#i did sketch out 12 panels of a comic so all is not lost but we'll see if it will make it past my raging godzilla mode
alackofghosts · 1 year
art is not my friend today
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adultswim2021 · 4 months
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Tim and Eric Awesome Show Great Job #46: “Lucky” | April 5, 2010 - 12:30AM | S05E06
We start this one off with a Kids Break. This time the kids are fully gothed-out. Tim’s trouble is that his father lost his job and now he resorts to eating his boogers as a meal replacement. This is especially disgusting and off-putting, so much so that when I watched this episode in VLC I bolted out of my chair to turn it off when the episode looped and this played for a second time. There might be worse Kid Breaks, but there also might not be. Hard to say! 
This one is one of my least favorite wraparounds: Tim has a “Musky Tusk” Necklace, which supposedly gives him good luck. You have to rub dead animals on it to activate it’s charms. They sorta dash this one off, being very disrespectful to their viewers. Hell, I got high for this one and not even that made me do smiles. They did get Ron Lynch to do a voice-over for a Musky Tusk pitch, which is the strongest part of the whole wraparound. I have a mild respect for them cutting to the closing credits early, but Space Ghost already did that, son. I hate how this one ends! 
Okay, sketches now. A sketch about Pierre using “dream cream”, a topical ointment you apply to your torso so you can have wonderful dreams. Pierre dreams that he’s hanging out with a beautiful boy and his dad. They have a cookout, where Pierre is slightly flirty with both of them. He only vocalizes his attraction to the dad, though. In one fairly dicey scene, Pierre hand feeds the boy various meats, including a hot dog. He’s also really pleased with the internet situation while looking at “sites for dads”, murmuring “megabytes per second must be in the billions!” Pierre’s dream eventually turns out to be a nightmare after the cream gets into his mouth, which you’re not supposed to let happen. 
This sketch actually wound up being a headache for Tim & Eric. The suggestively creepy things going on between Pierre and the boy in particular are a little squirmy. I always took the humor to simply be about Pierre being mindlessly inappropriate, and I don’t think the joke is supposed to be that he’s definitely a pedophile. He’s attracted to boys because it means a dad is nearby. That’s my take, anyway. But having a child present during a pseudo-sexual encounter is pretty eyebrow-raising.
This episode was actually briefly withdrawn from repeats because, I believe, the child actor’s parents weren’t pleased with the final sketch. I remember I actually attended an Adult Swim comic-con panel after this aired and somebody asked Tim & Eric why this episode hadn’t been rerun yet. Tim said it had something to do with being sloppy with paperwork, like they didn’t get a release signed properly or something. I vaguely recall Tim being asked about it on Office Hours and him saying something closer to what I’m alleging had happened.
My personal theory is that Tim & Eric were legally in the clear for the sketch, but just didn’t wanna upset the kid’s family and decided the moral thing to do would be to alter the sketch. So, they animated a disgusting-looking cartoon boy over the real kid to erase all traces of the child actor in the sketch. This is the version that is currently in circulation. It appeared on the DVD, and is streaming on Max. I managed to dig up a version originally sourced from Amazon, which apparently had the original cut available in HD for a brief moment. Thank piracy that it still exists.
This came back to haunt them in recent years. Pedo-panic got ramped up with shit like QAnon, and a lot of it was bogus and was wielded as a political tool. Sam Hyde’s fans in particular went after Tim & Eric, pointing towards stuff like this, and Steve Mahanahan’s child clown outlet sketches in particular. I was a fairly regular viewer of Tim Heidecker’s Office Hours, and I actually remember people calling in and trying to put Tim’s feet to the fire about this sketch. At one point one of them accused Tim of molesting his young neighbor; the kid who stabbed him while on drugs during the Tom Goes to the Mayor days. Tim actually hosted a special evening edition of his show to address this, when some Barstool Sports guy tried to pile on Tim and Eric for their child-clown related comedy.
Another recurring sketch: Lucky Duck, where Tim plays a downtrodden simpleton who winds up, through luck, getting minor upgrades during customer service situations. He’s served a large orange juice when he ordered a small, and the waitress lets him keep it. His economy hotel room is unavailable, so he gets upgraded to a regular room which includes a continental breakfast and complimentary orange juice. A very brief, seconds-long snippet of a would-be full-fledged third sketch showing him walking directly into a pool while a glass or orange juice sits in the foreground plays after the credits. This actually was meant to be a full scene, and can be found on the DVD (or on this youtube playlist).
The Lucky Duck bit is hysterical, but, uh, Tim is basically just playing a guy with downs syndrome. It’s extremely evident from his look. I sorta buy into the possibility that it’s almost a mistake. So many of Tim & Eric’s characters bump right up to the definition of being mentally disabled, but rarely do they actually read that way during shallow observation. I can envision Tim concocting this look, being drunk on laughter as it comes together, and that overpowering his sense of decency to not do it (or even think not to do it). Lotta people have been there, bro. I vaguely recall Tim referring to this on Office Hours and kinda tugged his collar as if he got away with something. He’s off scot-free, and I respect it. 
Last but not lease, this episode has the fairly funny Cinco Bro-oche, which is acted by the same company of men who did the eye-tanning sketch from whatever season that was. This one’s a bit of a rehash, in that all the same convoluted procedures for that are also required for this. It also involves installing a screw hole directly into your torso to screw the Bro-oche into. I do think this is the maybe the strongest version of this sketch. Such a pleasingly dumb concept, and little touches like calling the peace sign “the peace signal” really make me smile. 
Aside from the too-gross Kids Break, and the very lame wraparounds, this one has a lotta good in it. Lucky Duck and the Bro-Oche in particular are well-crafted, with the Dream Cream bit being a little sloppy, but with a lotta funny moments. That wraparound though is a Musky Bust.
I have to respectfully but strongly disagree with you about the Space Ghost room half episode. I thought it was hilarious and a much needed step up from the Gametap schlock. I loved everyone understandably hating the movie
I forgive you for disagreeing with me. I think I oversold my dislike of those bumpers. I liked 'em fine, really, and I wasn't being very generous by saying they were merely a cut above the GameTap episodes. They just didn't match my memories of the first time seeing them. It's more like splitting the difference between Gametap and an average episode of Coast to Coast. Plenty to like!
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fallout-lou-begas · 3 years
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@casualcatastrophesincorporated asked me over DM: at what size do I draw my comics?
The answer may surprise you! To answer you quickly, all of my comic book pages are currently drawn two-per-sheet on 9in x 12in paper. Each page is 13cm x 21cm, or roughly 6 3/4in x 10 3/4 in; I do all of my comic work in cm just because it’s easier to do the math required for dividing a page into panels in centimeters.
