#i can't remember how many hours i dropped into dragon age and mass effect which were my escapes at the time
pastafossa · 2 years
pasta thank you for being you. your humor, your stories, it’s the only thing keeping me sane in uni right now. bit sad but im basically being bullied rn by p much my entire suite, I feel like I don’t belong, im questioning every relationship I’ve made w my dorm mates but through it all, you have been a beautiful soul that lets me forget abt all this shit and run away to the hound!verse. really wish i had someone to cuddle w but I’ll settle for some Matt!cuddles ™️ written by the one and only you cuz gods know they’ve made me feel better before.
but anyways, love you
I'm so so sorry you're having a bad time rn anon! 😞If it helps I went through a loooong period of bullying and feeling like I didn't belong for ages when I moved to my previous state, and that lasted for a while, so I know exactly how you feel. It's incredibly isolating and definitely a struggle. Ironically it was online fan groups that eventually helped me find my people, people who didn't think I was weird or an outsider or dumb or talked too much (yeaaaah the enthusiasm ya'll see here was not approved of back in old town). I found my happy open self again and a good friend group, people I eventually vacationed with and still talk to now even years later. And your people are out there too, some of them probably feeling the exact same way you do! Just gotta hang on and keep trying to find them wherever they are, whether it's other trt readers or dd fans or another fandom. It will get better, I swear.
Until then, I'm so happy TRT (and my posts!) can be your escape hatch to somewhere happier for a bit. <3 I get the catharsis of Matt!Cuddles 100%!
Love you bunches back!
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