#i didnt choose the fic writer life the fic writer life chose ME
starlit-dreaming · 6 months
me: lol yeah ive got a few chapters fleshed out and some planned so it should be done soon!!!!
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innerspeaker · 4 years
i was tagged by @josephlevitt, thank you so much! your works are all absolutely spectacular, you’re so talented and creative!! 💖(i swear im gonna start watching the umbrella academy exclusively for your i know the end gifset tbh)
rules : it’s time to love yourself. choose your 5 favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you’ve brought into the world. tag as many writers/artists/etc. you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works !
the wizard of oz + “i know the end”: the wizard of oz (1939) was my first movie of the decade: i watched it on january 1st 2020, back when i still didn’t know “there is no place like home” would have been taken so literally, and i was dying to make a gifset about it cause it’s just so beautiful, i had made a bunch of psds for a couple of scenes but they were laying in some folder with no use, until i heard “i know the end” for the first time and its lyrics basically made me visualize this very same gifset in my head. it was absolutely wonderful to bring it to life cause it made me try many new things, from the settings of the big font, which makes me very happy with the way it turned out, to the blending: this wasn’t my first blending attempt, actually, but i don’t think i’ve ever tried it on such big gifs and i think the result is kinda good(??? i think). also i’m obsessed with the lyrics about having to go repeating “i know” three times matching the three clicks of dorothy’s heels;
joker(s) as fear/chaos/pain: (tw: blood, tw: clowns) so, right after watching tdk trilogy, i looked for something to reblog and i stumbled upon the gifset i mention as my inspiration and, like, i had an actual spark in my head (love that feeling tbh!) cause i thought the words on the original gifset were perfect for each one of the cinematic jokers and that it would have been interesting to portray three different shades of the same character. i think this is one of my favourite gifsets i’ve ever done, and, also, it allowed me to use a script as a caption, which is so cool;
phoebe bridgers’ nominations for the 2021 grammy awards: punisher is my favourite record of the year and, for a lot of reasons, it has become one of the most important records ever made, for me, so i was so hopeful about phoebe getting the grammy nomination(s) she deserved so much in my eyes, and when they announced not one but four (4!!) nominations my heart exploded with joy and i immediately decided to celebrate with something, which ended up being this gifset: originally i didnt plan to make it so violet, actually i was just happy i had an excuse to gif /that/ part of ikte music video and to gif again the seth meyers performance but i didn’t have any specific prominent color in mind, but i think i like this coloring a lot, although it was made in a kind of a rush. (but also with care, i swear!) also, i really wanted her handwriting to be one of the fonts for this, but i looked for the word “kyoto” handwritten by her everywhere and i couldn’t find it, so i chose to use elliott smith’s handwriting font for that word, instead, which isn’t the most consistent choice in the world, but i think it was kind of a  nice touch, regardless;
“the terminal” gifset: my humble homage and take on one of my favourite movies ever made, i love the terminal so much!! this is so different from the original concept i had in mind cause at first it had more gifs and they were supposed to be blue-ish or, however, not like this, but when i started to color tom hanks’ gif i thought about adding a gradient background and i started to mess up with the settings and the original blue-turquoise gradient became red-orange (and the fact the sky blue is still visible in the middle/last frames of the gif kinda bothers me a lot aaaah anyway), then i repeated the process with the fountain gif and i loved the result so much i decided to just go with the flow and make these all red, orange and green shades, so yeah, another way to experiment new things while giffing another absolutely stunning masterpiece imo;
this is us’ “vietnam” gifset: i had to gif my favourite episode of this is us, which is still haunting me to this day (the panoramic on the babies’ birthdates??? c h i l l s). it is also the first gifset i published for this blog’s new era! (it’s a long story). despite it being pretty simple, i love how the coloring turned out and how pastel-y everything is, and how pretty every shot is (i mean, this show is unparalleled for both storytelling AND cinematography so it wasn’t hard to find pretty shots), i tried my best to keep it as delicate as possible to reach a sort of vibrant pastel and not to get too crazy with colours and i’m very happy with it. 
