#i can’t explain but waking up with sharp 20/20 vision feels loud
sarcastic-clapping · 4 months
as someone who has been wearing glasses since early childhood i literally can’t imagine just… waking up with 20/20 vision. that sounds so scary. i need to ease into my day with some peaceful blurriness first. until 8am it is shapes and colors ONLY. no sharp edges allowed.
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that-damn-girl · 4 years
(3) Bucky and The Bed
Chapter 2
Bucky and The Bed Masterlist
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x (cis)fem!reader
Words: 2800+
Summery: You and Bucky are stranded in the middle of a snowy nowhere when there is an 'electronic blackout' during your mission. With no back ups or any way to contact your team, you take refuge from the worsening weather in the only cabin you find  in miles. Not to mention, with no power, Bucky has become your personal heater and there's only one bed.
Chapter type: Lovesick Bucky, cuddling, mutual pinning.
Chapter warning: A bit paranoid reader.
A/N: Tbh, I am not proud of this chapter but I wanted to get done with this part. I am not really a tech person, nor can I form proper plots with tech stuff involved. Sorry in advance for the plot holes you find. Some inspiration is taken from movies Spy Kids 2 and Charlie's Angels. 
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The hours of night soon gave way for morning to creep in. Beam by beam light poured in through the large sized windows, illuminating the room in a silver glow.
In a relaxed and peaceful moment, Bucky woke up to the sight of a goddess wrapped up in his arms. Your face was pressed against his chest, one hand gripping his sweater tightly in your fist and the other thrown loosely around his waist; legs intertwined with his in comfort.
With one arm around your back, Bucky could feel your chest rise and fall with every breath; feel every exhale of yours through the thin layers he had on.
Golden rays from the fireplace and the pale brightness from the windows in the absence of direct sunlight cast a beautiful glow on your face, a mixture of different shades dancing about. 
He could feel his heart swell with adoration just looking at you. Your lips, partly open, appeared more plump since a side of your face was cutely pressed against his body. With a slight pout and closed eyes, your face conveyed a look of pure innocence which Bucky knew he couldn't get out of his head anytime soon.
Your face was angled so that your lovely lips peered at him, seemingly begging to be sucked and licked and kissed and bitten with pure red passion. As if he hadn't wanted to do exactly that.
Closing his eyes, he gave himself a moment to calm down his racing heart. He loved the feel of you engulfed in his arms, filling a void he'd become familiar with since too long. Hard yet soft, pressed against him in the sweetest of manners  due to a girdle of trust and confidence which surrounded your friendship, keeping it tight.
Silencing his wants, he leaned down and kissed the top of your head hard and lovingly, as if convincing you that he would not act on his wanton desires and loose a friend he cherished immensely in greed for more.
You slowly stirred against him. He stilled, worried that he woke you up, but after giving out a breathy exhale you resumed your position, burying your face even further and an arm tightening around his waist. Your otherwise calm posture would have fooled him, but the secretive smile tugging at your lips gave you away. Bucky thought that his kiss wouldn't have been noticed, but the small peck to his chest, right above his heart by your lips proved him wrong.
Gracing your face with a smile which took his breath away every damn time, you said, "I could get used to this."
You had been in that state rocking between the dream world and the real word for quite some time. Loving every cursory second of it, you didn't want to wake up and get out of the cocoon of Bucky and the blankets. While you were savouring the moment, you felt softness touch your head, realising what Bucky had done. Your heart thumped hard. You couldn't have stopped from reciprocating the affection even if you wanted.
Bucky felt his heart swell once again, swearing it would fly out of his rib cage at any moment.
"Yeah?" Bucky asked tentatively. A smile formed at the corner of his lips.
"Mhmm," You started, cuddling closer to him, fastening your hold on him, "You're so warm."
"You're making me cold." You whipped your head at him, worrying you'd overstepped the borders. But one look at the mischievous look in his eyes and a sly smirk on his luscious lips told you otherwise.
"Hey," You lightly hit his arm, making him rumble with laughter.
You looked at his beautiful face, eyes crinkled and teeth bared in mirthful laughter. It was good to know that he felt light enough to crack jokes. God, you thought, if the cold wouldn't kill me, his smile definitely would.
