n7viper · 9 months
ocs as types of suffering
I was tagged by @garaviel & @full---ofstarlight to do this uquiz for my OCs 💖 thanks for the tag, y'all!
I've been thinking about Mae & Mihri's relationship lately, and I think this answer combo was really interesting to see and gave me lots of food for thought :3
not tagging anyone, but if you see this and want to do it, consider yourself tagged! tag me so I can read about your suffering little ocs
Maeve - The Giver
Your energy depletes as you hand it out to anyone passing by your basket. People walk by and take, but no one ever leaves. You're constantly running on low when people keep asking you to give. You'd give your soul away for free, and then what left do you have of yourself if you can't say no?
Mihri - The Taker
Your expectations are ones you can barely meet. You compare yourself to others, but with a hypocritical light. You’ll never find what you’re looking for if you’re laying down half of what you receive. It stings to be given less than expectations you’ve set, but if they were more reasonable, do you think even then you’d be happy?
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saragrosie · 2 months
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Sketching while streaming s5...
Jonathan Sims I will learn to draw you (this is my doing. I could draw him however I want and I choose to stick with an image of him in my brain that is difficult for me to draw. Masochism.)
Not s5 Mahtins below I enjoyed drawing cuz hes neat:
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(Edit: I yassified Martin in the do not separate cuz I wanted his hair fluffier)
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yellowraincoat · 5 months
Listen it wasn’t the most baffling thing in the world when Netflix canceled Lockwood and co even tho it performed well bc let’s be real, Netflix will basically cancel a show if it breathes wrong…
But do you think that Netflix actually canceled Lockwood and co bc around the time it aired they’d aquired the rights to dead boy detectives (a show with a competingly similar premise to Lockwood and co that has Neil Gaiman attached who’s had two very successful shows in the last few years with Netflix and Amazon prime)… because I do.
Like to me that’s the missing puzzle piece of what happened there
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tenrosedyke · 2 years
I love Logan being in his pathetic little depressed cunt era. Like yeah thats right. your kids all hate you and fucked off like you told them to and they were the only people that challenged you and now you're stuck in room after room of people who cater to your every whim and are too afraid to even crack a joke at your expense. you got everything you wanted and now you're dealing with the consequences. BITCH
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blorbologist · 4 months
hey im not over this. I just went to dig it up and. it's literally the exact same shot. (except Orthax is giving Ripley a smidge more personal space, and she doesn't have the glowy-glowy ember eyes)
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amid-fandoms · 29 days
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fsheryy · 7 months
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I dream of water when I'm dying of thirst
hiiii helooo hii:33 color variations (+ the unedited version) cause I couldn't pick
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also scrapped doodle of more that was supposed to be added to the original but I just wanted to finish it
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childhood friends :)
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breninarthur · 6 months
personally, if i were the hero of ferelden trying to find a cure to the calling, my first port of call would be the wilds flower that saved my tainted dog in ostagar. but what do i know!
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tag-that-oc · 2 years
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silenab · 4 months
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nico-di-genova · 1 month
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Hunter, what do you know?
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rebouks · 2 months
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Previous // Next
Sidney: There he is-.. I could’ve died whilst you were out there chain smoking, y’know. Alton: Sid… Sidney: I’m kidding! Christ, I’m fine. Oscar: Are you? Sidney: [scoffs] I’ll probably be fine. Oscar: Probably? Alton: Don’t sit there and lie to him. Sidney: Fine, fine-.. I might have cancer. Alton: You do have cancer. Sidney: But it’s early-ish, so it’ll be fine! Honestly, he shouldn’t have called either of you-.. waste of time. Alton: They made it sound like an emergency, I panicked! Sidney: You panic when you can’t find the remote. Oscar: How could you not tell? Sidney: It’s not like I was an oncologist. Alton: And you wonder where your “I’m going to ignore this until it goes away except it won’t” gene comes from. Sidney: If you don’t wipe that look off your face, I’ll strangle you with a stray catheter. You’re practically made of sugar; you barely do any exercise since high school and I’m the one who ends up getting cancer?! What horseshit. Alton: It probably helps that I don’t have breasts. Sidney: You fucking do. [Alton snickered, slouching exaggeratedly as he threw his hands behind his head] Alton: Well.. if you took a leaf out of my book and kicked your feet up now n’ then, maybe we wouldn’t be here. Sidney: Hit him for me. Oscar: He’s got a point. Sidney: Don’t start-.. that’s not how it works. Oscar: So, what now? Sidney: Go home-.. and maybe apologise to your wife for ignoring her calls. Alton: Noah told her everything, don’t worry. Oscar: Shit, I left my phone in the car. Sidney: Ohh, because you panicked and wound up with tunnel vision-.. I wonder who that comes from? Oscar: I got the worst of you combined, huh? Alton: Sorry, son. [Oscar tried his best to produce an upbeat chuckle, but all he could muster was a pathetic snort devoid of mirth] Sidney: Go on, I’m not going anywhere yet…
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boltlightning · 2 years
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the blade is folded steel. that’s gold filigree laid into the handle. if i may — perfectly balanced. the tang is nearly the full width of the blade.
