#i bought the hardcopy module
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entrepreneurnut · 4 years
One Funnel Away Challenge Review: Don’t Buy Until You Read This, It’s Not For Everyone!
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One Funnel Away Challenge Review: Don’t Buy Until You Read This, It’s Not For Everyone!
If you’re looking to start a business online or you want to scale your existing business with sales funnels to increase your revenue then you may have come across the One Funnel Away Challenge.
The OFA Challenge has created a lot of talk online recently with quite a few people sharing the results they’ve gotten in a relatively short space of time.
However, not everyone has success when they go through the 30 Days Challenge.
So, why is that..?
There are several reasons, which I will share with you here in my One Funnel Away Challenge review.
Although I do honestly think it’s a great course, it is not for everyone, so please do read this article before you buy the OFA Challenge.
I also recommend you check out the FAQ’s at the bottom of this page.
What Is The One Funnel Away Challenge?
The One Funnel Away Challenge is a 30-day step-by-step training program to help you to launch a successful business online.
In the training, the coaches give you detailed instructions from start to finish along with ready-made templates to help you get set up as quickly as possible.
The training focuses on these main areas:
How to find a niche that you will be able to make money in
How to quickly create your own products
How to craft an irresistible offer
How to build a funnel that converts visitors into buyers
How to establish and build your brand
How to get traffic to your funnel and start making money
If you don’t have or you don’t want to create your own products then you can also use the OFA Challenge for affiliate marketing and promote other people’s products as an affiliate.
You will need to follow along with the training and complete the missions each day so you don’t fall behind.
You can’t skip ahead as each mission will automatically unlock on a daily basis.
Personally, I like this approach as it has proven to work in getting more people to take action and get the tasks done. This makes it far more likely for a person to have success with the One Funnel Away Challenge.
What Do You Get When You Sign Up For The OFA Challenge?
When you sign up for the Challenge you actually get a lot for your money.
When you buy the OFA Challenge, you get the following:
30 Days Training With Russell and The Coaches
30Days.com Summit Interviews
OFA Challenge Kit
What’s In The OFA Challenge Kit?
The One Funnel Away Challenge Kit is a box about the size of a large shoebox that will get shipped to your house.
Inside the box you get the following:
The One Funnel Away Challenge Workbook
The workbook is for you to use during each day of the Challenge. It contains the mission briefs and activity sections for you to fill out each day.
The 30Days.com Hardcover Book
The 30Days.com book is a large 541-page hardcopy book. It contains the exact strategies the top 30 2 Comma Club members have used to earn over $1M from a single funnel they built using ClickFunnels.
MP3 Player
The OFA Challenge MP3 player contains the recordings of each of the mission training over the 30 days.
The MP3 player is great if you need to refresh on the training. You can listen while you’re out shopping, working out, or doing your daily chores.
What Are The 30Days.com Summit Interviews?
When you join the One Funnel Away Challenge, you will get access to your member’s area, regardless if you have signed up early and the Challenge has not yet started.
Inside, you will see the 30Days.com Summit Interviews, which are interviews with 30 highly successful ClickFunnles entrepreneurs. These people have all made at least $1,000,000 through using a ClickFunnels funnel.
Each interviewee shares the strategies they would use if they had to do it all over again from scratch. The premise is, if you lost all your money, your reputation, your client base and your traffic sources, what would you do to earn everything back in 30 days?
During each interview, the entrepreneurs share the exact strategy they would use and show you the blueprint for the funnel they would set up to make it happen. That’s pretty awesome!
How Much Does The One Funnel Away Challenge Cost?
Right now, you can sign up for the OFA Challenge for just $100.
Personally, in my opinion, this is a crazy low price for the amount of value you get.
For example, I know people who have paid the $100 just because they wanted the 30Days.com book and other people who have joined just to get the summit interviews.
Having been through the training myself, I would say the core training of the Challenge alone is worth 10X the price you pay.
When Are The Next OFA Challenge Start Dates?
The OFA Challenge is not open to join at any time, but they do run it fairly frequently at the moment.
However, there has been talk that ClickFunnels may not continue to run the Challenge in the future.
So, if you’re interested in doing the Challenge then I highly recommend registering for the next event now.
You can check the next OFA Challenge start dates here:
What You Will Learn In The One Funnel Away Challenge
When you register for the One Funnel Away Challenge, besides having access to the summit interviews and the 30Days.com book, you will learn how to build a business from start to launch in 30 days.
