#i can't remember the name of the poseidon person rn but GOD the scratchy voice does things to my brain
bookwyrminspiration · 4 months
YOU LIKE EPIC?!?! How did I not know about this? Anyways, what is the unreleased song you are most excited for? Oh, and how did you become a winion?
I do! Love epic!!! I found it just randomly a couple years ago during the brief months I had tiktok, but since nothing was out yet and I deleted the app it faded from my radar. Found it again after the cyclops saga casually, then went wait actually I need to be obsessed with this when the ocean saga came out, and now I'm here :)
Personally most excited for Dangerous and God Games at the moment I think? Oh and Thunder Bringer! Also Love in Paradise. Very excited for everything but those are the clips I've heard that stand out most in my mind
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