"No, but seriously," you propped yourself up on one elbow, the other still over his waist, "Are you cold because of me?" You sounded as serious as you looked.
His general body temperature was higher than yours. After giving it a thought, it only made sense to you. You'd made him cold if he'd made you warm.
He scrunched his nose, baffled as to why you would think that, "What? No! Don't be silly."
"Okay then," You said, snuggling back with him, "Don't come complaining to me later."
Why would I? He thought. He'd promised himself that he'd run to the ends of the world if it meant keeping you warm and comfortable. With a dreamy smile on his lips, he said, "Wouldn't dream of it."
You closed your eyes, relaxing further into him, "Good, cause now you're officially my cuddle pillow."
He barked out another laugh, "Cuddle pillow, huh?" He hugged you closer, "Well, cuddle pillow at your service, ma'am."
You both chuckled. He looked down at you, that post laugh smile still gracing your face. Smiling or not, he knew he could always look at you and never get enough of it, because he could never fucking get enough of you. He'd always admire those beautiful pair of eyes and those lips he couldn't stop daydreaming about-
"Hey, Bucky," You start , that smile having fallen off your face, "I've been thinking about that white thing..."
It took Bucky a moment to understand that you had been talking about the split halves of the white octagonal box you two had found the previous day. So occupied with thoughts of you pressed against him, Bucky had forgotten that morning what had caused all of this in the first place. He felt dumb.
Clearing his throat he said, "What about it"? Pretending as if he'd been thinking about it too, because he couldn't let one of the few people whose opinions he did care about think he was dumb - especially not you.
"When it blew up, it somehow made all electronics in its range dysfunctional."
"The range can't be infinite though." You paused, waiting for his confirmation; for an indication that you made sense.
"I guess."
"We already walked for like what...10 to 15 miles?"
"Kinda, yes."
You sat up, explaining animatedly with your hands, "So if we do venture out some more, maybe we can surpass the range. If we do, we could at least communicate through our comms."
Bucky sat up too, a puzzled expression in his face, "Yeah, we can try that."
"Yeah, we can!"
One look at your excited expression and he placed a hand on your shoulder. Shaking his head, Bucky said, "No, no, no, no. Not 'we'. It's gonna be just me."
"You shouldn't go out there."
"Excuse me?!"
Bucky huffed, "Doll, we don't know what's the radius of the range. For all we know, it could be another 20 miles. You can't walk 20 miles in this weather. But I can."
You furrowed in your eyebrows. Truth be told, you knew without proper gear - which you didn't have at the moment - you wouldn't be able to survive in the bitter cold outside, let alone trek an unknown span. Bucky, on the other hand, had the serum which made him much more resistant to the cold - frankly anything else - than you. Damn it. You didn't want to admit defeat, but you had to.
Looking everywhere but at him, you tried to come up with a reason reasonable enough so that you could accompany him too. Finding none, you shrugged, "I mean - okay." Something clicked inside you all of a sudden and you grabbed his forearm, "But if you're going on your own, what if something happens to you? I wouldn't know it. I wouldn't be able to help you."
Unveiled worry reflected in your eyes. You chewed on your bottom lip. Bucky knew you cared about him, but looking at you being anxious just for him did things to his heart.
Looking deep into your eyes, he gave a shy smile, "No, doll, I'll be fine. You don't have to worry about me."
You knew Bucky facing any obstacles were highly unlikely. He'd was an ex-assassin - an expert one at that. He had amazing knife skills and was one of the greatest snipers the world had known. But he was also your friend, one you had feelings a little too deep for.
You shuffled closer to him and laid your head on his shoulder, saying in a voice softer than his heart had become, "I care about you, Bucky. I'll always worry about you."
His breath hitched. Strings tugged at his heart. Bucky didn't know why he was so surprised. He guessed it was because he wasn't used  to people outwardly showing concern for him. He didn't want to dwell on it though. Despite having known it already, it felt good hearing you voice it out loud.
He laid his head on top of your and started petting your hair. Hiding his smile, he said, "It's gonna be fine, doll. I'm gonna be fine."
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As Bucky jogged through layers upon layers of snow, he could only see white sheets for as far as his vision allowed. The dark green, lushy, conical tress were the only living things by definition in sight - that too covered under silver thaw.
