?: BRO I WOULD DO ANYTHING TO BE FRIENDS WITH HAWKE
17. Who wouldn’t you get along with?: Maybe Leliana? Idk? Overly religious stuff makes me….Uncomfortable. I think Vivienne and I MIGHT have a slight big of a problem getting along, only based on the fact that she disapproves of every choice I’ve made this far in the game.
18. Who would you romance?: There isn’t really any female in DA:I that I could be interested in I think. Josie is very VERY cute, so I think that’s the closest I’d be able to get, but supposedly Isabela? That woman is fucking amazing
19. Would you do pranks with Sera?: I might
20. Would you sleep with the Iron Bull (casually if not romance)?: Might agree to some very very casual sex with Bull only because it would be on my bucket-list and I think the man would give amazing head… And to have something to joke about with him afterwards. Like imagine having casually slept with Bull!!
‘HAH! Remember that one time we fucked?’‘Yeah it was fucking great!’‘Still gay though’‘Damn right, you go get that pussy, boss!’
The one thing that might make me hesitate would be whether it would break Dorian’s heart or not.
21. Would you keep Cole around?: Yeah?
22. Can you play the game (politics)?: WELL……. I have opinions. Strong opinions. But sure - yes.
23. What would be on your tombstone in the fade (What are you afraid of)?: Being completely alone - Losing my brother
25. Opinion on Mages versus Templars?: Mages. All the way.
26. Who would be put in charge of Orlais and why?: Vivienne.
27. Would you sacrifice the Chargers?: FUCK NO WTF WHO DOES THAT?!?!?!?!?!?!? It’s on par with giving Fenris back to Danarius, it’s A BIG NO28. Would you go after Blackwall?: *I have not gotten this far into the game but Blackwall is my cute lil buddy*
29. Would you drink from the well?: I mean………. Maybe………… Again I haven’t gotten that far yet so I don’t know all aspects of it yet
30. Where would you go if the Inquisition was disbanded?: Wherever my closest friends go
31. How do you react to the egg telling you he is an elven god?: Well damn son, that’s cool, wanna take a glass of wine or two with me?
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