#i cant promise timeliness but i do genuinely want to draw this
good-beans · 2 years
Fallen Python… he’s based off that ending where Forsyth dies. So ow. This is mostly in game terms for, some reason
i think a green bow unit because… green, Forsyth… why not? He can counterattack close up, the bow shifting into a lance for flavour.
Anyway not sure on his design except for a bit of Forsyth’s armour acting as that one paldron he has.
One of his positive quotes would be him about to say i’m a Forsyth to be reckoned with!! Only to cut himself off partway through in confusion.
Wow its… hard to put these kinda things into words 😅. Hope you’re having a good day
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Alright but I’m obsessed with this -- he takes on parts of Forsyth’s colors/armor and parts of his personality and even parts of his speech... anything to keep his friend from disappearing for good....
I especially like the angst of Python picking up on his quotes. I always pictured that version of Python clamming up and being hauntedly quiet after Forsyth’s death, but I really like the idea that he keeps talking. After a lifetime of joking to Forsyth to shut up and quit nagging him, now he’s the one doling out the same advice and bad puns and catching himself halfway through. Much to think about 
I also love the fighting style thing. Not only does having both ranged and close attacks make for an interesting unit, it’s also way more dangerous -- and likely directly connected to his death. (On a different note, I think a green/blue lance/bow would be a really cool looking weapon!)
Thank you so much for telling me!! That’s such a awesome and deliciously painful idea asdhfs, and I thought it was put into words well!  I hope your day is great too :))
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