He could hear the crunch of ice crystals under his boots and the chilly hurried winds rush by his ear, biting mercilessly at his exposed cheeks and nose.
The air was crisp as he breathed; so sharp and freezing he felt his lungs were being punctured. Though he didn't have any trouble breathing, he didn't like the feeling one bit. He swore he could taste the difference in the air between there and New York.
The thickness of clouds prevented sunrays from falling on skin - or anywhere in sight. His surroundings were as gloomy as the sky above. The only thing which kept his heart light was the still lingering feel of your lips on his skin.
As Bucky prepared to leave, you couldn't help but fret over him. Double checking if he had his weapons on hand, though he doubted he need them, you said one could never be too cautious. You made sure he had his comm on and insisted he put on more layers than just one heavy jacket over a sweatshirt. He assured you that all the jogging that he'd do would make him warm enough to not need anymore layering.
In your anxiousness you expressed your concern over the littlest of details. In his opinion, they were unnecessary. He only needed to be careful about not losing his path and not push past his limit. He had to appreciate your presence of mind though, but that did not mean he could let you work yourself into a panic attack.
In your defence, you were worried!
How Bucky wished he could take a hold of you in a sudden moment and kiss you senseless to stop your rambling like he had seen in all those movies. He could almost picture it happening in front of him. Nevermind the fact that he knew while in the movies the couple would somehow confess their love for each other, in the reality version you would push him away and things would be awkward and your friendship would be strained. And he couldn't let that happen.
Only if he'd known how wrong he was.
Instead, Bucky chose to grab your shoulders in a sudden moment to stop your rambling, letting you calm down against him, "Doll, you worry too much."
You huffed, "Bucky..."
"I know, Y/N, but trust me, I am going to be safe. Everything's going to be alright." He assured you yet again.
When he was about to leave through the main door, you shouted, "Bucky!"
As soon as he turned around, he saw you running to him and hugging him tight, the sheer force of your body colliding into his throwing him off his feet for a second. He soon got a grip on himself and hugged you back.
You were aware you might have been over-reacting. You might have been paranoid too. But you the thought of Bucky out in the open all by himself, unsafe while you were not didn't sit well with you. He was a grown man and capable enough on his own, yet feelings or not, he was a very close friend.
For a moment Bucky thought you were on a mission to bruise his ribs when you said, "Just take care of yourself, Bucky." and put a soft lingering kiss to his cheeks.
Bucky could still feel softness of your lips on his skin. He didn't want to be out here in the cold when he could have been snuggling with you. But he had to.
He kept running for miles and miles and his body didn't even feel relatively tired. A little out of breath, yes, but not tired. He willed himself to not loose his patience and keep going on further when he heard some static in his ear. He stopped abruptly.
Pressing the communication device to his ear, he said, "Hello?" He only heard the constant buzz of static and nothing more.
Going forward a few steps, he repeated himself. A voice broke through the static, "Agent Y/N? Sergeant Barnes?" It seemed to be FRIDAY's.
Bucky couldn't believe it. Your idea had worked and he had surpassed the range!
Bucky called out with a relieved face, "Sergeant Barnes reporting. Does anybody copy?"
"Bucky!" A shriek tore out through his earpiece, disturbing his sensitive eardrums. Though extremely high pitched, he knew whose it was.
"Sam?" Bucky questioned.
"Man, what the fuck has been going on with you? You guys were supposed to report in eighteen hours earlier! I had been worried sick about you two!" Sam's clearly worried voice spoke.
"Sam, we're fine. Nobody hurt but there's a little problem." Bucky licked his bottom lip, contemplating how he'd tell him your 'little' situation.
"What problem?" Sam prompted.
Well, considering the fact that they had had fought an army of aliens, Bucky thought that this shouldn't be much surprising. Bucky told the Captain about the white octagonal box, what all had happened the previous day and the idea you put forward that morning.
Bucky heard no response. Worried he'd lost connection again, he asked, "Sam, you there?"
Sam was nothing if not flabbergasted. He didn't know how to respond to the situation. Hardly had he felt relieve over his friends beings safe when this came up. According to Bucky's calculations, that pesky little things had rendered any electronic useless within forty miles of its radius.
How the fuck was he going to get his friends out of there when he couldn't even get the quinjet near to them!
