#i can understanding disliking him for his cartoon violence played for laughs child abuse and all but he’s also not a real person
hopeworth · 8 months
i could never understand people disliking characters for their bad decisions. like. that’s the best part about their character!!!!!!
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eenefangirlanalysis · 7 years
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Ed decides that he’s had enough, it’s time to sleep, and drops his friends.
Literally Matt Hill’s delivery is the best, “Ed pooped. Sleepy time, guys.”
Ed’s speech goes back and forth from a toddler and back to how a child his age would speak.
Ed deserves a break for sure. He tends to put others needs before himself.
How does Ed feel about himself? Sure, he’s always laughing and smiling but I don’t think we’ve ever been given an episode about how he feels about himself. He’s insecure. He’s unsure. And nobody understands him. Edd and Eddy don’t understand him. They won’t let him take charge and automatically think that he will mess things up. This lead to the downfall in their friendship. Trust is the #1 key to any friendship.
His friends don’t give him the right amount of credit. Edd practically ignores him while Eddy uses his strong abilities or his creativity to get back at an enemy. A certain scene which I will get into in a bit would have made Edd and Eddy see Ed in a new light.
Unfortunately cartoon physics don’t hold Edd and Eddy in the air as they go crashing to the ground.
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Poor, Edd. He landed on his coccyx. That was my favorite line ever from Boo Haw Haw.
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The slapstick doesn’t end there. The writers have to complete it with the stick hitting both Edd and Eddy on the head. Can they catch a break already? Eddy always gets abused from slapstick violence. Didn’t he already go through the worst pain he could ever imagine?
As for Edd he already received an injury on his head. His head gets hurt the most. Look at him grasp it in pain. Again, we’re going to find out in a few minutes about his secret.
Poor Eddy.
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Emitting the final yawn of the scene we’ve all caught the yawns and are yawning. It’s definitely sleepy time.
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This is one of my favorite eene locations.
It has a Hawaiian tone to it. The palm trees, Easter island heads, and rocks. It has a calming atmosphere. It’s a totally private area for the boys to bond. 
Do you think this area is meant to be a camp site? It a has a wire fence surrounding it. I have theory that since this little rest area is near that motel the Eds walked passed it could be a camp site or a place to look over the city.
All the city lights are out. That’s strange.
Do you think the Eds ever see the city since that rock wall is obstructing their view? They must know.
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Ed tunnels through the ground as if he were a gopher [like Jonny in Take This Ed and Shove it] and searches around to find a place to sleep.
You gotta love Ed.
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“Ah, comfy.”
Ed immediately settles in with nature. Edd is not used to it even though he admires nature. He’s never slept outside before. I’m not going to count camping because technically you’re inside a tent. The boys are roughing it.
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The instant Edd walks off screen carrying the glowing fireflies Eddy immediately grows uncomfortable.
He fears the dark.
It’s never been outright stated and it doesn’t have to be. Eddy’s reactions sell it.
The first time his fear of the dark came about was To Sir With Ed. Technically he was afraid of being home alone but he’s also uncomfortable with the dark. He’s embarrassed. Eddy doesn’t want to show that weakness to anybody fearing they’ll look at him in a different way. Eddy wants to look like the most confident person in the whole world when in all actuality he’s insecure about himself and fears what the world has to offer.
Here’s my head canon on why Eddy fears the dark along with being alone.
In my fanfiction story, The Bloody Nose, Bro gave Eddy a nose bleed when he was five years old and left him home alone in the dark until their parents arrived home. This event forever traumatized event and also explains why he has trust issues. Eddy’s parents made sure that one of them needed to be home at all times once they found out about the abuse. A miscommunication happened one night.
I love seeing genuine moments of the real Eddy. From the way he acts at the end of the movie he’s so cheery and goofy.
Also, look at Eddy in one of his final attempts to sport the Bro chin.
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“Eddy, can I have a goodnight kiss?”
Eddy is disgusted by the request and immediately takes off dragging Ed with him.
Has Ed ever received a good night kiss?
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As Eddy decides to make this Easter island head his bed for the night Edd comes through and attaches a label to the rock.
Okay, I was just reminded of ‘Eddy’s king of the castle’ song from Know it All Ed.
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“‘Yet another boulder.’“
I’m surprised Edd doesn’t call it an Easter island head.
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Edd has been busy labeling the whole area.
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“Hey, sockhead! Quit turning everything into your bedroom!”
Off topic question: Does Eddy call Edd ‘Double Dee’ or ‘Sockhead’ the most?
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“It’s just that it’s difficult for me to sleep in an unlabeled environment.”
Reeaaally, Edd.