+ bonus: bojack horseman + the four horsemen of the apocalypse, i’m adding it cause i’m still not sure if it falls under “clever ideas” or “pure shitpost”, either way this was something i thought about at 3 am once and i had to bring it to life and i kinda like how it turned out, so yeah (the funny thing is i though it could have been richer but i didn’t know what to add and like literally one, two days later all those gifsets about characters + tarot cards popped up and they had all those beautiful static images of tarots blended with gifs and i was like “shit,this is what i missed, i should have done something like that!”...yeah)
i’ll tag @alexturner, @caulfielings, @antaris​, @colettes and whoever wants to do it!
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todorokih · 4 years
i was tagged by vero @nitsumii​! thank you~
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 favorite works you created in the past (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
i dont want to dig too far so im only going to put edits i’ve made after i came back from my most recent period of hiatus, which started from around the end of may. this was very fun to do, i love sharing my editing life struggles!!!!
01. tsukishima - i literally made this yesterday kjahsdlgkj. i wanted to make something from what is already in my laptop, and hq s3 was one of few anime i have. and ofc i chose this gold moment!! tsukki is my best boy and hearing his YOSHAAAA,,,, i am moved to tears. anyway i think this one is pretty neat? i love the typography, the gifs are good, the colors are pretty nice too. even though this was born out of impulse its probably one of my faves right now lmao.
02. goro - made this for his birthday! i do not know how to make graphics (please can someone teach me). i was solely driven by the amount of love i have for this boy and the need to celebrate it. but in the end i think this one is quite nice! i like the colors i used here, and the black borders are so good. the 2 top pics are my favorites. i can only make minimalist gfx because i have no textures saved and even if i do i dont know how to use them haha... ha......
03. orange - a very simple edit but i love the colors so much!! it is so warm and 'orange' lol. i like how the 1st and 3rd pics turned out. i remember spending some time in the 4th pic because idk what to do with the amount of empty space i had, and in the end i just added a flower from a brush set akjsdgk (does anyone remember that set i think it was pretty famous back then). simple and neat if i do say so myself.
04. psycho pass ed - i spent more time trying to get this to appear in the tags compared than actually making it. i had to remove a makishima gif im sorry you didnt deserve this. i made a gifset of this ending years ago and this time i wanted to try something different, so i tried making every gif have a different color. bless hue/saturation adjustment layer for making this possible. i think this turned out good, and some people said the gifs are hq which i kinda agree with haha.
05. mafuyu - i finished watching the entire season of given in 2 hours at 2 am. after i wake up i started making given gifs and realized i do not vibe with the anime's coloring, its just hard for me to color?? i do not know how to color mafuyu nicely. i scrapped multiple colorings for this gifset because they look bad. in the end this is what i achieved. i thought it looked bad when i posted it (i was Tired) but when i woke up the next day i was like huh. this aint too bad.... kinda soft and the red/oranges are pretty nice..... yeah i kinda like it asklgdjalsk. 
+ honorable mentions: bsd ed, chrollo, persona 5 masquerade, kogami.
tagging: @katsukls @mafuyuh @katsukes @25th @shoto-doroki @krshima @svmeragi @monsteous @noxdivina @klavoir @emperanas @koujis @ohreigen and anyone who wants to do this. as usual, feel free to ignore! 
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azurehyn · 6 years
I hate to sound like a toxic 'fan', but there's probably no other way to describe this, because this is a rant of everything I personally found wrong with Voltron, as a fan who does love the show but isn't blind to the fact that...they fucked up.