"FRIDAY," Sam started, unsure what commands to give, "Do you know what he's been talking about?"
"Sergeant Barnes seems to be talking about a transmooker." The AI replied in her nonchalant voice.
"A what?" Both Bucky and Sam shot up.
"A transmooker. It can disable networking systems and any electronic component within the range of its blast by slightly altering the magnetic field." FRIDAY informed.
"But I don't feel anything on my arm." Bucky said, now more confused than ever.
"It is not strong enough to restrict or guide your movement, Sergeant Barnes, but strong enough to hamper the electricity flow in the devices you have."
"Can you do something about it, FRIDAY? Like hack it or something?" Sam asked, overwhelmed beyond belief.
"I cannot override it, Captain. To do that, I'd have to track it first. It seems to have created a GPS blackhole. Though according to my calculations, with an error percentage of twenty percent, the effects must begin wearing down in a week or so. As soon as that happens, I can undo it's effects."
"A week?" Bucky asked, followed by a confirmation by the AI.
"Think you can hold out for a week?" Sam asked.
"We got the supplies, at least. So yeah." Bucky nodded, looking out into the distance. Details were worked upon, goodbyes were said.
A week, Bucky thought. He hadn't even spent a day with you without turning into a lovesick puppy, he wondered what the week ahead would do to him.
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The divider is made by @writeyourmindaway​
Chapter 4
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powerstrangerdacre · 7 years
By your side
Chapter VII - Far from perfect
Summary: When Y/N finds herself hiding in Hawkins after a series of unfortunate events, she can’t help but feel strongly about Billy Hargrove, the king of her new school. Billy finds himself strangely attracted to, but also threatened by the girl. What will happen when she finds out his story and tells him her own?
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Reader / Steve Harrington x Reader (platonic)
Warning: swearing, fighting, mentions of abuse throughout the story
Wordcount: 2330+
Taglist: @fangirlinganditswonders @artisticlales @the--real-wombat
AN: I do not approve of Billy’s behaviour in Stranger Things.(How much longer will I have to say that?) Seventh and last chapter... I’m kinda sad that this is over. But I hope you liked it! Thanks for reading!
Also, requests are open: here. So request something! ;)
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PART 1 / PART 2 / PART 3 / PART 4 / PART 5 / PART 6 / part 7
Reader’s POV
I knew what I did was wrong, but I didn’t care. I wanted to protect this boy from his monster of a dad, who only seemed to care about his own benevolence. I wanted to show him that he can change his life... I wanted him to do something about it before it was too late. I wanted to help him. But in wanting to help him, I had hurt myself. I knew what I did was wrong. Because if it hadn’t been wrong, I wouldn’t have ended in my car, crying to myself.
I don’t know why I was crying. The tears just burst forth like water from a dam. The walls that I had built so high… collapsed to the ground. Salty drops fall from my chin onto Billy’s jean jacket, as I break down into quaking sobs. I ran inside Steve’s house, knowing that he wasn’t home, but what I found there didn’t help me much. My mom and step-dad stood there, ready to take me home. “How did you find me?” I ask, not even bothering to say a hello. “Doesn’t matter. You’re coming home.” my dad spits at me in anger. The sound of his voice made me scoff.
“Why? So you can try and kill me again? So you can embarrass me and call me a “troubled child”? So you can say that I killed my sister?!” I yell at him, making my mom flinch. I shake my head, trying to calm myself down. “I’m not coming home. I’m going to stay here until I’m 18, and then I’ll find a job and move out. And if Sara ever wakes up, I’m taking her with me. I won’t let you destroy me just because you think it’s fun!” I say and turn to walk away. The next thing I know he’s at my neck, pressing harshly down on it, cutting my airways. “You are coming back with us. You are going to stay there and take care of your sister. And you will respect me!” he says as my vision gets blurry, before turning black.
I wake up to pounding in my head. I stand up quickly, making the covers fall off my body, leaving my skin exposed to the coldness of my room. Beeping makes its way to my ears and I feel the tears building in my eyes, the stinging feeling making me go numb.
I walk through the dark halls of the house, making my way to my sister’s room. I walk in and the air just changes around me. Seeing the once lively and happy girl, laying on the bed lifeless, eyes closed, tubes all around her, made my whole body hurt. “I’m so sorry. I should’ve protected you. I should have been there for you. But I couldn’t… I can’t protect anyone, not even myself.”.
