#i cant believe my unproductive lazy butt
sugaabooga · 4 years
Chance | 3
Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4
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Pairing: Seokjin x Reader | Jimin x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Angst, rich!Jin, rich!Jimin
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: PG-13, none
Synopsis: Seokjin had no problem of getting girls and also had no problem of getting rid of them. One girl after the next. So why was it that you - a middle-class citizen - was an exception? You - a middle-class citizen - made Seokjin question if he really did have it all. But one thing’s for sure. He didn’t have any of your chances.
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Jimin holds up a hand in response to your confused expression with a small smile.
“Came to check up on my heartbroken friend,” he states, shuffling into your apartment despite not receiving any permission.
You sigh as Jimin’s scent wafts past you and shut the door behind him.
“Jimin,” you start until he tuts.
“No no no,” Jimin turns around with a grin. Your eyes drift away from his grinning form and instead settle upon the bags he laid out on the table. “I bear gifts!”
Despite your scoff, you saunter over to your friend with a small smile. “Gifts?”
Jimin excitedly nods, reaching into the bag to take out some pasta from your favorite Italian restaurant.
Your pupils dilate at the magnificent sight. “Chicken Alfredo?”
Jimin rustles through the bag some more, bringing out his own plate of pasta and a slice of cheesecake.
“Cheesecake!?” you nearly scream, back straightening up in joy.
“Pfft,” Jimin breaks out in laughter. Nothing cures a broken heart like good food.
“Mmm,” you nod in satisfaction after a bite of the white cream pasta, licking at the corners of your mouth to get the remaining bits of sauce. Too busy diving into the food, you miss the way Jimin slowly chews on his own noodles with a sweet smile, eyes endearingly gazing at you. He slightly jolts when your eyes open and dart to meet his own, a slightly crazed grin taking over your face.
“Rhis irz sho good!”
The ends of Jimin’s eyes slightly crinkle. “Really?”
You nod, stuffing your mouth with some more pasta, almost in a hurry to finish.
You scrunch your nose, suppressing the urge to sniffle and trying to swallow away that lump in your throat that indicates you’re about to cry.
Jimin thoughtfully circles his fork in his pasta noodles, taking a big bite off his fork.
“You know what happened at work today?” Jimin asks with hopes of lifting up your emotions.
“The project assistant manager, Karina asked me-” Jimin abruptly stops.
You clear your throat to try to rid of the tightening of your throat, unaware of Jimin’s brain trying to think of a way to somehow switch the topic away from the sudden confession he received after you went home.
“She uh. Asked me how to print her proposal,” Jimin agitatedly slurps his noodles.
Is that the best you can do Park?
Jimin doesn’t realize you aren’t listening.
“Oh really?” you choke out, rushing over to the dishwasher to grab a cup and pour yourself some water.
“Y-Yeah,” he nods, not noticing your reddening nose and instead focusing on stabbing his noodles. “Funny right? It’s been over four months since she started working. She doesn’t know how to print.”
You plop back down into your chair, staring at your plate as Jimin continues rambling.
Your sudden sniffle causes him to stop. 
“Hey. . . you should slow down,” Jimin frowns, the way you’re scarfing down your food making him feel uneasy. “You’re going to get indigestion.”
Just as he says that, you choke on a noodle. Hands hurriedly reach around for your water cup and you chug the whole thing down, a breath leaving your mouth.
That’s when Jimin notices your reddened nose and glossy eyes.
You’re crying.
You sniffle again, grabbing your fork and taking a slower bite of your pasta in fear of bursting into full on tears in front of him. This time, a choked sob escapes your throat.
Jimin lowers his plate and hesitantly reaches over.
You let out a cough, making him quickly retract his hand and grab his fork instead.
“Sorry,” you say pathetically. “It’s just so good. I haven’t eaten pasta since…”
Jimin’s lips turn into a grim line as he mentally face palms himself at your prolonged silence and deteriorating composure.
Of course.
Jimin’s hand immediately reaches over to the Kleenex box and plucks out a few tissues, handing them to you.
You wordlessly take it, blowing out all the mucus that was stuffing your nose and preventing you from breathing. You don’t even have the mental capacity to feel embarrassed when a string of snot briefly connects your nose to the tissue.
“Ah, I’m hungry,” Seokjin slightly whines as he briefly looks out his side of the window in hopes of seeing a fancy, tasty looking cuisine that was probably going to charge more than a hundred dollars for a piece of meat. You suppress a smile at the older’s natural whiny tone that comes out whenever he’s hungry and debate whether or not you should suggest a place.
“I know a really good pasta place,” you suggest with slight hesitance. You weren’t sure if his rich taste buds would match.
