#i can feel my social battery depleting ugh
zhongrin · 5 months
ugh i hate it so much when i speak and one sentence in my voice starts trembling and i can hear myself getting out of breath…… girl stop why are you so nervous…. i don't want to feel this way, but it's such an unconscious reaction, especially when i have to speak with multiple people whom i've never talked to face-to-face before….. and yes, this still happens even when i rehearse and write down a script to follow beforehand……
tldr; why can't i just be normal about speaking......... i hate this…............. (╥ᆺ╥;)
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sailsinstorms · 2 years
Legacy of the Girls - Part 2
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Let's continue reading, shall we?
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This whole "almost dying" experience hasn't stopped Radley. She was cooking her breakfast because she was hungry and she's still hungry! A girl's gotta eat! Fire or no!
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Solar: I just needed to share my feelings. I'm super upset about the way I reacted to Radley burning. I'm supposed to be the oldest. I should have been there to help. I'm sorry you and Molly had to take on that burden on your own. I'll do better next time. Winter: We're all in this together, Solar. Solar: Isn't Molly the youngest too...? Winter: Yes...
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Radley: I'm really happy we all moved in together. Today I was gonna do a lot of mean pranks on everyone, but now I'm just thankful to be alive.
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Loren: Fuck you, Molly! I will fight you! Let's go! Molly: Bitch, are you talking to me? the Fuck did I do?
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Molly: Listen very carefully, Loren. Your mom's trash. Your dad's trash. Your whole life is trash! Maybe you should just accept... that you're trash.
Well, this is awkward...
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So while Radley was busy chewing out Loren for being unnecessarily mean to Molly (after she saved her life that morning), it turned out there was a Peeping Tom having a look through their windows. What the hell man? Yeah, they have a lot of windows and absolutely no blinds — but that doesn't mean you're free to poke around!
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He was watching Loren dance around in her PJ's too. Ugh. Gross.
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That night I thought it would be a good idea to send the girls on over to Blue Velvet to meet some locals and start networking. This is like the only bar in Willow Creek right?
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It looks like Loren still has it out for Molly for some reason. Nothing bad has even happened between them, and Loren isn't a mean sim. I have no idea why she's targeted Molly. Maybe she can sense the "dastardly" nature? 
Let's mingle squad!
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Good God there's a celebrity here too. If I'd known I wouldn't have brought the girls here because literally everyone is obsessed with them and keep walking away from us. Uhm, excuse me, we're new in town.
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Everyone is literally flocking around her like hungry seagulls. I can smell the desperation! She's trying to hype them up like it's suddenly a party that she's here. Fucking eyeroll.
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Molly's just gonna hang and eat some chips then I guess…
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Jamming to the music on their own. There is literally no one on the dance floor because they're all over in the corner. Okay, it's time to do something about this! We will not be shown up by a celebrity! We came here to mingle!
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Molly: Oh my God I'm such a fan <3
No Molly! What are you doing?! You're better than this! She was immediately ignored after that brief interaction too.
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So Solar decided to try her luck as well and was also brutally ignored. Look you guys, if Loren does well as an amateur actress maybe one day you can all say you used to live with someone famous?
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Meanwhile Loren has managed to hit it up with the super fans.
Loren: They love their fans because it keeps them famous, but I guarantee they're not what you think they are. You're obsession with celebrities is only going to leave you in heartbreak. It's better you hear it from me ladies. 
That super fan is giving her serious side eye and probably doesn't believe a word she's saying.
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Solar: So I just moved here... Makoa: uhuh... Solar: Also I'm sad... Makoa: Great...
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Radley: I think I've died sitting up...
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And now poor Winter is having a hard time because of all the sims that are around. She's unlocked a new fear! I think it's time I admit that this evening was a huge bust and it's time to send everyone home. Especially Winter.
We'll try again next time guys. Hooray for meeting new people...
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First thing Winter did when she got home was pour herself some coffee and sit in silence for a couple of hours. I guess she's decompressing the nights events and enjoying her alone time. I totally get it. The social battery has been depleted. No more socializing for at least 7 days. At least that's how I do it.
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Solar hasn't had a day of work yet but she's already grading papers for assignments she never handed out and kids she's never met before. Is that an X? Oh, someone's about to fail!
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Loren got an audition for an uncredited gig for a soap commercial. She's so enthused about it she's actually pulling a normal expression as she leaves the house today. Come on baby, this is you're first step to stardom!
