#i cant get over how badass rei looks in that last page
that-bajan-kid · 4 years
(This review almost never happened)
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The Japanese really said "Fuck human rights" when they built this thing huh.
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As much as I hate AFO this panel looks really badass.
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He literally prepared two faces. I genuinely didn't see that coming. Also rip Twice.
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THEY BONDED OVER VIDEO GAMES THAT'S SO CUTE. I really cannot put into words how much I hate AFO. All of this could have been avoided if they had just killed the motherfucker.
And Spinner is only just now realising Shiggy was hijacked?
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Also I cannot believe Gran Torino is still alive. Why didn't they use this life saving magic medicine on Night Eye?? Could've saved me the pain of watching Mirio, Izuku, and All Might cry. and also night eye wouldn't be dead if you care about that.
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Seriously?!? You can use your magic to heal GT's wound that 100% should have killed him and give him consciousness, but you can't even have Izu wake up once? Tho I guess his arms and legs remaining intact is a miracle in and of itself so I can't really complain.
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Well that answers that question. But how did Dabi even know where his mother lived? Or that he even had a mother for that matter. Also it totally looks like his wings might be growing back which I'm low key sad about. I really liked the idea of him permanently losing his wings as bad karma for killing Twice but, I'm not gonna complain if he gets his wings back either.
Also also, all these fake ass heroes that are just abandoning there agencies where only ever in it for the fame huh? The fact that Best Jeanist is still going out of his way to save those people pretty much proves he's legit. Suck on that haters.
Also also also, WASH CAN TALK????? I mean yeah he can talk but I thought the only words he knew where wash. Well damn.
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In his defence, he's an old ass man that should have retired years ago like another certain hero
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MORE TOUYA BUT HE'S IN PAIN. So your just gonna throw in the towel just like that. I get your going through a rough time and all but you're still the number one hero dude. More than half of the top heroes have either died, retired, or are unable to work rn. Plus it's your fault Touya even became a mass murderer. You gotta bring him in to the light. I still think he's to far gone for it to even do anything but at least he won't be able to kill anyone.
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Three things about this panel.
Rei looks like a total badass being framed by her kids like that. And I am so glad she didn't have another breakdown and that they let her out of the hospital.
That whole "Oh Enji isn't that bad he brought flowers so that means he's changed" demeanour is gone and replaced with "I've got a million and one problems and you are all of them" one and I am here for it. And the fact that she's taking control of the situation. I just love all the energy she's giving off right now.
Enji looked like he aged 20yrs in the page before this but here it looks like Hori said "fuck it" and added another 30. It makes his reaction to Rei's I'm-that-bitch entrance even more hilarious.
It's been a really rough couple of weeks for me. My country now has community spread and the cases in locals are skyrocketing so our PM issued a lockdown so I'm stuck inside now. Plus school is really taking up a lot of my time.
I read all four chapters today, mostly cause I got sick of YouTube almost spoiling me every time I open the app. Ngl it's probably gonna be mostly reblogs after this.
I'm very excited to see the family meeting next chapter if we get one. Time to relinquish your power Enji, the Ice Queen has arrived.
Until next time.
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