Still...I figure I’ll take this ask and run with it to show off some of my materials and production process so you can see just how and why the art gets put on the paper at that size.
This black sketchbook is my current one. It’s 9in x 12in, or roughly 23cm x 30.5cm, and it’s just a very plain thing I bought from Target (along with all my other supplies). And the stickers of Envy are from @/plumbiart!
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Every comic is drawn with just these tools: my ruler, my knead erasers, 0.5mm mechanical pencils, and Fine and Extra Fine Pilot Precise pens for inking. My inking style is extremely simplistic, requiring very little more than outlining over my own pencils. More complex ink effects I handle in digital post-production (corrections, alignment, coloring, lettering, etc.), for which I use GIMP after scanning my own art.
Here’s a few random pages from my sketchbook to show you the kind of scale I work with. On these pages you can see some random character art and practice, plus the rough thumbnails for IKROAH #13 (you can see that the long tall panel of the Forecaster was a late addition, just because I realizedI didn’t need the whole width of the page for that dialogue and wanted to spice it up). There’s also a small unposted comic about my companion dying of radiation poisoning while I get lost in Vault 34.
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On these pages you can see some inks for IKROAH #12, plus practice pencils and references for IKROAH #14 and more assorted Agneses. My hand for scale.
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However, this isn’t my only sketchbook. Up until IKROAH #12, I actually drew my comic in this brown one, which dates back to high school (!!!) for me. For perspective, I’m almost 26 years old. There’s some OLD art in this one. It’s the same size as my black one.
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Here’s some random art from the brown sketchbook, including some Fullmetal Alchemist fanart and the inks for IKROAH #5. As you can see, I tried coloring it myself with colored pencils as an experiment, but ultimately didn’t like it enough to try doing tactile coloring on a whole issue.
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When I know that I’ll have a guest artist on a comic, I tend to make detailed thumbnails at half-size so that I can convey to my collaborator the layout of the comic in detail. These, for example, are the original sketches of IKROAH #8 and #11, which were guest inked and colored by @/worthlesssix and guest drawn by @/yesjejunus respectively. Again, hand for scale, and the original pencils are scanned in high-resolution with the issues themselves.
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But before I drew in even my brown sketchbook, I drew on plain 8.5in x 11in computer printer paper. The origin of my page size is twofold: before I got my scanner, I needed a page size that was proportionate to the pictures that were taken by my phone camera, and I needed a page size that could at least fit twice on any given sheet of paper I had around me. Additionally, I work two pagers per sheet instead of one page per sheet because the smaller each page is, the less work it is to make, which means the less time it takes to get new issues out. Simple as that, lol.
And I did draw on any paper I could get my hands on, including the backs print-outs I still had saved from college. I didn’t start drawing in my sketchbook until IKROAH #5, and you can see the original inks for IKROAH #4 here.
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And here’s some more random art from this computer paper era, including the first never-posted attempt at a reference sheet for Agnes Sands, which I drew sometime in either May or early June 2020 (nearly a year ago!!). Her design wasn’t quite solidified yet (she doesn’t carry the Ratslayer in IKROAH, most obviously) and I’ve also gotten a lot better at drawing in general since a lot of these loose drawings and early comics.
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And finally, as an extra treat, here’s my first ever attempt at a comic layout for IKROAH #2, the issue in which Doc Mitchell explains the extent of Agnes’ injuires to her. The actual drawing was my first pass at Agnes tearfully asking if he knew anything about the men who shot her, and the layout to the right of it shows that i originally had a much different layout in mind before ultimately deciding to focus on a perfect grid pattern, alternating between Doc Mitchell’s expressions and her recuperation.
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I hope you enjoy this look behind the scenes of my art!
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mcrmadness · 4 years
A Masterpost: ALL MY OLD die ärzte (aka Bela&Farin) COMICS (from 2010-2011)
I’ve lately been talking about my art, especially comics, here a lot but I have never posted my OLD old dä comics here! That’s about to change now. The old ones happened in 2010-2011 when I was 19-20 years old, so they are a bit cringy now :D The scans are my old ones so don’t mind about cat hair or something like that in some of the scans. And I know: my hand writing hasn’t really changed in the past 10-15 years at all :DD
And a slash warning (do I really need that with this fandom tho..?) because I used to draw just very fluffy Bela/Farin comics and they barely have any good plots even. There’s just 4 overall in this post and they all are quite short. But at least for me it’s fun to see how far I have come and how I’ve gotten better at drawing!
Anyway, without further ado, this is where it all started:
Bela&Farin - “Du willst mich küssen”
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Simply the idea came from the fact I noticed that on the “Du willst mich küssen” single there’s only one additional song: “Die Antwort bist du”, and that one out of all the potential other songs from the studio album. (Now I’m wondering if I should try to redraw this some day to see my progress? :DD)
The rest under the cut because they get very cringy but if you want to read B/F fluff comics and facepalm at my idiotic humour, go ahead and click the read more link.
Bela&Farin - Bela will ein Baby
(eng. Bela wants to have a baby)
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This one was the first I did in German and I traumatized myself. I had just started learning German and totally failed everything and an (old) online friend, native German, wrote something that indicated laughing and I felt so insecure about my German after that that even today I have a fear of saying/writing even simple German words in front of native Germans. She anyway “beta read” the plot and corrected every faulty phrase (aka every phrase) and this is what she suggested that I’d write, and that’s what I did.
The plot shortly: Bela just wants to have a baby but he wants it with Farin obviously, so Farin says they’re both men and can’t reproduce together but Bela found a solution: he found them a surrogate mother. Problem solved.
Bela&Farin - “Beer Belly”
Prepare yourself for a cringe overload :)) I’m so sorry that you have to suffer through this.
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With this the idea came from the live videos I was watching back then - lots of live videos from 2007-2009 and I noticed that Bela just kept growing and losing his belly all the time. (OMG HELP I’m crying because “SQUEAK SQUEAK” XDDDDDD)
Also the ending is... I don’t know what is it. I guess I just wanted Rod ot make an appearance and didn’t come up anything better than this ::D My peak of humour is right there btw: anything that happens at the background. That shit just never gets old for me. So I find that still funny in this comic but I have no clue how a bass can be pregnant.
Also hey, I have started drawing shadows :DD
And yes, Bela actually did have a cow t-shirt like that in some of the videos and I just had to draw it! And btw, the reason for the fluff is probably because the concerts where those videos were from? It was extremely slashy, Bela and Farin barely could keep their hands off of each other so you really can’t blame me for all this. The ship just sails itself.
Bela&Farin - “Zucker”
(eng. “Sugar” - this one was again in German because it wouldn’t work in English. This time I think I did all the language stuff myself but I can’t remember for sure so maybe I got help, maybe I didn’t... This is the last one of these old comics and my personal favorite. You can see that my style somehow went through some major changes but I don’t know what even happened there. I can’t remember.)
