#i could be holding my guts in my hand from a knife wound or smth and id STILL probably have to wait 4 hours just to be called back lmao
Three and a half hours hours in the ER and the doctor literally JUST saw me for the first time like five mins ago
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Hold On
Request: ... maybe smth more angsty like the twins fail a mission bc of a fuck up Jacob did and his sister dies bc of it. I'm a sucker for breaking families like this :") or maybe istead of evie it could be a s/o if you prefer to simply do reader inserts
Warnings: Real Bad Angst, Real Bad Violence, Read The Request, It’s just Real BadTM 
I’d rather do Reader Inserts plainly for the fact that it’s more immersive; that, and I do not want to make them both seem OOC, which is a tendency when dealing with two protagonists. I’m slightly thinking about a part two, but I’m not too sure. But anyway... Enjoy, friends!
Requested by Anonymous
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"Hold on," you whispered with bated breath to Jacob, who was helping you to toss a giant crate of rigged dynamite off of a smuggler's boat in the middle of the Thames.
"I am..." he grunted, his muscles straining and aching under the weight of the objects. You both got to the front of the ship and threw the contraband overboard.
"Oi!" a voice scolded. You and Jacob shared a glance under your hoods.
"Time to leave!" said he, diving over the edge.
"At least we agree on one thing..." you mumbled to yourself, joining him in the nick of time.
The water was murky, and you didn't dare open your eyes until you got to the surface. The water's surface broke moments after you and Jacob inhaled the air as an anteater inhales ants. His cowl had slipped onto his shoulders (as did yours), and his hair stuck to his forehead. "Back to the train?" You suggested. You earned a dubious squint in response.
“What, no ‘race to the train’?”
 You laughed at him and paddled back with a bit more speed than necessary to shore.
Blighters trailed threateningly close to your carriage. Gunshots sailed past your head and you gripped tightly to the reigns of the horse. "Hold on!" Jacob cried from the roof, shooting his own bullets and darts and bombs and whatever else you could think of.
"I'm trying!" You responded, knuckles going white.
A Blighter pulled up alongside you, and instinctively you reached for your throwing knives, aiming for the horse's flank. Your aim was in the perfect place. Frantically, the horse galloped off down random alleyways and back streets.
"Get up here!" Jacob instructed. Hurriedly, you scampered up to the roof. He pulled you into him, muscles taut with stress, and shot a zip line to the nearest building. The sudden rush through the air made you cling on for dear life (as you had no control over where he was going) and you ended up safely on a balcony, watching the Blighters follow the carriage across a bridge.
"They didn't see us?" You queried.
"Let's not question it." Jacob pulled you over the rooftops find a way back to the hideout.
The factory exploded, sending fire, ash and embers storming up the wooden frames. You and Jacob were running across the rafters, aiming for a metal platform that had an open window behind it; your way out.
Jacob was quite a bit behind you, but you weren't leaving without the both of you accounted for. "Come on, Jacob!" You pressed, watching the flames belch into a monstrous cloud of smoke.
"Hold on a minute!" He retorted breathlessly, his wooden beam dangerously brittle. As he came closer, there was a crack beneath his feet. He paused, shocked.
He did as you suggested, sprinting over young flames. In a split second, there was an abrupt CRACK and the timber gave way beneath Jacob's feet. "No!" You sprinted forward as he hastily jumped, grasping for a stub protruding out of the platform. His fingers managed to grasp it, but the support was too weak and that too snapped like a twig. Jacob fell with it, a yell falling from his mouth.
"Jacob!" You peered over the edge and sighed thankfully as you saw him hanging from a flagpole sticking out of the wall.
"Little help... please?" He strained, adjusting his grip and swinging viciously over the acrobatic flames.
"Hold on!" He was too far down to reach by leaning over the railing. You observed a railing beside you, before an idea popped into your head.
