#i did cave and make 'other' be the eleventh option.
queerholmcs · 1 year
it's been a minute and it's a monday evening! but! tab is really good bc they give the unambiguous statement that None Of This Is Real and therefore we can just do away with the clever subtext bit and rather just Say Things! deep waters nothing made me since when do you call me john you are flesh and blood there are no ghosts pure reason toppled by sheer melodrama did you miss me......... mwah........
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kalessinsdaughter · 1 year
Mistborn – The Final Empire, Chapter 24
Kalessin reads cosmere
Prologue | Chapter 23 | Chapter 25
Assuming the narrator is the person who became the Lord Ruler, then by his own standards, he has passed beyond hope of redemption.
It's nice to see Vin is feeling so much at home in her new crew. Does this mean something bad is going to happen?
Kelsier's plan to rent a place to hold his meetings makes me a bit worried. Doesn't that mean he'll keep several of them in the same place, increasing the risk of the Ministry finding him?
Sending Breeze to be in charge at the caves for the final months might actually be a good idea. He knows how to read people and their moods, and would probably be good at getting the rebel army mentally ready for their task, with and without using Allomancy on them.
Ham pointing out that the Ministry kills not only any skaa Mistings they find, but also their children… it's chilling, but it's a logical extension of killing skaa women to prevent "half-breed" (how I hate that word) skaa Mistings from even being born.
It's not just Vin who's getting increasingly concerned about Kelsier's antics. How will he react to Breeze, Ham and Dox confronting him?
Also, I am beginning to wonder about that eleventh metal. The vibes I'm getting… is this a legend Kelsier has made up? But why would he do that?
Hah, yeah, people have to have permission to leave Luthadel, or to travel at all. So the walls do exist to keep people in, or at least to strictly control their movements.
Wait, WHAT?! The rebel army has attacked a provincial Garrison? Has Yeden lost his mind? Or has he lost control of his men? Because the only other option is that there's another ska rebel group operating in the same area, and I think we can rule that out.
How will Kelsier and the rest respond to this? It's drawing the Luthadel Garrison out, alright, but this is too soon!
So, something bad did happen, but not what I thought. Also, I guess this qualifies as The Plan failing as per the Unspoken Plan Guarantee?
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Once more about my oc’s
Alrighty, I’ve got two more oc’s, this time in a fantasy setting. Already wrote this post once, but Tumblr swallowed it whole so here it is again. So, my two sweethearts are in a relationship, but I would like to write about it’s development. It’s on the theme of ‘x times they almost kissed and the one time that they did’ but instead it’s ‘twelve times he left and the one he stayed’. So, here’s the deal: you choose what I’m going to write. I’ll give you options and if you’re interested just DM me or reblog this post with your thing. If you don’t want to do either of those reply to this post, but please mention me so I find it (I reblog a lot of stuff so it’s hard to find my posts). Here’s your summary from which you can choose what you’d like to hear more about:
Characters: Julian Adrest - thief, outlaw, murderer, he has a death sentence in five of the seven provinces of Gerazia, part time pirate, caring, careful, loud, very open about his feelings, funny, self-absorbed, very self consious(don’t ask me how he does it, he wants to punish himself for every little mistake yet likes to think that he makes no mistakes) + Tenzin Stale - a magician (they prefer the term witch), misterious, calm, quiet, prefer to be alone(yet they love Julian’s company), caring, sweet, protective, they can and will beat your ass if you try to hurt them or anyone inoccent, they are a top
Setting: Gerazia (I wouldn’t recommend asking me to write more about this unless you want to read a post about a fictional world that is infused with my outlook on the real world and like five pages in ms word about it’s political situation)
If you’d like me to elaborate on the characters, to write them in a specific situation, or to write out their backstories then you’ve got it. The only thing I won’t be writing is smut, sorry but no.
First meeting - in a city, marketplace, autumn, Tenzin is in trouble, Julian saves them
Second meeting - mountains, winter, Julian has some debts, Tenzin rescues him, tavern, they learn each other’s names
Third meeting - sea, a ship, summer, Julian attacks a ship with a group of pirates, finds out Tenzin is on board, saves them, they talk
Fourth meeting - another city, still summer, Tenzin saves Julian from a guard who recognized him, they laugh about it over a drink
Fifth meeting - a lot of places, autumn to winter, Tenzin needs someone to go with them on a journey to look for a few magical artifacts and books, goes to a nearby city, finds Julian there and asks him, he agrees, they spend few months together
Sixth meeting - tavern near a sea, spring, Julian gets drunk and Tenzin meets him, needs to take care of him so that he isn’t caught (drunk flirting 😉)
Seventh meeting - the forest, end of winter, they haven’t seen each other for almost the whole year, they get kinda scared and anxious and it just grows every day, they set out to find each other, they meet, go into Tenzin’s hut in a forest, they kiss and sleep together, Julian leaves in the morning without saying goodbye (because he’s an idiot)
Eight meeting - a city, spring, Tenzin breaks Julian out of jail, they spend a few days together in a different city, but after another night spent together Julian leaves once more
Ninth meeting - summer, they both go on an adventure to a beautiful cave, Julian because he’s broke, Tenzin because he needs some sort of ingredient for a needed medication, they meet and, charmed by the beauty of the cave, they have a little romance, Julian once again leaves and Tenzin is more and more dissapointed
Tenth meeting - end of summer, begining of autumn, Tenzin is picking some soon-autumn herbs for their brew and Julian finds them there because he came to his old friend for some herbs against sea sickness (since he gets it even after all the years he spent on sea), they talk for a while, drink some hot tea in Julian’s friend’s hut, eat pie, kiss a few, Julian needs to leave onto the sea
