#i can't imagine what palestinians and the general arab diaspora are feeling
hussyknee · 10 months
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"Not publicized to prevent copycats" is an absolute bullshit excuse in a nation of school shooters btw.
Please, please read this.
The Congolese genocide is one of the biggest mass murders in modern history, counting eight to ten million murder victims and millions of others severely injured.
As for Palestine, but the bombardment is somehow more intense than ever, they killed about 178 people including 52 babies the first day after the ceasefire. Zionists got hold of the photo of one of the babies cradled by his grandfather in his tiny shroud, his face waxy and eyes open and glassy in death, and has been passing it around, along with other similar pics of dead little children, claiming they're "obviously a doll". The open calls for genocide from the Israeli general public are more virulent than ever, and the IOF has arrested and imprisoned more Palestinians in West Bank than they released. The increase in intensity may be due to Blinken having told Netanyahu that "he had weeks, not months" to finish up whatever he wanted to do (genocide isn't good for the holiday spirit of the voting public methinks), and Netanyahu reportedly wants to "thin the population" as much as possible and herd the remaining survivors out through the Egyptian border.
Please take the time to scroll the tags at least every other day and reblog one or two posts. Keeping eyes on the unfolding situation helps keep the pressure on and politicians are clearly nervous now! YOU can't do anything, but you help create a vital domino effect for hundreds of thousands of people who CAN organize. Relevance is survival. Don't let these people have martyred themselves in vain!
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mariamlovesyou · 3 months
my brothers working at an arabic restaurant run by Palestinians and they speak arabic in the kitchen but told him to speak english because they couldnt understand his Egyptian dialect. is this like. normal? is Egyptian really that different?
😭😭 miskeen... I'd say it depends where u are, some of the Palestinians I've met in melb particularly the younger ones speak back to me in english after I speak to them in my dialect - which I've taken to mean "please don't make me deconstruct that" - but have a much easier time speaking in arabic and obv relating to other levantine dialects particularly Lebanese, which depending on region can be virtually indistinguishable (south lebanese and northernmost Palestinian dialects will sound almost the same for example). Egyptians and Palestinians close to el Arish/ Rafah/ sinai will share a lot more similarities phonologically, region plays a big part & the dialect could vary heavily based on it. Idk what variation ur brother speaks but if it's not the generic masri some arabs will have a harder time understanding sa'idi or dialects from east or south egypt for example n one reason is it's not as widely depicted in egyptian media (which plays a part in why Arabs who don't live in egypt or aren't around egyptians can still understand generic masri to some extent) but for the most part since we are neighbours there is mutual comprehensibility n the closer to each other the more true this is !! Palestinians I meet in the middle east outside of Egypt (disclaimer: the gulf) can generally understand me n vice versa aside from some idioms and select words.
I can't rember where u are I think Canada feel free to kill me if I'm wrong 😢 but if its anything like australia, Palestinian diaspora move to areas w an established Lebanese presence as they r similar culturally & the latter r the largest Arab group in both places, I barely met any egyptian diaspora my first 3 years in melb lol and they apparently live in this one place that's always out of my way so I can imagine there's not a lot of comingling so less exposure to different dialects. Palestinians forced out young have a more difficult time connecting w not only the nuances in their own form of language but w other forms as well, particularly ones who grow up away from home not in Arabic speaking countries & so will obviously be more likely to focus on retaining their own language + dialect first and foremost so yes egyptian arabic may be incomprehensible
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