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Radley is really interested in gardening and has been asking to plant things a lot. Obviously I'm going to give her what she wants so I set up a little gardening area at the back of the house. It's her space <3
And since I felt bad about Winter...
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I decided to adopt a cat. She needs it for her aspiration anyway.
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Welcome little "Mya" to the family. I thought her floppy ears were too adorable and I couldn't say no. This cat just looked SO HAPPY to finally have a home. If I'm not careful I'm going to adopt another. If I were a sim I'd be the one with all the dogs and cats on my property.
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Look at that huge smile! I'm done!
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i am here to share my awkwardness :D
so we went to a family friend's party yesterday evening because they were celebrating their 10th wedding anniversary and whenever we go over to their house most of the kids who are there are usually half my age so it's for the most part awkward because the kids consist of 12 years and younger and then me, the awkward 19 year old who blends in 🤡
so naturally, in the middle of the party i get bored of being my mom's shadow and decided to walk outside and sit in the backyard where my brother and the other kids were playing
now i get along pretty well with them and do actually play along with the kids but since there were so many new people i just awkwardly sat off to the side and read a book on my phone instead akhdfjn
while they're playing this really r e a l l y tall dude walks up (i'm not joking he's probably like 6'5") and he goes "can i play with you guys?" to my brother and his friends who are all playing football and obviously they say yes, except my brother calls him uncle (an honorific for older men) which is the wrong move because this man is only 21 😭
so obviously at parties they have the dads and uncles (actually any male who's college age and older) serve food for others and ofc he's the one serving the main dish so when i go to get my food he's really flustered and keeps dropping the spoon and the food in the spoon and whatnot which i thought "ah he's probably just awkward like me" but nah he found out i was in college as well and let me tell you- indian men who find out you're near their age move like a fucking jaguar marron 5 who i'm sorry i'm tired and a mess akbjdfn
anyways fast forward to once it got dark all the parents are playing games and talking downstairs and naturally we're upstairs watching a movie (despicable me 2) and since i'm with people i'm more comfortable with i'm more animated and am actually talking and being my loud self but what i don't realise is that this man has been upstairs this entire. time. and to make matters worse he's been staring at me this entire time as well but once i caught him he looked away and i'm just sitting there looking like that one lisa staring meme because why-
but yeah after that occurrence i ended up being quiet until he left and then i was back to being myself abjdfnlk
there's a lot more to this story but i feel like i'm missing a lot of points since i'm giving a brief run down so that there's not a huge ask on someone's tl 😭 i feel like i've been sending a lot of those recently ahkbdfnk
AHHHH here it is hehe
1. I FEEEEEEL AHHHHH MY ENTIRE MOM'S SIDE OF THE FAMILY IS LIKE THAT!! I'm in between the adults (30+) and the kids (8 and below) at that comfortable age of 21 and I'm literally the only one in this age range SO I ALWAYS END UP BEING THE BABYSITTER (ugh, i love those kids, but i can only handle like two at a time and there's like seven of them at parties)
2. Also felt, I usually keep to myself in parties mainly cuz my introverted ass doesn't know how to participate, let alone initiate, conversation. It takes my mom telling me she's embarrassed of me to run off-
3. YES I UNDERSTAND THAT GODDDDDDD Like I love y'all but my social battery is depleting faster than sanity please understand-
4. HELP WHATTTT AHAHAHAHAHA NO CUZ IF A KID CAME UP TO ME USING THE HONORIFIC FOR TITA I THINK I'D HAVE A CRISIS side story I was once again partaking in unpaid babysitting with my younger cousins (17 and 12) and I was like "yeah college is great good luck with applications" and the 12 y/o was like "how old are you?" "21?" "Wow! You're really old!" I almost squared up-
7. Despicable Me 2 is an appropriate choice. Also, as much as I write about it, I'm actually not a huge fan of staring. Like if I caught someone staring I'd be so weirded out but since I'm also nonconfrontational I'd just move ngl djkhksldfjgjffs,g
9. LMAOOOO NO IT'S OKAY I get what's going on lolol and honestly it's fine that's what the new tag's for AHAHAHAHA I enjoy any and all kinds of asks hehe but no yeah fr it sounds super freaking awkward 😭
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fandom-necromancer · 4 years
571. What are you doing here?
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ship: Reed900 (Warnings: talking about death in the end)
‘Meet your new partner, the newest RK-unit. One of the late deviant additions to our team and I believe you will get along just fine.’ Then: ‘Hello, my name is Nines and I’m looking forwards to working with you.’ Gavin knew then and there that the world as he knew it had ended.