I know someone's going to say "well if you don't want to be a toxic fan don't post stuff like this" well excuse me but fuck off, i need an outlet after that emotional trainwreck
If you're here for positive allurance you ain't gon get that
If you're here for positive klance you ain't gon get that either
Because why? This season was a fucken mess and screwed most us over. Hello and welcome to my poor and angry Ted Talk
They shouldn't have introduced so damn many plot points and leave over half of them hanging
They lied? Multiple times? Example: was Keith's suicidal moment properly addressed like they said it would be?
Lance being Altean? You handle that well with good clues scattered throughout the seasons and DON'T EXPLAIN HOW HE IS ALTEAN TO BEGIN WITH?
Lotor. Was. Wrong. I'm turning to @astralscrivener on AO3 with their fix-it fic because yeah Lotor's arc was good one but felt fucking off because he deserved a redemption arc and I DON'T SEE THAT ANYWHERE
Rift monsters anyone? There is a whole beautiful avenue of story there and y'all just left it hanging
Allura was also kinda wronged? Her character started off inherently hating Galra and quick to jump to the worst conclusion about them. What Lotor did was shitty af, but the way Allura handled that entire situation invalidated her growth from hating Galra for being Galra. If she had properly grown as a character and the writers/showrunners actually showed that, she maybe would have reacted differently to SHOW it, to show that growth. This is just my personal opinion, the situation might have ended up the same either way, but i dont like how it was handled.
Call me a Klance fan for hating on the show but i am never going to get over or forgive this; KLANCE WAS WRONGED AND WE WERE FUCKING BAITED. I feel like many Klance fans wouldnt be as bitter as we are now if only we werent fucken BAITED
Tim Hendrick is the real MVP
Which reminds me; how is it good rep to show us Shadam, and we only know it's Shadam from the comic-con because it is not even PROPERLY PORTRAYED IN THE SHOW ITSELF that this is a gay relationship which could/would have been construed as roommates/friends NOT LOVERS, kill Adam so that so that we know little to nothing about him, then AT THE END OF THE SHOW pair Shiro with someone, again, we have little to no connection to? I feel like Dreamworks or whoeverthefuck was trying to squeeze too much rep into one single character, with Shiro being Japanese, disabled, mentally scarred from his trauma, oh and also gay but still a great role model. Look, i have no problem with Shiro being any and all of the above, but as has been mentioned by others, they relied too much on our love for Shiro, and tried to fit in too much rep in a single character when it could have been evenly spaces out between all or more than (1) one of them.
You know something ain't being done right when a plethora of fanon is lightyears better than canon. Again, dont get me wrong, i do love the story of vld, BUT that does not excuse the smell of the stanky shit they pulled multiple times.
...y'all there's 200k word fics out there better than what the beauty of Voltron derailed into
They had a chance to be a groundbreaking american animated show in terms of represention and instead they chose to skate close to the ground instead of shattering it by screwing up on multiple accounts.
As a hardcore Klance shipper, i say Allurance would have made more sense and sent a better message if it wasn't some half-assed shit sprinkled into s7 and shoved down our throats in s8. By making it canon you're essentially saying its totally fine for a guy to make repeated attempts on a girl when she's said no, and he'll eventually get her through dogged determination. LANCE WAS A FUCKIN REBOUND. WHY SAY HE'S GOING TO BE SOMEONES FIRST CHOICE (do not @ me about The Feud) THEN GET ALLURA TO 'CHOOSE' HIM AAAAFFFFTTTTEEERRRR LOTURA BECAME A CANON THING???
"Better an open-ending for Klance than a definite no possibility of it" bitch the fuck, don't bait us with Klance and make it such an obvious ship from FUCKING SEASON 1
"You'll be happy with the lgtb rep" *insert most deadpan expression in existence* does this look like the face of a happy camper
If you could make Korrasami a thing on freaking Nickelodeon, how did you fuck up so badly with Klance on NETFLIX?