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I can’t get over Farin’s hair in the last panel, I drew it so perfectly and I still don’t know how to recreate that lol. And now I’m losing it at that tiny “XD” in the grin panel because I found it so stupid looking - the first time I had even drawn a grin for him lmao. Also ignore Farin’s arm that has suddenly lost all its color. (Aka: someone forgot to color it.)
THE IDEA for this comic is simply in the name of brown sugar. At least in Finnish that is called as “fariinisokeri”, which always amuses me still after 12 years because I am a bit simple sometimes, and I figured that it can also be called “Farinzucker” in German so of course I needed to make a Bela/Farin comic about it.
The dialog for those who don’t speak German (too well) yet - Bela just goes to Farin to ask for “Farin sugar” and Farin first is like “nope” but then “jk” and they lived happily ever after. Or something.
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Something I drew with a ballpoint pen once when I was visiting my aunt and cousin and was bored and doodled this. I like drawing repeated patterns like brick walls or apparently also flowers.
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And I have no idea where did I draw this - maybe it was something to do with one course through the employment agency as I tend to doodle when in any kind of class. I feel like I had been watching “Die band, die sie Pferd nannten” prior to this, based on Bela’s looks.
And it was back in 2010, I didn’t have a smart phone yet so no internet to use for reference photos :D
So, back to the comics - I only made these 4 back then but before this I did draw other stuff and comics too. I drew several of them as horses when I still didn’t know how to draw humans, and I also have one of them as rats too. The rat one might work as a redrawn human comic, tho... Anyway, at some point I got annoyed because I didn’t like drawing them as horses or rats and wanted to invent a “human style” so then one night, this happened:
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The texts are mainly just me chanting how I’m dying from laughter etc. That is actually what I do when I am very insecure of what I do and then I just start openly laughing at everything and myself, that way things don’t feel as bad failures than what they actually are :D (And yeah I know the article is wrong at some point, let’s just say I hadn’t memorized all the article stuff from German yet :D I don’t know if I had even started learning German yet at that point.)
But yeah, then I did find the style and these are the next sketches from my sketchbook:
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The bottom left says “facial experessions” - and oh my god I was so damn cringe whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy---
but anyway, those were what I ended up with eventually and the rest is history. I think I’m still gonna make one post with stuff I drew in 2018 and that I haven’t posted here yet as there’s still a few of those, too.
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12. On Your Side
Decided to publish what I had worked on before my hiatus, mainly for Tina and nem, as a Xmas thing. Ion celebrate that shit, happy holidays or whatever. I was hoping to have completed the story by now, but with my break for mental health, I guess it's either pushed back or gonna be abandoned. Will know in a couple of weeks or so what, if anything I intend to do with it. Its an Apex centered chapter. I'm still on hiatus. You can leave a review if you want to, but don't message me about Simon or this story. Thanks.
*The Grace St. Catherine Playlist, featuring songs used in chapter and songs that inspired the chapter*
“Even through the darkest phase
Be it thick or thin
Always someone marches brave
Here beneath my skin…” Grace let the music play in the background as she tried to do all of the things suggested to her by her “spiritual advisor,” Sunny, whenever she moved into the place. She was doing more drawing - mostly sketches of carnage and rage. She was journaling a lot, mostly in the form of a narrative told by a hypothetical fictional character, because admitting to the things that she was doing on paper was a huge no-no, so she simply projected her life through her journaling character, The Saint, whom would never be referred to by name in any of the entries. In this particular one, The Saint was contemplating calling The Shadow. What would the conversation even be like? He would tell her how bad she was for being mad at him. She would tell him that she only hurt bad people, but he hurt a friend… he hurt her. That was different. So different. But she MISSED him.
She had began to sketch him. She was more of a doodler/drew cartoons and comics on her phone and stuff… but she was shut up in this place for hours at a time and hadn’t really used a pencil and a sketch book seriously in a while. Then, it got away from her. After a few days, she had almost filled up a sketch book with drawings of Simon. She winced when she thought of his name. She had been avoiding speaking it and thinking it. “And constant craving has always been…” She stared at the phone, then changed the track. The last thing she needed was to think about craving, of all things…
Now, that the phone was in her hand, she glanced around, feeling that paranoia that she had since she left home. Nobody was watching her here, but she felt obligated to check, anyway, and upon verifying what she already knew - that nobody was fucking watching her - she went to visit his social media. Private? Since when? She checked another. Same thing. A third, same fucking thing! “UGH!!!” She threw her phone onto the couch and went to go chop wood. She didn’t really like to chop wood, but it did make her feel better to swing a tool and see destruction come out of it.
“Old wounds
Old fights
Another day goes by
I'm not playing by the rules
They can't take me for no fool…” Her phone continued singing as she went outside.
Jalicia Barrett was not the same type of watch as Grace was. She obviously wasn’t as upscale as Grace, so she wound up having much to do that was necessary, unlike Grace’s schedule of playing a typical woman. Now, to say that Jalicia was typical would be a stretch of the imagination, as Simon knew that none of Grace’s people were that and she had possibly an unreasonable amount of tiger items, but she was closer to an average person than Grace was.
She went to Seattle University, but hadn't selected a major. She was still doing general studies after taking a few years to get her GED (She began trying at 16 and only successfully received it less than a year ago), so.. a freshman in college, which wasn't bad. She was 19. She worked on campus and seemed to have other odd jobs, like being a delivery driver or personal cab, and stuff at that Infinity Foundation place.
She didn’t have rich parents. From what Simon was able to find, she was never reunited with them, whoever they were. If they had lived in Seattle when she was taken, there was nothing on file to indicate that she was reported missing. Of course… he didn’t know what her real name was. The name Jalicia Barrett only became a name for her in the year after Grace left the mental institution. He knew that was likely connected.
Maybe… she wound up in the system after Grace touched base with them? At any rate… whoever the girl who was brought into trafficking had been, she was now Jalicia Barrett, a girl who began existing when she was 13 or 14 and obviously probably didn’t know her DOB either, as it was on record as the day that her name was given, her documents were created all around the same time, so she had to either have been a baby whenever she was taken, or simply never knew her personal information like birth date and full name.
BUT, she did have prints on file, so she probably had birth records that could be matched to them somewhere. He didn’t know if he wanted to get into that… or if she hadn’t done so herself and simply decided that life was easier being the person that she knew herself to be now. He certainly couldn’t imagine separating from his loved ones and then not finding them for a decade or so and then just… trying to pretend that they were family after all or something. She had the family she wanted… Well… she lost one. He felt bad for her. It wasn’t the same, but whenever he lost Grace, he felt like his world collapsed. To even pretend to understand how this woman must feel losing her life partner after years of being together, he wouldn’t insult her like that. Instead, he looked into the details surrounding that. Whatever happened to that investigation?
