#i did the meyers-briggs test years ago and got infj
astraseason · 4 years
Fire Emblem Personality Types
Use [This List] to find which Fire Emblem characters have the same personality type as you, then post them here in a list! You can list as many or as few as you like.
If you aren’t sure what your personality type is, take [This Quiz]!
INFP -- The Mediator
genny [ fe2/15 ]
deirdre [ fe4 ]
sophia [ fe6 ]
nino [ fe7 ]
myrrh [ fe8 ]
knoll [ fe8 ]
lyon [ fe8 ]
leanne [ fe9&10 ]
sumia [ fe13 ]
ricken [ fe13 ]
azura [ fe14 ]
setsuna [ fe14 ]
hayato [ fe14 ]
bernadetta von varley [ fe16 ]
eir [ fe:h ]
tagged by: @sireneia, thank u!
tagging: eh, steal it.
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