As quick as a flash, you ripped your red scarf of cloth from around your waist and tied one end securely around the railing, whilst the other was wrapped around your palm.
Testing it for stability, you leaned over the edge and reached out your arm, slowly lowering yourself further and further. Jacob used the remainder of his sapped strength to pull himself up as much as he could to meet your hand. He grunted in effort and his viper like arm struck out to meet yours; it didn't register until you were tugged harshly by the added weight. You could tell his teeth were clenched and his jaw was set. 
"Whoa!" You breathed, regaining balance. Pulling yourself back slowly, Jacob reached out with a free hand to grab hold of the platform. You wriggled your fingers out of the cloth once you were safe and went back to help Jacob– this time with two hands.
Once you were on the platform, the two of you had no time to waste before it was to explode, and you fiddled with the knot of the cloth before just slicing it with your blade and sprinting out of there, both of you fully fatigued. Once you made it to a safe distance away on a flat roof, you fell to the ground beneath you.
"Well," you panted. "That was... something else." Jacob joined you on the floor.
"Thanks." He drew deep breathes in and out of his lungs.
"You're not going last next time," you stated.
"I wasn't... I won't..." he was struggling to find words, heaving his chest in and out. You laughed breathlessly.
The final showdown-- the three Musketeers (Assassins) against one bulked up Templar. And boy, he had it all: gear, skills, you name it, he had it.
The night was calm and still, unknowing of the blood that was supposed to be spilt tonight.
A frightening aspect of this mission was the fact that there were barely any Templars around him as you approached.
Feet as light as a feather and as quiet as a mouse, the three of you moved towards him from different routes. You came from the ground whilst Jacob and Evie came from two different directions on the buildings above.
The buildings gave you cover, and more than once came the decision to take cover against the wall. Checking to see if the clearing was empty of Templars, you made a move to cross; to get to the office. The rooftops in Jacob’s area should be clear of snipers by now. As if to prove your hypothosis, you saw a figure clad in black and green give you a thumbs up.
 Just as your foot stepped out into a brighter area, a loud gunshot rang out in the air.
You whipped yourself back around the wall and hit the floor, pain blossoming in your gut. 
Jacob signalled that he killed them all!
“Well, well, well.” A big brute of a man -- it was your target-- caught your neck, scraping your back against the coarse bricks until your toes couldn’t reach the floor. He squeezed, and it did not take long for you to start gasping. Your hands flew to his arm, weakly trying to pry him off.
“Assassins aren’t as observant as we thought they were, it seems.” 
Blood dripped out of your mouth. The effects of blood loss really beginning to sink in. 
“Why were you trying to kill me, Assassin?” A sharp pressure pressed against your already bleeding wound, and you let out a strangled whimper.
“I need an answer.” 
It was impossible to reply. 
“Guess you’re of no use to us, then.” You felt an electric type of shock on the hole in your gut, before a searing pain clutched your torso.
The brute had stabbed you with his knife, before twisting and removing it violently.
“NO!” A sudden reintroduction of gravity sent you back to the ground. Air flooded your lungs, and you coughed up the blood that had gathered in your throat. The brute and another figure were flown sideways and rolled away in opposite directions. A kukri slid slightly further away. As quick as a flash, the figure was up and straddling the brute and sheathing his serrated blade into his chest three times, each one more vicious than the last. He died almost instantly.
A single moment was all it took for the figure to be by your side. “I’m so sorry,” he whispered with urgency, cowl resting on his shoulders. “I’m so so sorry.” 
“Y-You gave me the s-signal, a-and...” you cried out weakly in pain, effectively cutting yourself off as you tried to move.
“I know; I’m so sorry.” He ripped off his sash and pressed it firmly against your wound. He shushed you when you yelped, tears flowing down your cheeks. He nestled your head against his shoulder, your upper body cradled in one arm.
“Evie!” His voice cracked as he yelled for backup. “EVIE!” There was urgency and emotion; a tone of life and death and hurry up, Evie.