He’d provided an alibi for them and the police never spoke with him again. He’d done his best playing ignorant and pretending that everything was casual. Whenever they asked him about Heath, he said that he didn’t know Heath. “I’ve only met him once and he didn’t show up to the gathering… Is he alright?” They didn’t answer, just wished him a good day.
Now, he was looking through their paperwork and he was sure that he might find something interesting, if not useful. Simon had no idea what he was looking for with these other people. Something that led him back to Grace’s trail, and he had to figure out how they worked to even presume that…
Here’s the thing… Simon wasn’t going to write himself off as wrong or going too far. For crying out loud, the things that these people did, and they felt justified in their reasonings, so he wasn’t going to allow himself to feel bad. Grace might need him, and Xander was keeping her away from him. He cursed himself over that gun, though. However, IF she would have just let him explain that he only had it to keep Xander from getting it! He didn’t know what to think when he holstered it, but it wasn’t for her! Why would he hurt her? He scanned through paperwork, trying to take his mind off of Grace’s lack of faith in him and then, he was sure that he found what he needed. If not; he’d found something interesting. “Huh.”
Grace called Sunny for more tips. She was doing everything that she told her to, and reading all these books and articles, ordering all sorts of holistic woo woo shit, and trying SO HARD just to not lose it out there… Sunny was always a mood lifter for her though. They would talk for however long, laugh, joke, sometimes get entirely too serious and cry… they hadn’t done this in a long time, but Grace had been calling her more frequently lately and, well… it was necessary for her to be available.
“It’s like… I don’t want to use this word lightly, and I especially can’t tell Xan, but I feel like I’m like… addicted… Does that sound stupid?”
“Xander doesn’t own the word addicted, Grace. He’s struggled with a few drugs over the years, but one of the reasons is because he’s sick. Some people can try things and never really become addicted to them because those things didn’t appeal to them in that way. This dude appealed to you in a way that your body wasn’t used to. He got into your mind, and most likely changed the chemical balance. Affected your hormones and shit, only to find that he wasn’t what you thought and now your chemicals gotta try to balance back out without his influence, so no, it doesn’t sound stupid. Perhaps melodramatic, but I don’t know. You could be addicted to the way that he made you feel. Going through dick withdrawals is a struggle that people don’t give enough credence, too.”
Grace snorted. “I’m… not… going through that. We weren’t like that. I don’t even know if he ever was into me that way? It was like… I don’t know… I never got the feeling that he desired me physically.”
“What feeling did you get?”
“For the most part, that he wanted me around. I don’t know why. He never seemed to be asking anything of me but to let him be near me. He was very good about not entering my personal space, and even when I got comfortable, he still never made any move on me or anything like that. He just seemed to like to be… present.”
“Okay, but what would he be doing when he was present?”
“Sometimes nothing, really. Just looking at me, or listening to me. Sometimes, we were doing our own thing - me reading a book. Him playing video games or writing, or… Idk, working on a cosplay outfit.”
“Girl, on what?”
“He’s a fantasy fanboy before he’s a fantasy writer, so he you know… makes cosplay costumes and stuff for conventions. Whenever he’s not scheduled to be on a panel at one… This is something that I’ve observed, not something that he’s said. He… doesn’t talk about himself a lot. Not at all, come to think about it.”
“Xander makes him out to be a literal serial killer.”
“Xander hates him. What about 808? What does she say? Xan seems to think that he “got to her” or played some kind of mind games or something?”
“Well… she didn’t say anything to me about him, except that he was very talkative and apparently worships you. She was pretty thrown off guard at how comfortable he seemed with being caught and held hostage. She said that he is either the most nonchalant person ever or the craziest fucking person that she’s ever drawn a weapon on, because he acted like they were buddies just chitchatting, and we all know that he knows what we do to people.” Grace didn’t reply. Sunny offered, “Well, whenever I think about the shit that I went through with Xander and how we always seem to find each other in the dark, it's usually in terms of No Angel.”
Grace said, “Beyonce’s No Angel?”
“”Is… Is there another one? Because, if there’s anything AND a Beyonce song, just go ahead and assume that I am only speaking of the Beyonce option.” Grace laughed. Sunny recited, “ I love you even more than who I thought you were before.” Grace held her breath, unsure of what to say to this. Sunny continued, “All I mean to say is that sometimes people aren’t who we initially thought. Sometimes they’re worse. Sometimes they are seriously fucked up. Sometimes, they’re absolute trash… But… you might still love their ass.”
“Damn, Sis… Is this how you feel about Xan? Because those are some hard descriptions.”
“No. Xander is definitely a hot mess, but I was absolutely describing your… thing… over there. Jimony?”
“Simon,” Grace said, trying not to laugh.
“Right. I knew it had “mon” in it.”
Jalicia didn’t know what it was about that station that made her put it on all of the time, but her streaming service generally stayed on an old r&b from the 60s and 70s station, and sometimes 80s and 90s, whenever she was at work. She had a journal with a tiger on the front that she was writing down poetry in, but she could never think of titles for any of her work, and she didn’t feel like she was that artistically creative, so she’d title everything, “(Song Title) Plays in the Background,” whether or not the song had any bearing on the poem. Today’s? Let’s Groove Plays in the Background.
Work was a little bit overwhelming, these days, but only because of the things that had nothing to do with it. The fact that she wouldn’t just receive flowers sometimes and have her coworkers wonder why her boyfriend was this thoughtful, but they never saw him. Or the days where she would pout about being broke and having to pack a stupid sandwich and he would insist on having something sent to her at lunchtime, if he didn’t just make her a different, more fulfilling lunch instead. The way that she would get a text whenever he went on his own lunch break, and it would just be some hilarious video or a new thing that they just HAD to buy. Work was overwhelming, because what she had leaned on every shift was the fact that he’d interrupt it with something nice and that she would leave there and get to see him every day.
Now, she was listening to Earth Wind & Fire, in a gray pantsuit and fooling around on her computer while she waited for something to do. She heard the tone of the doorway and she got up to see if somebody needed help. It was a college bookstore and she was often far overdressed, but all she had aside from her typical attire were the pantsuits she wore when she had to do something other than be casual - like functions and interviews or whatever, so that was what she wore to work.
The O. He looked at her like they were friends or something. A polite smile and warmth in his eyes. She stared him down and reached for her phone. “Hi. Can I just have a moment?” He asked. She texted: The O is here and hit “send” to 747. “It won’t take long, I just wanted to give you something.” The O reached into his bag and Jalicia had already identified four common objects in her immediate surroundings that she would definitely use as a weapon against him if he tried something slick. He handed her an envelope, one of the big yellow ones and she frowned.
