#i bought a Lupin hoodie and it is the bestest thing I've ever seen in my life
Hey! I found your sideblog a few days ago and I love it. I really like your writing style and how realistic you make your characters. And if your requests are open, could you write something where the Hero has strong psychic powers and they lose control of then during a fight? And their friend(s) has to bring them back to their senses?
Well, thank you very much! I really appreciate that. It’s not the end of the world, but in the future, please send any requests to MorallyGreyPrompts. If asks aren’t available, it just means it’s closed for the time being, but it’s chill so don’t worry about it.
Hero struggled to mark Villain with their daggers as they fought in the middle of a junkyard, they clenched their teeth and kept trying, kept pushing forward. Villain deflected most of them with great skill, but they were both beginning to tire, to hurt. “Are you even trying?” they taunted, panting heavily. “This is pathetic- and you’re meant to be the saviour of this city!”
Hero didn’t answer, if they had strength to speak then they should be trying harder. They were putting everything into trying to stop Villain, to protect their mentor and free them. With a gust of strength they tried again, but Villain cut their arm again and used Hero’s slight falter of balance to cut their shoulder blade too, the deepest wound so far and Hero was sure it cut down to the bone. They cried out in pain. Villain kicked them down quickly, sending them sprawling onto their front. For a moment, Hero lay still, shaking, trying to accustom themselves to their new pain.
“Get up, [Hero],” Mentor pleaded. “I know you can do this!”
“That’s a different tune from what you said when we were alone,” Villain grinned. “What happened to how much you mistrusted your precious hero? How you wished you’d never agreed to train them? Of course, let’s not forget why you have to push them so hard in training, because they’re so weak.”
“Shut your filthy little mouth!” Mentor roared, struggling in their bonds. “I’ve never said such a thing! You leave them alone!”
Hero didn’t react. They were barely able to move, their strength slipped away from them as freely as their blood.Villain stalked around them for a few moments, their movements catlike and sharper than a knife. “What good are you, little hero? You can’t even beat me? Why would anyone want to help nothing more than a flea? Fleas should be crushed, and so should you. No one cares about the insignificants like you, not your friends, not your family, not [Mentor], not even [Lover]. You keep training, keep trying to prove a point, but it all amounts to nothing.” Villain ducked down and snatched them up by the throat, dragging them up to their knees as they choked them “Because you are nothing!” they hissed in their ear.
Blood began to suffuse in Hero’s eyes as the air failed to reach their brain. They scrambled to remove their grip but with their arms in such a bad way it was proving impossible. How could Villain always read them so well? Delving into all the cracks and crevices of their defences, all their insecurities. The words echoed in their ears, stirred up their gut. Hero could feel their power rising and the burning need for air was making it impossible to calm it. A refreshing coolness seeped into their face, and Hero quickly realised that amongst their tears, their eyes had begun to glow.
“What-” Villain began.
Hero screamed, and noise should have been impossible to make, but it blasted through the air and cut through Villain. They let go of Hero and cried out in pain at the piercing shrill that rattled their brain. They doubled over, clutching their head. For a terrifying moment, Hero couldn’t stop their power, their raw emotion. With a pushing gesture, Villain was thrown away, further than Hero had expected. They landed hard amongst the surrounding mess and didn’t move. After a moment, Hero saw blood dripping, trickling, pooling around them.
Hero’s glowing eyes slipped away, replaced with nothing but fear. That wasn’t meant to happen. They’d hurt them, they’d hurt them bad. That wasn’t meant to happen, had they just killed… Hero didn’t realise that the scrap cars and metal around them shook, wobbled, fell from their tall towers. The panic clouded their thoughts.
“[Hero],” Mentor called out. “It’s alright, we can fix this. Calm down for me, take deep breaths. Help me get free and I can help you. Listen to me, [Hero], please.”
But Hero did not. They looked down at their hands, pictures blood dripping from them and the illusion became real. They trembled and the shaking rocked the surrounding tonnes of metal. They didn’t know what to do, they were too upset. Hero was sure their eyes were glowing again, their power was rising and in their panic, they had no idea how to quell it.
