#i could not find one smirky gif of alex
allegra-writes · 4 years
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Peter Parker x Anti-hero!Reader
General audiences
Warnings: None
Part XIII of the "Mercy" Series
"Secrets only to those you can trust.
You better not break the Omerta..."
TKN - Rosalia f. Travis Scott
72 hours. That's how long you and Peter had been on the run. And in those 72 hours, Peter had gone through more new experiences than in a whole year as an avenger: He had joined the mile high club, only to five minutes later jump from said plane at cruise speed. He had illegally entered a country, broke into a department store and even shaved his whole head to completely change his appearance. He had celebrated his and yours new freedom with sangria, and more lovemaking at the beach under the stars... 
But this? Being held at gunpoint by a tiny girl with murder in her eyes and superhuman reflexes? That was, sadly, nothing new. 
It was like watching a dance, the way your high kick sent the gun in her left hand flying, as the blonde rolled out of your reach too fast for you to get a hold of the other gun on her right. You avoided a punch to your midriff, as she jumped away from your knife. And your boyfriend saw, helpless, as it was shot out of your hand by a bullet fired with millimetric precision to its blade. But he had been instructed under no uncertain terms to stay out of the confrontation, and by now he knew better than to disobey you. 
"Don't you know what they say about bringing a knife to a gunfight?" The girl quipped, heavy ucranian accent lacing her words.
You smirked,
"They only say that cause a knife is only as good as the one who wields it, тетя Lena… Are you sure you're better with a gun than I am with a knife?"
She rolled her eyes at your cockiness, knowing full well you had several more sharp weapons hidden in your body. 
"Ты менг раздржаешь... So," Lena inquired, eyeing Peter up and down, "Who's the boy toy?"
Your smirk intensified, a barely there twitch, an almost imperceptible movement of your fingers, was all the signal your boyfriend needed,
"His name is Peter," A web shooter went off, and Lena found herself suddenly unarmed "and he's not a boy toy" 
"No, he's an avenger" She spat the word like an insult, "You know the rules, Likho. We don't fuck with strangers"
"And we only share secrets with those we can trust" You finished for her, "I trust him, Lena" 
She huffed, still sizing him up, but you could see a new glint of curiosity, if not respect, in her emerald eyes. 
After a minute, she finally relaxed, dropping her defensive stance. Without another word, she turned away from you, opening a cabinet, taking out three glasses and a bottle of vodka. 
"What's the story, then?" She began pouring the drinks, "I assume there is a story there, last time I saw you, you wanted to kill the avengers. Now here you are, with one as a pet…"
"I'm not- I'm not a…" Peter stammered his protest, "I'm not a pet" 
"Then why are you trailing after her like a lost puppy?" 
"Lena," Your tone was warning, as you grabbed your glass "play nice"
She rolled her eyes again,
"You sound just like your mother. The blonde widow made a face, downing her drink in one gulp, only to immediately refill it, "I miss her"
"Yeah" you sighed, "me too…" 
Peter fidgeted uncomfortably next to you.
"Everything ok, Peter?"
Your boyfriend hesitated: His spider sense was still on high alert, but he couldn't really tell if it was because of the assassin, or another threat you were unaware of.
He decided to play it down for the moment.
"Yeah just… don't want to be rude or anything but I'm not really the vodka type"
"I guessed that already, Spider-Boy. Is why I didn't pour you one…"
"Then who's that one for?" He questioned pointing at the third one.
"That would be for me" 
You looked up, your face breaking into the biggest grin Peter had ever seen on you at the sound of the new voice.
A pang of jealousy hit him, as he watched you throw yourself into the arms of the tall, handsome stranger.
Because this Alex guy was handsome, there was no denying that: Bright hazel eyes on top of the sharpest cheekbones Peter had ever seen, pale face framed by dark, shiny long tresses almost to his shoulders.
"Nice hair" You teased, running your fingers through his luscious locks and Peter had the sudden impulse to stick bubble gum to them like Flash had done to him once, back in junior year. He self consciously rubbed his own head, too aware of his buzzcut.
"Nice bangs," the Alex guy shot back, messing your hair like one would to a little child, "you look like a schoolgirl" 
That earned him a rather painful looking punch to his shoulder.
"Punch like a girl too"
"Train a little harder and you will too" You winked. Peter cleared his throat. "Right, of course. Alex, this is Peter. Peter, this is Alex" 
They shook hands, Peter impulsively squeezing a little too hard for a human. But the skinnier boy simply smiled a wolfish grin, all sharp white teeth, returning the grip with just as much strength. 
"Welcome to the spiders' den, Peter"
An hour later found the four of you satiated and relaxed, amongst empty pizza boxes and beer bottles. 
