#i can just imagine donnie like. going insane or something because of his grief like 'no guys look see!! hes still here!! hes still with us!
ROTTMNT Headcanons: I finally finished moving so y’all get me back
Here’s how I think the family would react to moving (cause I have no imagination) 
April: would try to hide how much the move affects her 
She would move all her stuff out of her old apartment the second she got the keys 
And she would unpack the second she gets into the new place 
She would also throw a housewarming party/multiple sleepovers so she doesn’t feel so alone 
The boys have moved a lot but some handle it better than others 
Raph: would try to stay strong for his siblings 
He would try to stay optimistic and help his siblings plan out their rooms 
But he is a very emotional and sentimental person 
So the second they get to the new place he’s bawling like a baby 
And it takes him a long time to get adjusted to the new place 
Leo: would handle the move the best 
Even though he’s a sentimental person he’s also a firm believer that home is not a place it’s the people he surrounds himself with 
He also thrives under pressure and craves change 
He makes an internal schedule so the moving process is swift and efficient 
But he also gives his siblings just enough time to grieve 
Donnie: handles change the absolute worst 
At first, he would refuse to move and he would make a whole PowerPoint presentation about how their home is just fine the way it is
And when he realizes it doesn't matter what he says they’re still going to move so he shuts down 
His siblings pester him to help 
He’ll try to pack and unpack but he kind of gets in the way cause he’s stuck in his head 
Casey: is right alongside Donnie 
He fucking hates moving it reminds him of the future 
The family tries to give him some stability but they also know they can’t stay stagnant forever 
Unlike Donnie, Casey is really helpful during the moving process but he does mope during the entire process 
Mikey: it really depends 
Like Leo, he loves change and hates staying in one place for too long 
But the second he notices how it’s affecting his siblings he starts getting sad too 
April Leo and Mikey try to cheer the group up and sometimes it works and sometimes they let their siblings go through the cycle of grieving the past 
So Leo has a lucky rock in “air turtle” and has enough rocks on him to replace his siblings in “flushed but never forgotten” 
He definitely has a rock and crystal collection 
He gave them all black tourmaline, and amethyst after season 2 for protection and to help with grief 
He gave April citrine for good luck 
Raph got a Rose Quartz to help with his anxiety (and to improve his self-love) 
Donnie gets a Pyrite to help cleans him of all the bad juju technology brings 
Casey gets Hematite to help ground him
Mikey gets Carnelian to boost his creativity 
And there are times when Leo will force the whole group to stop because he saw a sick ass rock on the sidewalk 
Donnie has gotten into serious arguments that go something along the lines of “no Leo I won't stop the tank so you can go get a dirty disgusting rock off the side of the road I’ve already done that three times today”
So it’s pretty obvious that Leo will say random shit in Spanish every once and a while 
And I was thinking “the boys definitely copy that right?” 
Like every once in a while you just hear Raph go “dónde está my wallet?”
And sometimes Mikey will say shit like “he’s a little… cómo se dice insane in the membrane” 
Donnie also has a terrible habit of yelling “WHAT?” When he can’t hear someone 
And it annoys the shit out of Splinter 
He always tells him “don’t yell ‘what’ that’s rude” 
So he yells “QUÉ?” Instead (cause he’s technically not saying what)
Leo also has a tough time saying “I love you” 
And for some reason saying it in Spanish is easier (probably cause he was under the assumption that his siblings didn’t know what it meant)
So he always ends the conversation with “te amo” no matter how pissed he is 
And it wasn’t until his siblings responded with “te amo más” that he realized they knew what he meant this whole time 
And he’s weirdly okay with that
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taikk0 · 2 years
Wait, what do you mean about robo Raph? I think i missed that one
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"There was a version of the movie where with Raph gone, Donnie busted out his pre-made robot he had of each one of his brothers, just in case something happened to them. Haha. The gag ended up manifesting itself as the tracker joke. These were my takes on the Raph robots. For those who are wondering the arm on the first design is what ended up being used as Leo’s prosthetic in the future."
yeah um. that...