It had ended a few weeks prior already, but a man could live in denial a few weeks, couldn’t he? Sentient robots rising up, being deemed as equals and everyone was supposed to just get along from one day to the next. He had hoped to be spared the torture of having a damn tin-can at his heels at work, but apparently, he just wasn’t lucky. By the time the Connor-lookalike stood in front of him, hand outstretched for him to take, he just had accepted his fate. He looked at the creepily human hand, then up to the face, murmured ‘Phck my life’ and walked out the way he came, waving the android to follow him without any motivation.
He endured the day, although he had to admit the android wasn’t any more insufferable as any human partner. Eventually he would learn Gavin was not one for talking, being friends with or anything vaguely social to begin with. Or he would ask for a transfer. Both was fine with the man. So, as his shift was over he logged himself out, shut down his terminal and walked out of the precinct to head home. The last thing he heard before he was outside was Nines’ voice, sighing: ‘Well, that could have gone worse.’
Gavin grunted as he finally reached the end of the stairs and reached into his pocket to get his keys untangled from his headphone cord. He yearned to sink into his couch or maybe even a warm bath? His back direly needed some care after a whole day of sitting on his desk tense and on edge. Hell, he would manage. If he was anything then adaptable. He could swallow his personality at work, as long as everyone left him alone. He still had his life outside of work to relax and unwind. Walking forwards leaned to the side to balance the groceries he had bought after work, his back gave him an entirely new feeling of hell. Yep, definitely hot bath. As he finally got his keys free, he looked up towards his door and froze.
‘What are you doing here?’, he asked completely perplexed, as he met the android’s eyes. It was the same damn robot. ‘I am entering my apartment.’ ‘Your what?’ ‘My apartment, Detective.’ ‘Wha-wha-what the hell?’ Gavin looked from the android to the door next to his own. ‘You did this on purpose?’ ‘No, Detective. New Jericho distributes a place to live for any android who wishes to have one. I have to repay them a previously invested sum and my rent. But I didn’t choose this apartment.’ ‘This is some kind of joke right?’ ‘No’, the android answered, unlocking his own door. ‘Good evening Detective.’
The android disappeared into the apartment right next to Gavin’s own and he spent a good amount of time staring at the closed door. Oh, this had to be a joke!
The next morning Gavin had suppressed everything that happened the previous day. He would let the world hit him as soon as he would enter the precinct. For now: Coffee. He finished his cup in the kitchen mindlessly petting his cat that lay on the table. Then he gathered his belongings and braced himself for leaving his little oasis.
He opened the door just to see the android next door do the same. Gavin stared at the RK900 feeling no emotion except resignation. ‘Good morning, Detective!’ Gavin groaning and slamming the door on him was his answer. Gavin would just be five minutes late today.
‘Another day survived, Liz!’, Gavin announced stretching his back as soon as he had changed into something more comfortable. At least on his way back he was spared meeting the android again. Maybe this was bearable, as long as they timed their arrival and departure right? He put out dinner for his cat and then moved to the couch to just lay there for a while. In the total silence he could hear the door to the apartment next to him being opened, then closed. Great. Tin-can in the house.
It stayed silent for a while. Then Gavin could hear music wafting through the walls. It wasn’t as loud as Gavin liked to hear his, but he could still make out some words and the melody. Enough to realise it was a complete disaster of a playlist. Songs popular in the radio followed 80s pop, Irish folk songs interrupted death metal. Then an hour of violin music with various sounds of nature added in. Something that sounded like the choir of a medieval church. Radio songs again. Punk. It started to get on his nerves after the third hour and Gavin decided to just go to bed and drown it out with his noise-cancelling headphones.
Nines had realised early on, that Reed didn’t like him. But he didn’t hate him either he supposed, so it was a welcomed neutral stance. He could work like that. Them living next to each other had been a shock for the man, but after Nines left home before the detective and came back after him there had been no further problems. They ignored each other completely in their private lives and although Nines had hoped to maybe make a few friends in his neighbourhood, it wasn’t like he needed it.