“I’m not taking whatever that is. For all I know it’s got anthrax in it.”
He laughed and opened it himself, pulled out the paperwork and handed it to her. “I figured out a better method of tracking people down than Heath had the resources for. I know that Xander is trying his hardest, God help him, but he’s not much on a computer and some of these things are hard to find.” She took the pages and glanced through them. Simon helped her find a certain page, “I’ve guessed that you maybe didn’t know much about this part of the situation that you all walked into. The… X, I suppose you’d call him, was very paranoid that he might be on your list and he hired protection.” He pointed out a few key lines that he had highlighted. “Professional protection, and yet when the time came to protect him, Heath wasn’t shot in the arm, or hell, if they didn’t want him to escape, the leg is an option as well.”
“They killed Heath on purpose,” She said, the wind knocked out of her as she did. She tried to take a seat, but just fell back onto a table and leaned against it, knocking down several books.
“They wanted to send a message and since you all slacked up since then, I’m sure that they think that they did.” She started crying angrily and wiped her face. “Flip to the next page.” Her hands were shaking and she wasn’t sure of what she might see, but she flipped to the next page anyway. “That’s your shooter. Since he was on the job, he confessed to being the one who fired and because Heath was breaking an entering and had no family to intercede for an investigation… the cops seem to be fine with what happened to him, despite the fact that our laws state that a person may not use more force than is necessary given the situation.” She shut her eyes and squeezed out tears, her fists tightly holding onto the phot0 of the man. “Next page are his personal details. Do with it whatever you think is best. I just thought that you would want to know.”
She shivered and cried, “This doesn’t mean that I owe you anything. I didn’t ask you for this and I don’t feel indebted to you for it.”
“Jalicia… I’m on your side. Whatever side Grace is on, that’s where I am. I did this because I want to help.”
“Well… This is the most help you’re getting from me - Xander’s on his way.”
“Then, I’ll be on my way.” He had that polite smile again and she was almost terrified how easily it came to him. He left quite a few minutes before Xander arrived.
She instantly fell apart as soon as she saw him, handing him the papers and explaining to him what he was looking at. She left work and was going to call Grace, but Xander snatched her phone while he was driving. “No, what if he. like, cloned your phone or something?”
“What? This ain’t Person of Interest, Boy. What the fuck are you talking about, Bro? He’s rich but it’s not like he’s Lex Luthor.”
“We can’t chance it. He’d do anything to find out where she is.”
“Give me yours, then.”
“Just hold off. I need to check this dude out. For all we know, Simon is just blowing smoke up our asses to get us to lead him to Grace.”
“The fact that you think it’s more likely that he falsified a bunch of police documents than that he simply sneaked them away is making me wonder about you .”
“I let him get too close to her before, and I’m not doing that again.”
Jalicia snatched her phone back from him and they wrestled for it but, he eventually heard Grace on speaker.
“What is happening on that end?” She asked, laughing a little bit nervously.
“We need to talk about Simon,” Jalicia said.
“I disagree with that sentiment!” Xander said in the background.
There was a pause. Grace was panicking a little bit. Did they know that she was trying to check his pages? That she was trying to see if she could make a temporary account just to try to get to them? How would they know that, Girl?
Jalicia added, “It’s about Heath.” Xander turned red in the face and he shook his head and tried to breathe. “Oh, fuck you, Xan. You left him there to die. The least you could do is chill out while I speak to Grace about this.”
“Whoa… That’s not extremely fair. The Apex protocol is that if somebody is hit, we leave and regroup. We go in with the expectation that if we’re hit, we would slow everyone down and jeopardize everything. So, Xander and I both left him,” Grace said the last statement laced with sadness and guilt.
“He pulled you out and sped away,” Jalicia said.
Xander scoffed and then burst into tears, “I’m glad that you’re telling us how you really feel.” His voice was surprisingly calm, but the ladies knew that hurt him more than anything ever had in this world.
“Tell me what you need to say,” Grace said.
“Simon found Heath’s killer.”
“Simon found a person he alleges is Heath’s killer.”
“He had all of the paperwork to corroborate it. More than Heath has ever collected on any X.”
“He had paperwork on a man who works in security who may have shot Heath dead, but as far as we know is not a bad person. He probably was just on a security job. Somebody broke into the house he was guarding and he shot!”
“WHY DID HE SHOOT HIM IN THE HEAD???” Jalicia squealed. “I’ve been over this myself, before Simon EVER said anything about it, but WHY didn’t they shoot him to survive and answer questions about what is one of the most infamous string of serial murders to ever hit the city? Why would he risk his job to kill someone that way in security, if there wasn’t a reason that Heath needed to be dead?”
“You… you think that the security dude is old Apex?”
“I think that at best, the security dude wanted to kill a person that he didn’t HAVE to kill and he used Heath as a perfect excuse, making him a shitty person, in my opinion, and at worst, he didn’t want us saying anything to anybody, because he knew why we were there!”
“But, we did release what we had on the X. The information is out there now. Nothing was done about it,” Grace added.
“Precisely! Just as nothing was done about this trigger happy buttfuck, even though our laws state that you’re not supposed to kill motherfuckers if you don’t have to!” Jalicia said. She looked at Xander, poked him in the arm and reminded him, “You were the first one to claim you’ll avenge him”
“And you told me to go fuck myself.”
“Emotions were definitely running high, but if you’re looking for the chance to make good on your word, you’ll have to suck it up and just live with the fact that Simon gave us this, like I have to live with the fact that Heath is never fucking coming home!” She got louder than she intended. Xander wiped his tears with the back of his hand, but more just poured out. He nodded, but he was still extremely upset.
“Send me what Simon sent you. I’ll let you know what I decide from there.”
“Thank you, Grace.”
Grace sighed, paused, then said, “Heath would have wanted us to get out, but even if you had driven away and left us all, we wouldn’t have faulted you… That’s the protocol. Heath knew that…”
“Does that make it easier for you?”
“No. But, we shouldn’t make it harder on each other, either…” Jalicia sighed, rolled her eyes and let more tears fall. “I’m sorry, Jalicia. Heath was the first person in the warehouse that I ever cared about. I would trade myself for him, if I could.”
“He’d never let you,” she hung up and reached out for Xander. He accepted her hand. “I was mean to you…”
“You were honest. It just fucking hurts. Heath was the backbone of this family, and everyday he isn’t here, I lose more and more respect and control. He kept me grounded.”
“Doesn’t Sunny do that too?”
“That’s not the same thing.”
“Maybe you don’t let it be. Maybe the reason Heath was your rock was because you thought that you only needed one. That’s what I did, too. I didn’t even realize how much of my life revolved around him until I was just spinning in space, with nothing to pull me back. Why do you think I moved in with your ass?”
