#i couldn't fit it narratively but you KNOW it happens the next time Vader's handed a sleepy baby
OoooOOooooOooo guess what!!! This scene well and truly won't leave me alone so I have spent another night writing up my Thoughts and Ideas into something somewhat comprehensible!!!! I blame @jackdaw-kraai @darthstitch @bookwyrmie completely, congratulations y'all!!!!! You Did This!!!!!! ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ
In the middle of a crowded ballroom, Vader and the child currently held in his arms stared at each other. Luke had handed her to him before he fully understood that what he was receiving was in fact both alive and a small child, and not something inanimate and, say, less fragile. While he tried to recall what to do with an infant, she did something that, in hindsight, he should have expected.
She reached up and hooked her tiny fingers into the slots of his respirator.
"I would advise against that, child," he said.
"Aba," she babbled at him, her other hand joining the first.
"This is not a plaything," he gently added. A pop-up on his HUD alerted him to a blockage and the estimated time he could stay conscious with the decreased rate of oxygen. "It is a vital piece of medical equipment. I must ask you to treat it as such."
He carefully guided her hands away and continued to fend off her attempts to touch either his mask or the unit on his chest. Eventually she settled for his hand, gripping his thumb and pinky finger and manipulating them as much as she could.
"Thank you for your compromise," Vader said.
The child strung together a set of nonsensical syllables that nonetheless had Vader nodding.
He stood there for a while, half-listening to Luke's conversation and letting the child play with his hand until she got bored. His attention was recaptured when she began making small distressed sounds, ones that dredged up a spark of foreboding within him.
"What is it?" he asked her. "Are you hungry, perhaps?"
He looked at the selection of food -- none of it designed for a child. Moreover, he had no idea what kind of preferences or allergies this one may or may not have.
She whined more insistently and stuck her fingers into her mouth.
Vader turned to Luke, still chatting animatedly with his fellows. He placed a hand on his shoulder to get his attention.
"I will return," he said.
"Sure," Luke agreed, patting Vader's hand, and launched right back into his conversation. Vader looked to the guards stationed at the perimeter of the ballroom and only then did he release Luke's shoulder.
He walked a little ways over to the buffet tables and took a knife and fork from the offered cutlery.
"Look, child," he murmured, tilting the utensils this way and that so the glinting of the light caught her attention. Her eyes latched onto the shiny metal, reaching for them with the hand not currently occupied. Her distressed coos tapered off slightly, but began to rise again when Vader wouldn't let her grab them.
"Hm, not so interesting for you, I think," he mused. "But you may hurt yourself if I allow you to hold them."
She looked at him crossly, wisps of her brows furrowed in caricature of what she'd observed of others. She took her hand out of her mouth to babble insistently and slap the arm holding her, smearing saliva across the dark leather.
"Very well," Vader sighed. "Perhaps there is a mutually agreeable solution."
A fine ribbon of the Force wound around them, pulled deftly from the fabric of reality by an old weaver's hand -- the utensils rose on invisible strings, twirling gently around each other like a mobile. It had a similar effect, as well; the child returned her attention to them, now silent but for the small grunts she made as, again, she tried to reach out.
"I agree," he nodded. "A tactile distraction would be best. But these have far too many points for you to prick yourself on, child."
He twitched his fingers and the utensils collided midair, bending around and around each other until there was a packed ball of metal. One could hardly tell where fork ended and knife began. The metal squealed quietly as it was bent into shape, and the more pressure Vader Forced upon it the more it began to glow a red heat. The child watched as the color changed to a burning orange and eventually a bright, molten white.
Vader held the condensed ball of silver at arm's length, thankful now for the wide berth people tended to give him at these functions.
"I believe you would quickly become dissatisfied a simple ball. Would you not agree?" Vader asked. The child, now that it was well and truly out of her grasp, was already looking around with a lazy, hooded eye. "Hm. Something more complex, then."
He turned back to the metal and began twisting. Some sections pulled apart, some connected together, until the latticework of a great dodecahedron rested above his hand, spinning on all axes so he could ensure the angles were correct from every direction. A shape that would occupy her for some time, hopefully. He carefully rounded each vertex and smoothed every edge, and double-checked it with precision.
Then, once he was satisfied, he began to wick away the heat held within the metal. Slowly, the silver set and hardened. He had to be careful, so the lattice did not cool in sections and split apart.
The child began whining again. Vader idly tucked her more securely against his chest, mindful of his life support -- but something inside him he could not name seemed to both stir and settle once she laid her head on his shoulder.