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spectrumscribe · 8 years
Your Heart’s Desire
a very late submission to tmntflashfic‘s valentine’s day prompt thing, since it got insanely long, and has to be broken up into parts.
Master Post of Chapters.
————————————————————————————- Chapter Four.
“So how many more siblings do I gotta watch out for?” Casey asked, tossing a rubber ball up into the air and catching it before it hit his face. Mikey was out for the evening, and Casey figured he’d take the moment to ask some important questions. Like just how many demons were going to be gunning for his life.
Maybe he was handling this better than he should be. Hm.
“Two at least, three if we’re really unlucky,” Raph said from his position a few feet away. They were lying on the floor, because Casey was stuck on an essay, and felt like procrastinating as long as he could.
“Shit. Big family?”
“I guess. It’s big by some standards, tiny by others. Depends on what dimensional plain we’re hanging around in.”
“Who’re the other two or three sibs you got? I just got the one, and she lives back in New York with my dad.”
“Two more brothers, one older sister. Plus her wife.”
“None of the rest of you married?”
“Nah. Most demons don’t do that shit. Karai’s just a huge sap underneath all the murderous intent.”
Casey turned his head, glancing towards Raph. This was more information he’d gotten on the demon’s family in one go, in comparison to the few weeks he’d been living with Casey.
“Can you tell me about them?” Casey asked. “I’ll tell you about mine.”
Raph blew out a gust of air, and rubbed his face. “I’m technically not supposed to, and Donnie would get pissed I bet, but sure. Why not. You seem less likely to use the info against us than most humans. Too stupid to do anything useful with it.”
“Wow. Fuck you.”
Raph laughed, the sound coming from his chest. “So basically, Karai was our sire’s first ‘kid’ so to speak, and then came the four of me and my brothers. There’s a couple eon’s difference in age, and Karai lords it over us all the time. Bitch.”
“Equivalent of our dad. He’s basically this near god level demon, and has claim over a good number of dimensions.”
“Dude… sick.”
“He’s less cool than he sounds. He used to be a really active power, but the last couple centuries he’s really mellowed out. He spends most of the time possessing people so he can watch his soaps.”
“Still though…” Casey said, trying to imagine Raph’s dad. He probably was huge, way huger than Raph. Probably more horns too. And spikes. Shit he should totally draw that some time. “Why’d he chill out though? If I were a demon overlord, you couldn’t get me to do that even if you tried.”
“He’s old,” Raph explained plainly. “He’s been alive longer than any mortal being can comprehend, and he’s getting ready to step down.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yep. One of us’ll be next in line, unless someone tries to steal the spot like his brother did.”
“You and your sibs?”
“Yeah. It might be Karai, might be Leo. Donnie doesn’t want anything to do with it, and I’m with him on that. It’s a lot of work to police dimensions. Off chance it could be Mikey, but we’d probably see the collapse of a number of realties if that happened.”
“Yeah. It’ll probably be Karai. She is the oldest.”
“How’s that work anyways?” Casey asked. “Like, are little demon babies are a thing?”
“Not really. Either you’re made into a demon artificially, or you’re sired as one. With sired demons, like me and my siblings, we start as semi-sentient blobs made from two or more essences, and get nurtured by whichever demon is the main ‘parent’. Mine was my dad.”
“Who was the mom then? Or did your dad have a fling with chaos or somethin’,” Casey half joked, thinking of Mikey.
Raph didn’t answer, suddenly going quiet. Casey turned to look at him again, and saw Raph staring at the ceiling with an unreadable expression. “Raph?”
“She. She, uh… she died, pretty much right after she brought us into existence,” Raph said, voice soft. “I only knew her for a little while, and then she was gone.”
“Dude, shit,” Casey said, suddenly feeling like a nosy asshole. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked. I’m sorry for your loss.”