“To split rent.”
She gave a resigned shrug, but shook her head, “I thought that it would make things better, if even just to put me in a spot where I could just not think about it and not be alone. I figured I wouldn’t get over it, but that at least I would logically be able to grant myself some peace because you’re there too, and that there would be some type of comfort. Not emotionally. That’s gonna take more time than I even believe that I have left in this world. But… at least I wanted that solid ground to stand on, to be able to say, Heath would want his two favorite people to lean on each other and find some strength in his absence.” Xander sniffled. She finished, “But it didn’t matter, and I don’t even know what to do, because I thought that being around you would guarantee some balance, even if it didn’t truly help… I still have all of my grief, and I’m..” she whimpered, “So tired. And empty. And distant. My closest living friend is sitting right next to me, and I have been so alone…”
Xander pulled the van over, unlatched his seatbelt and hugged her. She wasn’t done. She was so focused on her train of thought that she hadn’t even actually noticed that Xander was hugging her. “Heath was always in my life. Before any other human that I can remember. Like, logically, I know that Grace took care of Todd and Heath took care of me… but… I don’t even remember anybody else until maybe I was 5 or 6. I know he wasn’t the only person around, but in my mind, he was. I have NO frame of reference that doesn’t involve him. He was…” She finally realized both that Xander was already holding her and that she was crying again.
She remembered something. She was 4 or 5, her brain was never good at that part. She wasn’t in school or anything. All of her special days were simply moments and occurrences. This particular occurrence. A boy with light hair, getting hurt really bad by the stewards. Heath covered her eyes and started talking about flowers. He found a new book about them. He’d help her try to read later. The noise of the boy being beaten up was in the background, but at the time, she was too young to pay any attention to it and listen to Heath. So, she listened to Heath and the beating was background noise filtered out. Afterwards, he took her to the side of the building and let her pick flowers for their new friend. The new boy was mean. He was mean to Heath and Grace had to help Heath. Then, he was nice. She looked at Xander’s face and saw that same boy, just as hurt and just as angry as the first day she recalled a memory of him.
“He wasn’t always in mine… but he was the first person who was ever just nice to me for no reason other than to be nice,” Xander said. “There’s nothing that I want more than to punish a person who would take him away from us, but to have Simon, SIMON, give us that…” He was red in the face and shaking his head. “He’s using it to get to Grace, and I just didn’t want to give him that kind of power.”
“Then why didn’t you just say, ‘Hey, lets not tell her where we got the information?’ If you had just sent it to her with X confirmed, instead of fighting me in traffic…”
“You didn’t give me a chance!”
“I just… This ONE thing, then maybe I can move on.” He nodded and buckled back in. “I’ll get to work on the logistics. In case Grace gives us the go ahead, I want to be ready to move as soon as possible.”
Simon pulled his hair up into a high ponytail. He was going to try to get it into a bun, but it had been getting longer and thicker, and while he’d normally just pull the top part into a pony and let the rest hang, but it was windy and he was going to be pretty active, so high ponytail, it was. He had been checking out the X that he gave Jalicia, to see if they were going to make a move on him. He wasn’t positive of the typical turnaround time on an X, so he simply went to watch every night. He wasn’t going to do the car. Dude was in security. He’d probably make him.
Instead, he parked around the block and went to a big tree across the street from the X’s home to post up. He had binoculars and an awkwardly applied hunting tree seat. It wasn’t made for him to be up this high, but he situated it only to have a seat that wasn’t tree bark. He spent the time that he wasn’t watching the house on social media, checking out Sunetra’s pages… which… apparently she went by “Sunny…” which… Simon noted to himself that he had seen a little sun tattoo on Xander, and whenever he came across Sunny’s very tasteful artistic nudes, he saw that she had a little tattoo, as well, on her chest, of an “X.”
Her photos were really nice and she seemed to… possibly be a stripper? He checked a few of her posts and captions. She hashtagged #burlesque in some of them, so maybe not a stripper, but something risque. She was in the fine arts program in college, for dance and had many posts from the Infinity Foundation of her doing dance workshops, yoga, and stuff. She had a lot of witchy posts, too. Simon rolled his eyes, but kept scrolling. Several of her posts were really funny. He noticed a yoga and meditation program that she would be doing at a community center and saved the post.
He watched the X for about a week and a half when he saw the van pull up. In the dark, he couldn’t tell who people were, but two had gotten out and through the binoculars, he could tell that Xander was one and the other was Jalicia. He checked the van. That was an unfamiliar one behind the wheel, but he presumed that it was Sunny or 808, and that he simply couldn’t see them... There was a loud noise and screaming in the house. He turned to see that Jalicia had a knife to a woman’s throat while Xander was escorting the X out, with his hands up. He got him to the van, injected something into his neck and tossed him in. Jalicia unhanded the woman, but appeared to take a bag along with her and the woman ran next door.
Jalicia had taken all the phones with her. The woman had to run next door to call the police. Simon realized that she was probably doing that, and he got out of the tree to get back to his car. If he hurried, he might be able to catch the van!
He went the direction that they had, and when he came to what he thought might be them, he put on a mask of his own, but it was a medical mask, just because that was… possibly not as weird as if he wore like a clown mask or something. They had NOT handled that in the way that he expected. Something told him that they either were rushing or desperate. He wondered why.
But, whenever they pulled the van into an old train station, he parked behind the building and got out of his car. This is fucked up. This is fucked up. This is fucked up. This is fucked up. This is fucked up. This is fucked up. This is fucked up. This is fucked up.  
He could hear their voices, and he followed the sound of them, but didn’t come from the shadows of the building. They were dragging the bag into a field that Simon knew that he had passed several times in his life, but never paid much attention to. Nobody really did. Was this where they buried them? He wondered. He only saw Jalicia and Xander, pulling the body bag with one hand and carrying shovels in their free hands. Where was the driver? He went around the other side of the building and the van was pulling off. Where were THEY going? He couldn’t start his car. Jalicia and Xander weren’t far enough away to not hear him. He groaned and went to look back towards the field. He couldn’t see anything beyond the tall grass, but he used his phone to try to record where they were… maybe he could find it in the daytime. Besides, they were now far enough away that he could start his car without alerting him. He felt like he had enough.
Simon drove home, wary of a van behind him for a portion of the way. He took some loops and turnarounds that he wouldn’t usually take before he was comfortable that they weren’t following him and it wasn’t the van… but after he got home, he noticed at the bottom of the hill a van, and it looked like the van that they used. It looked like the van that he was nervous might be following him. But. There was no way that the van had found him after those turns. Was it one of them, just letting him know that they knew he had followed them?