The OFA Challenge cuts out all the crap you don’t need to know to get your business up and running and focuses on the core things to get to launch.
The training is broken down into different modules over  5 weeks. Here’s what you’ll learn during each week.
OFA Challenge Week 0: Pre-Training
The pre-training week module will be unlocked straight away, regardless if you sign up to the Challenge early and it hasn’t started yet.
The pre-training is focused on getting the right entrepreneur mindset in order to have success online.
While this module is definitely worth taking, I must warn you, the OFA Challenge pre-training is also a bit of a pitchfest for their height-ticket course, Funnel Builder Secrets.
While Funnel Builder Secrets is a great training package (I also bought it myself), you do not need it to achieve success with the OFA Challenge.
If, however, you do decide to upgrade and buy the Funnel builder Secrets package, you will get very detailed online marketing training for building and launching your own products as well as access to other training and a considerable price reduction on your ClickFunnels subscription as well as access to the copywriting software program, [Funnel Scripts].
If you want to know more about the Funnel Builder Secrets program then you can see the [info and pricing here].
Now, Funnel Builder Secrets aside, when you first sign up for the OFA Challenge, all of the summit interviews will also be unlocked. So it’s well worth signing up for the Challenge early so you can have time to go through some of those interviews before the core training starts.
If you join the Challenge and don’t have time to watch the summit videos before then that’s no problem as you can also watch these any time you want since you’ll have lifetime access to them.
OFA Challenge Week 1:
During the first week of the training, Russell, Steve, and Julie first train you on how to choose a great niche that you will be able to make money in.
Then, Russell explains how you can spy on your competitors in the niche and discover exactly what they’re doing to have success, what kind of products they are promoting, how they’re putting their offers together, and how they’re getting their traffic.
Russell explains how you can create your products very quickly while Julie shows you over her shoulder, exactly how to do the steps.
You will learn how to get your logo and eCovers done to make your products look really professional.
OFA Challenge Week 2:
In week 2 you’ll learn all about creating on different platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, podcasts, and blogging.
Russell will teach you how to craft the backstory behind your brand, how to come up with compelling hooks that will hook people into your content and ultimately buy from you and how to put it all together in a way that people will find engaging.
OFA Challenge Week 3:
Week 3 is when you start to create your funnel.
Russell starts off by explaining the core funnel strategy so you understand how it all works.
Fortunately, you don’t have to build your funnel from scratch.
Russell gives you a massive shortcut by giving you 5 different funnel templates that are already set up for the training. All you need to do is pick the one you want to use and customize it as they show you.
Over the week, you’ll be setting up the squeeze page, the sales page, the OTO page (one time offer), and the member’s area. You’ll also be plugging in all the pieces of the product you made in the previous weeks.
OFA Challenge Week 4:
In the final week of the training you’ll be learning about the three different types of traffic and how to flood your funnel with highly targeted potential customers.
This is the week when you can actually start to make money with your funnel.
While a number of people have made sales with their funnel even before the 30 days Challenge has finished, most people do not.
For most, they then need to continue to drive traffic and build their audience over the following weeks and months and make tweaks to their funnel and offer.
Who Are The OFA Challenge Coaches?
Now let’s meet the OFA Challenge coaches. You’ll have sessions with 3 top-level online marketers, each with their unique skill sets.
Russell Brunson
Russell Brunson is the brains behind ClickFunnels and is regarded by many as one of the most successful online entrepreneurs of our time.
He’s a master of marketing strategy, sales, conversions, and traffic.
Each day begins with training from Russell on the daily mission. He will give you the knowledge and understanding you need to build a successful business.
He’ll help you put all the pieces of the puzzle together so you can see how everything works.
Julie Stoian
Julie Stoian is a key figure in ClickFunnels and is the Vice-President of Marketing for the company. She’s a successful entrepreneur in her own right and a member of the famous 2 Comma Club.
In her training videos, Julie will show you the “how to’s” of Russell’s training. She will show you over her shoulder, how to complete the tasks for each day in a step-by-step process.
Stephen Larsen
Stephen Larsen, another 2 Comma Club members, is also a key figure in the ClickFunnels company.
When he first joined the company he sat next to Russell for 2 years and learned everything there is to know about funnel building and building an online business directly from the master himself.
In the Challenge, you will have daily coaching calls with Stephen to give you deeper insight into the day’s lessons and motivate you to stay on track.
