#i can’t stand her oh my god *fletcher voice* makes me wanna hit her when i see her
quinnfebrey · 2 years
daphne is literally the worst character on switched at birth except maybe john. kennish genetics??
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fablesrose · 3 years
Description: Y/n, a girl who seems to have found her calling. Being a SHIELD agent is like a dream come true. With a friendship starting to form with the Avengers, she’s the Queen of the world! What could go wrong?
Pairings: Avengers x reader, Loki x reader (eventually)
Warnings: fluff, angst
OKAS Masterlist~Masterlist
The days were getting better. I think.
Food was a blessing. I haven't had real food for seven years; I should have cherished it.  Luckily I had the biggest pile of breakfast food I think I had ever seen placed on my plate.
"Are you going to eat all of that?"
I glanced at Steve, then back at my plate, then back at him, then at my plate.
I never answered him.
I've been living on smoothies for the past six months, then before that, I wasn't even sure if what I was eating was food. My stomach was probably not as big as it once was.
Despite this, I dug in anyway. I had forgotten how good food was, even though I've been out of that cell for a few meals now. I just kept eating to the point where I didn't notice everyone else coming into the kitchen.
"Hey Y/n, I wanna introduce you to the rest of the team," Tony placed a hand on my shoulder making me jump.
I quickly swallowed and wiped my mouth clean, "Okay."
He went around the room giving me names one by one.
"This is Vision."
He had red skin and didn't look human with a yellow stone in his head.
"He's an android."
"That's Sam." Tony pointed at the man leaning against the counter eating a bowl of oatmeal. He raised his bowl in acknowledgment. He looked nice enough.
"You've met Wanda and Bucky."
I nodded at them. Wanda didn't look at me, but Bucky waved.
"Rhodey is over there." He lifted a hand. He looked older than the others, closer to Tony's age.
Tony looked around the room, "You'll meet Peter later, he's at school."
There was a blur of blue light that came from the hallway that headed towards the fridge before coming back to sit at the counter.
"And that would be Pietro, he's the guy you sparred with. He and Wanda are twins. Any questions?"
"The last time I asked a question under normal circumstances I got kidnapped seven years ago, so I'm good." I looked at Pietro, he looked a little tired, but otherwise alright. "Hey, nice to finally officially meet you, sorry I almost killed you the other day."
He glanced up at me, "Can't say I return the pleasure, and uh, thanks."
"That's fair."
"That was awfully nonchalant of you." Loki took the seat next to me, stealing a piece of toast. I was nearly full, so I didn't mind.
"Hey, I would have said the same thing if I ever got an apology from you."
"I have apologized."
"I don't remember it."
"You've said it yourself, you've forgotten a lot of things over the last seven years."
I tilted my head, "I'm pretty sure I would have remembered if you ever apologized. That would be cemented in my brain."
Loki hesitated, "I'll admit you weren't quite... in your right mind when I did it."
"You were high."
I thought back, "Which time?"
I heard a snort from somewhere in the room; I had forgotten people were there to listen in.
"You were given a sedative for one of your checkups after the... incident."
"Ah. Still don't remember it."
He sighed, "Fine, I'm sorry."
I smiled, "Thank you."
There was a pause where I took another couple of bites of my breakfast.
"So, anyone wanna tell me the story behind that?" Sam said, looking absolutely baffled.
I side-eyed Loki, "Do you wanna tell them, or should I?"
Do we have to tell the story?
Come on Lokes, it's a funny story!
I don't find it that funny.
Oh, the God of Mischief, otherwise known as chaos, doesn't find a story, where he makes some chaos, funny.
"So who's telling the story?"
I glanced up at Bucky before looking back at Loki. He looked slightly uncomfortable.
"I guess I am." I slid the rest of my plate away from me, officially full.
"I'm not staying for this." Loki started to stand before I grabbed his wrist.
"Oh no, you don't. You're gonna sit your ass back down and listen."
"I could just teleport away, you know that."
I looked him dead in the eye, "But you're not going to."
He grumpily rested his head on his fist and didn't reply.
I looked around the room, making sure everybody was there. "Alright, so it goes like this. I'm just coming back from an infiltration mission, full-on Hydra gear, the whole setup. My superior, Agent Brian Fletcher-- how is Fletcher, by the way?"
Tony answered, "He's retired, got a nice cabin in the northwest."
"Good for him."
I continued the story, putting in a few more comedic details than there were. Tony and Loki looked at me suspiciously but didn't say anything.
"And so I'm lying there, can't breathe, and I'm just like, 'You son of a bitch, what the heck?'"
The room erupted in laughter. I looked over at Loki who had a small smile on his face while he looked at his hands on the counter.
I finished the story with grace and excused myself to my room. Social interactions were exhausting now and I still had to get used to "normal life." It was nice; having friends was nice. It's been a while since I've had some.
