#i cant see my phone screen properly. cursed fucking sun
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Everybody look at my tiny fucking wife
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kandadiff · 5 years
Price of Freedom (3)
“Alright Kay” Shawn sighed annoyed at the situation he was in. Earlier while he had you in the room, the reunion he had planned in his head for nearly a year didn’t pan out the way he wanted it to. You hadn’t get go of the fact here he was with Camila when he had stated ‘I came for you.’ He had thought - hoped- that as soon as you saw him all the good memories you had of him would wash away the near year absence you took from him when you left the states. But truth be told you were scared of GD’s reaction and pissed at Shawn for thinking everything could just go back to normal when he obviously had a whole girlfriend who he brought with him. He was trying to explain himself when Camila rushed to get them now he was pissed that I was backing out. He knew you’d never leave Korea without me and he didn’t want to take you by force yet. “Kay for fucks sake you’re being so goddamn dramatic.”
“Watch your fucking mouth” Negan warned him kneeling down to take my face in his hands. “Princess, I swear nothing is going to happen to you. I understand you are terrified but we’re going to be back home soon-”
“Back home where the cops are after me?”
Negan blinked back in surprise; unsure where I got the notion he couldn’t handle that. “Everyones got a fucking price, I’ll pay theirs.”
I shook my head “You don’t understand, even if we do leave Korea, he’ll follow us and then the cops will get us. I don’t want to give birth in prison. And if we don’t leave, your in Korea, your in there territory. They know this place better then I know myself. They’ll landlock us and find us from here.” Negan looked around us then back at me. 
“Whos putting this shit in your head?”i didn’t say anything but Camila gave the slightest smirk that no one caught. Shawn however was growing more and more frustrated. 
“My god, what the hell did they do to you? It made you such a pussy! They even fucking branded you!” He points out the swinging pendant of the Dragon Necklace then shoots his finger at yours, it was a more jeweled out design but the necklaces said one thing to those around Seoul. ‘Proudly Belonging to Red Dragon.’ “They brainwashed both of you!” He was now yelling at you and you swung your fist at his chest which did very little to move him. “He ruined you!” He shouts at you “He made you into -”
“Shawn get the fuck out of the room.” Simon grunts as a warning, he can see Negans fists are balled up tight. Shawns outburst only made the hyperventilating worse and Negan was not having it. 
“Maybe you should” Camila put her hands on his shoulder and Shawn jerked away from her grasp grabbing you rarm and roughly pulling you out of the living room into the bathroom. 
“Listen!” He shouted at you as you tried to get away from his grasp. He shoved you into the wall and locked the bathroom door. “Why? WHY ARE YOU CHOOSEING HIM?! WHY?!” He shouted at you grabbing your shoulders giving you a slight shake. His eyes showed he was hurt but the anger in his voice only served to feed your own rage. 
“BUT YOU MADE IT! AND NOW YOU HAVE TO FACE THE EFFECTS OF YOUR CHOICES! THATS REALITY SHAWN!” He glared at you searching your eyes for some emotion he wasn’t going to see then his eyes focused on the glinting jewel that seemed to be mocking him every time the light hit it. He raised his hand and for a moment you thought he was going to strike you. You flinched back as he grabbed the dragon. 
“You really think id hit you? or are you so used to being kicked around by that asshole that you think all men are like that?” you were about to defend G when Shawn started roughly and violently tugging on your necklace. 
“STOP!” You grasped the chain in your own hand feeling the metal start to bit into the back of your neck as it held together trying to prevent breakage. 
“He’s brainwashed you Adi” Shawn said his voice low and eerily calm, his eyes were hyper focused on the dragon in his grasp as he yanked at the chain again and you cried out trying to stop it from breaking. “I’m going to fix you again” he said sounding more like his uncle then himself. “Don’t worry anymore.”
