#i couldnt sleep later bc they made more comments i wont add that made me so mad!!!!
eliasdrid · 2 years
small rant under read more bc im still pissed about something
still thinking about a conversation some people were having (and i was unfortunately present to witness, participate to see if they'd shut up and get mad at) that basically boiled down to "They only make media diverse now to get money and I don't care about representation because I, white cishet male, read the source material and it wasn't like this"
like 1) most movies and shows are adaptations and not 1:1 and a lot of fictional work has been white washed, you're just mad it's not adapted in a way you'd personally prefer 2) As one of the persons present said "do you really think you're the only type of person in the entire word? other people want to see people like them in media too"
so of course they switched the way they row their boat to say sometimes representation is "stereotypes" or "forced" which 1) better than absolutely nothing and opens the doors to people who want and will do better 2) literally I got nothing about this one, I was too enraged and about to bite someone for saying that lgbt narratives are "forced" in their media like cishet ones aren't ??????
When I was trying to cool off and distract/forget I was told "well, don't hate them for it, you'll find people like this at other times and in other situations" like why on Earth would you bother me when I'm clearly isolating and also I KNOW. Im a human being who lives and breathes. I'm not stupid. I Was and I'm Pissed because I was somewhere that was supposed to be safe and had to hear extremely stupid opinions. Not to mention I had to OUT myself to people I barely know because someone was like "why do they keep adding gay, trans, lesbians to media" and I was SO TIRED I was like What Is Your Problem, I'm Gay And I'd Like It If They Kept Making Diverse Things, I'm pretty sure that kids will be happy to not feel like fucking outsiders while growing up in a cishet society thanks to diversity. (hostile)
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ask-vaal-hazak · 4 years
I just left a homebrew dnd campaign I've a message for new DM's
If your running a campaign for 2 ppl and there level 3 do not throw cr 6 and 9 monsters at them. For the love of the divine do not.
Extremely fustrating and deadly. And dont use the monsters from a homebrew forum bc it just sounds cool. Bc that "cool" cr 6 hag going against a lv3 party with multiple attack. Multiple spell cast and spell immunity and able to polymorph into any creature it wants at will is devastating.
Just to rant here. I lost 3 characters in 1 hour. My lv 3 barbarian (minotaur zelot). My battlemaster (centaur) and my wizard (yuan ti)
To be a dm ya have to balance and make sure every fight isnt designs to just upright kill ppl at the start bc. 5d12 worth of dmg with multiple attack on a hag or any creature. Is friggin broken.
There no way in hell a monster for a party of 2, level 3 adventures should hit for 5d12 (3 times) and be able to cast 2 spells (at will without using a spell slot) EVERY ROUND. And on top of that have a movement speed of 90 and an ac of 23. (I asked the dm to let me see what he was using and thers more. Swim of 30, fly of 300 ect this is pretty much a god with its stats but the cr says 6. It dosent even feel like a 6. More like a lv 20 broken sack of crap)
This is the reason there are tutorial guides in the book(s) and youtube to show you why you should look at cr then your players levels b4 u design an encounter.
I cant describe how fustrating it was to see my barbarian. Who I spent 5hours making just get tapped lightly and die. Bc 48 hp at lv 3 and taking well over 10 pts of dmg bc apparently she crit me on all attacks and only did like 1 attack to our female player (for 2 dmg with a level 6 scorching ray [its bs] ) was "Fair bc your a barbarian and should be able to tank this EASILY" (quote the dm.)
If there is a way to piss off players it's this and having a game were you get railroaded so hard it's a traveling trip with skill checks with a minimum of 18-20 to notice something like a bear on the road when the weather is CLEAR and everyone is PAYING THE HELL ATTENTION ON A BANDIT HIGHWAY. Not to mention the SCREAMS OF A CYCLOPS AS IT LITERALLY SMASHES INTO THE CARAVAN ACROSS A PLANE WITH A FEW TREES ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD.
*Facepalm* my god....oh and if your thinking
"GEE-WILLY Mr. Person surely it couldnt be that bad?" This guys campaign was pretty much parappa the rapper, jojo bizarre adventures, bloodborne, Resident evil and memes.
I had a character who came in and apparently they caused the world to have wormholes? (Somehow) and referenced it everytime we played even when that character died. In session one. Bc apparently a company named (I kid you not) Shoe Rack was the equivalent of resident evil's umbrella cooperation. Complete with a drow leader and a litch bookkeeper who turned everyone into zombies to work for free while they apparently made diamonds to sell for millions of gold and keep the workers working g for 1 copper every month. Only giving gold to ppl that would sleep with them.