He rushed inside and looked out of the curtains. They were there for a moment. They turned the van off and he took a deep gulp and reached for one of his guns. They got out of the van and stood, staring up at the house. DEFINITELY APEX. This is fucked up.This is fucked up.This is fucked up.This is fucked up.This is fucked up.This is fucked up.This is fucked up.This is fucked up.This is fucked up.This is fucked up.This is fucked up.This is fucked up.This is fucked up.This is fucked up.
They stared, wearing a gold mask, a tam hat, and the all black outfit that he had gotten used to, but then not seen for a while. “Grace!” He said. He put his gun down and rushed out of his door. “Grace?” He called, but she rushed back into the van, tossed something out, and peeled off. “Grace…” He ran down the hill and out to the road. She was gone… He looked down to see what she had thrown down on her way off. It was a Stop sign with a red squiggly line underneath the word “Stop.” He picked it up, roared and began to smash it against the pavement, before flinging it into the middle of the road and going back into his house. He called Jalicia and she looked at her phone, not recognizing the number, so she answered it. “Hello?”
“Was that Grace?” a voice asked.
“The person who just followed me home and told me to stop. Was that Grace?”
“No,” was all that she said. He hung up. She put her phone away.
“Who’s that?” Xander wondered.
“Non issue,” she said. It wasn’t a complete lie, and there was no way that she was about to ruin their night with… whatever that had been about. She and Xander were still digging when their third came walking up, her gold mask on her face and a shovel in hand. “Girl, where did you rush off to?”
“I knew he was gonna still be alive,” she said and pulled up the mask onto her head. Sunny. “Had to make a stop,” she said with a shrug. She and Jalicia stared at each other a moment, and Xander kept digging, oblivious to the exchange of them questioning each other with their eyes. It was short lived, because Grace was connecting for the video call. “Hey, Girl, Hey!” Sunny cheered.
“Bitch, I’m so mad that I’m not there right now.”
“Be mad at Jimona,” Sunny said.
“Simon!” Grace said, laughing. Then, more solemnly, said, “Draw a squiggle right across his face, for me.”
“Sure will,” Sunny said, pulling her knife out. “What are you listening to, Woman?”
Grace checked the info on her streaming, “Hurts by Emeli Sande.”
“That’s dope. Send me the link to that.”
Simon was at the apartment now, crying and sitting in front of the cameras. He wondered if she would return with them, but looking at the feeds he had placed to check the outside of their homes, he noted that the three entered Xander and Jalicia’s home at 3:47 am… and that… wasn’t Grace. It was the woman that he had initially identified as, “One who looks like Grace.” It was Sunny… He flared his nostrils and set an alert to remind him about the yoga and meditation at the community center.
His phone began to ring while it was in his hands. It was a private number. For a moment, he let his heart accelerate. “Hello?” He answered.
Silence. He sighed and almost hung up, but… he felt something. His tears stopped, he sat up erect and waited. She was silent, still. He was afraid to break it, but more afraid of her losing whatever nerve she had at the moment and hanging up. So, he dared to speak. He kept his voice soft and low. Gentle, like he knew she would remember him being. “Hey…” He said. He heard her sniffle and it tore at his heart. “Hey,” he managed to say even softer. “Are you okay?” She sniffled again. “Tell me what I can do to make you okay?”
“Why did you do that, Simon? Why did you?”
“I wanted to be close to you. I wanted to know you. I wanted you… I didn’t know what to do. I was desperate. I am desperate. Please, tell me where you are…”
“You let Xander catch you.” There was the longest pause since the conversation started. Eventually, she spoke again. “I feel like the kids walked in on me doing something dirty…”
“I feel like it’s none of ‘the kids’ damn business what we do.”
“They can’t see stuff like that. They can’t see me being followed and watched, obsessively. They can’t just move on from that. You have no idea the kind of people who… Why did you have a gun?”
“Because, I had just been attacked by somebody that I know is a murderer and I was on edge…” They were quiet again. “I can keep them out of sight from now on. I can keep them away from you, at all times…”
“If I come back into town, my crew is gonna get… difficult. It won’t be safe for you.”
“I can’t prove myself to them? To you? Did you see what I found for them? For Heath? For Jalicia?... For you?”
“Yeah. Yeah, Jalicia told me right away…”
“You sound like you’re smiling,” he observed, daring to smile, himself.
“I can’t help it… but… we can’t… do this, Simon.”
“We’re both in really weird places and us coming together isn’t good… for either of us, I think…”
“We shouldn’t be together, see each other, anything. You should… get on with your life.”
“Bye, Simon.”
“NO!!” She hung up. He bit into his lip so hard that he drew blood, trying to keep his composure. He couldn’t even go to the gun range right now! But.. He could… go back to that field. He knew where it was. He knew where the bodies were now… he… was running out of patience, but he reminded himself that it wasn’t her fault. The longer they kept her away from him, the more confused she would be. She just needed to understand that he was on her side. If she couldn’t… she would have to learn that there were consequences for going against him.
13. A Shot in the Dark Pt 1
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comicteaparty · 5 years
January 27th-February 2nd, 2020 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party week long chat that occurred from January 27th, 2020 to February 2nd, 2020.  The chat focused on HOPE KILLERZ by stc019.
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Comic Tea Party
Hello and welcome everyone to Comic Tea Party’s Week Long Book Club~! This week we’ll be focusing on HOPE KILLERZ by stc019~! (https://tapas.io/series/HOPE-KILLERZ)
You are free to read and comment about the comic all week at your own pace until February 2nd, so stop on by whenever it suits your schedule! Discussions are freeform, but we do offer discussion prompts in the pins for those who’d like to have them. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is to have fun and appreciate the comic!
Whether you finish the comic or can only read a few pages, everyone is welcome to join and chat with us!
1. What did you like about the beginning of the comic?
2. What has been your favorite moment in the comic (so far)?
3. Who is your favorite character?
4. Which characters do like seeing interact the most?
5. What is something you like about the art? If you have a favorite illustration, please share it!
6. What is a theme you like that the comic explores?
7. What do you like about the comic’s story or overall related content?
8. Overall, what do you think the comic’s strengths are?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
Ooh! The first thing I'm noticing about this comic is the colors, which are lovely!!
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
agreed! the characters designs made me laugh, too. Haven't finished it yet but will definitely pop in to say a few words when I do
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I'm going through this too - what an awesome style!
I'm a prompt kind of person, so I'm gonna answer this a bit going by those. XD I like how the comic opens up, mostly at the end of the prologue with the ominous phone message about Isa and Scotty being dead. Like, just when you thought things were ominous enough, there's already a quick payoff, and I like that about this story. It's not holding its punches. As for a favorite moment, I really liked the argument between Hodori and Behzad, because that moment didn't go how I expected. I actually thought Behzad would include Hodori, not go for immediate betrayal. So to me that was interesting and I like things that don't go with my expectations. This is why they are also my favorite characters to interact, cause I liked Hodori was also the one to know what was going on, and I can't wait to see how Hodori will react when Behzad's sort of betrayal is revealed. For a favorite character, at the moment Chaker cause I think Chaker is the most mysterious and I'd love to learn more about Chaker. Who doesn't like mysterious characters with secrets?