This morning he listened for the sound of the Detective’s door and waited five more minutes. The man should have departed by then and there wouldn’t be any confrontation until they were both at work. But as he walked out of the building he saw Reed vividly cursing at his car, bend over the hood  and shaking his head. Nines stood there watching him. Should he speak to him or keep up their mutual ignorance? Maybe this was a chance to better their relationship? ‘Whatcha staring at, tin-can?’ Too late now. ‘I wanted to ask if you needed help with your car.’ ‘Yeah, well, phcking thing won’t start. And with these fancy electric ones it is difficult to find the reason for it. Back in the day you just looked at it and when something seemed or sounded wrong you knew exactly what would have to be repaired.’ ‘May I then?’, Nines asked, surprised by the Detectives lack of abrasiveness. He had thought to be fobbed off with a hissed ‘None of your business.’ ‘Sure’, the human sighed, stepping back and waving to the car. ‘Knock yourself out.’
Nines came nearer, carful not to step into the man’s personal space he had long since worked out from observing him around others. He searched for a place to interface with it and accessed it’s internal systems. ‘Easy. Your car has a software error. It thinks the battery is depleted although it just didn’t realise it was temporarily disconnected while it was recharging.’ Reed stepped from one foot to the other warily. ‘Well, can you convince her otherwise?’ ‘Already done, Detective.’ He stepped back to close the hood, cocking his head to the side. ‘Christine? A nice name.’ ‘Hmm? Yeah, it’s from some old movie, where… You know what, never mind.’ He walked around to the driver’s side and scratched his neck. ‘Err… You need a ride to the precinct? I mean, since you kinda repaired my car…’ ‘Only if it’s not a problem for you. I can call myself a taxi.’ ‘Ugh, get in toaster. Just don’t think I’ll give you more rides in the future.’
Although he had said he wouldn’t do it, the Detective had offered the android to take him back home again. Reasoning it was needlessly complicated to keep avoiding each other when they lived next door. His only condition was they wouldn’t talk, and Nines could do that. They climbed up the stairs and Gavin walked faster in the hallway to his door, so he was the first one to open it. ‘Mreeow!’ A little black ball of fur was sprinting out the door and down the hall, followed by a screamed ‘Phck!’ Acting on instinct, Nines moved into the path and scooped up what he discovered was a cat. ‘Stupid ball of fur! I know I’m late, idiot cat!’ The Detective was running towards him and the android handed her over. ‘Thank you, toaster. She is the most idiotic animal I know. Sorry!’ Then he disappeared through the open door and left Nines to listen to the angry screams from inside as Gavin scolded his cat verbally. She did talk back to him though. So, Reed had a cat, huh? Apparently, the man wasn’t that aloof after all.
After Gavin had been appropriately angry with his stupid cat, he cuddled her for good measures. Afterwards he prepared a meal for himself and fed Liz. As he sat down to eat, the music next door started up again. This time some songs were missing, entire genres even, as it seemed. Others stayed and new ones were added. Only then it clicked that maybe the android was trying to determine his taste in music and find new songs to listen to. Surprisingly the RK900 had good taste. Gavin listened to it and smiled as one song he liked himself came on and the android seemed to like it enough to play on repeat for a while. Maybe the android wasn’t that bad.
It was late in the evening as Nines came home. He had been out with Connor and Hank to see a movie. Nines hadn’t particularly liked it, but he had only ever seen one movie before that one and thought he needed more to base his likes and dislikes on. It was already dark and the lights in the hallway weren’t the best. Still, Nines could see light flowing from Reed’s apartment, illuminating two figures in the doorway. Two men, one the Detective, one someone he didn’t know. They were kissing and so preoccupied they didn’t even realise they weren’t alone anymore. Nines hurried to unlock his door before they did, noticed the smell of alcohol sticking to them, and closed the door behind him.
The next morning the ride to work was as awkward as it could be. The human didn’t seem to mind, but Nines was thankful for their agreement not to talk. That was until the man broke the silence himself: ‘Hey, toaster, what has you all worked up?’ ‘What do you mean?’ ‘Your mood light. All red. Something, I should know before we arrive at work? Caught a virus or something?’ ‘Oh.’ Nines checked his stress levels and blushed. ‘I just… I didn’t know you had a boyfriend.’ Reed flinched. ‘Shit. Were we that loud? I’m so sorry, toaster, I know that’s phcking disgusting to hear…’ ‘No!’, Nines immediately blurted out. ‘No, I didn’t hear anything.’ And he definitely didn’t want to hear anything more, now that he had realised the Detective wasn’t showing any shame talking about it. ‘I came back late yesterday and saw him.’ ‘Oh phck. Yeah, I thought I heard something in the hallway yesterday. Anyways, he is not my boyfriend.’ ‘He isn’t?’, Nines asked despite himself. He was curious, okay? That was entirely normal for a neighbour. ‘Nines, ever heard of one-night stands?’, Reed answered. ‘We were just blowing off some steam.’ Then he laughed bitterly. ‘The man that wants to stay with me permanently has yet to be invented.’