Seokjin’s eyes widen. “Pasta?”
You nod, slightly more confident from the eager response. “The texture, the sauce, the service. MMwah,” you cough awkwardly, surprised at how that chef’s kiss just blurted out of your mouth. “It’s actually my childhood restaurant.”
“Then we have to go,” Seokjin states with a grin, silently cooing at your genuine giddiness. You tilt your head at him as Seokjin starts driving towards a curb, slowing down and turning on his car’s GPS.
Was he always this considerate?
“What’s the address?” Seokjin asks, head slightly turning to you when he feels your eyes shooting lasers at him from his peripherals.
Your heart nearly stops from his eyes meeting yours and avert your eyes to your bag. You fiddle around for your phone and quickly start punching in the name of the restaurant.
Seokjin’s lip tilts up to an amused smile, watching as you profusely blush, hands slightly shaking as you type in the address into his GPS.
Before you can catch him, he turns his head towards the window, letting an endearing smile take over his face.
“Kay,” you mumble, making Seokjin compose himself in a nanosecond and start driving off into the streets of Seoul.
You busy yourself nodding to the radio, stealing glances from time to time, admiring how handsome your boyfriend looks when he’s driving. As you turn to look out the window, taking precautions just in case you get caught, Seokjinglances over as well, uncomfortably rubbing at his chest at the foreign feeling of his heartbeat.
You grab another tissue, wiping away your tears. “S-Sorry.”
Jimin shakes his head, merely offering his silent company as comfort. This time, confidence surges through Jimin for him to gingerly place his hand on your shoulder, gently patting it.
“You okay?” he asks, just above a whisper, as you honk your nose one last time.
You offer a smile just as shaky as your breath and nod.
“Pasta must be that good, huh?” Jimin softly jokes, making you snort.
“Yup,” you state almost monotonously. “Moves me to tears.”
Jimin unconsciously ruffles your hair affectionately, making you slightly pause in your actions of crinkling up the used tissues.
Snap out of it, Y/N. You tell yourself. This wasn’t the first time Jimin was comforting you and offering emotional support. You knew Jimin was an affectionate person. You were currently emotionally vulnerable so of course any action would feel like too much.
But that’s when you feel his hand slightly drop to play with your hair then tuck it behind your ear.
This. . . was a first.
You don’t dare to look up, instead grabbing your fork once again to taste some of the cheesecake in an attempt to distract yourself from the onslaught of overthinking.
Jimin urgently removes his hand at your sudden movement, worrying if he had crossed the line of friendship and awkwardly coughs. He hadn’t meant to do that. Sure Jimin engulfed you in hugs, pinched your cheeks, patted your head, multiple times, but he had never done them with such intimacy.
Jimin feels an internal debate of whether he should say something. Maybe an apology? But that would make this whole situation too awkward.
It’s okay, he reassures himself. Friends of ten years can have this much affection right?
As if you could sense the shift in his attitude and feel it growing more and more tense, you clear your throat, turning to face him completely.
Jimin slightly looks up just to meet your guarded gaze, the area around your eyes still a bit pink from your crying.
“Thanks, Jimin,” you smile. “I bet there’s no one else in this world who has a friend bringing them cheesecake at 1 in the morning.”
“Of course!” Jimin forces a bright smile.
He can feel it.
“Yoongi-hyung wouldn’t even think about doing this,” he adds.
You drew the line.
You burst out in a laugh, eyes twinkling in the way they do whenever you find something to be funny and Jimin can’t help but to feel his heart skip a beat.
Oh boy. He was in too deep.
“For sure,” you giggle, pushing away the previous intimate gesture, deeming it to just be a comforting action at how naturally Jimin was acting.
Jimin would never think of me like that, you assure yourself.
“Yoongi would never,” you say poking at part of the cake. “Hm… I bet he’ll drop something off in front of my door or randomly burst in and throw takeout at me, saying it’s leftovers.”
Jimin laughs, nodding in agreement as he gulps down his water like a swig of beer. The past three years after he found out he was in love with you, Jimin had never even let a hint of his feelings show. But now, he felt like he was losing control. Losing control of his feelings and losing his hold on you.
You take another bite of cheesecake, oblivious to Jimin’s jumbled thoughts, and feel a lot lighter as you bring up memories of past hangouts with mutual friends.
That’s all Jimin will ever be, you remind yourself as your mouth rambles on.
Just a friend.
A/N: Hello there! I just checked the last time I uploaded a chapter and IT’S BEEN OVER A YEAR. WOW. Thank you BELOVED READER for being so patient and waiting for this new chapter! It’s a short one but there will be more to come so thank you thank you thank you for always supporting :)
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