#i cant stop staring at his damn face it doesn't. it doesn't make Sense how anyone can be so pretty
vcrnons · 1 year
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woozi being literally heaven-sent in all my love.
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polycharismas · 4 months
post for ambrose to know my little guys awww the middle aged men who ruined my life awww :3 FUCK I FORGOT TO TAG @dohter ☺️
this is fumiya . the charisma of good and evil . hes the one who brought everyone in the house together for Reasons i guess . he looks very normal at first glance (especially compared to the design of everyone else) but hes the one everyone in the house is scared of. reason being he has zero sense of morals. he doesnt properly distinguish between right and wrong nor good and bad . he may sound terrifying but hes also really fucking chill . all of this combined makes him someone you can never completely trust nor distrust and its kinda funny . he also loves sweets and candy and pastries he like eats them excessively . every social situation hes in he always looks disinterested and in his own head . hes so neurodivergent They all are ngl
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this is rikai . the charisma of order . unlike fumiya he has A Very Clear Sense Of Righteousness and fights for order among the members of the house everyday of his life . unsurprisingly this gets annoying as fuck when you actually dig into his usual methods . everyone in the house can agree that everything he does for righteousness is like very fucking exaggerated (like his obnoxious ass whistle he keeps using everytime order is slightly disturbed) but he couldnt care less . he wants order and control over everything and everyone . omg i forgot how hot his main official art was mffffgfhhhh SORRY SORRY SORRY S . getting derailed here . he may look and Act like hes the only normal person in there but in many senses hes one of the worst ones .
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this is terra . the charisma of self-love . he . really likes himself . he Loves himself . he stares into the mirror for literal hours without problem . he Bleeds From His Nose Very Often looking at himself . he also has very low empathy for others that arent himself actually He couldn't care less about other people aside from himself . he's the one and only person worth it in the entire world in his perspective and honestly thats kinda real of him . also has a very complex relationship with gender and all that stuff . hes the only one from the whole cast with two main outfits . automatically proves his point that hes better tbh
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this . Ohhggg this . This Is Ohse . the charisma of self-punishment . you know how terra is all about loving himself and all that well Hes the exact opposite. the very extreme opposite. he has severe depression and attempts to end his life several times throughout the series . he cant bear other people being nice to him because he feels like he doesn't deserve it at all. he barely leaves the room because he doesnt want people looking at his face he legitimately thinks it would be too disgusting for everyone . when he does leave he covers his face with a plastic bag so people dont look at his face . he often goes on tangents about how much he sucks. aside from all of that he really likes art and is actually very skilled at it he just doesn't notice this because hes too busy thinking nothing he does is worth it at all . he ruined my life
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this is kei . the charisma of rebel. one day he went Damn i should start being a bitch and he never once stopped . if there's anything he can oppose at all he Does he never wants to agree with anyone or anything at all . rikai fucking hates him sometimes . everyone fucking hates him sometimes . he also likes street fights despite being fucking incompetent at them and always losing . he loves violence . its like his one solution for everything . unfortunately for him hes also one pathetic ass guy veeeeery deep inside even if he wants to put on this tough guy front. hes really truly miserable he just doesnt want anyone to ever find out
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this . ugh . this is iori . the charisma of obedience . you know how kei is a bitch . well hes the exact opposite . if you ask iori for anything at all he will do everything in his power to get it for you . you would Think thats a good thing but unfortunately you dont know the things that go through this man's head . his acts of service for others are absolutely everything in his life . so much so he has made everyone (except for ohse) in the house sign a slave contract so they can use him however they please for the rest of his life . You Know How This Is Kinda Insane Right . he loves doing chores and being ordered around . if anyone ever offers to help him he like goes insane . he also . uhm . he also wears this . dog collar . so people ...... pull at it ........ and stuff ....... also hes like .............. very much a masochist ....... hes also ...... Hes also me . so me . he also ruined my life .
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you see this official art right . you see it right . do i even have to explain anything . do i want to . i really dont . hes the reason i kinda hesitate from recommending charisma house to anyone . this is amahiko . he is literally And i mean LITERALLY the charisma of Sex . they just say it . straight up . no nuance no anything . hes just sex . hes sexo . hes a fucking freak about it . hes a self proclaimed "minister of sexy affairs" he describes that as his profession for some fucking reason . his goal is to "spread sexiness around the world" meaning he has to be a weirdo to everyone in the house . weirdo as in sexually . for some reason this never goes to the way some animes treat characters like him though you know what i mean . everyone around him finds him Weird for it they never try to hide the fact everything he does is weird as fuck . despite that its hard to hate him by the end . surprisingly hes one of the most mature in the house (being that hes also the oldest out of everyone's revealed ages . terra hasnt revealed his age) and can genuinely be someone you can trust . unfortunately hes a freak. thats the funny thing about him. hes also . uhm . h. h... no . no you dont have to know that .
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sometimes when they get Too Charisma ! they transform have a whole musical number and then collapse in exhaustion . this is called a charisma break . they get it from being actual weirdos .
uhm my only warning for if you ever decide to watch charisma house is Number One amahiko as a whole and Number Two rikai's first song has literal nazi imagery unfortunately . Fortunately though thats like the only weird in the bad way mv . because the other mvs are also weird . i just don't know if i should describe them as weird in a good way . whatever. specific drama track episode for the song is number 27 but its only by the end . the rest of the episode is good to watch❤️
hope you had fun ambrose . these are my guys .
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ckkookie · 1 year
TOPIC - when your mafia husband gets jealous
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"Looks like Mrs. Jeon is ENJOYING tonight. " I was laughing on jimin's joke totally forgetting about my fuming lion. I bit my lips. Even though I was back facing him but I could clearly sense his sharp piercing glares on me and jimin. I gulped while jimin looked unbothered by his sharp glares. "oh hey jungkook! How are you? Long time no see!" He spoke while forwarding his hand to jungkook but he stared at his hand for a good minute with an unreadable expression before rolling his eyes and pulling me harshly in his embrace. I collided in his broad hard chest. I looked up at him hesitantly. The way he pulled me, the way he looked down at me while clenching his jaw and gritting his teeth, I was sure that I was a goner now. Jimin pulled his hand back embarrassed. "we literally met YESTERDAY jimin. Did you already forgot the way you fell down from the chair yesterday infront of all the DEALERS."He said while still hiding my whole face in his chest. But I giggled at his words. "what he fell down from the chair? " I asked chuckling innocently still dug into his chest while he slapped my a**. I gasped as I realised my words. "he always keeps falling" He said through gritted teeth. "yah I don't fall ALWAYS " Jimin spoke offended while I quickly turned around forcefully to face him. " yaah don't lie, You always fall down especially from chairs." I spoke and started laughing like a kid. Atlast jimin bullies me a lot then it was a cold day in hell that I was letting go of this chance to tease him. I was giggling while he pouted. JK's pov - I widen my eyes in shock and gulp. What the fvck! How did I even agreed to marry this women. A big achievement of my patience ! She can't say a single properly in front of me but the audacity she has to tease this shorty now huh, well this extra short creature deserves this though. i scoffed internally. "stop laughing you little punk before I punch you in your face." "as if i am letting you do that " I widen my eyes more at her words. Is she the same lady who sleeps beside me every night? Jimin glared at her playfully while she stuck her tongue out at him. I looked at both of them in disbelief. My was so innocent, My mafia aura didn't affected her but this shorty's aura is definitely affecting her God! I cant even imagine another version of this short d*ck around me. I thought while looking at the two crack heads with squinty eyes. Jungkook's dad : JIMIN COME HERE! My father's loud shriek brought me out of my fearful thoughts. I felt proud of my father for making my task of throwing that shorty away from my women easier for me. I smirked as he turned around to leave but, "See you around Bye " He turned around hastily and flicked her forehead cutely. I widen my eyes and clench my jaw. THIS SHORT MAN'S AUDACITY IS BIGGER THAN HIS WHOLE EXISTENCE. I looked over to y/n and great the woman smiled. If I would've done that then the damn vixen would've drowned in the pool of shyness but the guts she have to smile to this. I scoffed internally while fixing my tie. He finally left before throwing some more so called cute antics. "Did nobody told him that he looks damn clown while acting cute." I mumbled while scoffing and looking at him acting all gentlemen infront of my father. But, "No!He doesn't" She said quickly while following my gaze and looking at him with a smile. I widen my eyes but soon squint them sharply at her while clenching my jaw. "yeah ! I still have to deal with this vixen. How can I forget her?" I thought to myself while glaring at her who was still uninformed and unbothered of my glares. "oh yeah he doesn't! " (I spoke sarcastically while gritting my teeth.) y/n's pov - I gulped. My whole body tensed as I froze. Damn how can I forget this huge fuming man beside me!? God what do I do now? How do I save myself now. "he don't look like a clown then who does Mrs. Y/n ??" I just stood there frozen
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certainduckanchor · 5 months
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pairings: gojo x reader
genre : semi angst to fluff
Hi, everyone so i decided that I will not change the title since it's just a continuation anyway. I know it doesn't make sense just don't mind it (title).
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" Shoko! Shoko!"
Gojo Satoru panickes as he was shouting through the hallway. His voice can be heard everywhere but he doesn't give a damn. He needs Shoko right now.
" what the hell, Gojo! stop shou-" shoko who looked so annoyed suddenly widened her eyes as she saw you. Your unconscious in Gojo hands and there's a blood dripping on the floor.
" Shoko! I need your help!"
This is the first time she sees Gojo looked in panicked state.
" put her on the bed, now!" Shoko immediately looks at you. You look so pale, which is not good.
" I need you to get out!"
" what?! I cant!"
" just get out! I call you when I'm done!" she didn't even bother to looked at Gojo. But she heards the door closed.
Shoko cursed herself. She specifically told you that don't stress yourself much but you didn't listen to her and now you're here infront of her unconscious.
" damn it yn." she whispered as she started to use her technique.
Shoko promise that after this she'll scold you for not listening to her.
On the other side of the room, Gojo was silently watching through the glass as shoko was busy treating you. He's mind was full of many questions. But one thing he knows for sure, is that you're pregnant.
But why would you keep it from him? Gojo thought to himself. He's your husband, your safe space. But why you didn't tell him not until this point? it hurts him.
