#i didnt go into parallax or spectre even be proud of me guys
rillette · 2 years
Anon cast as Hal here. Yea personality traits would help. I'm not really familiar with him so any advice is welcome
Omg ok so <3
Hal is like. Hal is a little goody two shoes. You think superman is a boy scout? Superman called hal "open...honest. really honest. the straightest arrow I ever met". Hal will almost immediately trust any authority figure. he's a yes-man, he tends to just accept things instead of thinking them through. Hes the type of person to go "hey that's jaywalking that's illegal". He assumes the best of people so he can be a bit gullible and very dense. He is Not a leader type.
He's also abysmally bad at keeping his identity secret. He tries. He really really does try but he is just so bad at keeping secrets. Literally the only reason why his ID is still kind of secret is because hal jordan is just some guy when hes not being green lantern.
Hal is also very unfortunate. Anything that can go wrong will go wrong and he will end up jobless and homeless through sheer bad luck. He gets hit on the head and goes "UNGHH" and passes out like every single issue. He got attacked by bears two (2) times and named both of the bears bruno. He had a little alien starfish buddy that he named itty (short for itty bitty)
Hal is a people person but he's not really an extrovert. He loves people, he desperately wants to be accepted by authority figures but he's also a bit shy. Hal gets a lot of bad press for having commitment issues but it's less commitment issues as it is he's abysmally bad at prioritizing things. He can and will and has dropped literally everything to go help a friend. He has attachment issues in that he gets emotionally attached to things really easily.
Hal is not a manly man. This is not me using my transgenderification beam this is textual. He's called a girly-man and mocked for being a wimp. One time an alien disguised themselves as hal and walked into a diner only to get immediately hate crimed because of hal's fruit vibes. Hal feels a lot of internal and external pressure to fit in and part of that is because hes "not like other boys".
TLDR: hal is a ditzy babygirl <3. Watch the lego movie, it's a really good adaptation of hal's character.
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