Eleventh meeting - autumn, they once more meet on sea, Tenzin needs a lift and Julian and his friends are just docked in the exact port, they give Tenzin a lift, Julian and them sleep together quite a few times, Tenzin is almost certain that he’s gonna stay this time, but when they try to ask him about it he chickens out and leaves, breaking Tenzin’s heart for good
Twelfth meeting - they meet in a port tavern, Julian tries to talk to them and crack a few jokes, but they just return pleasantries and forced-looking smiles, maybe some small talk and when they say that they have to go, he tries to stop them or ask whether he could go with them, but they just let him escort them to the port where they give him one last kiss, a dance and they leave on an early/late boat which dissappears into the mist
And the one he stayed - winter, spring, summer, autumn, winter, spring; Tenzin was absolutely heartbroken when Julian left them the last time, so they hide. They don’t want to be found and set out a lot of charms around them. Julian thinks nothing about it, but he was kinda unsettled when he saw them leave. After a few moths he realizes he misses them, but  he doesn’t look for them yet. After like, two more months of not meeting them anywhere, he gets really worried and spends the rest of the time looking for them. But they don’t want to be found and even when they see him, they make sure that they aren’t seen. One night they see Julian in the city somowhere and they leave and go to the forest where their hut is, but they get attacked and badly injured. Julian feels something tugging at him and so he goes to the forest and sees them on the forest floor, bleeding. He takes them to their hut and cares for the wound, when they wake up, angst insues. BUT I SWEAR IT HAS A HAPPY ENDING, THEY GET TOGETHER I SWEAR!
So, again, you’re the ones that pick which of these I’ll be writing. I know I’ll totaly be doing the last one, but if you want to read one or multiple of the others or you find the characters interesting and want me to write them in a specific situation, I’ll do that as well. Just no smut. Not here. Ask for some dbh smut. (Or you could read my dbh fanfic on wattpad it’s called phcking android and my account is Akme Celam and I swear I’ll update it one day) If neither of these is your cup of tea, I’ll write Sander Sides fanfics on this account. Anyways, hope you’ll enjoy this. Byeeee
tagging: @definietlynotsatan @exhaustedauthor @nyamafriend @detroit-become-snail @bewaretheidesofmarchyall @a-fandom-trashdump @aceawkwardunicorn 
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tothewaterhq · 6 years
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district twelve → mentor →   dichen lachman fc
pronouns: she/her positive traits: extremely loyal, compassionate, focused negative traits: cynical, selective, blunt
tw: emotional abuse, child abuse, agoraphobia
describe their arena:
The 46th arena was just like any other forest at first glance. The tributes were surrounded by towering trees and peculiarly tall grasses; boulders covered with moss, hiding behind them deep caves used by smart and lucky tributes as their safe place – of course, only if they’re free of predators – and in the middle was a wide clearing where the Cornucopia was situated. The arena had the tributes thinking that it was the most normal setting with mutts ready to chomp on unlucky tributes within their line of sight.
But the setting turned out to be what people would call a post-apocalyptic world. The earth had recovered from the damage caused by nuclear explosions, resulting to the extinction of humans and animals alike. Or so, they thought. The contaminated air had caused a mutation amongst surviving animals, and so the tributes encountered gigantic spiders, snakes, eagles, gorillas, and others.
Inertia was a product of a drunken night and nine months of grumbling about an unwanted child. Therefore, it wasn’t a surprise when a newborn baby was eventually deposited in one of the district’s alleyways one cold night of December.
The woman who gave birth to her hadn’t been subtle, however. Someone saw her put the baby beside the trash littering the ground, but instead of chasing after her and reprimanding her for her inhumane decision, Inertia was wrapped in thin blanket, instead, and was brought to a barely livable home. Tess, the woman who took in the baby, reasoned to her husband that it was the perfect opportunity to finally start a family. However, it wasn’t very easy for Tess’ husband to accept a stranger in his home. That, and it only solidifies the fact that he couldn’t provide his wife a child, so he refused to nurture the child as his own.
With the lack of support from her husband, Tess found herself unable to keep the enthusiasm she once had while she was carrying the newborn baby home. She wasn’t as hardhearted as Inertia’s birth mother, however, so she kept the baby and raised her out of responsibility and guilt, regardless of the circumstance.
As such, Inertia grew up reserved and unfamiliar with the concept of taking other people’s needs into consideration. When there wasn’t food to be fed into their stomachs, Inertia ran outside and scavenged for her own survival – most of the time, she stole what little other people had in their possession, and not once was she ever caught, courtesy of her stealth and light weight. For the few times that someone did see her and threatened to tell on her, she settled matters with her fists, scared whoever it was that dared interrupt her business into submission – into never telling anyone about her. It was through these little encounters that Inertia somehow unexpectedly found her strength in fighting.
That was, until another baby girl came into the picture when Inertia was a month shy of  thirteen, right after the death of Tess’ husband due to old age and lack of nutrition. It was the night of the baby’s arrival that Inertia found out about herself; about the woman who left her to die, only to be saved by the same woman who only spared her enough compassion to keep her alive instead of dying in the streets.
Inertia wasn’t sure how to act around the baby, but there was something in the way those blue eyes peered up at her with such innocence, with the way that toothless smile seemed to make her feel light after another day of barely caring at school, and the way those chubby, little fingers held onto her longer finger that made her care.
And cared, she did.