‘Holy shit, this reeks!’ ‘He has been dead for two weeks already, Detective. That much is to be expected at this stage of decay.’ ‘Ugh, how has no one even found him yet? The neighbours have to smell that three floors down.’ ‘It was a neighbour who contacted us because of this smell.’ ‘Yeah, but still… No one noticed he was missing? Workplace? Friends? Family? Some phcking bar-tender?’ Nines sighed. ‘According to prior interviews he was what you would describe as an “asshole” at work, so they just thought he had quit. No friends anyone knows of. There are still a brother and a sister, but they got into a fight over inheritance money and haven’t spoken since 2033.’ ‘Phck. That strikes home…’ ‘What do you mean, Detective?’ ‘None of your phcking business’, Reed hissed and put on his gloves, stepping closer to the body to examine what little evidence there was. Nines was naturally curious. But he also knew when it was the right time to ask questions and it wasn’t now. So, he kept quiet.
That day Reed had been especially reclusive. The ride home had been dead silent with the radio turned so low it could as well have been shut off completely. With only so much as a ‘Bye toaster’ the man had vanished into his apartment, leaving Nines behind to wonder what had upset his neighbour that much. Had it been his question? A murder or suicide case with a body two weeks dead. Striking home. Nines couldn’t find a satisfactory connection, so he just decided to leave the man alone. Maybe in a few days he could ask again. Or maybe after the case was closed.
He entered his own apartment and began cleaning it. He hadn’t anything else to do and didn’t feel like listening to music. It occupied him a few hours, until he had reached his bedroom, a simple bed and his stasis-booth. He had tried “falling asleep” in a bad like a human but had ultimately failed. It didn’t feel safe somehow, to lay down. It was also directly next to the Detective’s living room and he could hear nearly every word.
He was shaking out the bedsheets as he heard a sound he had never before. It was very quiet and came from the other’s apartment. Was this… crying? He went to the wall and listened more intently. Yes, that were definitely sobs. He took a step back staring at the wall. Detective Reed was crying. A simple fact.
Now what should he do? Should he even do something? Whatever had upset the Detective today most likely was the reason for this too. And the man hadn’t liked his questioning back then. Maybe him going over and check in on him was invasion of privacy. He shouldn’t go. He should stick to their tactic of ignoring each other.
But it was too late as his legs had already brought him to Reed’s door. And he knocked. The crying from inside stopped. Then there was an answer: ‘Phck off!’ Nines waited for a while. But he decided against following the order. ‘Detective, are you okay?’ ‘Obviously not!’, the wavering voice screamed at the door. ‘But it’s not your problem.’ ‘If it interferes with your ability to go to work tomorrow, it is’, he tried joking. That normally helped. But he was met with silence. ‘I’m sorry’, he apologised. ‘Can I help you?’ ‘Phck off to some scrapyard and get compressed into something useful, will you?’ ‘Detective, please, may I come in?’ ‘What is so difficult about the phrase “Phck off”? It means: GO. AWAY.’ ‘Detective. 98% of interviewed people state that talking about distress helps.’ ‘Don’t you statistic me! I’m fine. Go.’ ‘Please. At least tell me what is going on, so I can sleep.’
Again, there was silence. Then footsteps. Then the door was unlocked, and a tear-stained face emerged. ‘You are one persistent bastard.’ ‘I’m only worried.’ ‘Fine. Come in. I don’t want to have the whole floor know about my personal shit.’ Nines followed the human inside and realised then he had never been to his flat before. It was very lively, nicely decorated too. It showed the personality his own still lacked. Reed let himself fall onto the sofa and pulled his knees to his chin. Nines felt lost. ‘So, you gonna stand there forever or come sit?’ ‘Oh, Of course.’ He sat down next to the man but kept his distance.