“No, it’s fine,” Raph said, sighing. “You asked and I answered.”
“I’m still sorry. What happened, if you don’t, uh, mind me asking about that too?”
“Well… she was human, for starters. My dad fell in love with her.”
That really got Casey’s attention. “Yooooo… demons can fall for humans?”
“Everyone can love, or so my dad says. Anyways,” Raph coughed awkwardly. “She wasn’t from this dimension, but it was close enough in design that it had humans still. My dad sort of just… met her one day, and knew she was the one. He was possessing a human at the time, and he literally bumped into her on accident.”
“Sounds kinda like a rom-com plot,” Casey commented. “But with demons.”
“Ha, yeah I guess. Point being, they fell in love, yada yada yada, and spent a few years being happy and stuff. She even knew my dad was a demon and thought it was fine.”
“She sounds like a cool lady,” Casey said honestly.
Raph grinned fondly. “Yeah. I only sort of remember her, since I wasn’t like, fully alive yet, but she was. She definitely was.” His grin slipped, and a hint of grief appeared in his eyes. “She gave her soul to my dad to save us all.”
“…how so?”
“My dad had a brother, another big time demonic influence. He wanted my dad’s turf, and he came for him when he realized my dad had created a chink in his defenses,” Raph sighed, long and heavy. “Tang Shen. She was the chink. She also ended up being the thing that defeated my dad’s brother.
“He’d poisoned us, me and my brothers. We were already starting to form inside mom, and he poisoned our essences. It was killing Tang Shen too, but it was mostly meant of us. Karai was already a fully-fledged demon, so my technical uncle went after my dad’s unborn spawn instead. Easier targets for eliminating potential successors or usurpers.
“It ended up being us or Tang Shen, and… she chose us. Told my dad to take her soul, and use its power to revive us and destroy his brother...”
“And then what?” Casey asked as Raph trailed off.
“And then he did,” Raph finished, still staring at the ceiling. “She died right after, since taking a human’s soul right away will kill them. I… I sort of miss her still. It’s been a really, really long time, but…”
Raph trailed off again, and a solemn quiet settled in the room.
Casey turned his eyes to the ceiling, feeling uncomfortable with how quickly things had gotten serious.
“That got heavy really fast,” Casey commented in a hushed voice.
“Yeah. Sorry.”
“ ‘s cool. My turn then.” Casey tossed his rubber ball again, and caught it as it fell. “I got my dad and my sister still, but I, uh, lost my mom too. She got pretty sick one year when I was still a kid, and just… never got better. It sucked really bad for a long time. My dad had it especially hard, since he had two kids to feed, a whole lot of bills to deal with, and not a lot of extra support. So I. Uh. I get it. Missin’ your mom even after a long time.”
“…hey Casey?”
“Yeah Raph?”
“Lemme try something.”
Casey felt more than saw the runes appear on his chest, and watched as it fizzled out again right after. He blinked, sitting up halfway to put a hand on the spot. “What was that for?”
“I was seeing if… if what you’d wanted was your mom to come back. I could do that. One soul for another. Um. It wasn’t though. I’m sorry.”
Casey blinked, and bit his lip.
That sounded too good to be true, and he wasn’t sure what he thought of his past self for not taking that chance. Even if he hadn’t known there was one.
“It’s fine,” Casey said quietly. “You gotta keep moving forwards an’ stuff no matter what. ‘s my motto. I’m not really surprised I didn’t ask for that.”
Casey missed his mom, and probably always would, but he wasn’t sure if he could do that to his family. To his mom. Bring her back and throw everything into chaos.
It was probably best he hadn’t made that his desire, even if the idea dragged back up old hurts. Of wanting to give anything to get her back.
Casey swallowed thickly, and rubbed his eyes.
Raph didn’t say anything, other than shifting onto his side, facing away from Casey. After a minute, Casey lay back down as well.
They lay there in silence, Casey listening to the kitchen clock ticking, and the slow breaths Raph was taking.
