#congolese genocide
hussyknee · 4 months
"Can't imagine how the ancient uncivilised savage people performed human sacrifice for their own agenda," says person in the era of late stage capitalism while cracking open their Amazon box tainted by the delivery person's fourth COVID infection for their new iPhone so they can tweet "vote Biden to save democracy!"
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im-a-fan-of-things · 3 months
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cirie-won-thirty-four · 11 months
Black friday is coming up soon, I AM BEGGING YA’LL Please do not buy any new technology! If you are in desperate need of a new phone/laptop please try to buy used! Its literally the least you can do for the people of Congo
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horizon-verizon · 11 months
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Get all you need to know about what is going on in the Democratic Republic of Congo and how it came to be in the above link.
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murmuur-vanilja · 11 months
dearest alls, i could write to tell you there are no words could narrate a devastation a plea to make you cry but that would be a lie "no words" from your warm seat are a lie there will not be silence fuck your pity-party bullshit fuck you who can think of an I without a We
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notyourtoday · 10 months
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equiteesorg · 5 months
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Please take the time to read and share this🙏
Together we will make a difference
For every ‘Free Congo’ item purchased, we donate directly to a globalgiving.org project dedicated to rescuing and rehabilitating these children, offering them a path towards a brighter, hope-filled future.
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xdeepinyoux · 11 months
The Congo and what you need to know
What’s happening:
A silent holocaust is currently taking place in the Democratic Republic of Congo and has been for years.
Whats happening:
Britain’s Ties to The Congo
Why this is Happening:
US Ties to The Congo
Slide Show Facts and Information
What can WE do?
Spread awareness and if you’re able to do more then please click the links below.
How We Can Help  
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bfpnola · 8 months
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from red stream net
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hussyknee · 10 months
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"Not publicized to prevent copycats" is an absolute bullshit excuse in a nation of school shooters btw.
Please, please read this.
The Congolese genocide is one of the biggest mass murders in modern history, counting eight to ten million murder victims and millions of others severely injured.
As for Palestine, but the bombardment is somehow more intense than ever, they killed about 178 people including 52 babies the first day after the ceasefire. Zionists got hold of the photo of one of the babies cradled by his grandfather in his tiny shroud, his face waxy and eyes open and glassy in death, and has been passing it around, along with other similar pics of dead little children, claiming they're "obviously a doll". The open calls for genocide from the Israeli general public are more virulent than ever, and the IOF has arrested and imprisoned more Palestinians in West Bank than they released. The increase in intensity may be due to Blinken having told Netanyahu that "he had weeks, not months" to finish up whatever he wanted to do (genocide isn't good for the holiday spirit of the voting public methinks), and Netanyahu reportedly wants to "thin the population" as much as possible and herd the remaining survivors out through the Egyptian border.
Please take the time to scroll the tags at least every other day and reblog one or two posts. Keeping eyes on the unfolding situation helps keep the pressure on and politicians are clearly nervous now! YOU can't do anything, but you help create a vital domino effect for hundreds of thousands of people who CAN organize. Relevance is survival. Don't let these people have martyred themselves in vain!
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troythecatfish · 6 months
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adorabubblesblog · 8 months
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the-amazing-boop · 3 months
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pilloclock · 11 months
PRO PALESTINIANS 🇵🇸 we must also bring awareness to Congo ! They are going through a silent genocide
LINK TO DONATE ⬇️ to fund doctors who will directly help women who are being r@ped daily and help them heal physically so they can have dignity and as normal a life as humanly possible
What is happening is barbaric and disgusting and I’m ashamed that I have only just learnt about this so recently. I’m sure like me none of you knew about this either (in the West) but now we know we have to talk about it. Keep talking about Palestine but talk about Congo too and Sudan
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radical-fire-vixen · 9 months
i’m not seeing a lot of news or updates on the Congo, so i wanna remind y’all that the Democratic Republic of the Congo is facing genocide from western imperialism and big tech companies. over 6 million people have been killed, many of them children, in order to mine the cobalt needed to create parts for computers and smart phones. people have been trapped in collapsed mines and have died. people are facing starvation. imperialism is killing the Congolese and i want more people to take notice about it, talk about it, and help liberate the Congolese people from western imperialism and consumerism.
and i say this as a white westerner who benefits from this imperialism, much as i wish i didn’t. don’t buy the newest tech or phone or whatever. as i said before; no amount of technology is ever worth a human life. boycott tech companies and help the Congo.
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thecosmicpunk · 7 months
A protest for Congo in Paris, France! 🇨🇩
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