It was scary at first: having to think of another mouth to feed as she stole a small portion of food from a family of four. Her young mind knew that babies weren’t old enough to consume bread, so she left the responsibility of making sure the baby was fed properly to Tess, at least until the baby was old enough to consume what Inertia could provide for her. To make up to it, she made sure to bring home thicker blankets for the baby, and even learned how to sew new clothes out of old ones – at least, the dead man’s clothes could be put to use.
The baby was later on named Sage, and Inertia swore to protect her sister for as long as she was capable of doing so. It was nerve-wracking, of course; knowing that since turning twelve, it’d be the first time for her to care so much about the possibility of being reaped. She’d been so lucky in the past years, some would say, but Inertia – without Sage in her life – didn’t care whether she was reaped or not. Get reaped – she had nothing to lose. Be spared – guess she’s stuck another year with Tess.
Not now. Not anymore. Now, she had Sage to think of. Now, she had that child, who was barely one, to care for, and even if she knew that Tess would never let her perish, she couldn’t find it in herself to trust the old woman enough. Not when she was there to make sure that Sage would ever lose the innocent smile on her face.
But it’s as if whoever was up in the clouds heard her prayers every night, and interpreted it the other way around. A year later, when Inertia turned fourteen, her name was finally called and, with no one to volunteer in her stead, it was inevitable for her to end up in the games.
The only token she had was a handkerchief with Sage’s name sown on one corner. It was Tess who gave it to her, and for that simple, yet meaningful act, Inertia decided that she was going to save Tess, too.
She was going to win the games – not for her sake, but for Sage.
Inertia was wise enough (or foolish, for others) to try and avoid the bloodbath during the first few minutes of the games. She ran as fast as she could in the middle of the clearing, grabbed her backpack, a machete, and an archer’s bag not far from the Cornucopia’s mouth – no doubt taken for granted, for some stupid reason – and sought refuge deep in the forest. She came upon a boulder covered in moss, sitting carelessly by the foot of the mountain, and found a little passageway right beside it, leading into a cave safe enough to be a sanctuary from the killings happening outside of it.
For the first few days, Inertia was in and out of her little cave, the entrance now curtained by veins and leaves to avoid attention. She killed tributes when necessary and stole when she was outside, and lit a little fire in her cave when it was time for a short rest during the dark hours. The cave was her only refuge, and Inertia eventually came to hate the world outside; hated the openness and options for hiding, the fear of being watched by someone she couldn’t see.
Being able to stay alive for longer than a day probably got to Inertia’s head, which resulted to her being careless one night. She forgot to kick some soil on the fire she’d built before passing out, and when she woke up a few hours, there was a girl sitting right next to her, with her small hands hovering above the embers surrounded by little rocks.
“I’m tired,” the little girl murmured brokenly when Inertia sat up and grabbed her machete, shaking in fear and coldness.
Inertia knew she shouldn’t trust her. Not during these times, no. She couldn’t afford to get killed because she let her walls down, but the little girl’s eyes were the same shade of Sage’s blue ones; her hair was the same dirty blonde and her bleeding gums – her missing teeth – as ironically funny as it was, they all reminded Inertia of Sage, and she found herself dropping her weapon and staring at the young girl in resignation.
“What’s your name?”
Rica was twelve and she was from the eleventh district, Inertia later learned. Against her better judgments, Inertia took Rica under her wings and helped her during the games. She told her strictly to stay inside the cave during the times she would go out to kill and scavenge for supplies, and at night, they’d share stories about themselves – though Rica did most of the storytelling than Inertia.
It was through this that Inertia found out about Rica’s father hurting her, pouring his bitterness and pain over the death of his only son during the previous games on the undeserving, young girl. Rica had bruises and cuts in places where people should not see and touch, and that night, Inertia wasted her energy and arrows on mutts to let out the anger simmering deep inside her.
Because what if it was Sage? What if she died and Tess, with her old age, couldn’t take care of Sage, anymore? What would happen to Sage?
Who will keep her sister safe?
And… Rica. If she won, she’d have to return to her father. That bastard would get to live a good life that he didn’t deserve, and who’s to say that he’d stop hurting Rica?
Who would take care of Rica?
When the sun was slowly peeking over the horizon, Inertia made her way back into the cave with a small bag full of fruits for breakfast. She sat down with Rica and told her a story about this place called heaven, a place she read about in one of the books in school. She told Rica that not a lot of people believed in heaven because there’s solid proof of such place existing, but that a huge percentage of people from the past insisted that it was real; that it was where good people go to experience everlasting peace.
“So, everything’s good there?”
“Yes,” Inertia smiled tightly. “They said that this thing – the Hunger Games – doesn’t exist there. They said that everyone is smiling and laughing and… and loving each other. There’s only peace. No war, no sadness, no tears. It’s a place where people like you should go.”
“But I’m not good,” Rica replied meekly. “I killed the boy from the sixth district when he tried to steal my apples.”
“You were defending yourself. It’s why you have a toothless smile.”
Rica giggled – and it’s a sound that Inertia stored in her memories.
“So, how do we get there? To heaven?”
Inertia hesitated for only a second when Rica asked her the question. When she told her about the fruit, Rica gave her a thoughtful look and Inertia knew – she knew that Rica knew. Rica was from the eleventh district; she was well-versed about poisonous and non-poisonous fruits. Rica knew, and yet she took the small, round fruit anyway and popped it in her mouth, flashing Inertia that toothless smile one last time before succumbing into a deep, everlasting slumber.
Her death was announced shortly after she took her last breath.