Gojo suddenly remembered your conversation 2 months ago. He also notice that your behavior change, you seem quite and emotional. He wanted to talk it to you but you always reject him, telling him that you're okay. He knows something is going on in your mind that time, but he didn't forced you to talk to him.
" w-we never talked this before. But have you ever thought of having a b-baby?"
" a baby?" he frowned. you nervously nod at him. " not really, i mean we're busy as a sorcerer so i never really think of that. why? " he asked you.
He suddenly remembered your question 2 months ago. Is that the reason why you never told him? Because you're afraid that he don't want to be a dad.?
Gojo cursed himself. He regrets for answering you that. Now you thinks, he don't a baby with you. Were your scared of him? Thinking he will reject you?
The door opened and Gojo immediately stand straight. Shoko looks so serious. He started to panicked again.
" Shoko... is she okay? The baby? Is the baby okay? " he was worried and scared at the same time. If something bad happened to you and the baby he will not forgive himself.
Shoko took a deep breathe.
" She's fine, the baby is fine. They're both strong. She needs rest because she looks so stress and tired. She needs to take a break." Shoko answered softly.
Thank god, Gojo silently prayed. He knows your strong.
" h-how long is she?" Gojo asked.
" 2 months Gojo."
2 months. You're pregnant for two months already. All this time, you're keeping it from yourself just because you thought he don't want a baby. He hurts you. He clenched his fist.
Gojo entered the room. He stared at your face, your peacefully sleeping. He was so busy being a sorcerer and a clan leader but he didn't even notice that his wife is hurting because of him.
He sit at your side, stroking your face gently. Your beautiful face looks so tired and stress. He cannot forget you face earlier, you were shouting and crying. Panicked and worry is all over your face. Were you scared because you thought he will reject you or leave you?
Gojo touched your belly. He can feel it, the baby. Our child.
" im sorry baby for putting your mommy in so much stress." gojo whispered to your belly. he regrets what he have done. If only he knows, if only he notices that time. He's sure that none of this happens.
" S-satoru...."
Gojo immediately sit properly as he heards you. You're finally awake.
" hey hon.." he said softly.
What happened? You tried to remember. A while ago, you were in your shared apartment and there's blood in my- the baby!
You immediately sit as you finally remembered.
" Satoru the baby! How's my baby? Is he okay?!" you're crying. Satoru tried to calm you down. Your whole body is shaking.
" calm dow--"
" no! Please tell me the baby is okay! Please!" your almost begging, the thought of losing your baby drives you crazy.
" the baby is safe..." he whispered as he hugged you.
You sighed a relief. Thank god, you silently prayed.
" I-i'm sorry... it was my fault.. Shoko tried to help me but I didn't listen.. I'm sorry.. i almost lose the b-baby." you cried in his arms.
Gojo feels like something is stabbing in his heart. Why are you keeping it all from yourself? He don't want to see you cried because of him.
" shhh. it's not your fault okay?" he tried to confort you. wiping your tears away. why are you crying infront of him? it's not your fault. he promise not to make you cry. Gojo thought to himself.
After you have calmed down. You finally look at him. He gives you a bottle of water.
" why you didn't tell me? " Satoru asked you in a sad voice. He was holding your hands trying not to let you go.
" i was s-scared... scared that you'll leave me or mad at me.. we never talked about having a baby before so I thought you don't like it. W-when i ask you that night, you said, y-you said you never think of it because we're sorcerers." you looked down, letting your tears fall down.
Gojo close his eyes. He was right.. He can't believe that it affects your health.
Gojo touched your chin gently.
" look at me please." he said softly wiping your tears.
You look at him. And you saw emotions that you've never seen before.
" I'm sorry for that night.. i didn't mean what i said.. I love the baby, okay? i want this too. We made this, we're on this together okay?. So please don't cry anymore. " you nod. He hugged you so tight whispering you something.
You hugged him back. Finally the heavy emotions you've been carrying for the past 2 months suddenly go away. Heartwarming.
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" I'm home!!" you happily said. It's been three years already and so many wonderful memories happened.
" mommy!" your son runs towards you hugging you tight.
" my baby, mommy missed you so much." you giggled kissing him everywhere. You were assigned to a 2 days mission at kyoto. And now that you're back, hoping the house is not mess.
" how about me?" Satoru pout. Looking at you kissing your son.
" of course i miss you too, my big baby." you hugged him and kissed him on the lips.
You carry you son. Time flies so fast, you can't believe his big already.
" okay so can you tell me what did you do together?" you asked him.
" daddy cheat on me..." you son pout. You look at Gojo who's scratching his neck. Giving him the look 'what did you do this time'
" hmmm? why?"
" he said if i win he will give me sweets. but he didn't."
" is that so? What did you play then?" you put him in the couch. Gojo sit beside you.
" we played a lot like alot. We went to park, swimming, ice skating, and daddy let me fly!" your son looks happy. Fly? You look at Gojo again.
Gojo paled. You specifically told him not to let you son fly with him. Your afraid he might fall even though Gojo assures you, he's not.
" Satoru..." you give him a warning tone.
" I'm sorry hon, hehehe." you rolled your eyes.
" are you angry mommy?" your son asked you. He looked at you with sad eyes.
" no, of course not. Mommy is not angry okay? I'm just afraid you'll fall. " you pinch his nose. What a cute baby. You can't believe he grow up so fast and he's the carbon copy of his father. White hair, blue eyes, everything about him is Gojo Satoru's features. Damn that genes.
" I'm not going to fall because daddy is strong!" he proudly said. You stared at Gojo hoping your son will not inherit his personality.
Gojo look at you with a smug face. You just rolled your eyes. He's grinning like an idiot. Guess, you'll smack him later.
" come here kid, why don't you go to your room and give mommy your gift." Satoru whispered. Okay what gift? Your son giggled as he run towards his room.
" gift? " you asked Satoru. He just hummed and hugged you so tight.. God. He missed you so much.
" you'll see." he smiled at you. your son comes back holding a card. You can see his excitement as he hold a card.
" mommy this is for you. Daddy and I made this."
" thank you baby. Okay let's see." you happily open the card.
And there you saw it, there are family drawing, full of shapes, it was colorful and with names. Satoru, you, your son, and another person?
" this is daddy, mommy, me and my sister." your son happy said. Sister?
You look at Satoru again, for sure he's the culprit, giving your son the idea to have a sibling. He look at you innocently, grinning like an idiot.
" sister? " you asked your son. He just nod happily.
" yes my sister! I want baby sister!"
You rolled your eyes to Satoru. Geez, this man.
" did you like it?" Satoru whispered to your ears. Giving you goosebumps. The idea of getting you pregnant again made Satoru drives him crazy.
" next time I'll ask nanami to babysit our son." you told him. He pout. He's really a menace.
" You just love me and be ready cause I'll rock your world tonight. " he winked at you.
Guess baby number 2 is on the way.
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No proofreading.
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toutallyahoe · 3 years
Everybody Talks ~ Iwaizumi Hajime (Haikyuu) pt 1
requested by: --
a/n: i forgot to post this here, lmao whoops
but anyways, had to split this because tumblr cant support 7000+ words asdfghjkll
this is my longest one shot so far, please enjoy it. em begging thee
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part one | part two | part three
"Hey baby won't you look my way?
I can be your new addiction,"
There it goes again, the annoying song that he was already very familiarized with as it was the very same song that his soulmate had been listening non-stop for the past few days. Iwaizumi Hajime doesn't know if his soulmate had a different time zone than his (thirteen hours difference to be exact) or just a psychopath listening to the loud song for the whole night that the dark haired male could barely sleep. And it had been almost a week already!
"Hey baby what you gotta say?
All you're giving me is fiction,"
Hajime doesn't even understood the song that much despite it's catchy tune. It was in, on what he assumed, was english. Yes, it was very catchy song at first as the beat was very enjoyable and the singer had a nice voice— but listening to the song for almost one week straight? It can drive anyone insane. And Iwaizumi Hajime had to deal with listening to the song over and over again in non-stop repeat because of his (probably) psychopath soulmate listen to it in full volume.
"I'm a sorry sucker and this happens all the time,"
The dark haired male was rather a bit thankful that the volume of the song he was hearing was a bit bearable as whatever song anyone's soulmate was listening too, it was projected to the other about only eighty percent the noise. Still, the song was loud and Hajime wonders if his soulmate would go deaf with how loud the song was playing on their end. Well, if they weren't going deaf already.
"I found out that everybody talks,
Everybody talks, everybody talks,
It started with a whisper!"
Sighing, Hajime stared at the ceiling of his room, a small frown on his lips. God, his soulmate was lowkey an asshole for making him listen to the same song over and over again for the past few days. If he ever finds his soulmate, the dark haired male was sure to beat them up— or at least, be angry at them for making him listen to a song that he could barely sleep.
"And that was when I kissed her!
And then she made my lips hurt!"
Looking at the alarm clock on top of his nightstand beside his bed, the dark haired male let out another annoyed grunt as he saw the time. It was already midnight and he still had school to attend to tomorrow. Not to mention volleyball practice early in the morning aswell.
God, for a moment, Hajime hated the soulmate bond so, so much.
"I could hear the chit chat!
Take me to your love shack!"
But Iwaizumi Hajime also remembered that his soulmate rather had a nice taste in music that even made him listen to his soulmates favorite bands— or at least he assumes they were their favorite bands.
Hajime was stuck with the soulmate bond that let's him hear the song what his soulmate was listening too, and it reminded the dark haired male that his soulmate was somehow sharing a part of themselves to him.
"Mamas always gotta back track!
When everybody talks back!"
Sighing again, Hajime wished he would just smack his soulmate right now.
"Hey honey you could be my drug?
You could be my new prescription,"
Hajime let out an annoyed grunt as he just finished serving and stood outside the court. It was unfortunately out of bounds as he put too much pressure on hitting the ball, but Hajime could barely care about it right now.
"Too much could be an overdose!
All this trash talk make me itchin'!"
Jesus fucking Christ, it was practically by the end of the day, but his soulmate was still listening to the song? The dark haired male now fully believed his soulmate was a psychopath. Period.
"Oh my, my,
Everybody talks, everybody talks,
Everybody talks, too much..."
