#physically restaining myself from writing more
gods-graveyard · 7 months
They need to lock me back up before its too late. INTRODUCING THE 3RD UPDATE OF THE WEEK :DDDD
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If your stumbling upon this, Im Sunny, write Slytherin Harry Potter AU with a healthy dose of Morally ambigious Harry + friends, Dumbledore bashing, Wix politics/culture, Marauders era content, etc
Check out my pinned post @ Wizard Will Smith for more info, and I do hope you give it a read
(I will admit first chapter isnt the best but I have to physically restain myself from going back and editing the fuck out of it for the sake of continuity )
But you got now NINE more chapters to enjoy, well on the way to finishing the first installment I hope you join along!!
The answer is no btw, I haven't seen the sun all week (because its been cloudy as fuck)
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rillette · 2 years
Anon cast as Hal here. Yea personality traits would help. I'm not really familiar with him so any advice is welcome
Omg ok so <3
Hal is like. Hal is a little goody two shoes. You think superman is a boy scout? Superman called hal "open...honest. really honest. the straightest arrow I ever met". Hal will almost immediately trust any authority figure. he's a yes-man, he tends to just accept things instead of thinking them through. Hes the type of person to go "hey that's jaywalking that's illegal". He assumes the best of people so he can be a bit gullible and very dense. He is Not a leader type.
He's also abysmally bad at keeping his identity secret. He tries. He really really does try but he is just so bad at keeping secrets. Literally the only reason why his ID is still kind of secret is because hal jordan is just some guy when hes not being green lantern.
Hal is also very unfortunate. Anything that can go wrong will go wrong and he will end up jobless and homeless through sheer bad luck. He gets hit on the head and goes "UNGHH" and passes out like every single issue. He got attacked by bears two (2) times and named both of the bears bruno. He had a little alien starfish buddy that he named itty (short for itty bitty)
Hal is a people person but he's not really an extrovert. He loves people, he desperately wants to be accepted by authority figures but he's also a bit shy. Hal gets a lot of bad press for having commitment issues but it's less commitment issues as it is he's abysmally bad at prioritizing things. He can and will and has dropped literally everything to go help a friend. He has attachment issues in that he gets emotionally attached to things really easily.
Hal is not a manly man. This is not me using my transgenderification beam this is textual. He's called a girly-man and mocked for being a wimp. One time an alien disguised themselves as hal and walked into a diner only to get immediately hate crimed because of hal's fruit vibes. Hal feels a lot of internal and external pressure to fit in and part of that is because hes "not like other boys".
TLDR: hal is a ditzy babygirl <3. Watch the lego movie, it's a really good adaptation of hal's character.
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obeymematches · 4 years
Might I request a match up? I am 18 year old bisexual woman. I am very introverted and tend to keep to myself. I guess I am mature for my age and pretty nonchalant. I find myself giving advice and/or comforting the people around me. Pretty obedient but will stand up for myself if I think I'm being treated unfairly. I'm a little more talkative when I open up and I'm funny, whether that's intentional or not. {PART 1}
PART 2) I am very interested in art. To be specific, music, literature and visual arts. My taste is music is pretty old fashioned with bits and pieces modern songs here and there. I read just about anything if it intrigues me, but the most common genre I have tends to be coming-of-age and slice-of-life. I love anime but just like my taste in music, it's mostly older works. My hobbies include drawing, writing and reading. (PART 3) I've recently developing a passion for fashion and cooking. I guess what I want in a partner is someone I can depend but also someone I can have fun teasing. I can be the emotional mature one and listen to my partner about pretty much anything. But I have this way of showing affection where I just affectionately make fun of the people. Nothing out of malice. I don't think I can handle someone who constantly gets into trouble. I am very patient but I have limits.
thank you for sending in a request!!
for some reason Asmo was on my mind the entire time i read through your request, but the other candidate could be Barbatos and that would work out well too!! not sure if i should do a long match with one of them or just let you have both with short descriptions sdfg 
anyways i’m going to do a bit of both so you can decide which you like better because honestly this is the first time in about 200 matchups that i cannot pick 1 person so there 
well if anyone then this man keeps to himself a lot so really you’d never feel like he tries too hard to get you to open up to him or anything
his approach to you would be very different from Asmo’s as he would be much more subtle. he would never forget about you though, always makes sure to prepare extra cookies for you, etc. so any time you randomly visit the castle he has something made by him to give you
hopefully you accept his offer because he is the best baker in the bunch so really you’d be missing out on a lot. if that doesn’t impress you then his chances are over forever
oh the adoring look on his face when you finally open up to him 
he could not look into your eyes for too long because that would be too much so he has to restain himself from looking at you 
he is also sophisticated, as the butler of the royal family should be, so you have someone to talk with about arts, literature, etc. 
i think the hobby you have in common is reading (though he doesn’t really do that as often as he wants because. work.) so talking about books could became a topic over tea often
someone with a sense of fashion would be an interesting change in his life tbh?
if you ever helped him out with cooking? he pulls a ring on the spot. no but like he has responsibilities to take care of and he is used to do this by himself for millenias, like this was his life when the brothers were still in the celestial realm. so after all this time someone actually wants to help him? think about that
oh you have many opportunities to tease him but he is going to tease back so be prepared
lord he has never ever got in trouble and he’d make sure he never upsets you! 
so like with him, not much conflict? however you’ll have to get used to him having a work ethic that takes up most of his time (easier said than done), but he means well!! 
ok you might think this is a reach but hear me out!!!
the fact that you are introverted isn’t going to be an issue for him, his best friend is Satan and we all know he is not very open either
i think this just gives a balance to the relationship. sometimes you’ll probably have to join him in his outgoing activites and he is going to make sure you enjoy yourself too!!! it’s ok if that doesn’t become a regular thing, i mean you two are different ppl, you don’t always have to be tied by the hip. 
i don’t think so he wold treat you unfairly? i mean in the recent lessons and devilgrams he is a very nice and caring partner. 
he would definitely appreciate your more talkative side, and i’m pretty sure he would enjoy your company as you are fun to be with, once he gets on the other side of your walls!
your tastes are very different, you liking the old stuff and he the new, but i mean that wouldn’t cause issues. i mean if you prefer an oil painting of himself rather than a selfie then you can have it!! 
fashion is where you two have a common ground, but sometimes he’ll find a cute recipe on devilgram and he insists on making it with you!
matching outfits though
he would let you pick out his clothes and you know that means he really loves you
unless it comes to physical work i’m pretty sure you can rely on him, and i think he is easy to tease and he wouldn’t really take it to heart.
but be prepared to be teased back!!
i don’t think he gets into trouble once you have an established relationship with him. the road there might be a bit rocky because of the different personalities, but opposites attract right? you have fun when you two are together and that is what matters in the end.
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