Rica looked peaceful, at least, like she was just sleeping. No pain. No blood. No agony,
Beside her still body, Inertia sat with her arms around her legs. She watched as the fire slowly turned into nothing, waited until it was the perfect time to carry Rica’s body outside of the cave so the hovercraft could claim it.
She hid and watched from afar as the device took Rica, and just like that, something broke inside Inertia.
Grabbing what was left of her supplies, along with a bludgeon she found lying near the mouth of the cave, she cried out loud and hunted every single tribute she could find –male, female, injured or not, young or old.
She killed them.
She killed them all.
For Rica.
For Sage.
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Previously, cult horror-related tv series such as The Night Stalker, Dark Shadows, and the Outer Limits have been examined. Even though Doctor Who is primarily a science fiction tv series, over its 55 year history it has delved into horror many times. After Darren McGavin’s The Night Stalker series was cancelled in 1975, I sadly still tuned in at the same day and time in case it ever came back (see 2015: #5-GUIDE TO THE NIGHT STALKER). Weepers! Eventually it was recommended to me to watch this Doctor Who show, but I was not interested in another Marcus Welby, MD series at age 6. I tuned in anyways to find an argumentative older man yelling at people, and I soon became bored and quit watching the series. However, I was encouraged to persist and watch further episodes, so I did. One twenty-two minute episode was shown a day. A few episodes later and the older argumentative man was now in an apocalyptic world with people devolving into monstrous green werewolves! It was terrifying! I was hooked!
Doctor Who was scheduled to premier on November 22, 1963, but it was delayed until the following day due to the assassination of President Kennedy. It features an alien, a Timelord, who can change its body, and currently the Doctor’s latest body is female as played by Jodie Whitaker, with her debut episode appearing for the first time this Sunday afternoon! This alien serves often as the savior of the Earth as well as the closest the universe has to being a good, near-godlike force. The original series ran from 1963-1989 featuring the Doctors’s first seven bodies or “regenerations.” In 1996 Doctor Who returned in a U.S. production with a new regeneration of both the Doctor and his primary villain, the Master. In 2005 the new series continued with a new regeneration, but in later seasons it is revealed that one regeneration was skipped between the tv movie and the new series. This regeneration, technically the ninth, played by John Hurt, renamed himself the War Doctor. The new series has also featured the Eleventh Doctor, played by David Tennant, who consumed a regeneration to heal himself, and eventually the Doctor used all of his thirteen regenerations. But he got more, and he even doesn’t know how many.
There are a variety of rare facts about Doctor Who. A spacesuit costume from the series was reused in the Empire Strikes Back and worn by the scaly bounty hunter, Bossk. Peter Cushing starred as Doctor Who in two movies in the 1960’s (see 2018: #1-GREAT HORROR FILM ACTORS). The two color movies are remakes of popular televised stories featuring the evil alien race, the Daleks. One of the films, 1966’s Dalek’s Invasion Earth 2150 AD, included British comedian Bernard Cribbins as a police officer, and he joined the tv series in 2007 as another character. The movies differed from the tv series by Cushing portraying the character as a human, not an alien. There is an original pilot of the series from 1963 that had a significant scene removed from the first story, An Unearthly Child. The First Doctor, portrayed by William Hartnell, shares that he and his granddaughter are from the year 5,000 and may be humans. By cutting that from the final broadcast, it made alien bodily regeneration a much more plausible concept. The Doctor also is not always the benevolent good guy. In An Unearthly Child, the Doctor prepares to cut the throat of an unconscious caveman because he is annoyed and wants to leave prehistoric Earth. In Doctor Who canon, there is still at loose a future evil incarnation of the Doctor, once known as the Valeyard. Big Finish has dozens of the continued audio adventures of previous regenerations of the Doctor including many of the surviving actors who played the Doctor as well as supporting cast members.
There is much written about Doctor Who, but for the purposes of Halloween we are primarily interested in horror episodes as well as potential crazy costumes that could be made based on aliens in the series. If you have a spare plunger and a box, you can make a Dalek costume. Dressing as one of the regenerations of the Doctor is easy if you have any of the specific costume elements. The easiest is probably to dress as the Third Doctor with a velvet smoking jacket. A lot depends upon if you require your costume to be widely recognizable to not. Don’t dress as the Doctor’s time and space vehicle, a blue police box, the Tardis; that is stupid. The three best aliens to create costumes for include: Alpha Centauri, appearing as a green, hermaphroditic, one-eyed Beholder from Dungeons & Dragons with a high pitched voice (see 2015: #3-STRANGE MONSTERS FROM DUNGEONS & DRAGONS). Alpha Centauri is one of the few characters from the original series that have reappeared in the new series. Another amusing costume option is the Face of Boe, a large sleepy head resembling a Japanese Nuppeppo yokai (see 2018: #10-YOKAI). Or perhaps an alien from the planet Vortis which are large, vaguely humanoid insects, such as the Menoptra bee/butterfly people. Doctor Who is a series that offers cosplayers a huge amount of possible costumes as well. The series is a wealth of creativity.
Doctor Who has a lot of episodes, and out of the entire series, here are the ten best horror-related stories:
10-The Chase: features the First Doctor encountering Dracula and the Frankenstein monster.
9-The Unquiet Dead: Christopher Eccelston, technically the Tenth Doctor, finds zombies and dead ghost-like aliens possessing bodies.
8-The Pyramids of Mars: the Fourth Doctor, Tom Baker, has major problems with an Egyptian god and his mummy servants.
7-The Brain of Morbius: Baker’s Frankenstein episode, but featuring a Hitler-like Timelord trying to be more than just a brain in a jar.