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lylahammar · 4 months
It's kinda interesting that ghosts/spirits are characterized as being cold to the touch in like everything ever, since I feel like the "soul" is associated with life and life is warmth 🤔 I know that death is associated with coldness but I think it would be kinda neat if the corpse gets cold while the disembodied spirit stays warm
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korrasamibottles · 11 months
Lost focus and had a consensual workplace relationship
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fox-guardian · 5 months
personally 👀 if u would like to elaborate on the saw au 👀 i am listening 👀
hi <3 this ask is months old <3 but i am answering it now teehee
SO. TMA SAW AU (disclaimer: i have only seen the first two movies so idk if these are very like. film accurate style traps)
basically it's just. what if a saw movie happened to the archive gang. they're all in one big space that's like a big trap in the sense that they all have the same time limit but they all get their own little traps also <3 the breakdown is this:
Jon is gagged with a camera in his mouth that he cannot remove without a key, it's strapped to his face with horrible rusted metal, y'know. Once time runs out, the battery powering the camera will leak down his throat killing him so so painfully <3 He cannot speak and must find other ways to communicate with the others.
Sasha has what is essentially a VR headset strapped to her head and she can't remove that without a key either. The headset is showing her the live feed from Jon's camera, so she essentially has to see through his eyes the entire time. When time runs out, two big ol' spikes will stab her in the eyes and give her a good ol' fashioned impromptu lobotomy <3
Tim's trap is a bit different from the others'. Instead of a contraption, he was injected with a paralytic prior to the gang waking up, and is paralyzed from the waist down. He needs a key to obtain the antidote for the paralytic. Rather than having a specific time when he suddenly dies, he's essentially either relying on the others to help him move/get the key/antidote for him, or he needs to move himself despite his paralysis in order to live. So when time runs out, it's either find a way to move anyway or wait for the paralytic to travel further through his body and kill him slowly after experiencing many terribly side effects (hypotension, bronchospams, and renal failure)
Martin is even more different. His trap is less about his death and more about saving the others. He's placed in a big freezer where he basically needs to find the others' keys in blocks of ice (joshua gillespie core) and if he doesn't, they'll definitely die. He also has the option of finding the key to unlocking his own door and simply escaping without saving the others. He also also has the option of only taking some keys, but not all. He will know which will save who, and gets to choose. The trap itself isn't that difficult, but there's A Lot Of Ice, and it's Really Cold and he's Already Been There A While so there's a chance of dying of hypothermia if he can't find the keys fast enough (or if he spends the time finding the others' keys after he's found his own).
Jon, Tim, and Sasha all wake up in the same room together. Jon wakes up first and is able to watch a video tape explaining what's going on, but it can't be watched more than once, so he has to explain what's happening to the others without being able to speak. He can't speak, only play charades and listen.
Sasha isn't able to see except through Jon's eyes, so he has to rely on the two of them to make sure she's not walking into more danger. She also is unable to understand any of Jon's explanations since a lot of it is through body language and She Can't See That, so they have to work together so she can watch Tim translate. She can't see through her own eyes and is forced to watch through someone else's.
Tim either has to trust that the others will come back for him (and that they won't die somewhere in this building) or get them to carry him around, slowing them down but giving him more of a chance at survival. He either has to take action, or simply wait and trust.
Martin has to make a choice between risking what's left of his life for other people (some of which who don't care about him), or saving himself. Even if the others find the room he's in, it's locked from the inside so it is entirely on Martin to save both himself and everyone else. Not only do the others have to rely on each other, but they all have to rely on Martin. The door will lock behind him when he leaves, so if he doesn't get everyone's keys, then whoever is left without one will die.
idk if these traps are entirely fitting for all their character's and flaws and whatnot, but for the research trio i thought it'd be fun to do an audio/vigilo/opperior with them and then martin gets to play god suddenly lol.
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