"Woah, losing your edge there ace!" Hajime turned his head to whoever had said those words and saw it was a fellow third year and (unfortunately) friend of his, Hanamaki Takahiro. The light brown (pink-ish?) haired male had an eyebrow raised towards him but an amused smirk on his lips with his arms crossed over his chest.
"You okay there? Or are you getting old already?" Takahiro snickered as Hajime rolled his eyes at the wing spiker. The light brown (salmon???) haired player was always a bit of a tease along with another third year, Matsukawa Issei. Speaking of the middle blocker, it seemed like the black haired middle blocker also decided to come and join on annoying the dark haired ace.
"You've been also more annoyed than usual," Issei pointed out as he stood next to his light brown (pastel pink???) haired friend with his arms crossed on his chest aswell. "Love the eye bags, by the way," Issei continued as he grinned while Takahiro snickered more at his comment.
"Oh, shut up," Hajime had grunted as he rubbed the temple on his head. The dark haired ace was already tired from the lack of sleep and practicing volleyball even if he do love the sport. He can't deal with his teams bullshit right now.
"Iwa-chan can't sleep because of his soulmate!" Yelled the volleyball captain of the males volleyball club of Aoba Johsai, Oikawa Tōru, who was unfortunately the dark haired male's best friend since childhood from across the court. How did he know what the three were talking about? No one would ever know other than knowing the captain enjoyed gossip and doesn't care if he even gets caught listening to conversations that doesn't include him. Oikawa Tōru had no shame.
Sighing again, Hajime was so fucking done. Of course the chocolate brown haired male would know about his soulmate problem even if he doesn't say anything about it. For some odd reason, Tōru had a sixth sense with him and his soulmate. How annoying.
"Because of your soulmate...?" Takahiro asked, confused. The confusion on his face was immediately then replaced with an amused look as a shit eating grin was replaced the smirk on his lips. Hajime already felt the headache coming.
"That's pretty kinky, not gonna lie," Takahiro said with no shame whatsoever. Obviously his imaginations running wild from the chocolate brown haired male's shout about Hajime and his soulmate. Issei could only chuckle at his friend's words as they both look at the dark haired ace who was slowly losing his sanity and patience.
"But seriously, Iwaizumi. What's the deal with your soulmate?" Issei asked. Finally something Hajime could actually answer and not be teased by the assholes that he calls his teammates and friends. Unfortunately.
"The dumbass hasn't stopped listening to this one song for almost a week now," Hajime grunted as he could still hear the said song in his mind.
"It started with a whisper!
And that was when I kissed her!
And then she made my lips hurt!"
"Really?" Takahiro said, a bit surprised that a measly song would annoy the dark haired ace. Sure, Iwaizumi Hajime was a bit of a hot headed person but he was a hot headed person who can control his temper— unless it's with Oikawa Tōru, then Hajime would not hesitate to beat the shit outta the chocolate haired captain.
"What's so bad with the song?" And it seemed like the black haired middle blocker agreed aswell as Issei asked that question. The taller male didn't know if he should congratulate their ace's soulmate for making the dark haired male so annoyed and irritated for the past few days or feel bad for Hajime.
"The song isn't the problem," Hajime huffed as he saw both Takahiro and Issei look at him with raised brows. Clearly wanting him to elaborate more since they were confused. Sighing, the dark haired male decided to just come out with it. "They just have been playing the song non-stop and it's driving me insane."
"I could hear the chit chat!
Take me to your love shack!"
"What's the song?" The light brown (peach?!?) haired male had asked. Curious on what Hajime's soulmate was listening to. Can you blame him though? Their ace seemed to be a bit secretive with his soulmate, even if they had been teammates and friends for years. Iwaizumi Hajime didn't seemed to like talking about his soulmate, either it be him not liking them or just likes his privacy. It was probably the latter but who knows?
Sighing again, Hajime gestured the two to follow him to the changing room. The practice was almost over anyways and both Takahiro and Issei had finished their serves earlier ago aswell. The dark haired ace was going to let the two third years hear the song he had been listening to for the past few days with his phone. Hajime, after all, downloaded the song his soulmate had been listening to non-stop.
"Mamas always gotta back track!
When everybody talks back!"
Arriving at the changing room with the two males tagging along, Hajime wasted no time going to his assigned locker and opened it up. Taking out his phone and unlocking it, Hajime immediately then went to his music app and searched the song his soulmate had forced him to listen to for almost a week.
"Never thought I'd live to see the day,
When everybody's words got in the way!"
Finding the song, the dark haired ace turned to both his friend and gave them a blank expression as he hit play on the song.
The familiar intro of the song played loud on the device's speaker and it didn't take long for the singer started singing the song that Hajime was song he could sing along perfectly from how much he had heard the song already. The dark haired male had practically memorized the lyrics of the song already and he wasn't even kidding.
"Woah," Issei whistled as he look at the song that was playing in Hajime's phone more closely. "Damn ace, you're soulmate has taste!" The black haired male said. Rather surprised and impressed to the song Hajime's soulmate taste in music.
"It's in english too," Takahiro pointed out. He then turned to look at Issei who looked at him aswell. The two seemed to be communicating without even saying anything, but seeing the furrowed eyebrows and small frown on their lips, Hajime knew what they were thinking.
"Your soulmate is probably in a foreign country..." Takahiro said as he looked back at the dark haired ace. A bit worried but the wing spiker seemed to force a grin on his lips. "That's so cool!"
"Yeah, you're pretty lucky to get a foreign soulmate ace," Issei said. "Imagine getting help with english!" The black haired male chuckled. The two friends continued on listing the positives of having a soulmate who can talk in english and joking about it.
The dark haired ace didn't seemed to listen to the two though.
Hajime knew that there was a huge possibility that his soulmate was in another country than where he was. Soulmates were rarely even in the same cities most of the time, so Hajime fully knows about him maybe not meeting his soulmate. Still, it still hurts to think that his soulmate was far away from him and probably would not meet.
Iwaizumi Hajime didn't considered himself as a hopeless romantic, but it had always been his dream to meet the other person who he had sharing music to since he was seven years old.
There were two reasons why Hajime hated sharing about his soulmates music taste. First was that it hurts to be reminded that Hajime would only hear the song his soulmate was listening to and most of the time those songs were in english and were too loud for his liking. Sure, his soulmate listened to some mellow song aswell like lo-fi and even taking note on songs he listened too aswell, but his soulmate seemed to enjoy the upbeat and loud ones a lot.
Second was that Hajime felt like the music he listened from his soulmate were sacred. It was a silly thing to think but for the dark haired ace, the music and songs his soulmate was listening too, it was only for him to listen to and only him alone.
God, perhaps Iwaizumi Hajime was a hopeless romantic. Or at least, a little bit of a hopeless romantic with how he thinks about some dumb songs his soulmate was listening too.
next >
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sicjimin · 3 years
🍳 Get the Egg Away 🍳
A.N : based on anon's idea few days ago about pregnant yoongi. A little bit angst but i dont know .. if this good enough .. since im suck at writing angst or something with plot shsjshss i hope you like it. Sorry for keep filling you with mpreg stories :") (i know the title is lame)
TW : emeto, graphic description of vomiting, mpreg
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"What kind of demon possessed you this morning?", Yoongi asks, his brow furrowed and his hand busy rubbing his stomach that now has become prominent with his 5 months pregnancy. He sits on the counter, resting his head on his palm, looking at Namjoon that currently in a war with the pan. Yoongi giggles.
"What are you laughing about? I could have been cursed.", Namjoon says as he flips the pan over, the flames from the stove almost making him flinch away but he manages to hold it together, "but I wasn't."
"I tried to be a good husband", Namjoon says, smiling in satisfaction when he sees the egg looks decent. He lifts it up, placed it on the toast with bacon along with strawberry jam and butter too- Hobi's recipe that he grows fond of.
He grins once he finished the plating, slides it in front of his boyfriend, "Here, your breakfast. Made specially by me"
Out of every expression he was expecting from Yoongi, scrunching his face with disgust definitely is not on the list.
"Egg?", Yoongi asks with disbelief while looking down at the plate. Namjoon frowns at the tone.
" Yes? Is there anything wrong?"
Yoongi doesn't say a word, but he can see the look in his eyes. obvious Yoongi is pissed. Namjoon doesn't know what he did wrong to cause such a reaction out of his boyfriend.
He wants to apologize immediately, but his pride was holding him back. "You dont want to eat that?"
"No", Yoongi pulls the plate away again.
Now. Namjoon is pissed.
"I know i'm not a good cooker, like you, but what's wrong with that? Is me cooking for you is that bad?" Namjoon tries to defend himself, to reason with Yoongi.
But that doesn't work.
"Joon, I don't want eggs."
Namjoon looks at him. A deep frown on his lips. Yoongi never refuses an egg and always eats them before anyone else.
"What? Why?'
Yoongi huffs, " I just not ! I think i have told you thousand times before that i can't eat eggs?"
"I would've remembered if you told me. When is it?"
"You know, 2 days ago. I threw up after eating our ramen that had egg in there!", Yoongi says, voice slightly raised and Namjoon frown again, " You throw up nearly everyday and every time hyung. How am i supposed to know that it the eggs that makes you sick?", he asks and Yoongi shakes his head in defeat. "You should've known if you care about me", he pouts now. Fiddling with his sweater. Namjoon would coos at the sight right now, Yoongi's chubby cheeks, his little bump that drowns in his fluffy baby blue sweater, and the pink lips that forming a pout ... Gosh. His boyfriend is too adorable for his good — if he's not fuming with emotion right now.
Namjoon scoffs, " You're not making any sense now, Yoongi"
And that makes his boyfriend snap his head, "It's still hyung for you, Joon-ah", he points out, " And what's not make any sense? I just say that i cant eat eggs! It's making me nauseous. Why you had to make it as a big deal?"
"Well, maybe because i wake up early to prepare this and because of the egg you refused to eat it?", Namjoon ran his fingers through his blonde hair, looking at everywhere else but Yoongi as he knows he would just forget everything and apologize if he sees the older. " I can't believe we argue about the egg. Pregnancy really make you more irritable, hyung"
"Is that what you think? Me? Irritable and annoying?", Namjoon turns his gaze immediately after he registers what he just said. There is Yoongi, looking at him with tears covering his orbs.