“Jacob, what’s...” footsteps trailed off as Evie stared in shock, from her brother and best friend to the blood leaking brute. “Oh my God.”
“Get help!” 
“Who should I--”
“A doctor, a nurse, Henry, anyone!”
Flustered, Evie couldn’t help but freeze. 
“NOW, Evie!”
You whimpered at the sudden head throb the loud noise caused. You were quickly met with whispered apologies as the older twin set off sprinting.
“You n-need to leave before...” you took a few deeper breaths. “... b-before th’ Police...”
You got your point across. You didn’t have to say anymore.
“Don’t worry about that; just keep breathing for me.”
“I don’t want to hurt you.”
Jacob pressed harder. “It h-hurts...”
“I know it hurts, I know.” His voice was soothing; reassuring to the point where you almost fully believed that you were going to get out of this alive. “If I can survive a burning factory, you can heal from a small scratch.” You gazed at his sad smile, his face framed with tears as he chuckled solemnly. 
“I’m scared, Jacob...”
He gripped you tighter. “There’s nothing to be scared about, love. I’ve got you, okay? Just, hold on for me.”
You tried to move your hand to grip his jacket, but your limbs felt numb.
“I can’t f-feel my legs...”
Worriedly, Jacob took in your complexion. Pale skin and sunken eyes. The only time he’s seen this expression is in the dying moments of his targets. 
“Evie’s coming, Y/N/N. You’ll be fine, alright? Just stay with me, okay?” He took one of your hands and pressed it against your wound with him. “Keep applying pressure.” He reached his arm over you to reach the ties on your robes; the tight clothing needed to go.
His neck came within inches of your nose, and you caught the scent of his leather coat; pine and pub-- a reminder of happier times. 
The quick loss of pressure to your torso made you hitch a breath. The pain seemed blossom further up your stomach. You felt your head lull back. 
“Hey.” Jacob snapped his fingers a few times to get your attention again. “Stay awake, love.”
“I d-don’t...” It quickly became harder for you to take in stable amounts of air. As a response, Jacob released some of the pressure to make it easier for you to breathe. 
“Hold on, Y/N/N. Please.” “Just take deep breaths with me, alright?”
The bleeding was slowing down, so he deemed it safe to take his hand off the wound in order to place one of yours on his chest. It was silent for a few moments as you regain the little composure you had left.
You didn’t want to die. 
“S-Shroud, Jake...” you gently closed your fingers against the fabric of his green lapel.
“What about it?” His hand returned to your wound once you calmed down. 
“Starrick has it.” His eyes widened beneath the long strands of his hair. You tried to shift into the warmth of his chest more, but ended up taking pained breaths, almost falling into another hyperventilating state. Instead, he pulled you closer, closing his eyes and resting his forehead on yours, tenderly soothing your cries with gentle shushing. His fingers clasped your hand tightly.
“You be good now, Jacob Frye.” You felt liquid drop onto your cheeks. “I love you.”
“I love you, too, Y/N/N. So much.”
The atmosphere fell into thick silence once more. 
A minute more passed when Jacob’s ears heard a commotion in the street. His head shot up and his chest deflated in relief. “D’you hear that? Evie’s brought the whole cavalry with...” 
He cast his eyes down to meet yours. 
You stared at the sky, watching everything but nothing at the same time. He pushed a few strands away from your eyes, using his bloodied fingers to slowly close them. He placed one last kiss to your forehead, cradling your head in his hand. Not knowing what to say, he brought your knuckles to his lips and pressed a soft but firm kiss. 
Then he began to shake.
Sobs racked his body, wild yet quiet. 
Evie was too late, and he didn’t do it right. 
“Jacob, Y/N!” Evie and a nurse rounded the corner, but halted at the sight before them. 
“Oh, dear...” the nurse sighed sympathetically. Jacob sat up slightly straighter, but didn’t look up.
“It was all my fault.”
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