I lied on the bed--no, on my bed. The lights were dimmed as I tried to recharge a little bit. The bed was soft, I just sunk right into it, but it was almost too soft. Seven years of sleeping on a cot that was only a fraction better than the floor can do that to you. I couldn't get comfortable so I eventually lowered myself to the floor, sitting up against the side. The memory of the cots had stirred something in me.
"Hey, Jarvis?"
A voice that was not Jarvis answered me, "Jarvis has been incorporated into the android Vision on the team and is no longer in service. My name is Friday, is there something that I can help you with?"
I thought on it and mumbled to myself, "I guess his voice did sound familiar." I sighed before asking, "Do you have access to recovered Kingdom files?"
"Yes I do miss, what would you like me to look for?"
"Jasmine Okoro."
Friday paused as the AI searched the files. It then produced a hologram of the file in front of me. Friday began reading it out loud, "Prisoner D2- Jasmine Okoro. In facility from April 2010 to May 2014. Status: Deceased. Occasion of death: Duel. Final Opponent: Asset D1-The Queen. Results-"
Friday kept reading through the report, but I stopped listening. I just kept reading the status and the final opponent over and over.
I killed Jasmine.
Something under my skin started to feel unnatural. More than usual I should say.
"Friday, where's the nearest fortified room? Like a panic room? And the fastest route to get there."
I barely heard its instructions, but I made it there and locked the door behind me. The walls were white concrete and not entirely smooth. I stumbled to the center of the room before collapsing on my knees.
I forced myself to look at my hands as ink sprouted from my fingertips and spread up my arms. These hands killed my only friend while in hell. I pounded my hands against the ground, trying to make myself feel something. Something beyond the unexplainable feeling of my skin.
Eventually, it wasn't enough and I had to release even more. Spears shot from my fingers and shattered against the walls, but I still needed to release more. The anger, the despair, and maybe there was a bit of jealousy there too. She didn't suffer as long as I did. Most of it was the guilt and the grief that seemed to rot my insides.
A cloud of soot exploded from my body with such force that I could hear it hit the walls around me. I collapsed to the ground, trembling and exhausted. This was the first time I had used Noxy's powers. I'm not sure how I felt about it, and I was too tired to care.
Tears streamed down my face onto the ground and I shut my eyes tightly, cradling my hands to my chest. Everything felt empty, my mind, my heart.
I had never been more grateful that there wasn't a thought in my head.
Loki sat at the counter while everyone else finished their breakfast and dispersed to work on their own tasks.
"That's not really how that story goes is it?"
Loki glanced over to see that Pietro was the last one in the kitchen other than himself. "No, no it isn't."
"What's the truth?"
Loki smirked, "You're asking the truth from the god of lies?"
Pietro's eyes looked weary, but sparked in amusement, "We all know you're about as honest as the rest of us."
A glass of water appeared in Loki's fingertips, "I guess that's true enough, young one." He took a sip. "The truth is, is that I almost killed her that day. She had just gotten her big break to fulfill her dreams and I threw her back to the bottom of the ladder with that severe of an injury."
"And she's able to just laugh it off with you never really apologizing until now?"
"You'll find she's like that." He paused, "Understand, that she will apologize to you as many times as you require of her, but-"
"I get it," Pietro interrupted, "Y/n's got more pressing matters on her plate than a sparring match gone slightly too far."
Loki watched the young man appraisingly, "Quite right, thank you."
The room was quiet for a moment before Loki started to notice some faint noises. His eyebrows wrinkled as he tried to decipher what exactly the sound was and where it was coming from. He looked at Pietro, "Do you hear that?"
"The thumping? Yes, but I figured that was just tired hallucinations, but I guess not."
They both stood and started wandering, trying to identify where it was coming from until there was a louder sound, loud enough for them to feel in their feet. They paused and found that it had gone quiet.
"Friday? Where was that coming from?"
The AI recited what room and they found their way without much hurry, only a bit of curiosity.
They found the room and found it to be locked. Loki turned the knob without too much trouble after a wave of his hand. He cautiously peeked his head through the door to see if it was safe. Once he came to the conclusion that nothing was going to attack him he opened the door wide enough for Pietro to follow. Loki's eyes landed in the center of the room where he saw a huddled form.
It didn't seem to be moving.
Loki rushed to the figure and his breath of relief caught in his throat when he realized that it was Y/n, despite the fact that he saw she was breathing.
"Is she okay?"
Loki looked her over, "I think so... She appears to be sleeping. I can't find anything wrong."
"Well that's good," Pietro sat down on the concrete, "say, Loki, do you remember what color this room used to be?"
Loki subconsciously ran his finger along the floor before lifting his eyes to the ceiling, "I'm not entirely sure, but I do know it wasn't stained black."
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