Oh god things had gotten awkward. Heavy and awkward. Why had Casey even asked that shit?
He’d wanted to know more about demons, not dead moms. Why did things always turn into dead moms?
Life imitates art or something like that.
“You wanna go play street hockey?” Casey asked, trying to get rid of the smothering feeling of grief.
“Yeah. Yeah I do. Don’t fuck up your knee this time.”
“No promises.”
Mikey didn’t come home that night, and Casey knew that for sure because he fell asleep on the couch with Raph, waiting up for the wayward demon.
Casey woke briefly, because some red light had been hovering over him, and it’d roused him.
“ ‘s goin’ on…” Casey slurred, mostly asleep still.
“Shh, it’s nothing,” Said a dark shape close by him. “Go back to sleep.”
“Raph…? What’re you doin’…”
“Just… just something. Don’t worry about it. Just go back to sleep already, I’ll see you in the morning.”
Maybe a few weeks ago, Casey would’ve woken up all the way and demanded to know what was happening. But now?
“Sure,” Casey mumbled, turning onto his side and pushing his face into the couch cushions. “Go t’ sleep yourself though. ‘s fuckin’ late…”
“I will. I promise.”
“ ‘kay…”
Casey trusted Raph enough not to do weird shit while he was asleep. He could rest and not have to worry about anything.
But Raph wasn’t there when he woke up, which set off a couple alarm bells in Casey’s head. It was weird, waking up to an apartment empty except for him. He’d gotten used to having another individual around twenty-four-seven.
Casey made himself a quick breakfast, and ate it quietly in his empty feeling kitchen.
The demon showed up around lunch, casual as anything as he waltzed in through the balcony doors, tucking his wings back into nonexistence as he did. Casey didn’t ask where Raph had been, and Raph didn’t supply any answers.
They had chicken strips (Casey’s) and raw beef (Raph’s) for dinner, and didn’t discuss anything from the day before.
 Casey was smoking on his balcony, because that was where you supposed to smoke dammnit, when he received yet another unwanted visitor.
Said unwanted visitor sped by his balcony, grabbing Casey as they went, and as Casey was swept up into the air yet again- he figured it might be time to quit smoking.
Thankfully, or maybe not so thankfully, the demon that’d grabbed him dropped Casey onto the roof of his apartment complex. Landing with sweeps of their huge- seriously huge- wings, the lithe demon loomed over Casey.
Casey scrambled to his feet, squaring up against the newcomer. Shit, was this a big one. Casey kept his hands steady anyways. “Okay motherfucker, I don’t know which one of Raph’s bros you are, but back the hell off! I’m not ‘enthralling’ him or whatever, so you can cool it with the trying to kill me thing!”
"̷O͡f ̵ço̶u͜rs͡e h̛e͟ pi̛c̵k͘ed͡ ̧a ̕m̀oųt͏h҉y o̵ne͢,"͜ The demon growled, flashing teeth as he stalked around Casey. The demon was a lot taller than Raph and Mikey had been, and leaner all around. He looked like he was built for pure speed, and reach too if the tail was as flexible as it seemed.
Casey was so busy examining the demon’s differences from his brothers, he missed the moment Raph’s unidentified brother attacked.
The demon was suddenly on top of Casey again, slamming him down against the concrete rooftop with a huge hand on his chest. The demon’s teeth were then right in front of Casey’s face, and he got a hot gust of demon breath blown right in his face.
Casey wheezed, feeling his ribs bruise and his lungs nearly collapse.
"͞Lęt̨'s j̵u͟st ̴gét ͘t͜his ov͞e̕r ̡w͡i̶th͝,"̢ The demon said in a put upon tone, opening his jaws wide and bearing down on Casey’s neck.