Fuck, Namjoon, you're so stupid-
" No no hyung that whats i mean-", Namjoon stammered, moving his way to the other side of the counter, wanting to hug his boyfriend but Yoongi swatted his hand, "Then what am i suppose to take that sentence? I hear you loud and clear. Glad to know what you've been thinking this whole time", Yoongi said through his teeth, wiping his tears with the back of his hands, sniffling.
Fuck, fuck, fuck! Now Namjoon feels even worse. Why was it this hard?
" Hyung", he says, trying to get closer, reaching out and grabbing Yoongi's hand to bring it into his lap. But instead, the older reach out for the plate and take a mouthful of it, "Thank you for breakfast. You should eat, we gonna be late"
"Hyung .. you shouldn't eat it if that makes you nauseous", Namjoon tells, his voice small and scared as he watches the elder slowly chewing on what he had in his mouth.
"I don't care if i vomit or something" Yoongi shrugs, taking another bite.
"But it might upset your baby—"
"You were mad at me earlier because i dont want to eat it, now you tell me not to, what do you want, Joon-ah?", Yoongi sighs.
The words are out of Namjoon's mouth. So he just stares quietly as Yoongi takes more.
" Stop staring at me and have your breakfast, Joonie"
And then the only sound of fork and knife surrounding them. Namjoon still can't tear his gaze from the older. He noticed how Yoongi could take a moment before swallowing. The hesitation everytime he gonna lift his fork, and how he takes a long time to chew. He even noticed when Yoongi's body jolts a little with quiet gag.
"You don't have to finish it hyung", Namjoon voices breaking Yoongi's nauseated haze. He hates seeing his boyfriend in pain, he doesn't want him to feel any. Yoongi shook his head as soon as he heard that.
"You made it, so i'll eat it".
He took another gulp.
A couple of minutes pass with both of them silent.
Yoongi finishes first.
He places the empty plate on the sink, before he stood up and leave for their shared bedroom, " I will get ready"
Namjoon nods softly, quickly to finish his food too before heading upstairs.
Namjoon's eyes widen once he opened their bedroom door. He can't found Yoongi anywhere, but there's a sound from the bathroom. He walks there, standing silently. His heart skipped a beat when he heard a small gag, then followed by a rush of liquid filling the bowl. Yoongi is vomiting.
He didn't bother to knock as he turns the handle.
Yoongi's eyes were screwed shut, hands wrapped around the rim of the bowl as he puked until the last bit came out. Namjoon steps further inside, looking at his boyfriend who now laid his head onto the toilet seat, eyes closed and breathing heavily.
"Are you okay?"
Yoongi shakes his head, before he groans and lifts himself again. His shoulder rolls as he belched into the bowl, more of brown vomit spilling from his lips. Yoongi's face is flushed red, his eyes are red as well, and his hair is damp because of sweat.
Namjoon approaches Yoongi, sitting beside him while rubbing circles on Yoongi's back with a comforting palm.
"You're doing great baby, let it out"
And Yoongi does. He continues emptying the contents of his stomach, gasping between his breaths with his nose scrunched up as he could register the toast he just ate, barely disgested, floating on the murky water below him. And the taste that lingers on his tongue only makes everything worst. His stomach twist, his head spins and he couldn't hold back the urge to vomit again.
"Your egg—uuurrkkkk", Yoongi manages to spit before turning his head. But the action caused the sick feeling to worsen and Yoongi pukes again.
" I know, i'm sorry, just finish it first hyung", Namjoon whispers.
When Yoongi is done throwing up. Namjoon helps him wipe his mouth with a wet towel and wipes his face with the same cloth.
"Are you feeling better?", Namjoon asks while he helped him lie down, Yoongi groaning as he did, letting himself rest on the soft mattress. His back aches after hunching over the toilet for a long time. His stomach is sore, and the baby keeps kicking there just adding more to the discomfort he felt. Then his argument that causing him to throw up earlier with Namjoon showing up.
Yoongi nods before placing a hand on his abdomen and rub soothingly, ducking his head down as he felt his emotion starts rising. Tears stinging behind his eyes, and before he knows, he sobs.
" Hey hey, baby, why are you crying?", Namjoon sits down next to his lover, hugging Yoongi close and letting the older cry against his chest. Yoongi clings onto him tightly, sobbing. " I'm sorry, hyung. I just didn't mean to make you sick, i swear."
"Everything feels horrible", Yoongi hiccups. He didn't care if his words come out slurred, " My stomach sore, the baby keeps kicking and making me nauseous, my back aches so bad and so is my feet, and your damn egg-", he rants in between sobs. Namjoon hushed him gently, rubbing his arm and kissing his crown.
"Shh, shh, i'm sorry hyung", Namjoon kisses the top of his boyfriend's head. And he continued holding him. Yoongi finally lets go of him with his tears dripping on Namjoon's shirt.
" Can we ...", Yoongi sniffles again, and it sounds like his throat hurts.
"... stay at home today? .."
Namjoon looks at him, "What?".
" I don't want to go anywhere. Now I've thrown up once, i know I will throw up more since my stomach still queasy", Yoongi mumbles.
" Okay", Namjoon answers immediately, " We can stay at home. Do you want anything?"
"No", Yoongi shuffles, getting comfortable on the bed, " but .. your baby kinda misses you. Can you stop making them kicking me?"
Namjoon looks at him, confused. "And how do i do that?"
Yoongi takes his wrist, slides his sweater up so it showed his bump, and placing Namjoon's palms there, motioning it against his skin, "Like that"
Namjoon laughs, "Just say you want me to rub your tummy and go"
"There's a baby now!", Yoongi pouts.
"Stop pouting or i will kiss you"
"I still taste like puke", Yoongi whines.
"Okay fine", Namjoon chuckles, " Your stomach grumbles loudly though. I can sense some kicking too", he says after a while.
"I know. It makes me nauseous when the baby moving a lot", Yoongi huffs in annoyance.
Namjoon giggles at his reaction, "It's nice to hear you complaining. I love you"
"Hnngg", Yoongi replies, "Don't you say i'm irritable?", he teases. Namjoon's face immediately falls, " I'm sorry hyung, I didn't mean that"
"I was teasing you Joonie", Yoongi smiles at him.
He brings him closer, "I know i become more annoying as im pregnant. But i can't help it, my mood control me most of the time"
"I know, i love you. I really didn't see it as anything annoying, but more too adorable. Seeing you pouts every time you complain", Namjoon grins, leaning forward to steal a kiss. Gaining gasps from the older, before his face scrunched and he clamping his mouth as he suddenly gagging.
" Joon-ah, trashcan. Now", Yoongi groaned.
Namjoon gets up from the bed and grabs the trashcan, walking back to Yoongi, placing it on the older laps as the silver-haired boy immediately hunching over it. Heaving trickle of bile and saliva as he still empty, haven't eaten anything yet.
Namjoon staring at him, "Why are you suddenly nauseous?"
A gag escaping his parted lips and a few seconds later Yoongi vomits again. "Your lips-", he chokes out before another bile making him jolts forward, "-it taste like eggs"
Namjoon stares at him, mouth agape. His eyes widened, "Gosh, you really hate eggs now?"
Yoongi pukes, before he nods and sniffles. Lifting his head a bit when his stomach calmed down, "I told you"
"What did you cook now?", Yoongi greets his boyfriend that already busy in the kitchen, again, the next morning.
" Pancake", Namjoon says, gaining a hum from Yoongi as he propped himself on the counter.
Yoongi squints his eyes when he sees something different on their fridge. A sticky note.
He steps down from his seat, and walks -more like waddles- to there, taking the sticky notes.
"What is it, Joon?", he asks. Not aware how fast Namjoon turns his body and blush covering his cheeks.
" Shit, you're not supposed to see that"
Yoongi laughs, his shoulder shakes, "Seriously, Joonie? " Don't cook eggs. Yoongi hates eggs. Eggs ❌" ?"
Namjoon groans, taking the notes from Yoongi that still chuckling. "I just dont want to make you accidentally sick again"
"Oohh, you're down bad for me Joon-ah"
Namjoon rolls his eyes, "Shut up hyung"
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sparkie96 · 3 years
Me, half asleep: hmm chreon
Me, suddenly galaxy brain and wide awake: Chris leaves for edonia before leon can tell him that he's pregnant, he never gets the chance to tell him, chris loses his memories, leon has their baby and then about a month later re6 happens and he and Chris reunite but it's bittersweet bc Chris doesn't remember who leon was to him, cue to the angst of leon having to deal with being alone and thinking chris was dead for his entire pregnancy, and then them mending their relationship as chris heals, and Chris meets the baby and they become a proper family
Me, exhausted from this apparently v taxing thought and now half asleep again: hmm chreon
It had been a long and tiresome six-months plus the oh so fun trip to China...which Chris lost his entire team twice to the same woman who had had an indirect hand in nearly killing his mate and his mate’s partner as well as said mate’s adoptive daughter and the key to stopping the C-Virus. And a tiresome couple of weeks where he took some time off to himself.
Chris shook his head as his escort drove him out to the ranch Leon supposedly now owned thanks to the late Adam Benford. The agent said he had a surprise for him and Chris was practically vibrating in his seat, wondering just what the surprise was. His memory was still a bit fuzzy, so he remembered Leon and wanted to get back to him the whole time he was in Edonia...he just didn’t know his name or the reason why he needed to get back so badly. And then there was...something else. It involved Leon and a grainy picture of some sort...but try as he might, he couldn’t remember what it was. 
Hopefully his memory would kickstart back to normal by the time he got there. He really wanted to relive “Memory Lane” with his beautiful Omega. He wanted to experience the emotions that came with those memories. He wanted to remember them too, cursing his broken memories and his damned Amnesia. 
The truck pulled up to the ranch, surrounded by miles of grass and fields of corn. Chris’s heart pounded in his chest as he gazed upon the breathtaking sight, unable to believe that this very beautiful but kind of isolated property was now his home too. The truck pulled into the driveway, the driver; Nadia, informing him that they were here. Chris stared out of the window, butterflies beating their wings inside of his stomach and making it churn nervously.
“Captain?” She asked, “Everything alright?” 
Chris drummed his fingers on the door, eyes staring at the front door of the home anxiously, “Y-Yeah,” He lied, “Just...nervous...that’s all. My head isn’t so good right now so…” 
She gently laid a hand on his shoulder, “You’ll be alright. Agent Kennedy’s been filled in on the situation that occurred over the last several months by Captain Valentine. He’s a good person. He’ll understand.” 
