#i could probably say a lot more
embossross · 1 year
i call myself a writer, but i literally have no words. you’ve left me utterly speechless. i’ll say this though, that was probably one of the most romantic things i’ve ever read. and i’ve read A LOT of romance. i cried. LIKE A BABYYYY!!!! kicking my feet and taking deep breaths as if i’m the one going thru the heartbreak lol. that’s how much of an amazing writer you are. ugh ran was really the slap in the face rindou needed to man tf up. i honestly love how you wrote the haitanis connection and how much ran truly cares for his brother. it really is the world vs. them. ran is speaking from experience and honestly … i really can’t wait until we get to see rans story in BOTB. he only wants the best for his brother and !!!!!!! he was right. the reader is the best for rindou. reader held her self SO well?! she has so much self respect i should take notes. she is so powerful and you write it so damn well. i got so emotional it was literally so lovely reading the way rindou feels/thinks/speaks about the reader. i love seeing how desired the woman is from the males POV. he’s so down bad sksnsj. ugh AND he really is ranked canon best boyfriend huh. i actually really like how they’re both committed to each other now (i’m such a slut for commitment and this really scratched the itch in my brain) but are allowed to do some scenes with others, shh but it’s a secret headcanon i had for them but now it’s literally cannon LMAO :,) it’s so cute. i wish i had better words but im so bad at explaining my feelings lol. you did it so well. you really broke rindou down to nothing and then built him right back up again. it was just so tender and soft and sweet and everything in between. the whole ‘making love’ part …. god. so good. so gooooood. it’s as soft as they can be lol. i can’t wait to see where they go from here. ugh but honestly thank youuuu literally it was the best update to wake up to yesterday 💖❤️💝 you do it so well. have a great week , kisses!!!!!🥰
truly and sincerely one of the loveliest reviews i could ever receive. thank you so so so much 🥰🥰🥰
i was inordinately proud of the first half of the chapter, and then pretty mixed on the 2nd half. i think i was worried it was too much for rindou's character, that i was making too big a departure for him. i kept having to rewrite because he would say something too sappy or eloquent. it was just a really hard chapter all around, so to hear that i not only thread that needle but it was one of THE most romantic things you've ever read? 🤯🤯🤯
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zurrrarchive · 11 years
Dear Serj Tankian
your voice is probably one of my most favorite all time voices in the world it’s empowering uh. usually when im sad or angry i turn to your solo songs or SOAD because hearing your favorite voice can easily make u feel better i guesssss hhhhhhhhhhhhh P lease hug meo h go d
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