Unrelated but also related: if the Dragon Prince doesn't deliver on the GOOD lgbt rep they promised within the next 1 or 2 seasons, i am never trusting any american animated show that throws out the "oh we'll have lgbt rep just you wait n see" bone ever again
As someone who identifies being both demisexual and bisexual (demibi? Because apparently demigay Keith is a thing which just hurts now), i am sorely disappointed by, and hurt by voltron. The show isnt even bad! Its a good fucking story with good characters, a number of whom were utterly wasted. I think the whole mess vld derailed into in later seasons could have been avoided if they just didnt try for any romantic angles. Because, as they said, this is a show for 7-12 year old boys. Do you really think boys that age give an actual shit about romance.
Do you guys who read fanfics notice there is no 'fix-it' fics for the first 3 seasons? Those only turned up season 4 onwards. Does that say something? Hm...
I am just so angry and SAD and disappointed with THIS being the end to our journey with voltron. Just what the fuck. I know there's the comics but it's kind of not the same? And after what happened with the show i am wary about the comics now too.
Fucking KICK forever, fuck all of you haters and shit writers of the latter seasons, and bitches i can say that because I AM A WRITER AND HAVE BEEN ONE FOR 10 YEARS, I CALL IT LIKE I DAMN SEE IT
Finally, to end this rant, I leave you with what Tomoe from Kamisama Hajimemashita (dub) once said: I AM SEETHING. SEETHING WITH PURE RAGE.
*sits back and prepares for the hate*
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kadywicker · 5 years
endgame Thots spoilers ahead...................................
so honestly i think the quote that best sums this up is thor’s quote about stopping trying to be what’s expected and just being who he is. i’m aware that characters are written and ultimately the writer controls what happens BUT i think that perfectly sums up the difference between character arcs & in character actions.
everyone is complaining about thor and steves arcs and it’s like..... arc wise yes thor shouldve been king & steve shouldve acclimated to the future. but arcs are ALSO written and most of the time characters are forced into situations and it’s a completed character arc bc it rhymes/it’s poetic/it completes a cycle. BUT that is not the same thing as a character doing something in character. steve WANTED to go back and live with peggy. thor WANTED to explore the universe away from duty. maybe they didnt complete specific arcs that everyone expected but... they’re being who they are. in contrast to that you have tony who WANTED to stay with his family but chose to sacrifice himself & this completed his character arc beautifully. but those two kinds of ends for characters are not at odds with each other and one is not automatically bad writing bc the other one exists.
that being SAID here’s some more general thoughts
thors appearance was p bad im gonna be honest that was like. the one uncomfortable thing to watch
i literally sat there bawling and hiccuping when tony died like..... im an iron man stan now and im so fucking sad what the FUCK
the whole theater lost their collective minds when carol showed up & then at the end when t’challa showed up which just shows you where everyone is
but the MOST applause was when steve used the hammer. my hands hurt from clapping. everyone was screaming.
whats the deal w peter??? like he went back to school & in homecoming all his old classmates are there like did his entire class get snapped fhasdfsdf
a bitch was crying about scott and cassie what the fuck
the scene where all the mcu ladies go to beat up thanos healed my gay heart and idc if its pandering i want it
HOWEVER the promised gay rep was THE stupidest thing ive ever seen in my life like i get that disney sucks but dont promise smth amazing and build it up and then have it be some random fucking man at a group therapy session
loki................... he just straight up left hfasdofsfd is he okay out there
also im a bit confused on the time travel thing? they said it wouldnt affect their present if they went to the past & established that its different timelines. but then.... how did steve end up old in the future? i mean this isnt a major gripe though ANY show dealing w time travel literally always has time travel plot holes so if i see u guys saying this means its bad writing im gonna lose my mind. time travel is impossible for a reason (unless its to the future but even then its bc of time dilation) and its gonna end up w plot holes when ur trying to write a show w it
am i the only one that got the “blue meanie” reference? tony said it about nebula and my obscure knowledge from being a misguided 12 year old obsessed w the beatles. came in handy. blue meanies were the villains in the beatles movie yellow submarine. theyre these motherfuckers.