“I know,” Chris replied with a slight cant of the head, his other hand toying with his seatbelt, “I just...I don’t want to disappoint him or upset him if he brings up something and I can’t remember…” 
Nadia gave him a reassuring smile and a squeeze, “You couldn’t if you tried. He loves you.” 
Chris looked to her, smiling a small smile back before giving a nod. With a deep breath, he undid his seatbelt as she unlocked the door to let him out. She bid him farewell and good luck, waiting until he was completely out of the truck and had shut the door behind himself before pulling away. She gave a friendly honk before driving back in the direction of HQ. 
Leaving him in front of the house. 
Chris turned to it, timidly walking up the gravel and to the wooden porch. He ascended the three steps there, pausing to stare at the door once more. He didn’t know why this was so hard, nor did he know why he was so nervous. There shouldn’t have been something ominous about this whole thing. This was home...his family was inside. His mate and their silly cat. Though, there was a little voice in the back of his mind saying that that was not all that was inside...that he was missing a little detail. 
Opening the screen door, he raised his fist and knocked on the solid front door. And then...he just stood there...waiting. He didn’t try to peek through the glass in the door, figuring that would have been rude or it would have ruined the surprise planned for him. 
There were footsteps on the other side, Chris holding his breath as they approached the door. Through the frosted glass, he could see a mass of blue and white and beige and brown. He could hear every click of the locks as they were undone, Chris taking another deep breath as the pounding grew louder in his ears. 
His breath was caught in his throat again as the door opened, Leon’s smiling face looking up at him, blue eyes clearly filled with tears. 
“Hey…” Chris greeted awkwardly, but then gave a soft “Oof!” as Leon nearly tackled him, hugging him tightly. 
“Hey, Big Guy.” Leon’s muffled voice replied in his shoulder, the Omega’s face buried in the fabric of Chris’s shirt, “We missed you so much…” 
“I missed you all too.” Chris replied, hugging him back as Leon pulled away, the two meeting for a soft chaste kiss, “You and that goofy cat.” 
Leon looked up at him as they parted, canting his head to the side, “...You don’t remember…” He paused mid sentence and gave a nod, “Wait...of course you don’t. Sorry, my mistake. The Post Traumatic Amnesia…” 
“What don’t I remember?” Chris asked a bit too quickly, his heart still pounding in his chest. This was exactly why he didn’t feel like he was ready enough for this. This is why he had been putting off coming here for weeks. His worst fear was happening...he was upsetting his mate. 
As if sensing his distress, Leon shook his head and carefully cupped Chris’s cheeks, holding his face in his hands, “No, no, no! It’s okay! It was my mistake! That’s why I had a surprise for you!” 
Chris calmed down a bit, taking more deep breaths and counting in his head to ten, “Right. You said there was a surprise…” 
Leon nodded with a warm smile, “Yeah...I have someone I want you to meet.” 
Chris furrowed his brows but let Leon take his coat for him, the Omega telling him that it was okay to take his shoes off by the front door. While Chris did that, Leon shut the front door and locked it, waiting until Chris was settled before taking him by the hand. Chris allowed him to lead him further into the house, going down the hall and to one of the rooms at the end of the hallway. 
“You probably don’t remember this,” Leon began, “But...a couple months before you went to Edonia, I was pregnant.” 
Pregnant...Leon had been pregnant? Chris thought about what Leon had said earlier...about how “We missed you…”. We…
Leon let go of his hand, opening the door with the little characters on it, looking back at him with a smile. 
“Chris,” Leon began, pushing the door open and revealing the crib inside, a little red-headed baby staring back at them, giving the biggest smile he could manage with a pacifier in his mouth, “I want you to meet your son: Oliver Kennedy-Redfield.”
Chris’s heart was fluttering...but not out of nervousness. The Alpha was in awe, smiling as tears welled up in his eyes. He had a son...he had a family who had been waiting for him all this time.
He was home at last.
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zuffer-weird-girl · 3 years
Trying to slowly get back to writing so here it is some bitter ... fluff?
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Is quite ironic.
The source of his power being both cut and disintegrated. His arms. It had nothing on there. Absolutely nothing. Only the mere replacement of plenty new robotic arms so that he couldn't just be more useless that he was already.
Yet it still hurt.
Torture he would discribe as. Every damn night or every time he closed his eyes his mind would replay the exact moment where that kid beaten him up, when he was taken away, when the van crashed and when the leader of the league of villains along with his commurates took away his hard work and arms.
It didn't even made sense to him why he would wake up in cold sweat and feel just the most amount of pain he felt on that day on where it was suppose to be his arms. Provably a psychological thing, but he didn't understand it neither want it.
He just want it to stop... why was he feeling pain on somwhere that it didn't even existed anymore..?!
His eyes burned as he narrowed them at his metalic hands resting on his thighs... if only he had been more careful with Eri... if only his damn pride didn't got in the way of doubting those brats... if only he had listen to the old man...
"A penny for your thoughts handsome?" He visibly flinched before looking over his shoulder and saw you wiping your hands after washing the dishes... a small smile yet aeyebrows furrowed in worry.
Those thoughts and pain were judt so terible that he almost forgot about the most good thing that thanks to heavens was left for him... You.
He would never understand it why you were still here with him. When he escaped Tartarus yoh only welcomed him woth open arms... not taling personappy the outburst he had on the first few months...
Sighing he only lifted hsi prostethic arm and managed to make a wave at you, a signal of him to tell it wasn't anything... you knew better than pry it out of him.
"I'm going to go take a nap, washing dishes has given me some back pain." You giggled while carefully wrapping your arms around his neck. His body answered to your actions by tensing up but slowly relaxing, subsconcipusly his head leaning into yours for just a bit.
He saw you going on your after brushing his mask and pulling it out of his face for just a bit to gige him a peck on the lips.
A shaky sigh left him, bitting his lip to prevent any sound to come out as he fept the pain come back ten times stronger than ever after you closed the door.
He didn't break it until now, and he wouldn't...
Your chest tightened and you felt yourself sick to the stomach due to the constant anxiety and distress you felt.
Kaai mever was one to open up to you. It took you years, YEARS, to find out that Pops wasn't even his biological father and to learn that his parents were absolutely horrible to him.
He would oftenome back to you with bruises, a bloody jacket, rarely with a bloddy nose after a fight on the underground or just some discussion. Yet he always remained with that neutrap and uncaring face of his. The most signal you would get from him that he was in pain or uncomfortable was his hives and by the way his muscles twitched and tensed.
You want it to help your boyfriend. You needed to. But how could you? The man had a ego bigger then the whole word and hated being touched or felt like he was a nuisance or worst, someone nothing.
Kai hated being touched or helped. Not used ti being cared or loved. The consequences of poor parenting and being rased in the mafia was pretty evident on him.
Yet oh how much you loved this man... despite his actions and flaws you swore you teared up every time you thought or just talked to someone about and your feelings for him.
So thats why you never leaved. No matter how many times Kai has gotten to the point of almost kicken you out of his life for what he says, "your own good".
You were about to sit down on the bed until your eyes widened at the sound of pans falling and crashing.
"Kai?" You spine carefully with a basevall bat already on your hand. Living with a now wanted criminal left you no choice.
Instead of an intruder or a cop, you saw the frame of the large shoulders of your boyfriend, metalic arms providing some ground for him on the kitchen counter as he panted as if he had ran a marathon.
"Oh my g- Kai?!" You left the baseball bat fall and came to him, hands hovering over his form as hives appeared on his face and neck as he breathed in and out, eyes clenched shut as sweat crawled down his skin.
"Kai honey please talk to me..." you begged with tears in your eyes as you saw him clenching his jaw so hard that you feared it could break.
"M.. Make it..-" he breathed out "..end."
It seemed that he was more talking to himself than to yoy but you still tried to remain your ground as one tear slid down your cheek.
"What needs to end?" You whispered as he grunted.
His eyes finally opened, the white of his eyeballs wasn't there anymore, instead some redness as he forced down the disgusting pained sob thag wanted to get out of his throat.
"Kai im begging you what is going on?" You cupped his cheek as the other hand took his mask off and saw his white teeth clenched together before you gasped when he dropped his head on your shoulder, curling his prosthetic arms on his chest.
"I cant bear it anymore..." it came his pained whisper as your heart almost riped out of your chest "Is not even there anymore so why does this keep hurting?!" He whispered shouted on your shoulder as you stood there in panick.
What was you suppose to do?!
Hands rubbing his back caustiously, you leaned your head against him as he trembled on your arms.
"What do you mean? Where does it hurt?" You whispered as you heard his unwanted sob manifest on the quiet dostant house you both got to get away from the heros and cops.
"I cant take it anymore angel!" He shouted as tears flew from his eyes "I just can't! It doesn't even matter anymore! Just fucking end me already! I beg you (Y/n)..." he sobbed in your neck as you hugged him... that was the only thing you could do.
Your tears dropped into his neck as you tried your best to understand him until you eldecided to rub the last remain of his arm and his shoulder... his breath hitched as.. his golden eyes widened as slowly his trembling got lower.
He shakipy breathed out as he moved his fake arms to bring you closer by the waist as he spoke the words that you swore that made your heart drop.
"Kill.. me."
Automacally you hugged him tighter as you sobbed immediately your denial as he finally quieted down.
"D-Dont ever ask me that!" You sluttered before pushing him a bit to rest his forehead against yours "Dont even think about it!"
His eyes were hollow and expression numb as he looked at the ground.
It was quiet until you saw his prothestic move to hold the left one.
"When my arms got stolen... I never imagined to still feel the pain as if they were still.. there. Comical..." he sighed, still not looking at you "Is torture.. my thoughts, head, body are being haunted and I just cant take it anymore... I... simply can't." He sighed, dropping his prostethics.
You furrowed your eyebrows before breathing in and staring angrily at your boyfriend. Making the decision that made him astonished.
Taking off his metalic arms from where they were attached to and starting to rub it with a concentrate face. His golden eyes wide open as he clenched his jaw and narrowed them a bit later to ask you what you were doing.
"Does here hurt? It makes less painful?" You ask, still not looking at him as he payed attention to his senses... it didn't. The usual pain he was beating thorugh almost a year was no where.