You slept just fine in a tent in Hot Buttered Ed. And when you slept in Ed’s basement in A Glass of Warm Ed. Although I do see his point. He was in an area he was familiar with. This is the first time he is sleeping out in the wilderness.
Edd was the first character we were ever introduced to. And in his first appearance he was labeling his room. Odd time to do it but it makes you wonder why he started then. As I have pointed out I believe Edd was home schooled until fourth grade. The summer that takes place from season 1-4 must be the first time the Eds are hanging out with one another. Everything is changing for Edd. After spending years practically held prisoner in his room he starts hanging out with his friends and actually witnessing what the real world is like. 
I also believe that Edd’s mental state has worsened over time. Simialir to how Eddy wants to look like a confident person Edd wants his outer mask to resemble someone who has it all together. Edd is the biggest neat freak you could ever meet. But, is his mind that way too?
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“Snore. I’m gettin’ some shut eye.”
If this were Eddy before the fight he would have said something to make fun of Edd or express his annoyance.
Eddy knows when to stop. He has self control. He grew up from the fight. If they didn’t end up finding Bro would Eddy have changed? The fight was enough to show Eddy that it was wrong for him to act like someone he never wanted to be.
 If the series ended at Fistful of Ed it still would have ended Eddy’s character perfectly. He’s a kid who’s gone through a rough time. Without the movie it can be implied that there was something off about his relationship with his brother. 
I LOVE Big Picture Show, don’t get me wrong. There are so many what if scenarios.
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“Aw, this beds killin’ me,” Eddy moans as we hear his back crack.
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Ed suggests that they trade ‘beds’.
Eddy’s reply; “Quit talkin’ in your sleep, Ed.”
He even turns his back on Ed. Wow, this one little exchange says so much. Eddy is uncomfortable but doesn’t want his friend to feel the way he does. Eddy mentally punishes himself. He’s had occasions where he whacks himself against the head. Eddy does not like himself.
And the scene dissolves.
Okay, time to talk about the famous deleted confession scene.
The Eds were supposed to gather around the fireflies campfire and all confess to a secret. It was supposed to get very deep and personal.
Ed’s confession was that he felt Edd and Eddy only hung out with him because of his name. He’s always felt left out as his friends got more of the limelight and hung out with him less. This is why fans dislike EddEddy. They feel Ed will be left out. Edd and Eddy will never forget about Ed as he is the one who keeps his friends together. Ed has done so much for his friends even putting them first before himself.
Edd and Eddy would have had a new viewpoint on Ed. Especially, Edd. Edd didn’t believe that Ed had a chance at winning the spelling bee in Too Smart for His Own Ed. Ed does understand. He has his own unique way of thinking and looking at the world. Edd and Eddy have both taken advantage of his disability thinking that he won’t understand.
Edd’s confession would have revealed what he was hiding under his hat. Along with the dodge ball incident. In Edd’s old elementary school he was mercilessly picked on by the other kids. Mainly in gym whenever they played dodge ball. After too many hits to the head Edd decided to get revenge. So, he built some sort of dodge ball cannon which went out of control hurting all his fellow classmates. Edd didn’t mean for his revenge to go this far. Mt head canon is that his dodge ball machine malfunctioned shooting a ball from the oposite end, struck Edd making him slam into the wall practically cracking his head open.
Edd is hiding a scar.
Edd’s backstory is so sad and would have given us more insight one why he was so upset about the incidents in Fistful of Ed. And it would have explained the cold relationship he has with his parents. 
He and his parents moved from Lemon Brooke to Peach Creak after the incident fearing they’d never get their reputation back.
He’s afraid of himself. He fears that if his past gets out everyone will fear him. Maybe that’s why he avoids the in crowd. The in crowd always knows everything and are constantly passing around rumors.
Ed and Eddy would have understood Edd and accepted him.
I know we have all been waiting to find out what would have been under Edd’s hat but would it have been necessary?
The only story that has a resolution is Eddy. We don’t know what will happen to Ed and Edd’s home lives.
As for Eddy’s confession he was only going to sprout out more lies about his brother. He was either fearful of what his friends were going to say or he was still in denial. My guess is both. He’s already lied to his friends enough and he dragged them out into unknown territory.
The confession scene was cut for time. 
If this scene were added it would have given the film a whole new meaning. The Eds would have had a better understanding for one another. This is a coming of age story. The Eds have been mentally lost from themselves and one another. It would have been a chance to reconnect creating a much stronger friendship then what they had in the beginning.
Still, even though we don’t physically see the scene it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen off screen.
And then the scene would have ended with Ed offering expired gravy to his friends causing them all to pass out and experience a clay animated nightmare.
What is your opinion? Would you have liked to see this deleted scene?
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