Billy’s POV
I walk out of my house, my feet taking over and slowly speeding up, and before I know it I’m full-on running to Steve’s house. I knew I had to find Y/N, I couldn’t just let her leave me like that. But when I got there all I was met with was an open door and shards of broken glass on the floor. I didn’t know what happened, but I knew everything just felt wrong. She wouldn’t leave her car there like that.
I grabbed the keys off the counter and jumped in her car, ready to look for her and Max, wherever they were.
I slammed my hands on the wooden steering wheel of the Mustang, looking down the streets for Max and Y/N when I spotted Steve. “Yo, Harrington!” I called, rolling the window down. “Huh, Hargrove? What are you doing in Y/N’s car?” he asks me, and I open the door for him to get in. “She’s gone, and so is Max.” I say, making the engine roar as I pressed on the gas. “I know where Max is, no need to worry about that, she’s safe. It’s Y/N I’m more worried about…” he says, and I nod, sighing. At least I knew Max was safe. “Did you two have a fight or something?” I ask him, and he looks at me like I had just murdered someone. “No! What the fuck made you think that?” he asks me as I take a turn. “Your front door was open, and there was shattered glass everywhere.” I say, and his eyes widen in fear. “FUCK…” he spits, “I think I know where she is. Take a right here and turn to the main road to Greendale.” he says, and I nod, following his instructions, a feeling of dread overcoming my whole being.
If you told the me from last year that I would one day be sitting in a car next to Steve Harrington, driving to God knows where to save the girl I loved, I would’ve probably told you that you’re crazy. Now though, now it made sense.
After about one hour of driving and Steve cursing continuously, we got to her house. The big villa surprised me, it was modern and luxurious, but it didn’t feel like a home, it didn’t suit Y/N. “Why would they fight? I don’t get it.” Steve whispered next to me in the car, and I couldn’t believe my ears. She hadn’t told him. She hadn’t told him anything. “You might want to strap yourself in. It’s a long story.”
I explain the whole situation to him, making sure to shorten the story, seeing as we probably didn’t want to hang around here for too long. A loud, sharp noise interrupted me, making my head whirl towards the house. “FUCK!” me and Steve both hissed, making our way out of the car. We ran right in, not even knocking on the large wooden doors.
What we saw was not what we expected. A woman with black hair was kneeling on the floor, gathering shards in a dust-pan. When she heard the door open she stood up quickly, and my breath caught in my chest. It was as though I got to take a little peek in the future. The woman stood proudly in front of me, head held high, Y/E/C eyes glaring into my own. It was as if Y/N had suddenly aged about 20 years and was standing in front of me. Her expression softened as she saw Steve, a smile making its way to her lips. She sighed a relieved sigh, before talking. “Steve, thank God you’re here. You must take Y/N away from here. I don’t know what will happen to her if you don’t.” she says and that’s all I needed. I made my way up the stairs, trying to find the girl that held my heart. The beeping sound of a machine made its way to my ears, and I could feel my heart stop beating. If anything had happened to her, I didn’t know what I would do.
I walk into the room, seeing her sleeping figure lying next to a bed. A sigh escaped my lips as I made my way to her. That’s when I noticed the girl laying in the bed. Her whole body was wired up, her face looked exactly like Y/N’s, but her hair was wild and blond and curly, just like mine. I laughed at myself, thinking that she could’ve as well been our daughter.
“Y/N. Wake up, we have to leave.” I say, shaking her body slightly. She murmured softly in her sleep, turning her head in my direction, before her Y/E/C eyes shot open. “Billy? What are you doing here? You have to leave. Leave before he comes!” she calls, and I shake my head. “I can’t leave you here. I won’t leave unless you come with me.” tears drip down her face slowly, and I lay my hand on her face. “I can’t… my sister. I can’t leave her here. And I can’t leave my mom here alone again.” she sobs, making my heart break. “Y/N, leave. We’ll be fine.” I hear a voice coming from the doorway. “Mom.” Y/N says, shaking her head to point out that she wasn’t going anywhere. “You can stay with Steve. I talked with him and his family and I’ll call if anything ever happens. You have to leave, I can’t drag you into this whole mess again. I don’t want you to end up like your sister.” her expression is sad, and I can’t help but feel sad for the woman. She made a mistake, married the wrong man, and she’s scared for her daughter’s life. “Let’s go, angel.” I say, taking her hand in my own. She nodded simply, going to stand up, but it was too late as we heard the door open and swing shut with a loud bang.