"Almost finished," he consoled her. "I have to make sure it is not too hot for you."
Eventually, Vader released his grasp of the Force and the dodecahedron fell into his hand, cooled completely to ambient temperature. He turned it over once more, a last check for burs or points that he might have missed.
"Here you are, child. Will this hold your attention?"
She took it from him and immediately placed a rung into her mouth. If she minded the taste, she did not show it.
"I am glad to see it," Vader nodded. "This is the framework of a great dodecahedron, which is a regular polyhedron. Many are taught that there are only five regular polyhedra, but there are actually forty-eight in three-dimensional Euclidean space."
She looked up at him with attentive eyes and removed the shape to talk to him, waving the latticework about.
"Exactly. Perfectly foolish to exclude all but the platonic solids."
She resumed her chewing. Vader began explaining the finer points of three-dimensional geometry, and her attentiveness as a pupil only wavered once he started on hexagonal tiling. (Which was more than fair, in Vader's opinion -- the tilings were the least interesting of the lot.) He continued as her eyes drooped and she settled in his arms, turning her new toy in her hands as she listened.
Suddenly, the great dodecahedron fell to the floor, clinking softly to a stop a few paces away. Vader looked down and stilled in surprise; the child was laid fully on his chest and shoulder, eyes closed and breathing deeply in relaxed and restful slumber. She seemed unconcerned by the hard metal of his mantle, but he dared not shift and risk waking her.
He looked for the dodecahedron and found instead Luke, already rising with it in his grip and making his way over.
"This is cool," the boy said, twirling it in his hands. "Where'd you get it?"
"I crafted it from cutlery," Vader replied, wincing at the volume of his vocoder.
"Woah, neat!" Luke took a closer look at it. "I can't see any seam lines."
"No," Vader confirmed. By the grin Luke flashes at him, his tone had a prideful air to it. The vocoder interpreted his chuckle as a small burst of static.
Luke's smile turned sweet, looking to the child in his arms.
"How is she?" he asked, still fiddling with the toy. "Sorry I handed her off so abruptly. I got caught up."
"It was no trouble, little one," Vader dismissed his apology. "...She fell asleep."
"Ohhh," Luke cooed, hand to his cheek. "That's so precious. I wish I brought my datapad."
"And I am rather glad you did not," Vader lightly countered.
Luke rolled his eyes. "Aw, come on. If I took a picture I wouldn't share it with anybody."
Vader was about to reply when--
At the other end of the table, a burst of applause followed as someone uncorked a bottle of carbonated wine. The child flinched awake in Vader's arms, blinked twice at the loud and bright surroundings, and heaved in a breath.
"Oh no," said Luke, right before she began to wail.
Vader hesitantly pat her back -- his mantle was too hard to bounce her on unless he wanted to give her a concussion. He looked to Luke, whose arms were already extended.
"Can I...?" Luke asked, and Vader readily handed her over. Luke started swaying in place, rubbing her back in gentle circles. "You were doing great, it's just--"
"My armor is not designed for comfort," Vader agreed. "I believe you are much better equipped for her, little one."
Luke's eyes stayed on him for a beat longer than he expected.
"Yeah, I guess not," he eventually agreed. He turned to the child still crying on his shoulder. "But wow, you've got a set of pipes on you, huh? Hey, what's this? You remember this? Did Lord Vader make it for you?"
Luke managed to catch the child's attention once more, her cries diminishing to hiccuping sobs once she had hold of the latticework again. After a couple of minutes it was back in her mouth, and Vader went to retrieve a napkin from the table so Luke could wipe her face.
While at the table, he let his irritation bleed into the space around him and the Dark responded, prickling eagerly up his neck. The gathered crowd immediately quieted and scampered off to another, less disruptive location.
"She really likes it," Luke said when he returned.
"Indeed. She is an exemplary student."
"Is that what you were talking about over here?" he asked, smiling. "Weird math stuff?"
Vader crossed his arms. "It is a fairly simple geometrical concept. She grasped upon the context immediately."
"Aw," Luke crooned. "That's the cutest thing I've ever heard. You're gonna be a scientist one day, huh, sweetling?"
He poked lightly at her belly, just enough to make her laugh -- and drop the dodecahedron. Vader buoyed it with a quick reaction of the Force, guiding it once more into her hands.
She stared at it with wide eyes, then brought it overhead and threw it.
"Oh yeah," Luke said as Vader retrieved it once again. "A scientist for sure."
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