Not to mention apparently everyone in this world had magic resist or spell immunity to everyone except to females. And when I made a female char apparently that rule became I valid and it was just a straightforward
Me: does a 17 hit?
Dm: well it would but .... *they grin*
Me: but?
Dm: they use a special ring to catch the spell and cast meteor swarm on you point blank.
Me: well they get hit too I just stabbed them with a dagger.
Me: so they and my teammate. Who has literally been stabbing them are fine?"
Dm: yes
Me (takes like 589 pts of dmg and is ded)
Dm: the litch turns to you and asks if you want a cup of coffee.
Female player: umm sure?
Dm: whoo-yeah. Combat over you get 500 go and a date with the litch.
Me: I'm sorry what?
Female player: umm...ok. awsome.
Me: ......ok cool so I'll just bring in-
Dm: no that's cool the litch revives yorubas a female zombie slave.
Me: why?
Dm: and you need to have sex to keep yourself alive.
Me: yeah no. I'll just bring in my centaur battle master
1 hour later
Dm: you take umm..let's see *rolls dice.*
Me: (waiting)
Dm: *rolls a shit ton more dice*
Me: (waiting)
Dm: oh oh no *grins*
Me: (takes 40 dmg) I'm still up
Dm: how?
Me: I have 48 hp....I'm still up
Dm: ok it's your attack I guess.
Me: rolls a nat 1 "ok I guess I have disadvantage on my next att-"
Dm: rolls a d100 and a d10 (the percentile)
Me: what are you doing?
Dm: rolling for severity of your fail. Btw how much dmg does your lance do?
Me: it does 1d12 dmg and why are you using severity. That's not in 5e and you said we-
Dm: as you fail you accidentally stab yourself in the throat as your spear hits a rock and you take *rolls dice* 35 pts of dmg
Me: ok I'm out that's bs. Number one and two I have a lance and thers no way I can do 35 dmg. I get about 24 dmg on a crit and 28 if I use my racial feature to kick a person at max with a crit.
Dm: oh your just being salty, you dont play fair!
Me: excuse me?
Me: bc everyone has spell immunity for some reason or only takes 1/4 the dmg. I'm pretty much useless and am being fored to play melee unlike our LOREMASTER BARD who got an item to DOUBLE HER DMG AND SPELL SLOTS AND CRIT ON A 15 PERMANENTLY (this is the female btw)
Dm: well maybe you should have slept with the litch
Me: she literally found that item in a store for like 3 silver and when I looked (with a 17 arcana check) I found a rusty dagger and a flask of poisoned potion.
Dm: well maybe roll higher?
Female player: umm I rolled like a 10 and found this that's kind of cool but I dont think it's fair. But o wanna keep my items
Dm: ugh fine. You keep yours. Ummm (to me) I guess you get a potion of greater healing for....umm 500 go.
Me:.......nah I'm good, FUCK IT. I'll just make another spell caster Oops. Cant do that. How about a nope. Cant make a barbar I'm going to make a artificer
Dm: cant do that
Me: why?
Dm: they're broken its not good.
Me: *with the book* not broken..ulyou know what why dont you make me a character and I'll use that.
Dm: hands me a sheet
Me: reads "Zonia the sexy zombie elf sex slave that gets stronger every time she has sex?" *Looks at everyone* ok I'm out enjoy the campaign.
Dm: we cant have a dnd adventure with only 1 person.
Me: yes you can you've been doing it since session 1. I'm out goodbye. I'm still running my campaign on sunday. I wont hole anything against you. But I will not sit here and be shit on bc I refuse to kiss yur ass and make a slut of a character. Pull your head from your ass. I'm taking my stuff and I'm out.
Dm: but I need the dm screen and the mat and the markers.
Me: then buy your own or use theater of mind. I'm out.
Like how bad is it to want to be a dm to shit on ppl. THIS, THIS IS NOT OK. and no one wants a zombie sex slave that can only have sex and has a str of 0 a con of 30 a dex of 1 a cha of 40 and so on. Its friggin stupid!
Anyway that's my rant. Im....I think I'm just done with dms and crap I just want to play a dnd game I can be happy with. And not always be the Forever dm. Who has players challenge everything. Like why as a monk they cant use sleight of hand to CATCH A FRIGGIN FIREBALL AND/OR AN ARROW AIMED AT ANOTHER PERSON.
Anyway leave a comment or add on I'm just burnt out and glad I could get this rant off my chest
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