The demon- Donnie apparently- snapped his jaws shut right in front of Casey’s nose, and leaned his long neck away. The tips of his long horns caught the daylight as he looked evenly at his furious brother. "̡Ŗa̵p̴h͝.̡ ̛Lòng͞ ̨ti̛m̢e no ́see.͢I ͢w͡as ̛ju̴s̶t̷ ͠ta͡k̷i̕n̷g c͞are ͝of ̕thin̨gs."
Casey turned his head, and woozily caught sight of a more familiar demon he knew.
Wow Raph did look pissed.
“I said-” Raph growled, snapping his wings out as he took a threatening step towards the larger demon. “-don̡'t y̛ou͠ f̴ưc̷k̴ing ͟d̛a̶r͝e.͏"
Donnie huffed, still not easing his hold on Casey’s steadily collapsing chest. "̡I'm not ̵ǵo̢ing̷ ̀t҉o͠ l̢e̡t y̢ou̴ ̀do͝ ̵t̀hi͟s̡ ̀to yours͟elf͜ ągain,̸ ͠Rap͘h. It'ş ̡for ̛y͡o͞ur͏ o͟w͞n̢ ǵo̶od͞.̢"
"́Y͟ou d͟o͟n't͡ ̀g̶et͏ ͘to make th͢at̸ dec͞i̴si͢o͘n̸ fo̴r͏ ͞me̶,̢"͘ Raph said in a hissing voice, steadily shifting closer and closer to full demon form. Scales covered his arms and crawled up his neck, same time as Raph’s eyes turned pure green. "́N͏o ̢o̸n͠e͞ ͘d̢oes.̨"
"Oh ͡pl̶ea̕s͘e͡,̡ h͡e'͜s͟ ͘n͏ơt̢ ͢w͠o̷rt͏h҉ i̵t̛.̶ ͝H̕e̵'͡ś b̴ar̨ély ̷wǫr͡th̕ ́ȩat́iņg̵.̡ A̧nd ̴b͡es͘ide͞s,͠ ͢it͠'s not ̸like̢ ͟you ҉a̶ĺready m-̧" Donnie broke off, as something flickered in the air too fast for Casey’s blackening vision to catch. Even with the reptilian features and steady loss of oxygen in his brain, Casey read dawning horror in the demon’s expression.
"Y̷ơu ͏d̡idn̶'͟t,͘"͘ Donnie said, not asked, in a quiet voice.
“Just get off him, Dee. You know the rules,” Raph said in a low tone, his own voice returned to normal reverberation.
It took another moment, but Donnie’s stupidly huge hand lifted off Casey’s aching ribs, and he sucked in a much needed gush of air.
Casey saw spots in his vision, and tilted sideways as he tried to stand up. Someone’s arm caught him though, and Casey found himself being supported by Raph.
“Why’re all your brothers-” He coughed. “-assholes,” Casey asked, throat raspy and feeling aches blooming all around his rib cage.
Donnie sneered at them both. "Ǹo͡ w̨o̵rd͢ fr̕om ̢y͏o̢ù ̸fo̢r͝ ̸o͠v̕èr a̷ ̢mo҉ntḩ, ̶a͡nd I̵ f͡i̵nd y̛ou ͢lik͏e҉ this͜.̧ A͠n͠d o̡nly͠ bèc̕au͏s͞e̛ M̧ike̢y͜ ̵c͝a̷me̕ a̛nd͟ tol͠d͜ ̨me̸ ̵w̛h͡a̴t͏ y͢o̵u̡'̡d bee͡n up͘ t͜o." ͠
“What I do in my spare time doesn’t concern you,” Raph said, stepping defensively in front of Casey.
"It d͝oés̢ ͏s̴o!" Donnie exclaimed, stomping one of his front limbs. "̡I'm̀ ̷ąl̵l͘o͞wed to be ̀çonc͢ern͢ed͠ w̷h͏e̷n͜ ̶my broth͡èr͜ v̀an̡ìs͠he̕s̶ ͡f̢ór͞ ́w͟ee͏ks̀ on̴ ̨e̷nd̨,͞ ̷aǹd̵ ̷t͞u̶ŕn̡s̢ o͠ut͘ t͝o͟ h̶a͘v̶e̴ beén h͠i͘ḑin͟g o̵u͝t wi͞t̨h̴ ͟a ́h̴uma̕n̸ ͘ţh͜ís ẃh́ol̕e ̢t҉im̨e!"̡
“He’s not hiding out,” Casey interjected. “He’s stuck here ‘cause I made a contract with him, and then forgot what for.”
