#i blame sjm for this so im tagging this
sluttypatrickstar · 1 year
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queenestarcheron · 4 years
No Nuance November (ACOTAR Opinions)
(because i saw other people doing it and thought it was fun also dont hurt me for any of these but feel free to challenge anything i say bc im not omniscient and probably forgot/missed stuff from the books) 
 - elain has a lot of potential but is really underdeveloped as a character atm and i would have rather read a novella about her after the war and settling in with the ic than whatever tf acofas was
 - elain is not the useless sister (i dont think there is one)
 - nesta is not the villain of anyone’s story 
 - papa archeron may have been disabled but still could’ve done more for his family instead of watch them starve
 - rhys doesn’t actually believe in feminism
 - eris is kind of morally grey but i would have rather read a novella about him taking over the autumn court and killing his father (we all know it’s coming) than whatever tf acofas was
 - cassian and mor’s friendship blurs and crosses way too many lines (especially since they slept together once upon a time)
 - all of the characters are controversial in some way or another (some more than others though)
 - this may sound insensitive but the ic are 500 years old and should be able to deal with someone not liking them 
 - tamlin’s not a good person but rhys showing up to his house uninvited just to insult him when his court is a mess and he’s basically miserable was not necessary and didn’t make me like either of them any more than i did before 
 - i love azriel as much as the next person but him not saying anything about the ic’s actions doesn’t sit right with me
 - feyre and rhys are terrible rulers and should not be responsible for looking after a whole court (i blame rhys for this more than feyre)
 - rhys sexually assaulted feyre in acotar and his actions shoudln’t be excused because it was ‘for her protection’ or because ‘she forgave him’ (don’t bother telling me im wrong because i know im right)
 - if you will justify the rhys’s actions utm bc they were to ‘protect feyre’ then you sort of have to defend tamlin’s actions too because they were to ‘protect feyre’
 - nesta was not responsible for feeding her family when they were in poverty
 - feyre was not justified in sending nesta to the war camps 
 - lucien is one of the most interesting characters in the series but everyone just sleeps on him
 - i would rather have read a novella about lucien and his band of exiles than whatever tf acofas was
 - i agree that feyre should’ve thought about the spring court’s people before ruining their lives just to get back at tamlin but being super impulsive has always been part of her personality so i really was not surprised (i would’ve liked her to see what she did to the place and the people in acofas)
 - nesta does not need a redemption arc, she is not a villain nor an antagonist
 - amarantha was one of the most poorly written villains ive ever had to read about 
 - mor’s ‘protectiveness’ over cassian feels more like possessiveness and it doesn’t sit right with me
 - what mother tells their youngest child to look after the family?
 - the archeron sister/family dynamic is way more interesting than the ic’s and i would have rather read a novella about them talking to each other and trying to understand each other better than whatever tf acofas was
 - nesta really did not need to give up her and elain’s safety and security for the fae but she did and everyone sleeps on that 
 - im tired of sjm telling us how powerful her characters are and then not backing it up with actual evidence 
 - speaking of... how is rhys the most powerful high lord in history and how would he even know if he was?
 - acofas was bad 
there’s a shit ton more (i don’t think i even added any relationships) but i don’t feel like typing. im also not going to tag this as ‘anti’ anything bc i don’t think i said anything particularly mean about the characters but im just going to tag this for nesta, lucien, eris and elain bc i guess my opinions could be offensive to people who like the ic
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