He’s kind of a crazy guy, fun and full of energy. The OFA Challenge was my first introduction to Stephen and at first, I thought, “who is this crazy guy..?!” But when he shares his insights, man, I was really surprised at the depth of knowledge and understanding this guy has.
Some of the things he shares are also profound. I had several light bulb moments listening to Stephen.
Who Is The OFA Challenge For?
I’m gonna warn you now, the OFA Challenge is not for everyone.
If you want to build an online business around any of the following models then the OFA Challenge is for you:
Creating your own digital products
Selling physical products
Selling services such as coaching and consulting
Promoting other people’s products as an affiliate
You also need to be prepared to put in the time and effort to do the work and not expect to be a millionaire overnight.
Who The OFA Challenge Is NOT For
If you’re looking for a push-button system that requires little or no effort on your part (they don’t exist by the way) then do not join the OFA Challenge, it’s not for you.
If you are expecting to build a successful business without investing time and money into your business and your own education then it is not for you.
If you think the coaches will do everything for you then the Challenge is not for you.
Is The Challenge Doable In 30 Days?
When I first signed up for the Challenge I was under the impression that I’d need to spare about 1 hour a day, maybe 2hrs tops on some days.
But this wasn’t the case….
I can’t remember where I got that idea from, but it seemed that a lot of other people in the OFA Challenge Facebook group also thought the same thing.
The reality is different, though.
On most days, it will take you at least an hour just to watch the daily videos, including Stephen’s webinar coaching call.
You then gotta do the tasks.
There are some days where the tasks won’t take you hardly any time at all. On other days, tasks may take you an hour or two to complete.
If you’re creating your own products then you will also need to spread out the time needed to do that over several weeks.
If you’ve got some money to pay people to do some tasks for you (as Russell shows) then that’s great, you’ll get them done a lot quicker.
Alternatively, instead of spending money, you can spend your time doing all the tasks yourself.
When it comes to the weekends, it’s also important to realize that there will be additional tasks on some of them, but not all.
There are also some weekends that Russell has reserved to give you a couple of extra catch up days in case you need extra time to watch the training and do tasks.
If you’re gonna do the Challenge then I highly recommend keeping your diary as clear as possible for those 30 days.
If you wanna give yourself the best chance you can to have success then it’s best to schedule weekends away or plans with friends and family for the next month.
So, is the OFA Challenge doable in 30 days? Yes, but you’ll need to focus and commit to it for the 30 day period.
If you’ve already got a business up and running and you already have products then you’ll already be halfway along. If you’re creating a business from scratch then you’ll need more time to create or find assets to sell.
Why I Signed Up For The Challenge
The Challenge can help you to build all kinds of businesses.
It doesn’t matter if you want to create your own digital products, sell other peoples as an affiliate, generate leads for a traditional business like real estate, build an MLM, sell a service or operate a dropship model.
However, it seems that most people join to sell their own products.
For me, I didn’t have my own product at the time as my main business model is affiliate marketing.
I signed up because I was interested in expanding my marketing knowledge and wanted to see if there were more effective strategies I could learn that would help me as an affiliate. I also wanted the bonuses and was very curious to see what the training was all about.
The cost of the Challenge is so low and I could see straight away that the bonuses alone are worth way more than the $100 they charge to take the Challenge.
What I Like About The Challenge
There are loads of great things about the Challenge. What I like best about it is the way it is structured really makes you focus and get stuff done.
So many people have an idea to build a business and are proactive for a few weeks or maybe a few months, but then they lose focus and give up.
It’s also very common that entrepreneurs spend months and sometimes even years, trying to build their business but focus on the wrong tasks that lead down dead ends.
Russell, Julie and Stephen keep you focused every day on the exact tasks you need to complete to give you the best chance of success.
What I Don’t Like About The Challenge
There’s really so much in the course that 30 days seems a bit rushed. Personally, I think it would be better to charge a higher price for entry and spread the Challenge over 45 days.
While many people do complete the Challenge and have success on their first go, some people fall behind in the tasks or get distracted by other things so extra time could be helpful.
On the flip side, since the One Funnel Away Challenge price is so low many people do it 2 or even 3 times to either complete the steps they didn’t get to or to launch a whole new business.
After all, if you needed to take the Challenge a second time to get everything completed and launched, is $200 really large investment?
While $200 will, of course, mean different things to different people, it is not a lot of money to invest to launch a business.