“STOP!” you yanked your head back but he was stronger - a lot stronger then you were. The Chain made a harsh snapping sound as it broke cutting into the back of your neck just a bit until superficial drops of blood came from the small cuts. you reached for the necklace but he was a foot taller then you and 20x stronger. He tossed the piece into the toilet grabbing your wrist before you could grab it out. You screamed as he flushed the toilet and the half a million dollar pendant swirled in a whirlpool down the drain. 
“You should be thanking me.”
“Wait-” Hobi shook his head staring down at the screen where a one pink dot started moving fairly quickly while the blue dot stayed put on the map. His arm wrapped from the bullet wound he sustained and still hooked up to an IV he was told to stay home and work on the computers - it was what he was best at. He sat infront of the screens linked to both GD and TOP’s phone changing the color of the dots to properly see exactly where I was (the blue one) and where you (the pink one) were going. He held the phone to his lips telling Bom to focus on the blue dot while he tried to study yours “Adi is moving.”
“What?” Jb asked over the phone. Anyone who was well enough to be out was in some big black truck with an army supply of assult weapons ready to fight. and it was a pissed off JB that was driving one of the cars nearly to the house on the outskirts of Seoul. “Where is she headed?”
“I don’t know” Hobi typed quickly on the computer trying to map where the tracker said you were going. “But shes headed south toward... Busan? Shes going to Busan pretty quickly.”
“Why the fuck would she be going there? Does she even know anyone in Busan?” He looked around the car and everyone shrugged. 
“Shes friendly maybe she actually has a friend out there.” Bam Bam suggested and it was Bom who spoke up from next to Hobi.
“Bobby and her were pretty close, he had a house out there before he went to America.”
Jb cursed under his breath and Hobi sighed “Shes moving pretty quickly, its possible shes in a car.”
“Fuck” JB cursed again and looked through the rearview mirror to V “Get Namjoon on the phone tell him i’m taking B.I and Minzy’s cars with me to find her.” V nodded quickly telling Namjoon what was going on before the boy just decided to put him on the conference call along with TOP and GD.
“Where’s she?” GD asked as soon as he answered the phone.
“Going to Busan.” JB annoyed voice came over the phone.
“What the fuck?” Gd was as confused as everyone nad Bom explained the fact Bobby had a house over there “Thanks my babygirl luring them to a safe house so daddys gang can slaughter every last one of them.” JB sighed at the nickname GD just gave himself.  “Wheres Kalyn?”
“Shes still at the house.” Hoseok said checking the blue dot. It was moving but the space where it was moving was so minimal that he knew I was still in the house. 
“They might be separating them to make it harder for us” Namjoon said his voice oddly calm which meant he was focused and that was dangerous. “But we’re almost at the house.”
“Don't underestimate that old motherfucker.” TOP’s voice was chilling and it served as a warning. He meant ‘Don’t be stupid I expect them to be taking care of and I expect the girls back in one piece’. “We’ll be home soon.” GD and TOP both disconnteced from the call leaving Namjoon, Hobi and JB. 
“Are you sure you don’t need Minzy or B.I’s team?” JB asked again knowing if Namjoon said no it meant he was already hatching a plan of his own. “We have other help if you need it.”
“I know about the other help” he said and paused for a moment before saying “No, I’ll call you when we get her.”
I knew Negan was growing impatient and probably hurt at my true words whether or not he wanted to admit that my words did have truth to them. He was underestimating the Red Dragons in there territory. “Kay” he said a little harshly I flinched back at his words and her ran his hand over his face turning toward Simon then back at me. “Princess why don’t you go up to the room and eat something? You must be starving.”
“I’m not hungry.” His words weren’t a question it was him telling me to go upstairs and leave him to figure things out. But I didn’t want to be alone, you were off arguing with Shawn about something in the bathroom and Camila was pretending not to listen while Negan’s men roamed over the house trying to pretended they weren’t badmouthing me - Negans brave princess turned into a sniveling crybaby - or eavesdropping as well. 