“I’m sorry,” they managed. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry! Please, I’m so sorry!” the pleading turned to heavy sobs, the kind that was choking. Hero didn’t know what to do, their body took over, shaking, sobbing, they felt like they were being torn apart. Had they just killed Villain?!
The cars, kitchen appliances, and all the mess began to raise up from the ground. All but the rubble Villain had landed on. That remained perfectly still, their blood completely untouched from where it had landed.
“[Hero]!” Mentor tried again, louder. Hero turned at the noise. Mentor could do little being tied down, but Hero’s powers were beginning to raise the shell of a car they’d been tied to. Hero tried to lower that car, but in the rush of their emotions, it was impossible to single it out. It was like tracing a path of squiggles, they just couldn’t stop.
“You are not weak,” Mentor declared. “Don’t listen to what [Villain] says. You are stronger than they could ever comprehend, and I don’t just mean with your powers.”“I’ve killed them,” Hero whispered, but their voice echoed into a boom.
“You have the ability to heal,” Mentor reasoned. You can stabilise them. They’re not dead, but you have to calm down. We can fix this, but you have to let me help you.”
“I. I can’t, I’m sorry. [Mentor], I am so sorry-”“Breathe,” Mentor soothed, but it wasn’t easy for them to stay calm as Hero raised them higher and higher into the air. It was agonising for their shoulders but they managed to block it out, their sole focus being on looking Hero in the eye, helping them find the calm again.
“You can do this. You are not weak by any definition of the word.”“Than what is this?” Hero cried.“Even steel can break. Take deep breaths, think about your favourite place, think of the calm. You know what [Villain] said about me is a lie. You know how important you are to me, to everyone. How we act around you is not a lie. [Lover] adores you, you know that! Don’t let that be forgotten because of what [Villain] has to say. They want you to be like this, don’t let them.”
Hero struggled to breathe. The rubble stopped rising, but it still shook. “I’m scared,” Hero managed.“I’ve told you, fear is just fuel. Use it to be stronger. Find your balance,” Mentor stressed.
Hero closed their eyes tight, imagining anything that could help, perfectly balanced scales, ballerinas, they imagined all the cars slowly settling like feathers, coming to a gentle rest. They focused on their breathing, counting, imagining soft sensations on their skin: beach breezes, the warm sun, the gentleness of Lover’s kiss.
Hero slowly opened their eyes. Everything was calm, Mentor was back on solid ground and the air was silent. They huffed out a breath of relief. They’d done it.Mentor smiled encouragingly. Hero hurried to untie them. “It’s going to be alright,” Mentor promised them. “We can fix this.”
Hero nodded hesitantly and the two rushed to Villain’s side.
The rubble had almost gone all the way through them in places. Hero gulped back their panic and with Mentor’s help, they carefully lifted them free. Mentor gagged, Hero had to close their eyes and not look at the wound. One hand wandered to their neck to find a pulse, the other hovered over the wound. Then they relaxed again, imagining their heart slowing, becoming calm again. Then they pictured whatever they could that could resemble the wound mending: materials stitching, broken pieces of pottery being glued together, someone zipping up a coat. The more they imagined it, the more drained they felt, but they refused to stop until the wound was mended.
Then Hero felt a hand on their shoulder. “That’ll do,” Mentor said softly. Hero opened their eyes to see a much smaller wound, survivable. Hero felt something hot touch their lip, and when their fingertips wandered up to meet it they found blood. That was their usual warning sign to stop. No wonder Mentor had cut the process short. Villain coughed as though to prove they’d live.
“We’ll take them somewhere to heal them manually if you want?” Mentor said.Hero nodded. They had to fix this, properly. “I didn’t mean for this to happen,” they managed.“I know. No one is mad, and [Villain] brought this upon themselves… I think I can carry them. You’ve done well.”
Hero got up on wobbly legs and followed Mentor out of the junkyard, back to safety.
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