#i cld talk abt tak.eru nd c.xm for hours im so insane abt that game HWNKSJDS
last-answer ยท 1 year
okayyso i dont Know what the name for most body parts are on english Uhh uhh almost. a little below my ears. ITS JUST THAT SHORT GAAAAAA FJWRJJWMRNFNF i had the biggest jumpscare ever because she did it on the morning and i was like half asleep so i didnt even notice how odd it was that she was cutting so much of my hair (i kinda just assumed she was cutting extra bits??? ignoring how much of my hair was falling out???) and then i looked at my reflection on the window on the car when i was leaving for school and DEAR GOD ITS SO MUCH SHORTER NOW RJSJGNWNGN aaa my hair also gets curly as hell JDKANFNSN part of the reason my grandma and my mom like it so much and insist on not cutting it ever So Yeaj actually i think i should feel grateful about the hair cut because now i don't have to ask for a hair cut again in like. a lot of time. hooray ? FJSJGJWN
OHHH MAN i haven't gotten out of school yet so my grandma hasnt been as annoying about cleaning stuff these days but i fear she might be once i get out of school and im SO SCARED GAh actually i also got my phone taken away for like a bit because i did bad on my grades (i got two 60's and that was really it) so nowadays i have to put in extra effort into school aaa LUCKILY FOR LIL OL ME MY TESTS HAVE BEEN GOING VERY WELL!!! i just have like two kinda annoying ones on the way and im done!!! with the tests that is. im still going to school. for some reason. Man. ALSO GOOD LUCK ON FINISHING YOUR GAME kiss that guy a lot you can do this ๐ŸŽ‰
WOAH that's pretty short :O !? i too wld be pretty surprised if i saw that happening to me first thing in the mornign WNSKDFJSJ also i suppose thats a good part abt getting ur hair cut question mark i think i need a haircut soon actually bc ive noticed i have a ton of split ends el oh el
ALSO GOOD LUCK ON THE REST OF UR TESTS !!! getting out of school is always exciting but then the Horrors of doing cleaning that was ignored during the school year comes up . . . so sad :[ hopefully uu dont have too much to clean tho if ur grandma does ask uu to clean !! alsoaslo yippee thank uu !!! im not even on takerus route ( since i alr finished it ) but he's super relevant in the route im currently in so like. everytime he talks im just like holy shit can we kiss right now man. please
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