6-Midnight: Tennant in a tense, claustrophobic episode about a telepathic thing outside of a stalled tour bus on a deadly planet.
5-State of Decay: Baker versus a giant vampire, the ancient enemy of the Timelords, on a planet ruled by vampires.
4-The Daemons: The Third Doctor, Jon Pertwee, dealing with a giant horned demon running across the English countryside, summoned up by a satanic cult led by The Master.
3-The Impossible Planet / The Satan Pit: Tennant discovers the physical, Godzilla-sized body of the Devil himself, a being from the universe that existed before this one.
2-The Seeds of Doom: Baker meets The Thing, including in a polar setting.
1-Inferno: Pertwee popped into a parallel world and is faced with a dreadful apocalypse with the planet rapidly being destroyed, people devolving into green werewolves, the world is ending and there is nothing he can do. This scared the crap out of me when I was six years old. The episode set a Guinness Book of Worlds Record for the longest drop by a stuntman. It is also one of the longest complete stories.
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There are many other Halloween-worthy episodes of Doctor Who. The Empty Child / The Doctor Dances are two very popular episodes with Eccleston in WW2 investigating very creepy unexplained phenomenon, and he also meets John Barrowman’s very popular assistant, Captain Jack, in that story. The Caves of the Androzani is an acclaimed Phantom of the Opera story with the Fifth Doctor, Peter Davison. Werewolves appeared in Tennant’s second story, Tooth and Claw. An infamous mummy appeared in Mummy on a Train with the Thirteenth Doctor, Peter Capaldi. Many of Patrick Troughton’s episodes, who is the Second Doctor, are lost and missing. But there is surviving footage of his stories versus the Abominable Snowmen, who were quite frightening skulking about in the London sewers. A prehistoric lizardman species is discovered on Earth in Pertwee’s The Silurians, and an aquatic version of the species is encountered in Pertwee’s The Sea Devils, one of my all-time favorite stories of the series. The Master as virtually an undead lich appears in Baker’s The Deadly Assassin (see 2013: #10-LICHES). Baker’s The Horror of Fang Rock flows just like a horror film, with people barricaded in a lighthouse to escape a prowling monster. The largest monster that has appeared in the series was a tentacled, Lovecraftian swamp monster the size of a city in Baker’s The Power of Kroll. Doctor Who tends to be at its best when delving into horror.
There are some noteworthy Doctor Who stories that were planned or written, but they were not made. The adventures that almost happened! Pertwee’s Third Doctor was planned to start the tenth season with “Deathworld.” It was about the President of the Timelords basically playing chess with Death, and he summoned up the first three Doctors to be pawns in his game. The Doctors were to materialize in the Underworld to face the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse as well as personification of the Seven Deadly Sins. Content from the plot seems to have drifted into the stories: The Three Doctors and The Five Doctors. Pertwee’s final story had to be changed because the actor portraying the First Master, Roger Delgado, was killed in a car accident. “The Final Game” was planned to reveal that the Doctor and the Master just were not brothers, but they were the same person – divided into two halves – with the Doctor effectively being a Freudian ego and the Master as the id. Both the Master and the Doctor were planned to die in “The Final Game.” The Master was going to permanently die saving the Doctor, yet the Doctor would regenerate. There was also a second U.S. tv movie planned with McGann’s Eighth Doctor which would have included a major redesign of the Daleks. A third Peter Cushing film was planned but cancelled, Daleks vs. Mechons, based on the story, The Chase.
I have attended some science fiction conventions and have had correspondences with some of the stars of the series. I met Pertwee several times, including once with Elizabeth Sladden, aka the assistant, Sarah Jane Smith, at the Granada Theatre in Chicago in 1989. I met and chatted with Tom Baker who is really tall, about the various death scenes he had in various roles. But I spent an entire morning with Peter Davison, Sandra Dickinson, his then wife who appeared in The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, and the series producer, John Nathan Turner, wearing a bad Hawaiian shirt. We all sat together with less than ten others and watched Davison’s excellent Cyberman story, Earthshock, more than a year before it aired in the United States. There is nothing better than sitting next to the lead actor in Doctor Who and watching them star in the series in a great story. I had correspondence with the Sixth Doctor, Collin Baker, who wrote me that he was not sure how much longer the BBC would keep him in the role, and he was fired shortly later. I also ran into the enigmatic Seventh Doctor, Sylvester McCoy at a bar the night before a convention. I was sitting with the stars of the cult British science fiction series, Blakes 7 including Gareth Thomas, Paul Darrow, and Brian Blessed (see 2011: #7-SCIENCE FICTION CONVENTIONS). Over the shoulder of Gareth Thomas could be seen Sylvester McCoy sitting at the bar by himself, silently and sadly meditating on his ale. I had correspondence with another Master, Anthony Ainley, one of my favorite actors in Doctor Who, and he wrote back to me on his wonderful Master stationery.