OFA Challenge Pros and Cons
OFA Pros
Low entry cost to take the Challenge
Loads of great bonuses that are worth a lot more than the price you pay
Training from 3 highly successful, experienced and respected marketers
Clear direction so you know exactly what to focus on and what not to
Lifetime access to the 30 Days Summit videos
Excellent step-by-step instructions with examples to follow
Additional daily coaching videos with Stephen
Potential to launch an online business within 30 days or soon after
Access to the private member’s Facebook group
OFA Cons
Quite a lot to get done in 30 days
Little direction on using the Challenge for affiliate marketers
One Funnel Away Challenge FAQ’s
When Is The Next OFA Start Date?
The Challenge is not run all the time, however, it is fairly frequent at the moment. You can [check the next start dates here].
What Are The OFA Challenge Bonuses?
The One Funnel Away Challenge bonuses are:
The 30 Days Summit Interviews
The 30Days.Com Book
OFA Challenge Recordings On MP3
One Funnel Away Challenge Workbook
Is There a Money-Back Guarantee?
Yes, if it’s not for you then all you need to do is send the One Funnel Away Challenge box back within 30 days of it’s arrival for a full refund.
What Is The 2 Comma Club?
The 2 Comma Club is a private members club for all the people who have generated at least 1 million dollars ($1,000,000 USD) through using ClickFunnels.
You can see all the 2 Comma Club members listed on the 2 Comma Club website.
Do I Need To Have My Own Products?
No, you do not need to have your own products to do the OFA Challenge. Russell and the team will show you how you can create or source products during the training. Alternatively, you can use the Challenge to promote other people’s products as an affiliate.
What Is The Funnel Rolodex?
The Funnel Rolodex is a resource created by ClickFunnels. It is a marketplace where you can find people with online skills that you can hire to do tasks for you. Tasks include logo and eCover creation, funnel building, copywriting, video animation, and more.
If you have online skills then you can also sign up to list your services and offer them to other people and earn an extra income.
Can I Be An Affiliate For The OFA Challenge?
Yes, you can promote the OFA Challenge as an affiliate. Existing affiliates (pre-Sept 2019) will earn $100 per sign-up. Affiliates who signed up after this date will earn $40 per sale, but can increase this to $100 per sale once they qualify for the higher-level commissions.
Do I Need To Be a ClickFunnels User To Join The Challenge?
No, you do not need to be a ClickFunnels user to join the Challenge. However, you will need to get a subscription in week 2 if you want to continue to complete all the tasks. When you sign up you get a 14-day free trial.
Do I Need To Have Online Marketing Experience?
No, you do not need to have any marketing experience as it is designed to be for both beginner and experienced marketers. However, you will likely progress through the tasks more quickly if you have experience.
How Can I Get The One Funnel Away Challenge For Half Price or Free?
While there are no discount offers on the entry price as it is already heavily discounted at $100. However, you can promote the OFA Challenge as an affiliate and essentially get the Challenge for free by referring a couple of other people.
Is The OFA Challenge A Scam?
No, the OFA Challenge is a legit course. There are a lot of people who have had success with the Challenge and some who have had tremendous success. However, it is important to realize that the reality is that, if you do not have any online marketing experience then, like with anything, it is unlikely you will have success on your first attempt.
You may need to go through the process several times before you start to have success.
How Quickly Can I Make Money With The OFA Challenge?
A number of people have made sales with their funnel even before the 30 days Challenge has finished, however, most people do not and some not at all. The OFA Challenge is not a guarantee of success.
Like with anything, it depends on how well you understand the material and your commitment to making it work.
For most, they then need to continue to drive traffic and build their audience over the following weeks and months and make tweaks to their funnel and offer before start making sales.
Is The One Funnel Away Challenge a Non Profit?
The OFA Challenge is not a non-profit in the strict sense. However, ClickFunnels does not earn any money from the front end sales as this goes to the referring affiliates. ClickFunnels make money once people sign up to use ClickFunnels or any of their other products during the training.
You can also use the Challenge to help build your own non-profit organization.
If I Cancel My ClickFunnels Account Will I Lose My OFA Challenge?
No, if you want to cancel your ClickFunnels account or put your account on pause then you will still have access to the OFA Challenge while it is running. You will also have lifetime access to the bonuses.
Final Thoughts
So there you have it, The One Funnel Away Challenge is definitely a legit opportunity that can help you get your next business off the ground and launched in a very short space of time.
Even if you already have a business, but you would like to launch a profitable funnel then, in my opinion, the OFA Challenge is definitely a good course to help you do it.
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