“Kid,” Simon said giving me sympathetic eyes “Come on, Ill take up your favorite. You know I found blueberry pancakes especially for you.” I knew they weren’t going to talk with me there so I sucked in my breath and Negan helped me stand up and up the stairs I went. 
I sat on the chair that Camila was at just looking out the window, we lost a day. The sun had long gone down and it was so easy to strike at night. If they were done destroying planes and boats they would be turning inland now. God why was I so stupid? I should have known Negan was in over his head in a place hes never been too. I rested my head looking out the window sill listening to the noises downstairs - the soft patter of footsteps, the low muffled mumbling of Negan’s men talking and the slamming of doors. I narrowed my eyes searching the dark of outside curing the place negan chose to hide had no streetlights, so besides the light from the house it was pitch dark outside. I swore I heard the crushing of gravel under tires. It was quiet nearly drowned out by the noises of the house. But I know I heard it. 
“Hello!” I shouted out of the window but was met with silence then a shadow of something moving toward the house. The shadow was small and could have been a stray animal moving toward the heat of the house as the chill settled into the night but that didn’t stop from my heart beat from quickening. I saw another and moved nack toward the nightstand trying to find a flashlight or something to see what it was but as soon as I started searching the lights started flickering and the house went black. 
“Is that a fucking blackout?!” Someone shouted from downstairs. 
They were here.
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ppandfm · 7 years
Parties, Formal Meetings and Pinetrees   Chapter: 4
Description:  Two gay men, a protective grunkle, and a bottle of whiskey all appear in this chapter.
After Dipper called out to whoever was at his room door it opened revealing a certain great-uncle of theirs. Ford standing there nerdy and proud with a grin on his face as he put his suitcases down by the room doorway. Dipper about forgot that their great-uncle was going to be staying for a few days to visit. Mabel about tackled him though with one of her bear hugs.
   “Great-Uncle Ford!!” Mabel practically cried out when she tackle hugged him. “Oh my gosh it’s so good to see you!”
   Ford laughed as he hugged his niece, “It’s great to see you as well, Mabel! How did that sweater you were telling me about turn out?”
   “It looked amazing, Great Uncle Ford. I wish I could’ve shown it to you in person, but I gave it to my friend Pacifica.”
   “You mean your crush, Mabes. Hey, Great Uncle Ford, how have you been?” Dipper said as he stood up to shake his relative’s hand. Ford took the hand and pulled him into a hug. His great uncle pulled away to look at his nephew and niece.
   “I’ve been doing fine. Stan just got over a cold, though, so he wasn’t able to come. Now, what’s this about a crush, Mabel? I thought you were dating that Mermando guy.”
   Mabel rolled her eyes, “First off, we went on one date. Second, it turned out he’s supposed to marry some duchess in Europe, so we decided to just be friends. Finally, Pacifica is a good friend of mine and she’s really pretty and I feel really warm inside when I think about her and I’m kinda sorta not really totally in love with her.”
   Dipper and Ford chuckled together at the girl’s lovesick look. Mabel shook her head and grabbed her great uncle’s bags, “Anyway, I’m gonna put these in your room so you can talk to Dipper. He needs some advice about coming out. You’ll thank me for this later, bye!”
   Dipper cursed his sister under his breath and sat down on the bed. He felt a dip next to him and a six-fingered hand on his back. The room was silent for a few minutes before Ford spoke, “So you are queer. I guess I owe Stan ten dollars. But, what’s this about coming out? I thought your parents weren’t really okay with all this queer business.”
   “It’s just a joke Mabel made. Also, I can’t believe you and Stan bet on my own gayness behind my back. I’m not really gay. I still like girls. I mean, all that business with Wendy wouldn’t really make sense if I were gay, would it? So, no, not gay. But, maybe I’m a little bisexual. I don’t know.”
    Ford rubbed for a moment, then asked a question, “Why is she bringing all this up now? It doesn’t really make sense unless you’ve just now met someone.”
   “Well…” Dipper trailed off. Ford cocked an eyebrow at his nephew, “Have you met someone, Dipper?”