Doctor Who offers a wealth of treasures for Halloween. If not costume ideas, then sheer entertainment. I am very much looking forward to the new season starting this weekend. Not only has the lead actor changed but so has the entire production team, sets, producers, etc. I was totally turned off by the previous Steven Moffat production team, so I am looking forward to the new Chris Chibnall team. It’s one of the only series that regularly reinvents itself, and few series exceed being fifty years old. Just about anything goes in Doctor Who, from very odd aliens to all sorts of monsters – even McCoy’s Seventh Doctor encounters a dragon in one story (on Monday see 2018: #3-DRAGONS)…
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iamfebruaryfour · 7 years
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Underground Kingdom by Edward Packard
Since this is the kind of book that requires you to ‘make decisions’, and those decisions will lead to different endings, what I did was to record every time I reach the end. Expect some spoilers! Here it goes:
First try: Ended at only page 13. It was a short journey and didn't got anything from it. I'd be disappointed on myself and my team for quitting this early in the game. Second try: I got. Bit farther and had actually arrived at the underground kingdom, only to get myself eaten by a creature i didn't even get the chance to know what. I had most of my decisions right so i guess i have two options: go back from the start, or go back to where i was before i made that last decision. Third try: So i decided to just go back to where i was before i made that last decision, since i wasn't going to change my right decisions until i get to the end. Got to meet the little humanoid Rakas and discovered that dr. Nera was there but went to sail the Great River. Got myself drowned when we were about to go to war, which, i personally think, escalated quickly. Fourth try: So not much progress though the end i got is a bit on the positive side. I got back to greenland, and maybe i get to spread the word that there is an underground cave. It's quite a fitting ending, but i'm not giving up yet. Fifth try: I got myself imprisoned. Great. Sixth try: I got myself stuck in between the point where i will neither rise or fall. Great. Seventh try: Same ending as my fourth try. Eighth try: I got myself out of the kingdom through the great river. Ninth try: I got myself out without me going in the core but got my 2 team mates fall to it. Fast forward i meet another doctor and went back with him to the opening. We fall down using a spheric transportation. He went dead after landing and soon everything was familiar again and met a similar fate as to my second attempt. Tenth try: I got myself and the other doctor to outer space to die. Eleventh: I almost gave up and wandered around the pages, but not long enough to spoil everything. I got to a part i've been before and followed a different path that lead me to dr. Vivaldi! But got myself killed afterwards. Twelvth: Got myself and dr vivaldi killed. Thirteenth: Well whadaya know, we made it! :)) on the last page :)) we went to the hills of diamonds (something like that) and filled my pockets with diamonds :)) After exploring, i think the thirteenth try wasn't the best ending I got since technically they hadn't got back to greenland. There is however another ending wherein i got back to greenland with dr. Vivaldi, and hadn't made my 2 team mates come down to search for us, as the passage was closing up. It was the best ending out of all the endings, and i got it on the very last try (about nearly the 20th). These kinds of books are very fun to read especially if you're just looking for something to kill time. Picking it up, finishing one storyline and putting it down when you've reached the end and reading the other storyline on another day would i think be the best way to read this, but if you're like me who wanted to read everything in one day, it could spoil the magic, but could still surprise you every time. It's a great adventure every time i read and pick a different answer. My Goodreads Rating: ★★★★☆
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williamkenedy · 8 years
Etherium, Vis, and Dragonfire
I drifted through the Blind Eternities, when I detected a plane that was filled with massive amounts of mana. I decided to continue my search for answers here.  I materialized on the shores of a shifting ocean, where giant winged lions with human faces soared through the stormy skies, and  in the distance a floating city rose above the crashing surf.  From that city came a large number of beings, flying on the winds coming from the seas.  Every member of this host gleamed in the fading light, their bodies covered by an armor of gleaming metal.  I turned to see what had called forth this formation.  I saw something that I had not seen since my time as a cathar, but it was a comfort to know my enemy was one I had faced before.  A hoard of zombies, with demons on the wing overhead, was charging towards me.  I drew my moonsilver swords and charged, as the metallic warriors from the sea landed alongside me.  Rotting flesh clashed against metal as the two lines met, with spells issuing from mages on both sides.  I stood in the center of the melee, carving my way through the undead hoard.  This plane was incredibly rich in mana, and I let its energy flow freely through me, and my blades shined with a shifting pattern of white, blue, and black mana.  While sliver claimed the lives of any undead warrior who dared to engage me, spells lashed out to decimate those beyond the reach of my swords.  Suddenly, I found myself without another enemy to fight, and I realized that a large ring had formed around me.  There was a loud roar from behind me, and I turned to face a giant demon.  With a defiant slash of my swords, I sent two arcing blades of white mana to deal with this new combatant.  However, instead of cutting through the demon, they simply shattered into a thousand glistening shards.  A black bile spewed forth from its maw, and I wrapped myself in a protective bubble of white mana.  Initially, the shield spell held back the black mana of the demon, but then the bubble began to crack. Suddenly, my ward caved in and the stream of corrupting bile washed over me.  My armor began to dissolve, and even the wards of Avacyn placed upon it could not protect me from the foul magic of the demon.  But before it could consume me, I reached deep into the mana of the plane and teleported out of the vile stream, reappearing above the demon’s head.  The remnants of my armor falling away, I fell upon the demon and plunged my swords deep into its head. In its final actions, the demon shook its head violently, and I was thrown from atop the demon.  As I rolled to my feet, the surrounding undead hoard surged forward.  I looked down to see that my swords had snapped off at the hilt.  I stood there with two useless nubs of silver and no armor against the seemingly endless horde of undead.  I reached for the fury of the angels to banish them, but the sources of white mana were cut off by the advance of an ever greater number of demons, zombies, and other forces of pure evil.  Even the blue mana that I had always been in touch with grew harder and harder to summon.  With enemies on all sides and no options left, I fully immersed myself in the the black mana that surrounded me.  I could feel an immediate change within me, as my skin hardened into a demons hide, my hands turned to razor sharp claws, and great batlike wings sprouted from my back.  I was filled with an unquenchable desire for destruction, and found around me abundant targets for my newfound demonic bloodlust. I tore through the undead warriors, ripping them limb from limb, reducing their bodies to decayed dust, and sowing chaos and destruction throughout their ranks.  Their lines soon broke, unable to stand firm against my demonic wrath. The undead fell back towards the desolate wastes from which they had come, and I descended to earth, returning to my human form.  I collapsed upon the ground, my clothing and armor destroyed, my weapons broken, and now surrounded by the metal clad host that had come from the sea.  As they approached me, I saw that the men were not clad in metal, but made of it.  I struggled to my feet, extending my hand as a gesture of friendship. I was met with a steely gaze, but then the soldier extended his metallic arm and grasped mine. I was slightly embarrassed , as I stood half naked before these elegant beings, with both their clothing and metallic bodies displaying an intricate lattice of a beautiful metal, the likes of which I had never seen.  They questioned me about my origins, and I was surprised to find that they had encountered other planeswalkers before me.  They picked me up,  A large filigree gargoyle took me in his arms, and I was soon soaring above the rough seas.  My battle wounds soon overcame me, and I drifted into unconsciousness.  