Donnie shot him a look, luminous red eyes glaring harshly at Casey. "̛S͢h̸ut up. I͞ do̶n̶'̀t͠ want t͘o҉ he͟ar ̕ęxcu̵ses fróm̷ ͝s͜o͞m̧e̕ s͝t͏up̕i̷d ͜hu̡m̡an my̢ brother͞'s̷ ͜t͜a͡k͜en͘ to."
“Hey! You don’t get to talk to him like that, Donnie,” Raph said, jabbing a finger at his much taller brother. “I’m the only who does.”
"̨R̨a͢ph, quít͏ ̀i͠t w͠įth͘ th͡i̴s̵ ͟nonsenşe,͝ ͜and̷ jus͢t̀ ki̡l̶l̢ h͟i̛m ̕aĺre͠ady͞," Donnie said, lowering his head to be eye level with Raph. "̸T̶her͠e͠'̵s ́no̢ ͠pòi͘n̵t įn p̢ur͞s͡ui̵ng ͞t͡his̢. ̶Y̧ou ̷k̀n͢òw̡ ͡ḩow̕ ̴i̸t'̨l̢l͜ ́en̸d͟.͘ ͜L͟et'͘s͏ j͝u͢st ̧go̸ hơme án͜d ͜f̵o͏r͠ge͏t th̛is ȩve͜r̨ ha͘p̨p͡ene͘d͡."̶
“No.” Raph growled, not giving an inch.
Donnie flashed his teeth, and he rose back to his full height. His wings snapped out again, and his tail whipped around behind him. "̡I ͠g̀ųe̷s͜s̀ I͞'ll̢ hàv͠e̕ to ųse ̕forc̕e t͝h̸e͡n."̛
“Fucking br͡iņg ҉i͘t̶,"̧ Raph growled, starting to get bigger.
Casey was caught between ‘hell yes demon battle’ and ‘oh fuck demon battle’- when Donnie’s tail whipped across the roof the wrong way, and demolished the small garden in the corner.
Casey’s terror/excitement took a nosedive, and turned into pure horror.
The sound of clattering across the rooftop made everyone pause, and Casey turned slowly to look for the source.
April was standing in the open doorway from the rooftop entrance, her tools and watering can dropped on the ground beside her. She was staring at the disaster zone Donnie had made of her garden, clutching only her broom still.
Casey grabbed Raph’s shoulder, and started to tug him away from the danger zone. “Okay, we’re leaving now.”
“What? No, Casey I have to-”
“My garden,” April said, voice just loud enough to be heard across the roof. “You destroyed my garden.”
Donnie turned a condescending look on her, and scoffed. "͘Th͟i̸s͠ dóes̶n̕'͏t c̕o͞nc̛er̢n͞ ỳo͝u, m̸òr̸t̶al͟.͞ ̷Leáv̢e̸ w͠hi̕le ̴y͝ou st͡ill can."
“That was five months of work,” April said, pale and wide eyed. Her grip around her broom tightened to knuckle white. “Five months of work. Gone. I was writing my whole thesis on it.”
"I͘s s̡h̛è ̨d͟e͟af? ̛I told ͏her͏ ͠to l̀e̡a͠v̸e̛ ͝a̕lre̕a̵d̢y̵-"
“FIVE. MONTHS .OF WORK!” April suddenly shouted, causing everyone to jump, even Donnie. She’d lost the shocked expression on her face, and turned it into pure fury. “AND THIRTY PAGES OF THESIS! GONE. WORHTLESS.”
