#i can see why jimmy clearly thinks martyn is the funniest person to ever live
blocksruinedme · 2 years
Scott said he's a dom top.
Genuinely not PG. Youtube get clickbaity, but you, my dear tumblr, get that SCOTT SAID HE’S A DOM TOP and I bet you a 10 blue checkmarks this is not a gag. Look at his fucking face. he is NOT JOKING. there’s the clearly jokes scott jokes, the ones you can’t tell, and then there’s “oh no he’s just speaking the truth".  He is excited to have an opportunity to overshare. You watch bdubs in 2017 saying he’s a well-hung dilf, I mean he had to say that, right?. Scott? Scott wants us to know he’s a dom top, and. It's not like I’m *surprised* but Martyn is my blockperson of the day for his response, omg.
(~transcript under the cut)
Seriously you can SEE scott was waiting for someone else to say something so he could just make it really fucking clear to thousands of people that yes he means that literally he does wish he was in someone’s butt, no it wasn't a random joke. Scott.
Do we collectively know this kind of thing, in a clearly non-joking way, about anyone in 1) this general pg-ish crowd 2) minecrafters in general. 
(more ramblings and ~transript below the cut)
like this isn’t causing me any problems, y’know, but god damn is this a lot to take in (heh heh). I watched it so many times to do all the editing I did and it still fucks me up sometimes. SCOTT S SMAJOR, what would we do without you. Imagine the ecosystem with no scott. With no mcc? 
Why did i put so much work into this one? IDK but I learned new things doing it. Since i did captions, here is a transcript/summary
[Before the clip starts martyn listed off who was online, which involved saying smajor.]
Eloise: smajoooor
Martyn: smajor
Eloise (proud of herself) smajor pain in my butt!
[people endorse this joke]
Scott: I wish I was a smajor pain in someone’s butt
[martyn missed what he said, the other two make shocked sounds]
E: oh me oh my
[Scott is laughing too much to be coherent]
[martyn asked what he missed, just heard the outpour of disgust]
[scott says it again.]
[martyn cocks his head and says “fair.”]
[a brief pause]
Eloise: valid scott, never hide that about yourself
Scott (smugly): i am a top.
Scott (still smug): a dom top.
Eloise: ok maybe we should hide things about ourself actually
Martyn: I woulda called switch, actually
[eloise mutes to shout]
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