#i couldnt put more time into this cus im at work rn
malk-with-tea · 11 months
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Someone get this man some food and that vessel some comfort
(Inspired from @queruloustea 's fic! Its giving me brainrot in a very good way)
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synthfolks · 8 years
wow okay today was so long and exhausting and its almost midnight and ive barely started my hmk
i spent all morning on the phone with my insurance, pharmacy, and (trying to call) my psychiatrist and was being told to call different people and put on hold over an issue that ive been trying to sort out for over a week but i needed my medication TODAY and couldnt get it till like 5 pm and i was already feeling withdrawal synmptoms and the whole thing was bullshit and everyone was telling my different things or nOT telling me things
and then i had errands to do and then i went to  PT to figure out whta the hell is going on w my shoulder and apparently i have a AC joint sprain and a rotator cuff strain and im not allowed to do any upper body at all in for the next week and i cant climb for even longer and i NEED TO climb and train bc nationals is in 2 weeks ! and i finally made it to nationals and i want to do my best but i have to let myself heal and not injure myself more so that i even CAN compete and its torture 
and then i had to go to my brother’s middle school art night bc my parents coudlnt go which was like 3 hours?? and then i got home and had to do an assignmetn due at 11 that ended up being late bc ive had no time to work on it and i have all this other shit to do cus finals is coming up and wow i just want to go to bed
idek know why im making this post rn cus i dont rly make text posts just talkign about myself anymore but? since vents shutting down in like a month i wanna start making tumblr posts again so lol
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