“Okay I see your point,” Raph whispered in an abruptly small voice, willingly backing away now. Casey nodded jerkily, and tugged Raph towards the edge of what was probably going to be the splash zone for blood.
April marched across the roof, broom swinging in her grip as she did, straight towards the visbily unsettled dragon-demon responsible for her garden’s violent death.
April glared up at Donnie, no hint of any fear from their height differences. “Shrink down. I know you can, because he can.” She pointed at Raph, who was trying to slip behind Casey. “So do it. Shrink down right. this. second.”
Donnie looked down at her, seeming confused by April’s commanding tone. "U̵h- ͡ex̶cu͟se me̢-?"
April swung her broom around in a vicious swing, and made contact with a harsh slap to Donnie’s side. He yelped, and tried to shy away, only for April to chase after him.
"̨You'r̶e̡ i͝nsa̢n͜e͘!"
“DO IT!”
“Do it or so HELP ME GOD-!”
Casey watched his neighbor and best friend chase the demon sizes bigger than her, using only a broom and her terrifying temper to cow him. Raph had fully hidden himself behind Casey at that point, and Casey did his best to shield his other friend from April’s wrath.
Eventually, after April managed to land several consecutive hits to Donnie’s head and horns, he poofed into smoke, and rematerialized as a long haired human with tall horns. “Okay! I did it! Leave off you insane woman-”
April whacked him across the shins with her broom, literally sweeping Donnie’s long legs out from under him.
“Now fix it, you over grown lizard!”
“Fix what?! OW!”
“MY GARDEN!!” April screamed, pure fury in her voice. Her red hair flared up around her head, exactly like fire in the wind. She looked more demonic than the lanky man on the ground, currently trying to protect his tall horns and long tail from her broom.
Donnie then yelled something Casey couldn’t quite understand, and he stumbled for a moment- vision skewing violently. Raph steadied from behind thankfully, a warm hand placed in the center of Casey’s back.
April seemed utterly unaffected, continuing her assault on Donnie. The two of them were back to throwing insults at one another, and Donnie actually seemed a bit scared now. April continued whacking him with her broom anyways.
Casey- shaking off whatever Donnie had just done to his hearing- managed a wince on behalf of the fallen demon. “I actually feel sorry for the dude.”
“Me too,” Raph said, now fully hidden behind Casey. Though, he apparently didn’t feel sorry enough for his brother to actually intervene.
“Ooooooh shit. Dee’s really getting it now.” A cheery voice said from behind them. Casey glanced over his shoulder, and saw a mostly human Mikey clinging to the roof railing. He waved to Casey.
“Mikey! You told Donnie where I was?” Raph hissed accusingly at his brother.
“Nuh uh! Just that you were okay and junk, and sorta maybe chillin’ with a human.”
“Hey, at least I didn’t say anythin’ to Leo or Karai! Or Shini. Yikes.”
“Are you giving him our names?!” Donnie shrieked across the roof. “Guys! What have we talked about?!”
Mikey shrugged with a guiltless grin. “Hey, Raph did it first.”
“Names mean a thing?” Casey asked, struggling to keep track of the situation.
“Yes, yes they mean a thing!” Donnie exclaimed. “It would have been nice to know that you’ve both been handing them out like candy, and that Raph’s human’s neighbor was a witch!”
“April’s a witch?” Casey asked, even more confused. “April, you’re a witch and you never told me??”
“Don’t call me names!” April yelled, sweeping at Donnie again. “Just because you’re in trouble doesn’t mean you get to call me names!”
“April’s a witch? What?” Casey questioned again, this time aiming it at the demon hiding behind his back.
“I thought you knew!” Raph said in a panicked voice.
“I thought so too!” Mikey added.
“I DIDN’T SO WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME?!” Donnie yelled over April’s broom whacking.
April, apparently unbothered by the side conversations that’d developed, hit Donnie again. “Fix it!”
“I AM, you psychotic woman- ACK-!”