When I awoke, I found myself being tended by a healer inside a metallic tower.  I struggled to rise from my bed, but the demon had done far more damage than I had realized.  I collapsed back, staring up at the intricate designs that adorned the ceiling.  As my thoughts wandered, the door of my chamber opened, and a group of mages entered.  The healer tending to me bowed and then left, leaving me alone with the newcomers.  I pushed myself into a seated position and greeted the mages.  They announced themselves as members of the Ethersworn, and told me that I had arrived on the plane of Alara, specifically the shard of Esper, Land of Etherium.  They told me of a great event that had reunited the fractured plane, and that I had done battle with the forces of Grixis, the shard of undeath.  They continued to show their knowledge of planeswalkers, including a man of Innistrad named Vronos.  He had been deposited on Esper following a werewolf attack, and had allowed himself to be studied in order to learn the secrets of the shard.  The Ethersworn offered me a similar bargain, as they sought to understand the forces that had transformed me into a demon.  I told them the story of my ascendency, and of the events that had transpired on Ravnica.  They marveled that I had survived such ordeals, and were eager to examine me.  I agreed, on the condition that I could name my price at a later time, after I had learned what these mages had to offer.  They conceded, and then left me to resume recovering from my wounds.  
Several days later, I was finally strong enough to leave the tower and explore the world of Esper.  What struck me most was that every being had been infused with metal.  Even the birds flying overhead were clad in this mysterious metal known as etherium.  I wondered if I could not replace my ruined armor with a new mantle of etherium. Hopefully this new armor could accommodate the physiological changes I had experienced when giving in to the angelic and demonic forces within me.  I met with one of the Ethersworn who had visited me earlier, and he led me through the city.  I saw master craftsmen shaping etherium with only their hands and spellcraft, while others worked to channel their magic into a mix of protective and destructive spells. Other mages soared upon the winds, armed with only the thinnest of blades and spears.  using spells rather than their blades to duel.  Finally, we arrived at a place called the Sanctum. Here lived the ruler of the plane, whom my guide referred to only as the Hegemon. Another mage, richly decked in metal, approached me and stood between myself and the great doors.  
“If you wish an audience with the Hegemon, Sharuum, you must offer a riddle”, he proclaimed. I thought deeply before responding, wondering how much knowledge of the Multiverse this being might have.  Aware that a fellow being of Innistrad had spent considerable time here, I opted to share a riddle from my time on Ravnica.
“Ten we are, and two in each, Their paths under the city do reach. The race of power, all did make, but an eleventh did the victory take. Who are we?”. The mage stood aside, and the doors swung open.  Resting on a platform was a giant metallic sphinx.  She gestured with a paw that I was to approach, and I walked forward and knelt before the ruler of Esper.  
“Rise, planeswalker.  Tell me the answer to your riddle, that I may fully enjoy its complexity”.  I told her the stories that I had been told by Ral Zarek about the guilds of Ravnica and the Dragon’s Maze.  She smiled, and bid ask what I would of her, having seen the land over which she ruled.  I asked for new armor and weapons to be crafted of etherium, and for permission to study the arcane arts of the soaring warriors for a time.  Finally, I requested that any information that they learned about my unique abilities be told to me as well, that I might come to understand and control them.  She agreed to my terms, and my training began in earnest. I spent many months soaring on the twenty three winds of Esper, expanding my abilities with both spell and blade.  My new armor was shaped by the masters of etherium sculpting.  The armor harkened to my home of Innistrad, consisting of a long, flowing etherium coat common among the elite inquisitors and cathars, as well as pauldrons, bracers, gauntlets, greaves,  and a chestplate, all inscribed with intricate filigree of etherium alloys.  Etherium is an incredible substance, providing me with complete protection while allowing me complete freedom of movement.  It also contains Æther, the energy that makes up the Blind Eternities, allowing me to control even greater amounts of mana.  This quality also allowed the armor to shift in response to my spellcraft.  As I wielded different colors of mana, the colors of the armor shifted to match with the main body of the armor reflecting the dominant color and the filigree the other two. Using the spells I had learned under the creators of the armor, i was also able to modify its form in order to adapt it to different situations that I might encounter on my journeys.  However, no sufficient weapon could be crafted to replace the silver blades I had wielded, so I opted instead to fight primarily with spellcraft, refining the spells I had discovered on Ravnica and learning new ones from the Esper battlemages.  