I LOVE YOU 3000...............
i never cared abt clint or natasha but wow that shit hurted 
literally the entire funeral scene was the worst thing that ever happened to me i sat there sobbing so hard my throat started hurting
i am iron man...................... u sure fucking are man :(
bucky looked pretty for his 3 seconds of screentime 
im as much of a st*cky fan as anyone else but did you guys truly think disney was gonna do that like....... if u think the movie sucks and is bad writing bc ur ship isnt canon u r gonna have a real bad time watching just about anything. i get being upset abt queerbaiting bc there was a bit of that wrt cast interviews and writer interviews but in the actual movies like...... it wasnt gonna happen idk what u guys expected :/ 
also fanfiction still exists u cant let canon stop u from having ur own imagination like u can literally write WHATEVER u want. half the fandom still writes 2012 avengers fics where they all live in the same tower. its fine. its okay. the actual movies arent the be all end all u can choose ur own adventure
tony & peter hugging was so much for me and im so fucking sad right now yall. and peter telling him goodbye. ouch! he looked up to tony even if that was misguided at times 
also i didnt care abt tony and pepper either and here i am. caring. endgame truly just made me Care. 
gamora is BACK & her being her past self and missing is just fodder for quill/gamora fanfiction i cannot WAIT to see the next guardians movie and watch them fall in love again. 
i love nebula so goddamn much what the fuck. daughter. 
i personally dont care for steve/peggy and in my own personal headcanons and preferences im gonna do away w that whole...... thing bc i dont personally like it but it still isnt really bad writing imo & guys hes been in love w peggy from the start that cant be shocking now
SAMBUCKY RISE...........
on your LEFT everyone also lost their minds on that one i think thats when they started losing it and then when tchalla showed up the screams went even louder and i think everyone was just screaming for 2 minutes
i know i already said it but I LOVE YOU 3000. FUUUUCK ME
pepper as iron man was sooo fucking good she better take up the mantle like ooooh fuck. oh my god. that was amazing and i love her sm
okay okay i think that sums it up im done now but anyway endgame is good & most of the ppl complaining are just the type of ppl that like to Hate Absolutely Everything bc its edgy and cool to be like that. go see it. form ur own opinion. dont feel obligated to follow the masses (at least on tumblr. everyone else seems to love it lmfao but theyre not pressured by this website to act like everything is Bad and Terrible) & be bitter about it. like what you like and take out what you dont like it is That Simple. its a good movie
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kkultokkie · 6 years
get to know me
@dailydoseoftrash7 tagged me (thank you!) to do this ages ago but ive been busy and also i forgot and i need something to distract me rn so im doing it now lmao
(btw @dailydoseoftrash7 hmu with that yoonkook fic once youre done uwu)
ive done this loads of times before but the answers are always slightly different so here we go
nickname(s): doughnut, various variants on my name like kirnoo
gender: female
zodiac: taurus
height: 5′5.5/ 167cm
time: 2:10am
favourite musicians: hans zimmer, bts, tsfh, oh my girl, imagine dragons, linkin park, tøp, mamamoo, bap, gareth coker, chopin, debussy, joe hisaishi, suran, etc etc
song stuck in my head: a mixture of lee sora’s ‘song request’ and oh my girl’s ‘sugar baby’ (which are both completely diff songs so im not sure how that works but hey)
last thing i googled: ahahahahahahahahaha ‘why do i feel sad for no reason’ ok dont even
last movie i saw: bts love yourself tour in seoul
last song i listened to: idk, song request? though i was watching bts live videos so maybe fake love if those count as listening to songs?
other blogs: @iranka (please follow me that blogs much nicer and less spammy n i post my art and fics and stuff) i have another blog too but like,,
do i get asks: rarely (pls send me asks ;-;)
why did i choose my username: i was like 14 and didnt know how to pick a username so i chose that dumb nickname
following: 581
amount of sleep i get: yesterday? 13 hours. the day before? 0 hours. so.