“Yeesh, so no movie night tonight?”
“Not the priority here, idiot!”
“I don’t know what’s happening anymore but guys please don’t attract her attention over here she’ll- APRIL WAIT I HAD NO PART IN THIS-”
April being a witch made a horrendous amount of sense. The plants, the insane natural talent she had with chemicals and science in general, the bizarre way she’d been dealing so fearlessly with Casey’s accumulating demon population…
Casey thought it was amazing.
April didn’t think as much.
“That sounds fake,” She said, arms crossed to the demon she was staring down.
Donnie, who had managed to get off the ground again now that things were calmed down, stared back at her. “You are. I can sense latent power all around you.”
“Fake.” April said again. “I don’t believe you for a second. Witches don’t exist.”
“I’m a demon, I’m standing right in front of you. You’ve been living with a demon, if only by association, for more than a month. How can you deny that witches exist?”
“You have to draw the line somewhere, and I’m drawing it here.”
“I don’t understand you humans. At all.”
She’d raised her broom threateningly in response, and Donnie had backed off with his hands raised.
April had eyed them all, eyed her restored garden, and then hefted her broom again. Everyone got the message.
Then she’d left, flipping her loose ponytail over her shoulder as she did.
Casey laughed aloud as she shut the door behind her. “Wow! I can’t believe none of us died! That’s a relief. Now someone explain my best friend being a witch. Seriously. What the fuck.”
Something then lashed out at his head, and Casey didn’t even have time to react before Raph yanked him down, and Donnie’s clawed hand was caught by Raph’s.
“Dammnit,” Donnie cursed shortly.
“I just said-” Raph growled, yanking his much taller brother to his level. “-don’t touch him.”
“And I just said-” Donnie growled back, knocking his long horns and forehead against Raph’s. “-this is going to end in disaster.”
“Oh my god, none of you have any chill,” Casey said, trying to wiggle out of Raph’s restraining grip.
Both of the quarreling demons let out rolling snarls, and Casey was practically tossed aside by Raph as they started fighting again.
The roof was covered in black smoke, and then there were two huge dragons wrestling right in front of Casey. He very closely avoided getting smacked in the face by Donnie’s whipping tail.
And- shit- the cement was cracking, and Raph’s mouth was starting to glow and produce smoke, and Donnie’s was crackling with purple light, and everything smelt like ozone and rain and sort of like a forest fire-
-they both summoned magic circles, bright red against bright purple, and-
-a giant portal opened up underneath them, and they both fell into with surprised bellows.
The orange ringed portal closed up without a sound, and it was like there’d never been demons around to begin with.
Casey looked over at Mikey, who was still holding his hands out with his legs apart.
Mikey looked at Casey, and gave a winning smile. Complete with deadly canines.
“What the fuck.” Casey said, not asked.
“They needed time to cool off,” Mikey explained.
“So you sent them to hell?”
“Maaaaybe?? I don’t know. It just sort of- poofed them off? Somewhere?? They’re gonna come back don’t worry. Donnie’s good at finding his way home, no matter where I poof him.”
“Oh my god.”
“Soooo…” Mikey gave him a cat-ish grin, coy and sly. “Can we go eat all the raw meat and watch a movie till they get back? I mean, they’ll probably get a snack along the ways anyhoo, so like, they ain’t gonna miss that meat, right? Ha ha.”
Mikey’s tail was lashing around excitedly, the curly crest on it bouncing around as it did. He looked way too proud of himself and way too okay with the fact that Raph and Donnie were probably going to come back pissed.
Casey thought for a moment.
Hm. If worse came to worst, he could just call his friendly neighborhood witch to subdue everyone. And speaking of-
“We can if you tell me about April being a witch.”
“Oh totally, and I get dibs on the steak too!”
“Uh. Wasn’t gonna eat it, so sure.”
Technically Raph had been planning to, but keeping Mikey from eating things that weren't exactly dead yet was more important.
next part.
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