Shaking his head in shock you sighed and gently pressed your thumbs on his shoulders.
"Is like that. We dont simply deal with it..." your eyes locked with his "We search for a cure like you always did... so let me help?" You asked, eyes actually begging as his golden orbs stares back at yours before tsking... lowering his head on your shoulder once again so you couldn't see more tears threatening to leave his eyes.
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trikxx · 3 years
I try to put a lil something before the chapter cause thats what I usually do but I can think if anything😀 on to the story.
Songs for this chapter ⬇️
•shame by summer walker
•if you let me by sinead harlett
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Armoni's pov
I got up early cause I didn't want y/n to kill Shinsou for letting me drive. I have my permit and all but I still have to take my drivers test... again. Y/n doesn't trust me with the car but shes gonna have to give in soonnn.
I go into the living room and they not there anymore
So I go to Shinsou's room to get him. "SURPISE SHAW.." He wasn't in there. The last place he could be thats inside the house is y/n's room. 'God please let me going here and know that nothing happened last night even though I want a niece not yettt' I think in my head while putting my hands together.
I slowly opened the door. 'please please pleaseee' I slowly open my eyes and they are fully clothed and only facing each other "THANK THE GODS!" I accidentally yell out waking up Shinsou.
"Wtffff Armoni."
"Damn, what happened to hey, hello, good morning." I say. "Waiting in living room ill be ready in a little bit.
Shinsou's pov
I slowly slip out of y/n's bed and go to my own room and hop in the shower, brush my teeth, fix my hair and get dressed. After I finished I grabbed my keys and put on my shoes. "Lets go." I say to Armoni
"I would have let you drive y/n's truck but you know how she is." I say "Yea i know" Armoni said adjusting the seat. "Check it out so I have a automatic so you dont have to worry about all that fancy stick shift shit you thought was finna happen when you got in. Nope." I explained to Armoni everything he needed to know. "No music til you drive a mile" I say. Armoni pulled out the parking spot and out he garage and started driving.
"Damn you actually drive good." I say to Armoni. "I know its just my sister." We started driving toward y/n's parents house to take Armoni home and so I could make it back home so me and y/n could go to Sero's shop.
~Time skip~
Y/n's pov
I wake up and get in the shower not really acknowledging the fact that Shinsou and Armoni were gone out the house. The quiet was nice. I stepped and wrapped a towel around my body and staring to brush my teeth. I heard the front door open. I walk out my bathroom into my room to peek out the door.
"Oh your woke now?." Shinsou says. I tolled my eyes and  closed my door back to get dressed.
Your outfit
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I did my hair the same way I did it last night then grabbed my wallet and keys and walked out the room "We taking your car?" I ask Shinsou. "Yea." He responds. I out on my shoes and we walk out the door.
~Time skip~
We pulled up to a tattoo shop that had a sign that said '4RT' "You ready?" Shinsou said. "Wait they open?" I say. The shop looked like no one was there even though there was four cars outside besides ours.
"Naw they not open." Shinsou said side eyeing me. I rolled my eyes and got out the and Shinsou did the same.
We entered the shop and heard low music playing. "Yoooo Shinsou!" I heard Sero yell from down the hallway. "Is that the beautiful y/n?" Denki said following behind Sero. Shinsou side eyes Denki and Denki puts his hands up like this '✋🏽😐🤚🏽'
"What tats do yall want?" Sero asks. "Ima get this." Shinsou says showing Sero the picture.
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(This is the only one I could find that I liked Pinterest did me wrong yall ✋🏽🥲 ill edit it if i find sum different;-;)
"Still a minimalist I see." Sero says joking around. "And you?" Sero resumes pointing to me. "Oh I was thinking something like this."
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"Thats niceee." Sero says. "Ok I'll do y/n and you can get Shinsou." Sero says to Denki. Denki nods and leads Shinsou to his area and I got Sero's. "This your first tat or nah?" He asks. "Nah." I says showing him the dragon tattoo behind my ear that goes on to my shoulder. "Thats dope as fuck." Sero says starting the sketch for your tattoo.
(Idk how this works🧍🏽‍♀️)
~Time skip~
Third pov
Sero finished the sketch and started apply the stencil (yall know the little thing they put on the you before they actually tattoo..yea that.)
Sero turned on some music (the song at the top played first) and started tattooing. At first it hurt but soon you got use to it. "You ok?" Sero asked. "Yea." You say looking back at you phone.
~Time skip~
You here the door of the shop open. You saw a pink haired girl rush passed the room you and Sero were in. Eventually peeking her head in ti the room "Im here Sero they kept me late at the mall my bad... Y/N?!"
"Heyyoo." You say smiling at her. "We have to talk after your done ok?" She says. You nod your head at her and she skipped away. You lay your head back vibing to the music trying to ignore the pain.
"Ok Cool Kami.." Shinsou says walking into the room. "Y/n... holy shit." You look up at Shinsou then look down at the tattoo and back at Shinsou "what." You ask. "I should have let you pick my tattoo."
You raise your eyebrows and formed an straight like with your lips then nodded your head up and down slowly. "Im gonna wait in the lobby ok?" Shinsou says "ok." You say. Shinsou walks out the room and you look back down at you phone.
Shinsou's pov
I walk into the lobby and sit close to ok the desk and talk to Mina and Denki. "And bro she was like..." Denki was saying then pointed to where he was looking at.
'Woah' I see a girl come through the door." Hey! Welcome to Art. How may I accommodate you today." Mina days with a smile. "Hiii I had made an appointment." The girl says. "What was the name?" "Camie." She says.
"Alright, you can sit over there..." Mina said pointing over by me. "and Denki will be with you in a moment." Mina finishes. "Hey hottie whats your name." The girl says to me. "Shinsou. And yours?" I say looking at her.
"My names Camie." She says. "Hold on." She says getting up. She comes back with paper and a pen. "Camie?" Denki says to her. "Here." She whispers to me and hands me a piece of paper then follows Denki. I looked her up and down looking at her outfit. She winked at me before disappearing into the hallway. 'Damnnnnnn'
Camie's outfit
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"Finally out that fucking chair got damn." Y/n says stretching while walking into the lobby.
"Thats one hell of a grin Toshi." Y/n says making the "😏" face. "Hush and let me see." I say.
Y/n's pov
I show Shinsou my tattoo. "Im just fye like that." Sero says. I chuckle and start walking to pay. But Shinsou stops me "I'll pay." He says. "But.." "unt uhn." I roll my eyes and step back.
"Alright I'll see you guys." Shinsou says walk towards the door. "Byeeee" I say going after him. "Wait!" I go back in the shop. "Heres my number Mina facetime, text, call, or what ever. And we can talk." I say writing it down. "Ok! Bye Y/n!" I wave at her walking out the door and running ti the car.
"Alright I'm ready."
~time skip~
We get back to the apartment and I flop down on my bed. "Sooo tireddd." I say. I pick up my computer and check how many orders we had 'its not that bad' i think to myself closing my computer and putting it back on my nightstand.
I walk out my room to go mess with Shinsou but when I got closer to his room he was... giggling? I held in my laughter and knocked on his door. "Yo Toshi you hungry?" I say through the door. "Yea hold on." He responds back.
20 minutes later
Shinsou's pov
"Ok what did yo..." I say. 'This mf really fell alseep in 20 minutes' I think to myself. I pick y/n up and put her in her bed.
I walk into the kitchen and ordered y/n's f/f for her and something for me.
Camie🤍: Hey Hitoshi🤗.
Hitoshi☄️: Hey👋🏽.
Camie🤍: i wanted to know if you wanted to hang out tonight and get to know each other?
Hitoshi☄️: im cool with that but where.
Camie🤍: your place?
Hitoshi☄️: I would sag yea but we would just be in my room. I have a roommate and they get kinda rowdy.
Camie🤍: Its ok. What ever you want babes😁.
Hitoshi☄️: cool.
Hitoshi ☄️: Also eat before you come over i only provide snacks.
Camie🤍:LOL. Ok☺️.
|your food for HITOSHI has been delivered|
I go out the door to get the food and come straight back to the apartment. I look through and make sure everything is there. Then I put y/n's food in the refrigerator/on the counter(depends on what you picked).
~time skip~
Camie🤍: should i park on the street?
Hitoshi ☄️: yea.
I walk downstairs to let Camie in. "Hey handsome." She said and kissed me on the cheek. We went back to the apartment and into my room. "I'll be back." I say walking out the room. "Hey Shinsou." Y/n says waving at me while walking out her room.
"Hey, Your foods in the fridge." I say. "Thank you." She says hugging me then warming up her food and going back to her room. I cut off the lights in the living room and a leave the one above the sink on. Then I go back to my room with Camie.
Y/n's pov
I go back to my room and watch tv and start packing orders. Sometimes I do orders by myself just for some me time (play if you let me by sinead harnett).
Unknown: Y/n please I miss you so much please. Im sorry I didn't mean for it to happen please just take me back ill do better please. I still love you.
Y/n: If this is who I think it is No. cause you know what you did and it really doesn't make sense that you cant get that shit into your head stop contacting me. Im not taking you back even if its the end of the world.
Unknown: please y/n
*this number you are contacting has blocked you*
I finished eating and went to throw my stuff away. I got in the shower did my skincare and brushed my teeth. 'I should just chill out in my room.' I think ti myself while getting out the shower and drying off.
I put on some spandex shorts and a hoodie. The pull out my sketchbook to make more designs.
I've been sketching for about a hour so i go to see if Shinsou wanted to watch a movie but as I got closer to the door i hear moans getting louder. 'No, he did not.' I thought to myself. I go to the living room and just turn on the tv and watch a movie alone in the dark.
About an hour late I hear him coming out the room. "That was sooo nice." I hear a girl say. She come out of the hallway where Shinsou's room is. "Who are you?" She says.
"I'm y/n." I say. "Shinsou there's a girl out here. Maybe your roommate has her over." She says.
'Is she-' "wait whats your name?" I ask her
"Camie." She says "oh, do you know Todoroki?" I say "yes i know him." She says kind of with a attitude. "Ohhh I remember youu. Aren't you his ex." She said.
"Alright are you... hey y/n." Shinsou said. "Really Hitoshi." I say getting up. "Of all the people in the world HER." I say. "What are you talking about y/n."