   Dipper blushed slightly and cleared his throat, “Well, yeah, kinda. But, not in that way.”
   Ford chuckled and looked at his hands, “I said the same thing once. Then he asked me on a date. I still remember how heartbroken he looked when I rejected him. By the time I’d figured it out, he was already married and had a son. Point is, you ought to kiss your new man now.”
   Dipper’s blush worsened just as his phone buzzed. Ford snatched it up before his nephew could get to it and looked at the screen, “Based on this text, this fellow you’ve met is a decent man. Tell me when you’re thinking about asking him on a date so Mabel and I can properly prepare ourselves to give him the talk.”
   “Great Uncle Ford, I’m not like that,” Dipper said before taking his phone back and reading the text.
   Ash: Hey, hope you’re having a good night.
   “Wendy is Ash in my phone. It’s a movie reference.”
   “Whatever you say sir dippington.” Mabel quipped as she wriggled her eyebrows earning a glare from Dipper. “Okay okay but what about Bill? Wait, is that his name?”
    Dipper shifted in his spot.
   “Mabel- he’s just a friend-” Mabel chimed in. “A boyfriend.”
   “Mabel oh my god” Dipper about facepalmed when Ford quirked an eyebrow.
   “Okay- okay jesus. So I only met him a few nights ago and he gave me his number. We’ve been texting. I was only trying to figure out- figure out-” Dipper trailed off. Specifically he didn’t want them to know the other just snuck into his room because of a party he called the cops on. Not a good idea.
   “Figure out what?” Dipper was taken out of his trailing thoughts. “Trying to just y’know get to know him.”
   “That’s not what I was seeing before Dipper” Mabel grinned.
   “Mabel, I’m not going to date him because I’m not a queer. You might be and Ford might be ace, but that doesn’t mean I’m gay too.”
   “But I am not just asexual,” Ford chimed in. Dipper rolled his eyes as Mabel stood up and said dramatically, “You’re not?
   “No, my dearest niece. I am biromantic!!” Their overdramatic uncle shouted. Mabel fake fainted. Dipper face palmed at the horrible things happening in his room. When his uncle and sister began laughing their asses off, he got up and pushed them towards the door. The two continued laughing as they left the bedroom. Dipper huffed and sat down to do homework because that’s a thing he’s been trying to do for like an hour now.
   Meanwhile, in an undisclosed location, a certain triangle turned human was chugging diet coke and popping mentos into his mouth at the same time to impress a random guy he thought was cute. Weirdly enough, this guy looked almost exactly like a certain plant man he knew.
   “Bill, you’re fucking stupid. This is going to end in disaster,” Pyronica said. Bill flipped her off as foam began rushing out of his mouth in a disgusting way. The guy he was trying to impress gave him a look and moved away. Pyronica laughed at her friend as he almost choked on all the foam, “He’s gone, man. I guess you’ll just have to make a stupid mistake and call that kid you met the other day.”
   As soon as Bill caught his breath, he shot a glare at her, “Are you kidding me? I’m not nearly drunk enough for that. Hand me a vodka, then I might call him.”
   Without a word, Pacifire handed him the requested drink. The triangle guy pulled out his phone and began pouring the drink down his throat.  
   Bill: Dippppppppahhhhhhhh
   Dipper: Wtf
              What do you want?
    Bill: To tallllkkkbdhhch
    Dipper: Tf is wrong with you?
                Why are you typing all weird?
     Bill: Vvodka
    Dipper: I can’t believe you. Go get sober, then talk to me.
    Bill: N o
   He looked around himself and realized all his friends were gone. He was surrounded by strangers, with a few of them looking like they wanted to kick someone’s ass. Bill quickly decided he didn’t want to be that someone. He grabbed a bottle of whiskey and got the fuck out of there. Once in the cool evening air, he started texting Pinetree again.
     Bill: Hahhhhhhhhh
          Cant socialize
         I donvt wanna get sobbah
     Dipper: Please? For me?