In terms what I liked about the art, I find the use of color interesting. I'm not sure I'd classify as like persay, but it's interesting to see how the colors are used to sort of experiment with the mood or each image. Which for me I feel is the comic's strength. Regardless of how you feel about the content, the comic is intriguing to look at and catches your eye.
Comic Tea Party
9. Do you think what Behzad wants is justice or vengeance? How will he get it ultimately do you think? Overall, what do you think the story might show us regarding the line between the two and how the pursuit of either can change someone?
10. How do you think everyone’s relationships with each other will be challenged given both Behzad’s solo pursuit of the murderers and some of the team member’s withholding information? Will the team be able to survive the conflict?
11. Do you think the characters will be able to recover their hope after losing Isa and Scotty? Overall, given the themes of hope within the story, what do you think is the overall message regarding it?
12. What do you think the ultimate plan of 58 is? Why does it involve murdering Isa and Scotty and replacing them with doubles? Why do you think Behzad wasn’t killed yet, and what might the villains have planned for him?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
I'm absolutely loving Hope Killerz! The artstyle is amazing, as everyone's said. I love how each panel sets the mood with its unique playing of color palettes! I am curious as to what the ultimate plan is, replacing Isa and Scotty with doubles and seemingly wanting to use this version of Behzad too. Perhaps... 58's plan is to create a team consisting of the most "bold" versions of each hero? Like, Behzad went off on his own rather than waiting around for an investigation - 58 wants a whole team of people like him. As for why... perhaps vengeance for 58 losing his own team?
Vengeance is plausible. Although I kind of feel there's gotta be more to it than that. Since you can get vengeance without needing to create doubles.
I really like that this comic kind of explores the theme of justice vs. vengeance. With the rise of superhero movies and such, it's kind of easy to forget that there is a really fine line between them. Which in this case, I think Behzad definitely wants vengeance, although I don't think Behzad will get it. I think someone will knock some sense into the idea before it gets that far. However, overall though, I think the story does a great job that it only really takes one step to go from justice to just wanting to hurt people because you're hurt - even at the cost of your personal relationships. Which is definitely going to be a big thing. I definitely think the other characters, especially Hodori, is gonna feel betrayed by Behzad's action. Maybe empathetic, but no way there isn't a rift created. And as more comes to light, none of them will be sure they can trust each other, and that will make Isa and Scotty's loss even more poignant and bring up the question if the group can survive without them.
But I don't think it's all hopeless. I kind of feel that despite their feelings at the moment, time will heal the teams wounds and that they'll find the resolve to hope. Cause you can basically pull hope out of nothing.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Unfortunately I'm feeling a bit lost in the story. There are a lot of characters and a lot of scene changes, and I'm having a hard time differentiating the personalities of all the characters. Maybe I just wasn't reading closely enough? Or maybe the plot'll be more clear in the future? The story is just getting started, after all, so I figure the author is kind of front loading all the setup and character introductions. I do really like the art. It's fun and different. I stumbled across this comic a while ago but didn't read much of it, and the art was memorable enough that seeing it again in the bookclub I immediately recognized that I'd seen it before. 9) Both. Don't think he's really thinking straight due to his grief, and is mostly just driven by emotion right now. 10) Probably, just going from the tone of the comic and the art I feel like this will have a happy ending. I think this is an optimistic comic. 5) The author seems to have a love of drawing butts. I appreciate that. Particularly in the little end chapter sketches. 1) I liked everything about the beginning of the comic. Though it was very strong. Not often do you see a vigilante character feeling regret over their chosen path
Comic Tea Party
13. What are you most looking forward to seeing in regards to the comic?
14. Any final words of encouragement for the comic?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
For this comic, I'm definitely looking forward mostly to finding out about 58's plan since there's a lot of directions the story could go at the moment. I'll be interested to see which path will be taken. Regardless, I hope the creator continues with the color experimentation in the comic since it makes it visually stand out, and it'll be interesting to see how this plays out when the comic is further along.
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
Yeah for Hope Killerz, what I'm really looking forward to is... more. Like the art is so unique and so stylish, and the characters have interesting motivations behind them, I'm just curious to see where this all pans out.
Comic Tea Party
Thank you everyone so much for reading and chatting about HOPE KILLERZ this week! Please also give a special thank you to stc019 for volunteering the comic and creating it! If you liked HOPE KILLERZ, make sure to continue to support it via some of the links below!
Read and Comment: https://tapas.io/series/HOPE-KILLERZ
stc019’s Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/stc019
stc019’s Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/stconineteen
stc019’s Storenvy: http://stc019.storenvy.com/
stc019’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/stc019?lang=en
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cosmosogler · 7 years
hi guys. i couldn’t sleep last night, it took forever for my guts to stop squirming around.
then when i woke up it was over an hour before my alarm went off. so i got, like, five hours of sleep. my brain was amped up though. 
after laying in bed for another 35 minutes i gave up and flopped over to my desk and finished boarding the arc before my alarm went off. so... that’s done! all i gotta do is draw over the sketches. i like the writing for these next scenes a lot. (rubs my filthy rat hands together)
then i biked to campus in the pouring rain. it was nice. like i was a potted plant getting a good spritzing.
but then i remembered this is florida and i never dried off the whole day even though i was wearing a rain coat. i walked into the office and greeted harrison with “free seating in the splash zone today, huh?”
i worked for quite a while! chuck gave me a blow drier but my socks were just soaked. and there were holes in them anyway so i didn’t have a lot of reason to try to salvage them. i finished my em assignment, and then i went over to the therapist’s office. we got some conversation done today! i will try to practice being assertive.
then i came home and had a snack, and then i worked on my comic, and then i turned around and biked all the way back to campus for a two-hour astrophysics class. dr. bartos wanted to do a double feature. i did pretty good the first half of the class, but the second hour my brain completely checked out and i lost track of what we were learning. i spent the whole second half scribbling on my ipad.
i also was sweating in the back because my old classical mechanics professor came in and the last time i saw him he gave me the worst intellectual beat down of my life. i was practically curled up on the chair i was in.
then i biked alllll the way back up the hill back home. i kept working on the comic. i got five panels done. nine more to go for this scene. then the next one is a single page with five and a half panels.
now it’s almost 12:30. i didn’t want to sleep. my insides are vibrating again. like, my stomach is just, not happy with any position i get myself into. 
that’s all!!!!!!
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