"You know what im talking about Hitoshi. Or do you not remember why your own best friend broke up with her boyfriend." I say. Shinsou looked like his heart dropped to his ass.
𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐡 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤
"Hey y/n its gonna be ok forget about him."Shinsou says. "Im gonna call Ace to come and get you."
Ace: Hello?
Shinsou: Hey Ace i need you to come to Y/n's house right now.
Shinsou looks at the code book you gave him for emergencies like this.
"Code...uhhh pink no wait its a purple"
Ace: Im on my way right now.
Y/n's pov
"Two years down the fucking drain for what!" i yell as Ace comforted me. "N/n you have to calm down a little." Ace says. i layed in my bed under my cover with my music blasting. My parents were on a business trip and my brother was at our Aunts house.
Me, Ace, and Shinsou heard someone knock on the door so I go to open it. "Y/n i'm sorry! It all happened so fast and I was drunk." Todoroki says. "DRUNK MY ASS SHOTO! YOU NEW WHAT THE FUCK YOU WERE DOING AND IT WASN'T A ACCIDENT." I say yelling. "Hey Y/n I got this go chill out." Shinsou says pulling me back.
I step back and then I look at his car and she was in there. I push both boys out the way and walk to the car. I snatched the door open and pulled her out the car. "SO YOU FUCKING LOVE ME RIGHT?! YOU WANT ME BACK HUH?! BULLSHIT SHOTO GET YOUR SHIT AND GO. IM DONE. AND AS FAR AS I KNOW ONCE YOU OUT YOU DICK IN HER WE WERE DONE SO GET YOUR SHIT AND LEAVE."
Todoroki grabbed Camie from you and got her back in the car. "Im sorry ill leave.".
𝐄𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤
"Damn i did it again." Camie says with a smirk on her face. "Maybe its just not meant to b..." I cut her off by gabbing her hair and slamming her on the couch.
"Say some slick shit again Camie. I fucking dare you. I will do something I didn't get to do then. Cause i dont give a fuck now. Ima let you go this is what you do to avoid getting your ass beat. Get your bag, keys, and shoes and get the fuck out this house and never come back." I say. She nods and I let her go.
Camie runs and gets her stuff and leaves the apartment. "Wtf Y/n." Shinsou says. "You know she was just gonna be a hit and kick anyway so im saving her the heartbreak." I say walking to my room. "Thats not the point y/n you didn't have to do that."
Shinsou said
"THEN WHATS THE POINT HITOSHI?!" I say. "THE POINT IS THAT YOU BROUGHT UP STUFF FROM A LONG TIME AGO." Shinsou argues back. "you know i tried to ignore the fact that you brought the girl that he cheated on me with." I say calmly. "but dont argue back. i dont want to waste your breath on this. and just to tell you ill leave for the night to give you some time to yourself." I say walking away to my room.
When I get into my room I feel and tear come down my face as i get out some overnight clothes. I text Mina to see if she was free.
Y/n🤍🌸: Hey Mina are you free to night
Mina🥀: Sorry babes im out with my boyfriend
I sighed and texted Sero
Y/n🤍🌸: Yoo Sero
Sero🤠: wsp y/n
Y/n🤍🌸: Can I crash at your place tonight? Me and Hitoshi kinda got into a fight.
Sero🤠: Sure, im still at the shop so you can come here til i close up
Y/n🤍🌸: alright cool.
I finished packing my bag and slip on some grey sweats and went to the door. As i was putting on my shoes Shinsou came out to the door. "You don't have to leave Y/n." He says. "Well if you dont want me to leave for then ill be leaving for myself. Ok? Cool." I says as I grab my keys off the rack and walk out the door.
👀 dont hurt me ya’ll please dont😬
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ramune-raven-art · 5 years
A blinding light-...
I'm woken by a light, my fragile eyes taking a couple second to adjust. As they do, I take in my surroundings. A pure white room, with a thing. Tall and lanky, and standing right in front of me. Its eyes are in weird boxes, that shine. it smiles at me
"Why hello there!"
I don't understand what it says. But its tone seems friendly. So I thought it was okay. I use my claws to sit up. Shaking my small head. I look around, seeing wires and lights. Its cool. I look back at the thing, it has a slab of wood. And a black stick. It looks at me from time to time, than gets back to the slab. "What are you?" I call out, though it seems the thing doesn't understand.
I dismiss this, and start to move around, if you can't talk to it. Ignore it. Hoping about the tiny platform I'm on, I nearly fall off.
With a swift move, the thing grabs me with its giant hand, and starts walking. Speaking stuff I still don't understand, yet I don't sense danger, so I sit in its warm hand, and await what's coming. it was, walking out of the white room. And with the warmth of the thing, plus the calming aura, I almost fall asleep. As soon as I shut my eyes. I hear something walking towards the thing and I.
"Professor! Your not wearing gloves!" A more threatening voice calls out, its higher pitched, louder voice causes me to shoot up and look at it. Eyes wide, i see This one has longer hair, and no facial boxes. I didnt like it. I growl, knowing it isn't safe. Knowing this thing is going to try to harm me. The long haired thing than, as sudden as it appears, tore me from the boxed eyed thing, its hands are not warm. They are cold and sticky. Its wearing weird plastic things over its hands. I yelp in both fear and pain, the box eyed thing says something calmly. I again did not understand. I just cried. Scared for what this long haired beast had in mind. Box eyes, how I'll address it, grabbed one of those plastic things, saying more stuff I couldn't understand, after what seems to be forever. the long hair passes me over to it. I snuggle into box eyes hand, its not as warm. But more comfortable. I turn around a scream at long hair, which made it step back and make a weird face. i than bury my head back in box eyes hand. Whining.
Box eye uses his hand to warm me up, I stop moving, but keep listening.
"Doctor - you scared it! Hes just a baby after al-" box eye starts speaking, incoherent to me.
"Scared it!? Devon that thing screeched at me! We're not here to make friends or keep pets! We're here to study these aliens!"
"Lisa-.... I-"
"No! Your to bring that.. That THING to the research wing! Your to introduce it to the damn dog, than bring it back! And leave it at that!"
Box eyed stayed silent. I again didn't understand a bit of this. So I just stayed where I was. I felt long hairs stare burn into my back.
"Alright- alright I'll go-"
box eyed stated. Voice more scared. It starts to walk away from long hair, thank goodness.
Yet during the walk, i felt bad for Box eye. I looked up at box eye. and i see it looked horrible. It seemed more upset. So in a way to comfort it. I licked its hand to show support. Well I licked the plastic, its the thought that matters. As box eye makes it to an entry way, I hear:
" E n t e r , D e v o n F r a n k, 3 7 O V 2 "
An artificial voice calls out. I didn't like it, it hurt my ears. As the call ends, I am again blinded by a light, I use my claw to shield my eyes, and hear a thing, barking. I look down, eyes still adjusting. A large black furry thing was in front of me. I freaked out, I grabbed onto box eyes and growled, the furry thing cocked its head. Making box eye chuckle
"Its okay! He won't bite" I tried yelling "I CANT UNDERSTAND YOU", but it already set me down. I try to run to box eye, but a platform it was on takes it away. Leaving me and furry thing alone. I look back at it. And growl
"I'll bite you- don't mess with me" it's ears perked up. I don't think it can understand me either, drat.
I back off. Keeping a low growl. The furry thing started sniffing me. I growl louder. But as this thing keeps the sniffing. I soon realize furry creature is docile. I rest. And let it sniff me. Its ears moving a lot. I mimic the movement. Mainly to show I can do it too. And it backs off, surprised. I mimic that as well. This was fun. "RrrrRRruffF" its a small quiet bark. Which I in turn gave back.
"RARWRF!" It barks louder. I jump back, and bark back as well.
The thing stays up, ears now pinned back. Whining. I peak out, and mimic that as well. Pose and everything.
The thing did a quiet bark again, I again mimic. This feels almost like a loop, until box eye comes back down, same platform, and grabs me. Faster and rougher. I yelled, and was taken up quickly. A door opens, really fast. I tense at the sound. I hate it.
"LISA!!! LOOK AT THIS!!!" Box eye yells. I whine. But than I look at long hair, oh no...
Long hair seems uninterested at first. Until it sees me "what on earth-"
Box eye seems super happy, I don't understand what I did wrong. But it was apparently something. Soon I'm set down, and the Two things start talking
"It shapeshifted!"
"It can do that??"
"Apparently! OOOH Lisa! This is wonderful! Marvelous! We have a shapeshifter!"
"Devon that's NOT good! Now we need to keep a closer eye on it!"
"The robots can watch it! I'm so so excited!"
Box eye adjusts his, well boxes. I simply watch, ears pinned back. I'm still convinced I messed up. Long hair walks to me. And picks me up, I tried to back off. But soon realized by claws were no longer there, making it harder to walk, in they're place were paws. BLACK paws. The same as furry things. My eyes widen and I let out a howl, not a scream. A howl. I'm freaking out, paws, again NOT claws, kicking around.
"AGH! Here Devon take it! " long hair tossed me to box eye. I again howl.
"Oh I need to do more research! I need to do it now! This is groundbreaking! Beautiful! " before long hair can get a squeak out the platform appears, pulling I and box eye up, after a bit, we arrive in a new place. Its not white. Its light yellow, I'm set down, and box eye runs off. By the time he came back I was already staring at my paws. Still freaking.
Box eye picks me up and sets me on a soft platform. It was warm. So I liked it. A few hours pass by, box eye picking me up, turning me in the air a lot, than running off. After a this. It walks back, and sits by me. Saying stuff still.
"Next we'll have to teach you how to understand us! We should do that tomorrow - tomorrow..."
I simply sit there. Biting at my paws, still upset they're there.
Box eye sets down the wood slab then. And picks me up "aaaand it's bedtime for you! " it speaks out. Smiling
Box eye calls a platform, and we're back to my enclosure. Box eye smiles, and is off.
Leaving me in the dark
Finally, less light.