Eventually, it came time to fulfill my promise, and allow the study of my transformations.  to facilitate this, Sharuum, several of the Ethersworn, and I traveled to a floating complex where there was a great nexus of white mana.  In a great courtyard under close observation, I embraced the power of Avacyn, just as I had on Ravnica.  Again angelic wings sprouted from my back, but instead of breaking, my armor shifted freely, adding a shielding layer of etherium to my new appendages.  The etherium glowed white with the immense power welling up within me.  However, I was overcome by that same fury that I had felt in the Orzhov basilica.  Thoughts condemning these beings for defiling their bodies by replacing them with foreign material rose within me.  I began to see the Esperites around me as no better than stitchers of Innistrad, creating their abominations out of metal rather that rotting flesh.  I felt the desire to destroy them grow inside me, and I raised a hand to begin with the destruction of the great sphinx before me. A blast of purifying light raced towards the Hegemon, splitting into a plethora of blades intent on stripping the etherium from Sharuum and utterly destroying her.  The spell was stopped by a group of shieldmage elites, who threw a protective barrier around their ruler.  The barrier held, but barely.  Before I could issue another bolt, I was suddenly assailed by a multitude of mages in an attempt to subdue me.  I fought against the both the spells of the Esperites and the overpowering desire for purifying annihilation coming from within. Through all of the chaos pressing in on my mind, I could sense the blue mana that the Esperites were using to restrain me.  I reached out and, to my surprise, I was able divert their mana connections and use the blue mana to free my mind from the control of Avacyn’s influence, returning to my human form.  I collapsed upon the ground, drained by the trials that I had undergone.  I apologized for what had happened, and explained the experience that I had undergone.  Sharuum looked at me inquisitively, and then withdrew to speak with the gathered Ethersworn.  I slowly stood, fearing what they might have discovered during their test.  She returned, and spoke,
“Your powers are great indeed, but not yours to command.  The mentalists sensed another consciousness within you, though only a fragment.  Given what you have told me of your origins, this may be the spirit of the angel that gave you your powers.  I can only assume a similar influence would take hold of you if you were to assume your demonic form.  I do not think it would be wise to continue studying this phenomena until you are able to gain control of the forces battling within you.”  She then dismissed me, bidding me to return to fulfill the oath I had made.  I bowed, and returned to my quarters to pack my few belongings.  With a final farewell to the denizens of Esper, I set off on the winds in the hope that answers could be found elsewhere on Alara.
As I reached the shore, I landed on the ground to continue my quest to understand and control the forces within me. On my right lay the barren wastes of Grixis. After my last encounter with the residents of that shard, I had no desire to explore deeper into that part of Alara. Instead, I began to walk towards distant hills covered in lush green grasses. This was Bant, which from the descriptions given by the Esperites sounded similar to the places in Innistrad that I had loved.  Maybe one day I would return there, but for now, there was too much still unknown. As I walked through the rolling green meadows, I felt a sense of peace I had not known for a long time.  However, that peace was short lived, as my thoughts were shattered by a thundering roar in the distance. I looked to the sky and saw a great winged lizard known as a dragon soaring through the air.  Across the plains, a group of knights mounted on great cats charged against the winged beast with lances and shields.  Their armor was decorated with a vast number of small metallic circles, which glistened in the bright sunlight.  The dragon dove at the knights, unleashing a torrent of fire from its jaws.  The knights raised their shields, and a protective aura blossomed from the lead rider’s shield, protecting them from the brunt of the flames.  As the dragon continued its dive, the knights raised their lances to slay the descending beast.  The lances shattered against its hardened scales, causing only minor damage, while the dragon’s claws and teeth made short work of two of the riders and their steeds.  The combatants passed and turned, looking to take another pass at each other.  The knights drew their swords, but it was obvious that these would have little effect against this monster.  I raced to the top of one of the hilltops, then cast myself into the air.  Using the skills I had learned from the Esperites, I flew towards the dragon at breakneck speed. The breezes of Bant were far less powerful than the winds of Esper, but I was able to concentrate them enough to reach the dragon before it could dive again.  There was no time to draw the slim swords given to me by the Esperites, and it was unlikely that they could do any real damage to the beast.  Instead, I concentrated on reshaping my etherium armor, hardening and supporting my gauntlet to deliver a crushing blow to the dragon’s side.  Ribs cracked under the impact, and the dragon veered off course. It recovered quickly, and turned to charge its new attacker. The beast let loose an terrible roar, and fire belched forth from its gaping maw.  The lands of Bant were rich in white mana, and I easily produced a protective aura to counter the flames. However, I still lacked an effective way to dispose of the dragon. It then charged at me, its jaws opening wide to devour me whole. In a desperate attempt, I lashed out with tendrils of blue mana, struggling to restrain the dragon’s might. Lacking any other possibilities, I pulled the dragon with me into the Blind Eternities. I then released the dragon, allowing the violent energies of the Void to tear it apart as I returned to the skies above Bant.  I descended to the ground, and was hailed by the riders that had witnessed my combat with the dragon.  As I spoke with them, I learned that they had been dispatched from one of the few remaining strongholds of Bant.  They told me a tale of another planeswalker called Elspeth, who had aided in their initial battles against the forces of Esper and Grixis.  I journeyed with them to their home, where I met with the commander of the garrison. He praised my actions, and heralded me as being sent by the angels, and the heir to Elspeth’s legacy.  They attempted to bestow upon me the marks of honor and office that she had borne, but i could not accept them. These people had no understanding of the world beyond their plane of existence. They cared only to protect their people and maintain the remains of their civilization.  There could not be any answers for me among the knights of Bant.  I strode out into the castle courtyard and disappeared  into the Blind Eternities.
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