“What are you doing here?” “I came for Y/N. I’m taking her back.” is all I heard before steps were heard coming up the stairs. An older, balding man made his way into the room, where all of us stood in complete silence. “Great, another guy. Just how many people have you fucked?” he calls, looking at Y/N who just broke down in even more tears. “You can go with your friend. She’s not going anywhere.” he said, looking at me. “She’s leaving Jerry.” Y/N’s mom says, standing in front of us, finally taking a stance against her husband. “What? Who the fuck are you to decide that?” he says, and she shuts her eyes. “I’m her mother. I won’t let her end up in a coma like her sister. You’re not laying another hand on my kids. Do you hear me? You won’t be a part of this family anymore!” she says, and he growls. He slaps her, making her stumble and fall to the ground, before making his way to us.
I stand up, glowering at the man, trying to intimidate him, to which he only rolls his eyes. “Please son, no matter how much you try to puff your chest out, we both know you ain’t gonna do shit. So, step away, and walk out while you still can.” he growls at me, but I stand my ground. I wasn’t going to let him do anything to Y/N ever again. Not while I was around. “With all due respect that you don’t deserve, Sir. I’m not going to let you lay another hand on her.” I say, seeing Steve make his way through the door quietly.
Reader’s POV
I watch as Billy stands up to my step-father, chest puffed, and fists clenched ready to fight. I look over my sister’s sleeping face and know she wouldn’t want this. She wouldn’t want to see me crying. She would want me to be strong.
I put a hand on Billy’s shoulder, wiping my tears away with the other, before rage at the older man fills my senses. I walk in front of Billy and Jerry looks surprised “Not hiding behind your boy toy anymore? I didn’t think you had the guts.” he says, and I snort. “Shut up.” I say, making him angry. “What did you say?” he asks, rage clear in his tone. “I said you should shut your fucking mouth!” I say, making my way to him slowly. “I knocked you out once, I can do it again. You wanna try me?” I spit, and he swallows drily, but masks his fear with a chuckle. He swings at me and hits me straight in the face, making my nose bleed. “Oh, now you did it!” Billy goes to punch him back, but I stretch my hand out, stopping him in his way.
I swipe my thumb under my nose, clearing the blood away. “You done fucked up. You made me mad.” I say, kicking his feet from under him, which made him go to the floor in a pile. “I told you before, don’t lay a hand on my sister!” I say, kicking him in the ribs as everyone stood around me, mouths wide open. “And I told you not to touch me!” I kick him again, a cracking noise filling my ears. “And now I tell you, DON’T YOU DARE TOUCH MY MOM EVER AGAIN!” I say, kicking him in the head, making him black out.
We made our way back to Hawkins, after saying goodbye to my mother, and her assuring me that she’ll be okay once the police get there. “Are you sure it’s okay if I stay with you?” I ask Steve who was driving, as I sat in the back seat of the car, cuddling next to Billy. “I have a feeling that if I say no I’ll end up like your dad. So, yes, I’m sure.” he says, making me flick his ear. “See what I mean? You should be careful Hargrove, she might turn on you.” he says and Billy laughs. “Yeah, I will. Got myself a feisty little one huh?” he says, looking into my eyes. “You sure did.” I press a kiss to his lips making Steve gag like a little kid. I punch him in the shoulder and he hisses jokingly. “Can’t you tell her to stop fighting me?” he asks Billy and I had to admit it was strange, seeing them talk like they were the best of friends. “Sorry Harrington. It’s in her DNA.” he says and we all laugh.
The rest of the ride was silent, and I was happy. I was content. I knew I had great friends, great family, and an even greater boyfriend. “Why are you so smiley?” Billy whispers and I shrug. “I’m just happy.” I say, and he presses a kiss to my temple. I knew we would be fine, I knew everything would be fine. My little corner of the universe was everything but perfect, but I knew I could overcome anything as long as I had Billy by my side.
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