     Bill: Ppppinnnneeevvtrreeee
     Dipper: Wtf is even up with that nickname?
    Bill looked up, noticing a lack of natural light. The sun had gone down and the streets were dark, save for the few working streetlights. He quickly decided that since it was too far to walk to his own home, he’d go crash at Dipper’s again. He turned on the street leading to the Richie part of town and picked up his pace.
    Bill: Because your fvannel smells like pinetrees
    Dipper: That’s where my fucking flannel went.
               You jackass
     Bill: You didn’t objeext
     Dipper: Fuck u
               I was busy trying to get you out of my room for half the night.
     The man laughed out loud. He took a gulp of whiskey, loving the burn in his throat.
     Bill: Hhshshshhshshhs
        Didn’t ttttt
     Dipper: I’m blocking you
    Bill finally reached his destination and jumped the fence as quietly as his drunk ass could. He started climbing a tree he thought led to Dipper’s window, but too late realised the room belonged to someone else. Instead, an older man was sitting on the bed, talking to someone on the phone. He seemed oddly familiar to the triangle man, but Bill couldn’t put his finger on it. A twig snapped underneath his foot and the man stopped talking. Bill scampered up the tree and climbed onto the roof. He pulled his phone out again to reply to his Pinetree’s texts.
     Dipper: I won’t if you don’t climb in my window again. My uncle is here now and he’ll
                actually beat the shit out of you.
     Bill: Okkkkkkaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy
          Wwwaaiittt who ddau
     Dipper: My Great Uncle Ford.
               He lives up in Oregon and is pretty much the reason for my lifestyle.
    Bill froze in his spot when he heard the window below him open. He could do nothing but stare at his phone screen. As the window closed again, Bill suddenly realised something.
      Bill: Wwait
           Wait wait wait
         Hold the phonbah
      Dipper: What?
      Bill: He got six fingwts oon esch hanndd?
     Dipper: Yeah?
     Bill clamped a hand over his mouth to keep from getting too loud. Sixer had almost caught him. And this freaking kid was that man’s nephew.
      Bill: you mean
         You’re relatedddd
     Dipper: How the fuck do you know my uncle?
     Bill: I know
        Of people
      And lost of things.
     Dipper: Okay
               That’s not creepy as fuck
     Bill: I know them usually through deals, business, parties or just running into them in
          the past and all that xhit
      That’s a longfgg
    Dipper: Maybe you can tell it to me sometime
    Bill: Maybe now
        Im already on your vroff
    Dipper: How the fuck…
              I don’t care
           Just get in here
     Bill: Life
         That’s how
       nO YOU SHOULD
     I fought a bIGGASSBIRD
    He couldn’t tell the truth about almost getting caught. A little lie wouldn’t hurt him.
    Dipper: How am I supposed to get on my roof?
              How dod you get on my roof?
    Bill: IiiiIIII
        Lend you a hannddd
      I used your biggass tree
    Dipper: The oak tree?
              Just give me a hand.
     Bill: Ye
    Bill shoved his phone in his pocket and carefully moved so he could see the back side of the house. A window to his right opened and a head of brown hair poked out. A chuckle escaped the drunk man as he moved so he was over the window. The kid began climbing out. Then, he slipped. Bill reached down easily and caught the kid before he fell. He dragged him onto his lap.
    “Pinetree, I missed you.”
    The kid scoffed, but gave Bill a hug anyway, “It’s been less than a week, Bill. Let me go.”
    “Aw, c’mon, don’t be like that. I know you missed me too, kid,” Bill whispered into Dipper’s ear. Dipper’s breath hitched slightly. He pushed on Bill’s chest and let out a sigh when he was released. The duo sat together and looked up at the sky for a few awkward moments. Then, Bill realised he still had the bottle of whiskey in his grip.
    “Hey, kid, want a drink?”