"... So, there we were, completely surrounded by both Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, that were actually also Hydra agents, outnumbered and without any exit points in sight" Lena was retelling, Alex nodding enthusiastically beside her as he chew yet another slice of pepperoni, "So I reach inside my boot for my hidden glock, smirky hydra son of a bitch goes 'You looking for this, blondie?' Shaking my knife in front of my face…"
You fidget uncomfortably next to Peter, his eyes going from your beet red face to an Alex that seemed to be choking.
"And that little brat" she pointed at you, "Barbie pajamas, ice cream cone in one hand, my fucking gun in the other goes 'No, fart knocker, she was looking for this'" 
Alex finally snorted, little crumbs escaping his mouth and hitting you in the face as he started coughing. You wiped your face with as much dignity as you could muster.
"You're just salty because a nine year old saved your ass" 
"A sick nine year old" Alex managed to get out between barks, "With pink eye, she could only see with one eye. And using just one hand. Is why we call her Likho ever since" 
"Wait, you still had your ice cream?" 
"She never let go of that ice cream" Lena replied to the question Peter had directed at you, and you felt the temperature of your cheeks rise even more. 
"Literally single handedly took out 7 agents" Alex added, "and then demanded another scoop" 
All three of your companions dissolved in laughter, as you felt your stomach churn. Alex wouldn't look back on that particular memory with such fond eyes if he knew what that little incident had initiated, how it had snowballed until the consequences had reached a girl on the other side of the world, another red room experiment, just like you. 
They said a butterfly flapping its wings here can cause a typhoon in China. Well, your hurricane had levelled Ava Orlova's life.
You weren't one for guilt. Guilt had no place in survival. You did what had to be done in order to preserve yourself and your freedom. Just like your mother had taught you. Just like she had done. But being with Peter, loving Peter… well, that was having unforeseen consequences too, as you were coming to realize. 
Because now you understood. Now you understood Alex and Ava's bond, because Alex had felt for Ava the same way you did for Peter. Probably still did, since it was with trepidation that you realized his death probably wouldn't change your feelings for peter. 
After all, your own hadn't. 
"What about you, spider-boy? Any embarrassing stories to share?"
Peter smiled, for a minute forgetting where he was or why he was there,
"Actually, I do. It involves a barn, an overly friendly goat and hay in places hay should never…" He trailed off, his smile falling when he saw the look on your face.
"No! Why did you stop? That sounds like a great story!"
"Yeah, you got me at 'overly friendly goat'!"
Peter simply interlocked his fingers with yours, silently offering his support. It was time. You took a deep breath
"Because it wouldn't be fair to tell you a story that I don't remember" 
Silence fell over the small kitchen, as Lena and Alex processed your words, the later being the first to break it,
"The T.A.H.I.T.I. protocol" you confirmed. He leaned back on his chair, chuckling, but there was no humor behind it.
"Well, well, well… ain't karma a bitch" 
"Alexei," Lena's tone was warning, "that was the Blank Slate project. You can't blame Likho for what Natasha did"
"Can't I? Really? Cause in over twenty years, our sister never cared about my 'trauma', but we find out about her" He pointed, accusingly, "and suddenly she is all about giving us a normal life. As if we could ever be normal. As if new memories could erase the Red Room from our bones"
"Alex…" You tried, weakly, but you didn't know what to say. Not when everything he was saying was true. 
"And now what? You want me to help you break through it? Now you need us to get back the memories they took from you, just like your mother stole memories from us?" 
"NO, YELENA!" Three figures automatically jumped into a fighting stance when his fist met the table. Alex closed his eyes, attempting to get his breathing, and his emotions, back under control. 
"If you want to help these Avengers, go ahead" He finally said, eyes fixed on his sister's, "but don't expect me to be a part of this." 
Without another word, he got up and left the room, leaving Yelena to pick the pieces of the broken bottle that had rolled off the table. And you, to pick up the pieces of your broken heart. 
"Shhh, it's ok, y/n" Peter, sweet, loyal Peter, tried to envelope you in his arms when he heard the first sob leave your throat, even if he didn't quite understand why it had hurt you so much to be called an Avenger. But Lena was there in a heartbeat, throwing him a dirty look, and taking your face in her hands to force you to look at her instead. 
"Don't listen to him, Likho. You're not an Avenger, you are a widow. You will always be a widow, and always will be a part of this family. Just like your mother."
You nodded, buring your face on your aunt's shoulder. 
"I'll help you, both of you" Yelena declared, eyes meeting Peter's, "Us spiders ought to take care of each other" 
To be continued… 
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