#i came back from the dead to write this because i couldnt post on twitter its too cheesy
xiumanizer · 5 years
Happy Birthday to the idol I’ve been following for almost 7 years. Happy Birthday to the guy who’s songs and covers helped me through my emotional breakdowns, my self-hatred, my sadness, and my bouts of depression. The guy who’s made me smile in times where I didn’t want to. The guy who oozes confidence although he was once shy, the guy who made me believe that I can do be the same way. The guy who’s out here accomplishing his goals and being unapologetically him. The one who has made such an impact on me, I now have my confidence and my happiness. Happy Birthday to Kim Seokjin, the one who I can’t truly thank enough for always being him.
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trickstarbrave · 4 years
told harry potter fans on twitter to stop making “miku wrote harry potter” replies on literally every serious post about JKR’s transphobia and actually discussing how she is in fact transphobic despite her denials and one claim she “accidentally” liked TERF tweets and abt how her actions harm trans women in particular and now i have spent the last few hours being accused of “telling other people how to cope and handle their emotions” 
listen i am not policing you by asking you watch what situation youre in before you make a joke that can be insensitive, harmful, and counterproductive. we can all use humor to cope with difficult situations. i have use humor to cope with difficult situations. an example: 
i was in a car accident in which i nearly died. i was trapped under an engine unconscious and the EMTs couldnt say if i was going to live or not because they couldnt see me. it was, when i came to, a very scary situation, though after the fact i found a lot of things about it very funny (like me telling the EMT “no i wasnt” after he told me i was in a car accident, while covered in broken glass under a car engine is objectively hilarious to me). HOWEVER: due to this scary situation as well, my loved ones were terrified i was literally dying and there was nothing they could do to stop it and then the weeks of me very slowly healing and being covered in wounds, a twisted femur, sobbing in the hospital, and being unable to communicate with them normally. 
several have PTSD. they don’t find my jokes, which are coping humor, very funny. all THEY can think about is the time they thought i was going to die. the time they felt nothing but fear. the anxiety, sobbing on the phone, calling off work, sobbing in front of my mangled car, etc. so i try to keep them to a minimum.
COULD i yell at them and tell them “stop telling me how to cope and express my anger!!!”? absolutely. in fact you could argue i have more of a right to because i was the one literally dying. except thats an awful mindset to have. i care about these people. i am kind of touched they were so worried about me they were this upset. so i try to keep them to a minimum and i back off when im told. if someone else in a car accident or someone who lost someone to a car accident told me to stop i would. my coping should not hurt others in the process. there are other places and situations i can make these jokes and i also make sure i process my feels and pain and anxiety over it in a healthy way rather than make jokes. people around me telling me i am making them uncomfortable or upset is not “policing my emotions and coping”, they are also coping and dealing with their own emotions. very shocking i know. that requires being considerate of other ppls emotions as well as your own and learning the time and place for jokes. 
also if the only ways you can process this situation are “be extremely angry on social media to the point of exhaustion” and “make jokes about denial that someone extremely bigoted made something you like” maybe you need to reassess your online experience and emotional health. genuinely. there are other ways to express your emotions. you deserve to feel pain, sadness, mourning to a degree for something you love, disgust, and more. anger and ironic humor are not the two ways you can express yourself. vent to a friend, think about how you feel, write a diary or blog post, and understand others. 
and stop beating this dead horse into the ground with “miku made ____” seriously. it just is a conversation end point. there is no way to continue past that. its just a way for you to compartmentalize your conflicting feelings that someone you liked did something bad, and instead of thinking about it and processing it you’re shoving it in a box. again, process your feelings like a normal person and if its too painful to do right now (because youre trans), fine, you deserve to remove yourself from those conversations as you hold that pain. no one can make you talk about it. but ironic “lol no a terf who has a lot of money and influence did not write this book that directly gave her that money and influence” is not helpful in discussions about how Yes, JKR Is In Fact A Terf With Money And Influence And Most Likely Actively Working With Organizations To Hurt Trans Women
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