    Dipper eyed the bottle suspiciously, but nodded anyway. Bill handed him the bottle and the kid took a swig. He coughed after swallowing it, “God- fuck- that shit is strong-”
    Dipper cringed a little after handing the drink back. Bill snorted when he cringed, taking another swig of his drink waving his hand around for a moment after trying not to fall on his back.  “Don’t laugh- how the hell do you even drink this stuff?”
    Bill chuckled, “That’s my secret kid.”
    “Bullshit” Dipper snorted. “The best bullshit I’ve ever heard was the time a guy I know named Jason talked about sleeping with his best friends girlfriend. And that was a harsh punch to his friendship before he realized it was a shitty joke.”
     “Oh yeah?” Bill looked at the brunette and quirked an eyebrow. “The best bullshit I heard was when Johnny DiMaggio and his boys down the road from my house got high and crashed a car in the police station and managed to get away from it with his boys. The trio doesn’t even smoke weed and you can tell.”
    Dipper waved it off with a snort but covered his mouth. “Oh my god why am I even laughing-”  
    Dipper motioned for the whiskey and Bill gave him the bottle.
    Bill elbowed the other wriggling his eyebrows with a chuckle. “What? You feeling them Misery vibes Richie’? I find it kind of funny that a good boy like you would even want a drink.”
    Dipper about choked on the whiskey before handing it back quickly to the drunk blonde. “Christ- don’t ever call me a good boy again jesus-”  
    Bill laughed, “Does that mean you’ve done something naughty, Pinetree? I wonder what you’ve done to piss off authority figures.”
    “I stole my sister’s ex-boyfriend’s car and crashed it into a tree. It put me in the hospital with two broken ribs and a concussion for a week. It was so worth it, though. That guy’s a major asshole.”
    Bill about choked on his drink. He looked over at Dipper in surprise. “Holy fuck really?”
    The blonde covered his mouth snorting at the other. “Oh my god.”
    Dipper smiled, then looked up at the cloudy night sky. They sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, passing the bottle and looking at the stars. Bill eventually whispered, “What do you think when you look at the stars, Pinetree?’
    Dipper thought for a moment before answering, “I think about home. The night sky makes me feel at home.”
    Bill chuckled at his friend’s response, “That’s so cheesy.”
    The teen scoffed, “Really? And what does the great Bill Cipher think when he looks at the stars?”
    “How small we really are. Compared to the universe, we’re just two tiny little specks.”
    “Isn’t that good? I mean, look around you. We’re all a part of something. Whatever universal force is out there, it specifically made this entire universe so we could be alive and be on this roof right now. Isn’t that amazing, Bill?”
    Bill stared at Dipper for a few moments, then took a sip of whiskey, “Do you always think this deeply, kid?”
    “No, not usually. I think the whiskey is starting to get to me. I’m gonna have to be careful getting back down.”
    Bill chuckled, “You’re so adorable, kid. I’ll help you out and probably stay the night again. I promise to leave before morning.”
    Dipper stared at Bill, then began laughing, “You think I want you to leave? No way, Cipher. You can stay all morning for all I care. I don’t give a damn.”
    “Really? You sure about that, Dipper?” Bill asked, one eyebrow cocked. Dipper simply nodded. “Yeah I mean it’s not like you haven’t before.”
    The brunette stated as he looked at the stars above them. “So why the hell not?”
    Bill gave Dipper a long look before grinning drunk pinetree was full of surprises. Bill leaned over and ruffled the brunettes hair. “Alrighty then Pinetree~!”
    The blonde snorted when Dipper moved the blonde’s hand from his hair with a glare.
    “Bill don’t do that again-”
    The blonde pouted, “Awh but Pinetree!” Bill whined in which Dipper snorted.
    “Nope. Not again.” Bill laid back with a small whine and stared up at the stars.
    “Okay Princess” The blonde huffed. After a few hours of laughter, tired gazes upon the stars above and talking about trippy things. The two lazily and carefully made their way back into Dippers room settling for the night.
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