‘I will tell you this once, and we will never talk about it again, you got me? Never. I’m not one for personal talk, but you are alright. You understand what it means to be patient and don’t act as if you had a right to know everything about everyone. Makes you damn likeable.’ Nines just nodded. ‘And if you ever talk to anyone about it or tell them I cried, I will-‘ ‘Got it, Detective. I won’t.’ ‘I’m lonely. I know I’m an asshole, but even disgusting people can get lonely. I have a brother I decided to hate and can’t bring myself to apologise. He tried keeping in touch, but I ignored him. By the time I wanted to get back in contact he had given up, so I did too. I’m an ambitious asshole at work who doesn’t care for personal relationships. Guess I felt the need to make everything a competition. But some self-centred careerist makes little friends. And once I’m home I’m home and I don’t leave again until work because you gotta take all the time you got, right? Doesn’t matter what you do as long as you could do something and then you end up binging some old movies and series. And I’m fine. I’m fine with being a loner most of the time. Just… When I see things like we saw today… What if that’s me? When I suddenly die because someone decided to take it out on the detective that found them? What if I die and no one realises it? As I said, I’m an asshole at work, people would be happy to have me gone. My brother wouldn’t even realise it because I’m basically dead to him already. And no friends to miss me either. Phck, I would lie here until someone notices the smell and I’m not even that sad about it because hey, I won’t be there to experience it, but what’s with Liz? She is stuck with me and needs me to feed her. And… And… Phck, I don’t want to be some cold case no one bothers to investigate really, because what a sad phck this dead guy is, dying alone and-‘
‘I would miss you.’
‘What?’ ‘I would miss you, Detective. I like you.’ ‘Yeah, bullshit, we never even talk.’ ‘I have nothing to talk about. I am alive for what? Four months? Not much to experience yet. With you it’s easy to pretend that… doesn’t matter. You are very competent, and your personality isn’t that bad once you found out what words were meant to strike. I would notice would you suddenly disappear and… And I think I wouldn’t like being alone again.’ Reed stared at him for a while disbelievingly. ‘You are shitting me, toaster, you think we are friends? From just that? God, that’s even more sad than my story.’ ‘I don’t think we are friends yet, Detective. But I would like to be one day. I could even…’ He sighed. ‘Reed… Gavin. I like you. I don’t want to see you in pain. I don’t want to hear you cry. And I don’t want you to be lonely, because you don’t deserve that. Make of that what you want. But be reassured, you won’t end like this man. You have a tin-can for a neighbour after all.’ Gavin chuckled awkwardly, trying hard not to process at what the android had hinted. ‘Are you better, Detective?’, Nines asked. ‘I think I am now.’
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neferukaen · 6 years
So I have pretty much unequivocally proven that I am probably an extrovert mostly...and it sucks...I feel like a nosy person or annoying and I wish I didn’t but I do...I feel so out of the loop in some ways.
So I was trying to work at work and having 3 different people decide I was somehow supervisor/question answerer all of a sudden and I am very much not...so I moved desks...and ever since (3 days total) it has been getting better and better...been working faster...concentrating easier...getting to turn around and share a quick thing with a co-worker friend and have minor conversation inbetween work helps the time go by...
Then a new person from another area came in today and they need to be trained...so manager moves me back to my previous desk...and I’m doing ok for awhile...and then I just feel the motivation and energy seeping out of me...I dragged the rest of the day....I did ok, but not as well as yesterday...ugh my batteries are so depleted so to speak...
I am quite socialization and touch starved. And when I do get that I’m addicted somewhat for awhile...I do calm down...but it never lasts...like there is no consistency....its these little bits and pieces and short term situations...
It makes it hard to enjoy those small moments...because its almost learned behavior that thats it...it could happen again...but that is not guaranteed...I know nothing is...but feeling this depleted and sort of alone and starved...like no wonder I react how I do on occasion...nothing crazy...but I seem like a lost puppy and tire people out...I get so excited when it is happening that I don’t know how to pace myself...like a kid in a candy store...
I’m just writing these things out to vent really....
Music and online friends and the household helps...but a consistent in person friend would be super awesome...like doesn’t have to be constant even...just some here and there...and not leaving within a year...can’t plan everything...but I’m so tired of people backing out...instead of talking things out...
So much soul searching lately...
I could probably go for a more interactive social job too, that might help...
I’m sort of alone more often than I’m interacting with anyone at any given time...it gets tiring...going exploring and the hobbies help too...everything helps...but I do feel this sense of strongly missing things...and a lot of people at work say they’d love to have more alone time...and here I am wishing I had more to keep me busy with people...it’s strange how life can be like that...
I am a survivor and I keep on keeping on...but man I get tired and it’s hard to keep the energy up lol
I hope I didn’t worry anyone...just many thoughts and I’m tired as heck
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