lucky number: none really but 13 i guess, and 5
what im wearing: black shirt, black leggings, yellow cardigan
dream job: actual: small business owner (flower shop maybe?) and writer/artist/musician; realistic: clinical psychologist? maybe?
dream trip: around the world/ lord of the rings new zealand trek/ europe road trip
favourite food: like, everything (nehari (a pakistani curry thing), mac n cheese, fruit tart, cheesecake, dumplings...)
instruments: piano, flute, ukulele, voice (id like to learn harp, percussion esp marimba, organ, bassoon, tuba)
relationship status: forever single
favourite colours: all (indigo, lavender, pastel pink, bright yellow, blood red, sea green)
three books: lotr1, lotr2, lotr3 (lmao ok lord of the rings series by jrr tolkien, blue light by gary paulsen, i, robot by isaac asimov (so hard to choose man idek))
three tv shows: merlin, a:tla, sherlock (up to season 3 lmao)
book i am reading rn: none
anything i want: i never know if this question means to say something that i want as in would like to have or anything i want as in its a free bonus question to write whatever the hell i want to but hey ho lets just say i want to get my life together and to stop sabotaging myself and to stop being so obsessed with wanting love
im not tagging anyone bc idk who to tag and i feel like i always tag the same people so if u wanna do it go ahead, you can say i tagged u if u want
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kusanalogy · 2 years
Hi Sunny! Are you having an amazing day so far? This is for your 40 questions ask game. Can you answer: 7, 8, 20, and 28?
Thx for asking kat ^-^ These were pretty hard bc im kinda indecisive but i managed to answer them! I was a bit busy last night and today so sorry if this is kinda late, and my day was quite uneventful but it wasnt horrible. Here you gooo I hope im answering it correct
note: i didnt recheck for grammar mistakes
Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
not a snippet, but i do like the idea of the teyvat idols work i made. I just like the idea tbh, not really that proud because its one of the old ones but this is mostly prose
Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
Sing for me. i cant choose snippets 💀 but i like it bc of the vibe it gives :)) simple as that, i dont need to elaborate
Describe your perfect writing conditions.
I need it to be perfect atleast 80% of the time so what i can say is i really need a good motivation boost to start/continue. Perhaps reading a nice fanfic/writing tip, freshening up irl, quiet but not too quiet to the point where i can only hear my fingers typing (basically nothing loud/something disracting) and after ive finished everything so i dont have to worry about what i have to do next (its currently 1:07am as of posting this)
Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
this one was the hardest </3 but still fun! im too shy to tag smh i thought i got out of my shyness thingy. I assume this is talking about tumblr blogs only so i went with what my mind told me to
@/heizours @/rulaineyu (+a lot more but it only said 3)
I LOVE IT SIMPLE :D i appreciate long fanfics but i just cant read them in 1 sitting (+ i use my imagination 99.9% of the time i read fics) so little headcanons really do it for me. Tbh i haven't read ruru's works in awhile bc i read most on my old account, thats why i dont have most posts liked.
@/sumeru-academy yk i usually read genshin men but yk sometimes you need women in ur life 💪🏼😇 this blog and its writers are perfect for my idk what its called but you get the point
@mynotsoclosefriendthatdoesnthaveatumblraccount does this count 😭 they only write on ao3 and wattpad but <333 they're so good at descriptions we dont talk that much these days but i still read her works
@kusanalogy /j maybe /srs #selfloveisthebest
of course, there are many writers out there that i havent noticed yet, bc i like to stay in my comfort zone so i chose my go-to's. I dont explore more options anymore :( its not like im getting bored from reading though, my go-to's are enough! i got these 3 from my following list, i think i missed lots because i often forget to like or follow.. If any writer is reading this, please be proud of your works‼
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