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thewitchqueen281 · 6 years
Experiment 808 AU
Hey so I did actually have someone show some interest in this AU, but I’m awful at formatting so I'm just making a separate text post. Read about each character under the cut. A bit about the setting. It’s pretty distant future, this big lab in the middle of the city was commissioned to make a ton of super soldiers. Not knowing where to start they just... started kidnapping kids. Like from their cribs and everything. Not legal but they can like start from scratch there. By the time most of them are ten they’ve been tortured and beaten and do not want to be there. So they just escape. Because like what are they going to do to stop a bunch of kids with powers.  They run free into the city. They stay hidden in bunkers and hideouts. They are all about 15~16 ish. I haven't decided whether or not Al is still a year younger or if they are twins so, for now, its up too you. 
Anyway, enjoy these stupid teens.
Has gills on his neck and sides, and dragonfly wings.
the wings are red and while he can fly fast can’t fly for a very long time. 
Instead of his traditional black tank top and coat, he wears one of those knit sleeveless turtleneck things with his red coat that ties around in the front.
Anyone with gills is bioluminescent underwater, he glows red in his face and all around his arms.
he wears a different outfit because it hides his wings and his gills. 
still kind of a little shit. 
knows all the other kids, is friends with most of them surprisingly. 
lives with his brother, Roy Mustang, Riza Hawkeyes, and Denny Brosh in an abandoned library on the west side of the city. Because they are the kids he trusts the most.
he would live with Ling, Lan Fan, and Winry. But Ling and Lan Fan don't really live anywhere and Winry travels between all the kid's hideouts making sure they didn't break anything.
Likes knives, like really really likes knives
has like twenty on him at all times. 
he actually meets Ling by throwing a knife at him and getting really pissed that he missed. 
Roy Mustang 
Has a salamander tail, sometimes breaths a small bit of fire. 
Doesn't really like people at all. 
is four ten and has a lisp and you can pry this headcanon away from my cold dead hands. 
frequent all-nighters, whether playing video games or trying to master fire breath. 
Wears really baggy cargo pants, he likes the pockets. 
has a haircut with two very long pieces of hair in the front and kinda shitty bangs. 
he regrets this haircut. 
he’s best friends with Riza and Ed because Riza and Ed are also wild kids who won't stop him from jumping off really high places or putting bugs in Al’s tea. 
Likes lollypops, no one is sure why he just thinks they taste nice. 
huge crush on Jean Havoc from the group uptown, The others make fun of him. 
Riza Hawkeye 
Has a cheetah tail and likes to R U N
She's a very fast girl, for a long time everyone thought that was one of the abilities given to her during her time in the lab.
it's not  
she just likes to run. 
despite being a wild teen is the second most sensible one in their group. Has had to drag Roy to bed, but almost everyone has had to do that once or twice.
cant cook for shit. like really. she hates cooking shes so bad at it. 
everyone expects her to be the mom for some reason like they think she cooks and cleans. 
shed rather die, Ed cooks, they take shifts cleaning.
loves long skirts and horror novels. 
likes to think she can talk to ghosts or summon demons. 
or maybe she can. 
nobody really knows. 
Talks to herself on occasion. 
Has gills like his brother. Very small antlers as well.
glows blue underwater near his ears and around his legs. He and his brother have matching symbols on their backs.  
wears a blue hoodie to cover the antlers. 
The actual Mom Friend TM 
Enjoys tea and not having to deal with his brother and CO’s bullshit. 
for once would like to sleep in. just once. 
Would be a wine mom but he is responsible and doesn't drink while underage, unlike almost all of his friends who really don't seem to give a shit.
Sassy, like, really sassy. 
bad at hiding his emotions. 
you will know when he thinks your being a dumbass.
*looks into the camera like he's on the office* 
“Al me and the others are going to jump off the top of the building and see with we can stop ourselves.” “Good luck brother.”
Is friends with everyone and really he loves them all but goddamn. 
One time Ed dated a real shit head and you don't want to know what happened after he dumped Ed. he isn't dead but he won't be walking anytime soon.
Denny Brosh
Has Squid tentacles under his arms and fins on his legs. He glows a bright yellow underwater. 
Knits, like a lot. Every one of them has a homemade sweater from him. the others he lives with wear theirs all the time. Because they do gross things like care about one another in this household. 
Is still really good friends with Maria Ross, he wishes they saw each other more. 
can and will shock you with his tentacles, especially if you make jokes about them. 
Meme dream team leader. 
Al doesn't understand memes and Denny hurts every day because of this. 
has a bright yellow sweater that he knitted himself and then had every single one of his friend sign.
Thinks Kain Furey is super cute. Roy thinks he's super gross because Furey is an innocent Denny!
wholesome meme some days sex jokes on others. 
pretty much all the kids have pretty severe mental health issues, but Denny is one of the few who has tried to help his. 
takes anxiety meds. 
while he doesn't have any sibling this timeline he has his friends and honestly they are pretty close to siblings. 
has called Ed big brother but like everyone has once or twice. Ed doesn't really give a shit and has accepted his fate as the oldest and apparently the most brother like. 
Maria Ross 
Lots a scales, like all over her body. 
has wings but she isn't sure what animal they could be from.
they are big and scaley like her. 
Lives with Olivier, Mei Chang, Sheska, and Winry Rockbell when she's around. They live in an old dinner on the east side of town. 
Would date Sheska 100%. 
Sorta has claws, doesn't matter she enjoys painting them. 
Good friends with Olivier, actually best friends. This is a problem in some ways because Olivier and Denny don’t get along at all. 
Has a gun, only used it once or twice to protect her friends. 
she hopes she never has to use it again.
Sometimes wonders what her family would be like if she hadn't grown up in a lab. Wonders whether of not her family sold her or if she was stolen. She wonders for the other kids as well.
Breaths and cries ice. 
prefers if her friends called her Ria 
Olivier Armstrong  
This bitch got bat wings
they are fucking huge. 
she can’t really hide them so she only goes outside at night. 
she has become a cryptid. 
blurry shitty pictures of her crouching on buildings wings extended, her eyes glowing are all over forums. 
Batgirl strikes again?? 
she thinks its super funny. 
Doesn't really try to hide how she's feeling. 
most of the time she’s Arragont or amused.
Anime character tch. 
Her list of people she dislikes is bigger than the list of people she likes. 
that's a lie she loves all her friend's
she’s just bad about showing it and claims to hate them. 
everyone calls her Livi. 
she hates it but nobody cares. 
keeps her hair in a ponytail.
Mei Chang
has a cat tail, and night vision.
Please don't make any jokes. 
she doesn't want this.
People sometimes pull her tail. they only pull it once though. People learn from their mistakes.
wears a big pink coat with lots of pockets. she keeps both dead mice and her kunai in the pockets. 
Is Winrys assistant when she's around.
loves to help. is crushing on Al from the west side library. Everyone knows but Al. Ed and Ling think that is hilarious. Like it didn't take them months to get over themselves. 
Ling is her half-brother. She isn't sure how trustworthy the info is because it’s something she heard from lab technicians. 
Wants to learn to fight better but nobody wants to spar with her. 
Sit’s up at night and stares at her coffee. 
it’s cold now but she can’t get to sleep. 
Winry Rockbell 
Has butterfly wings, emperor butterfly wings. They don't make her as fast as Ed but it is faster to fly than to walk and she can fly for pretty long periods of time.
automail isn't really a thing. So Winry does general doctor stuff.
she goes between bases and makes sure that everybody is healthy. 
most of the time that isn't the case so shes pretty much always working.
Thinks Mei is a wonderful helper.  
Wears her signature tube top. doesn't travel through populated areas and definitely doesn't by day.
Butterflygirl isn't as cool as a cryptid as Batgirl so she doesn't get much coverage. 
Will still hit you with a wrench don't test her. 
She carries it and her entire toolbox because she’ll be damned if she loses time for her machines while helping out these idiots.
Dating Mothman. 
Mothman is actually Lan Fan. this joke doesn't make a lot of sense to her because Lan Fan doesn't have moth wings. Ling and Ed tell her to shut up and go with it. She rolls her eyes fondly. 
Kain Fuery 
Has ant antenna. he can send messages across radio waves because of this. makes it easy to keep up with his friends. 
Lives with Jean and Rebbeca in what they think was once a club. It's unused now but it does have an underground bunker for some reason.
He is an innocent 
(He isn't) 
keeps a picture of some dog in his pocket. 
he needs it to keep up morale. 
yes, it is just a stock photo of a dog that he stole out a picture frame at wallmart a couple years ago.
He really likes animals. Ed and Roy hate going out with both him and Al in a pair because both of them insist on stopping to pet every dog and cat or whatever animal.
Functional Bi 
Jean Havoc  
Has fins he thinks. they are like spiky and help him swim better. they are all over his back and wrap around his arms. Has gills, and he tends to glow a bluish purple.  
he lives in the club but prefers to be near the docks. 
Loves to swim
Just call him Jean
Please god just call him Jean. 
Olivier and Maria butchered his last name so bad when he first meet him that he is permanently traumatized. 
he’s being dramatic but like, that's who he is??
Disaster Bi 
Pinning? His constant mood?
Ling Yao
Red panda tail and claws. 
Loves sweet things, like so much.
Can see in the dark, loves his night vision
Thinks Ed throwing knives at him is super hot
Ed is Concerned TM 
Doesn't really live anywhere. 
bounces around the bases with Lan Fan. 
Lan Fan is actually his twin sister but they haven't told Mei that yet.
he doesn't know why people don't just know.
Climbs in Ed’s window in the middle of the night. 
freaked Ed out the first time it happened but he got used to it. 
spars on rooftops in the middle of the day. 
For some reason, nobody seems to freak out. 
Kink is love and appreciation
doesn't actually know most of the other kids. Sometimes there will just be a different kid at the base and He’ll be like cool.
Everone knows about Ling though. 
Lan Fan
She has lunar moth wings. Although Winry seems to think they are from some type of butterfly like her. Ed and Ling know the truth and call her moth man. 
She flicks their faces for it. 
loves food. thinks it must be because lunar moths cant eat, that side of her wants to eat E V E R Y T H I N G. 
Or maybe she just has a huge appetite because Ling eats a ton as well. 
has night vision as well.
Is her last name Fan? Not even she knows. 
Everyone calls her Lan Fan though. 
Spars with Ling but prefers fighting with Ed because Ling holds back. Ed doesn't.
tries so hard not to scream at her friends. 
god, she tries so hard. 
This took so long. If you want to hear about specific characters request it and I’ll make another one of these. If anyone wants to write a fanfic send it to me, I’ll be the first one to kudos that ish.  
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